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國 立 臺 東 高 中 1 0 2 學 年 度 第 一 學 期 英 文 科 高 一 期 末 考 試 題 卷 103.01


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國 立 臺 東 高 中 1 0 2 學 年 度 第 一 學 期 英 文 科 高 一 期 末 考 試 題 卷


是否劃卡:是 適用班級:1~9 班 一、文法:10%

1. My mother gave me a tip how to clean my shirts. It really worked.

(A)on (B)with (C)for (D)of

2. The illustrator wouldn’ t sell the rights his cartoon character at any price.

(A)to (B)of (C)for (D)at

3. It is important students get to school on time.

(A)for (B)so (C)but (D)that

4. I wish my parents more time to spend with me. They are just too busy.

(A)to have (B)will have (C)had (D)have

5. It has been three weeks Leo came back from Japan.

(A)because (B)since (C)before (D)after

6. The necklace cost me 10,000, the tax.

(A)add to (B)included (C)including (D)but for

7. Joyce always carries a smile on her face. She seems all the time.

(A)being happy (B)like happiness (C)happy (D)happily

8. Although we hadn’ t prepared that much for the show, it to be a great success.

(A)stood for (B)turned out (C)sold out (D)acted for

9. I got lost with my parents the other day. , I didn’ t bring my cell phone with me. (A)What’ s worse (B)Therefore (C)Instead (D)Otherwise

10. Cindy regrets that she didn’ t study hard for the mid-term exam. She wishes that she hard for the mid-term exam.

(A)had studied (B)has studied (C)studied (D)has been studying 二、克漏字:15%

(A) Many people have invented things because of their own needs. Later, the

solutions 11 their problems became great inventions and changed how people lived.

Take Teng Hung-chi for example. He 12 the idea of a faucet controlled by a built-in sensing device just because he wanted to wash his hands without touching the faucet.

Ever since then, he has invented many other useful things and has won quite a few international prizes. This explains why he is known 13 “ Taiwan’ s Edison."

11. (A)by (B)to (C)for (D)with

12. (A)turned up (B)made up (C)talked of (D)came up with

13. (A)for (B)to (C)as (D)by

(B) Science is not limited in the laboratory. Actually, common things around our life can perform magic. For example, the little tip on making a tangerine taste better is warm water. Put a sour tangerine into it for a few minutes and the fruit will soon become 14 sweeter. It works as if by magic, doesn’ t it? In fact, the warmth of the water lowers the level of sourness in the tangerine. 15 it is to improve the taste! Now try another to


impress your friends! Take a banana peel to polish your leather shoes. Tannin, a special chemical inside the banana peel, helps the shoes shine more brightly 16 . So next time if your shoes are dirty and you don’ t have shoe polish 17 , get a banana!

Science, when you do understand it, is useful and simple.

14. (A)so (B)more (C)much (D)less

15. (A)So easily (B)Such easy as (C)What easy (D)How easy 16. (A)than never (B)than ever (C)and then (D)ever after

17. (A)on hand (B)go through (C)hang in there (D)in the same boat

(C) Around seven thousand languages are spoken around the world. The planet is becoming more globalized and people are communicating more often, but linguistic differences sometimes present problems. This is where interpreters can help.

Interpreters translate a speaker’ s words 18 one language to another so everybody understands a certain message. In order to be an interpreter, you must speak at least two languages. Many interpreters have degrees in modern languages or in specialized fields 19 science and law. There are no strict requirements for

becoming an interpreter. However, if you want to become one, you are generally expected to have a university 20 . You will also have to become a mental gymnast who can easily switch between listening and speaking. The challenge facing an

interpreter is to find the right word 21 making your client wait too long.

18. (A)since (B)from (C)by (D)in

19. (A)as if (B)as long as (C)such as (D)for example 20. (A)present (B)comment (C)blog (D)degree 21. (A)without (B)within (C)with (D)which

(D) We have all dreamed about seeing Taiwan through the eyes of a bird.

22 aerial photographer Chi Po-lin, our dream can now become a reality. For over two decades, Chi has taken photos of Taiwan from helicopters. From huge mountains and deep valleys to powerful rivers and beautiful beaches, his 23 reveal our island’ s natural beauty. His photos also present neatly shaped rice fields, fish farms, and other developed areas. Chi’ s work, however, also shows us a much sadder reality.

Natural disasters, overdevelopment, and pollution cause serious harm to our island’ s nature. Over the years, Chi has held photo exhibitions and made a documentary to show people the scars that these 24 influences have left on our surroundings. By raising public awareness, Chi hopes that people will become more involved in helping to solve the problems that 25 our land.

22. (A)Thanks to (B)Along with (C)In return for (D)In harmony with 23. (A)guards (B)buffets (C)images (D)emperors

24. (A)enjoyable (B)electronic (C)disappointed (D)environmental 25. (A)relax (B)advise (C)threaten (D)create

三、閱讀測驗:20%【26~31 每題 2 分,32~39 每題 1 分】

(A) Shortly after Penny Blacks were made, other countries began making their own stamps. Switzerland and Brazil were the first, followed by the United States in 1847. In the beginning, images of a country’ s leader were printed on stamps. For example, stamps in the United States had pictures of George Washington. Not until 1851, when


Canada put a beaver on a stamp, did stamps become more creative. There have been thousands of stamps over the years. Some stamp collections are worth a lot of money, especially if they contain rare stamps. These days, however, stamps are not noticed as much because fewer people send mail through the post.

26. According to the passage, Canada was the first country to _____.

(A)put a different image on a stamp (B)open a rare stamp museum

(C)make stamps worth different amounts (D)produce stamps in a range of colors

27. Which of the following statements is true?

(A)Swiss stamps were based on the Penny Black.

(B)George Washington invented the stamps.

(C)Brazilian stamps cost a lot of money.

(D)People value stamps less nowadays.

28. What were printed on the first stamps?

(A)A country’ s flag.

(B)A president.



(B) Developers of wearable devices must work out how to make people choose wearables over smartphones. To start with, wearables have to be easy to use. After all, people don’ t enjoy reading instructions. In addition, some tech experts think wearables shouldn’ t have too many features. Companies sometimes try to fit too many features into a gadget, and they end up not working well. Other experts think wearables should have unique features, such as health measurement functions. If they did, people would be more likely to wear these gadgets every day. In the end, the biggest advantage of a wearable over a smartphone is that it is hands-free. They offer users far more freedom and productivity.

29. According to the passage, what is the problem with some wearables?

(A)They have enough healthy functions.

(B)They are designed to be held.

(C)They don’ t have enough features.

(D)They have features that may perform badly.

30. What do designers of wearable gadgets have to consider?

(A)Ways to attract customers.

(B)The customers’ health condition.

(C)To fit as many features as possible into a gadget.

(D)Detailed instructions.

31. According to the passage, why might people choose to use a wearable gadget?

(A)It can be used in combination with a smartphone.

(B)It looks really cool.

(C)It can be operated by one hand only.

(D)It benefits their daily lives.

(C) During my ninth-grade year, I suffered from anorexia nervosa. It was not enough


to be thin. I had to be the thinnest. Now, however, fully recovered, I can reflect back and realize that my wishes were more complex than fitting into size five pants. Many of my subconscious emotions were related to my relationship with my father. As I was growing up, his work always came first. Sometimes I would not see him for up to two weeks. Not only did he devote his whole self to his work, but he expected me to do the same (“ You cannot get anywhere unless you go to the best universities!” ). Though, consciously, I never felt pressure to please him, I began dieting after the first time he told me I looked fat.

At the time, all I knew was that I had to be skinny—skinnier than anyone else.

Every month my father went to Europe for a week or so and on the days he left, sorrow and emptiness consumed me:Daddy was leaving. Then, I turned to focus on a mysterious weakness—a helpless childlike emotion that came from starving. I liked to know that I needed to be taken care of; maybe Daddy would take care of me.

Now, two years later and thirty-eight pounds heavier, I have come to realize that I cannot alter my father’ s inability to express his feelings. Instead, I must accept myself.

I know that I am a valuable person who strives to achieve and accomplish. But I cannot strive solely for others. By starving, I attempted to gain pride in myself by obtaining my father’ s approval or acknowledgment of my value as a person. But the primary approval must come from me, and I feel secure now that I can live with that knowledge safely locked in my mind.

32. What is “ anorexia nervosa” as mentioned in the first paragraph?

(A)It is an inability to express one’ s feelings.

(B)It is an illness that makes one want to stop eating.

(C)It refers to people who are emotionally unstable.

(D)It describes a situation of feeling insecure.

33. Why did the writer suffer from anorexia nervosa?

(A)She was told by her father to take care of herself.

(B)She wanted to go to the best university.

(C)She wanted her father’ s attention.

(D)She grew up in a poor family.

34. Which of the following statements is true about the writer?

(A)She has problems controlling her tempers.

(B)She is proud of herself for working hard to succeed.

(C)She has had great confidence in herself since childhood.

(D)She has changed her father’ s way of expressing himself.

35. What’ s the writer’ s purpose of writing this passage?

(A)To blame her father.

(B)To report a case of child abuse.

(C)To reflect on a stage of growing up.

(D)To teach people how to lose weight.

(D) Although nanotechnology seems impossibly advanced and futuristic, it was first considered possible as long ago as the late 1950s. It was in 1959 that renowned physicist Richard Feynman gave a lecture that he called "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom". In this talk he discussed the ways in which it might become possible for humans to begin to manipulate the atoms that make up everything. His suggested


method was to first manufacture a set of automated tools that were one tenth of their normal size. This set of tools would then be used to fabricate another set of tools one tenth their size. This process of miniaturization would continue until a set of tools small enough to handle the movement of individual atoms was created. This basic idea, of small machines making other tiny machines is the basis of nanotechnology.

The term nanotechnology was first used by a Japanese professor around 1974.

However, he was just using it to refer to machines that were constructed very precisely.

So precisely, in fact, that their tolerances were measured in nanometers; one millionth of a millimeter. It was first used in its current way in the mid-1980s by American researcher K Eric Drexler in the book Engines of Creation. It was he who first outlined the possibility of self-replicating nano-robots which could be used in fields like medicine.

Currently, it is of course possible for scientists to manipulate individual atoms, and much nanotech work has been done by altering and adapting available materials. What scientists still can't really do, however, is to create something new entirely through nanotech. This is partly because of the difficulty of creating machinery small enough, but it is also a problem of speed. Even a tiny thing contains billions of atoms and being able to manipulate all these atoms within a reasonable time frame is still a major problem.

This is why the ultimate aim of nanotechnology is to create what is known as a 'molecular assembler'. This is a machine that has the capability to automatically create a wide range of molecular structures from 'building block' molecules like carbon or hydrogen. It could be imagined as something that looks like a microwave oven which, instead of cooking things, creates things. In theory, it is possible; in practice researchers are many years from creating something similar.

36. What is the main idea of this article?

(A)Richard Feynman's theory of nanotechnology.

(B)The origin and future prospects of nanotechnology.

(C)The application of nanotechnology in our daily lives.

(D)Difficulties scientists encounter with nanotechnology.

37. Which of the following people may have heard about the term nanotechnology in its current usage?

(A)A student attending a lecture in 1959.

(B)A soldier in World War I.

(C)A Japanese scholar in 1974.

(D)An American scientist in 1986.

38. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of nanotechnology?

(A)The term originally meant "precise machines."

(B)Feynman was the first to suggest the possibility of nano-robots.

(C)Speed and size are the reasons why creation entirely through nanotech is difficult.

(D)The ultimate goal of scientists is to create a machine that creates things.

39. What does the word "miniaturization" mean in the article?

(A)the need for nutrition.

(B)the process of making something small.

(C)a machine that makes copies of itself.

(D)a small toy house.



40. The doctor is e ting with different types of medicine to see how they work in treating a cold.

41. This fruit is not safe to eat because of the c ls that the farmer used to grow it.

42. The museum will hold an e n of ten new Taiwanese painters next month.

43. Ruby u ed her blog during the vacation, so her friends knew how she had been.

44. Rebecca didn’ t sleep last night. In order to finish her paper, she worked t l 6 a.m.

45. Our trip to Ireland lasted two weeks. In other words, we spent e y fourteen days there.

46. Maggie couldn’ t speak because she had a s e throat.

47. Tea is free, but there will be an a l cost if you want to order another type of drink.

48. Oranges are good for your health because they c n a lot of vitamin C.

49. Your writing is getting better, but there is still room for i t. You will have to write it again to make it better.


50. Eric doesn’ t play basketball, or he can join our team.

(請以假設語氣的 If 為句首,改寫成與現在事實相反的句子。)

51. Peter took a trip to Greece by himself. That was surprising.

(請以 It 為句首,合併改寫成一個句子。)

52. The family has hung pictures on the wall.


53. This book sold 5,000 copies.

That book sold 8,000 copies.

(請使用形容詞 popular 的比較級,合併改寫成一個句子。)

54. A:Have you heard from Jack?

B:No, we . (not/write/to each other/for a long time) (請根據提示字詞,並使用現在完成式,寫出正確的回答句。)


55. 我們老師生氣不是因為我們的壞成績,而是因為我們的懶惰。(not…,but…) 56. Jimmy 相信有一天,他能將他的構想付諸實現。

57. 謝天謝地比賽結束了。我從沒這麼緊張過!

58. 在上床睡覺前,許多回家作業需要被完成。

59. 臺灣的美食和自然景觀(scenes)給國際觀光客留下了深刻印象。



國 立 臺 東 高 中 1 0 2 學 年 度 第 一 學 期 英 文 科 高 一 期 末 考 答 案 卷



班級: 座號: 姓名: 得分:


40.experimenting 41.




















If Eric played basketball, he could join our team.


It was surprising that Peter took a trip to Greece by himself.


Pictures have been hung on the wall by the family.


That book was more popular than this one.


we haven’t written to each other for a long time.


55. Our teacher is angry not because of our poor grades, but because of our laziness.

56. Jimmy believes one day he will be able to put his ideas into practice.

57. Thank goodness the game was over. I’ve never been so nervous.

58. Before going to bed, I need to do a lot of homework. 或 Before I go to bed, a lot of homework needs to be done.

59. Taiwan impresses national visitors with lots of delicious foods and natural scenes.





明道中學 108 學年度第二學期國中部第三次定期評量 國一地理 適用班級:國一全體 命題老師:李唯甄 校題老師: 蕭雅文老師

國立嘉義大學附設實驗國民小學 103 學年度第 2 學期 資源班(六)年級 數學 領域教學計畫(含期末課程檢核). 資料來源


臺灣研究 參考工具 電子期刊 報紙 社會科學 文學 綜合. 國中小 高中職

高中部國文科 1 實缺 以臺中市政府教育局規定為準 備取 若干 高中部英文科 1 實缺 以臺中市政府教育局規定為準 備取 若干 高中部數學科 1 實缺 以臺中市政府教育局規定為準

一、 本人報名參加臺中市外埔區外埔國民小學附設幼兒園 107 學年度第 1 學期代理 教保員甄試,無下列情事:. (一)教師法第 14 條第

By correcting for the speed of individual test takers, it is possible to reveal systematic differences between the items in a test, which were modeled by item discrimination and

It represents a universally applicable attitude and skill set everyone, not just computer scientists, would be eager to learn and