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The Study on the Differences of Entrepreneurial Model between the Youth and Middle Age 黃志鴻、劉原超


Academic year: 2022

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The Study on the Differences of Entrepreneurial Model between the Youth and Middle Age 黃志鴻、劉原超

E-mail: 9314106@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The study is to discuss the differences in the entrepreneurial development decision factors, problems being faced and the guidance requirements between the youth and middle age through individual in-depth interviews. The study finds out that the youth entrepreneurs have fewer health maladies and less often consider the elements of propriety (such as physical and psychological condition) compared with middle age. This is likely because of the great link between age and one’s health situation. It is suggested that middle age should choose a profession which is more suitable for their health situation. In the aspect of personality, there is no great difference between them. For middle age, in the aspect of entrepreneurial development difficulty in finding a job is the major reason that they might consider starting a company. However, for the youth, the major reason they start a company is to develop their personal advantages and job-related experience. It is suggested that middle age should strengthen their professional abilities so as to enhance their competitive ability, while the youth should make a detailed entrepreneurial development plan. In the aspect of entrepreneurial development evaluation, middle age evaluate economic elements more, but the youth pay more attention to the elements of the viiindustry and market. The reason for this difference is that middle age are more conservative and cautious of economic elements because of their age and the youth are more flexible in and knowledgeable of information collection channels and methods. Discussing the problems faced in entrepreneurial development, middle age encounter more problems in the insufficiency of capital with and information, and the disagreement of team concepts while capital alone is the major problem for the youth. In the aspect of entrepreneurial development guidance requirements, the proportion of those applying the entrepreneurial development guidance of governments for both groups is relatively low. On the subject of entrepreneurial guidance projects that the governments should provide, both consider that the government should provide a entrepreneurial development loan plan and relative consultation services.

Keywords : entrepreneurs, youth, middle age

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書---iii 中文摘要---v

ABSTRACT---vi 誌謝---viii 目錄---ixiii 圖目 錄---xiii 表目錄---xiv 第一章 緒論---1 1.1 研究背景 ---1 1.2 研究動機 ---5 1.3 研究目的 ---13 1.4 研究對象

---13 1.5 研究流程 ---15 第二章 文獻探討 ---16 2.1 創業家

---16 2.2 創業家個人特質 ---19 2.2.1 青年人格特質 ---28 2.2.2 中高齡族群特質 ---29 2.3 創業決策要素 ---36 2.3.1 創業條件 ---37 2.3.2 創業原因

---38 2.3.3 創業評估 ---44 2.4 創業所面臨問題 ---49 2.4.1 創業資金募集 來源 ---50 2.4.2 市場拓展策略 ---55 2.5 創業輔導 ---55 2.5.1 創業輔導概況 ---59 2.5.2 創業輔導需求 ---68 第三章 研究方法 ---71 3.1 研究架構

---71 3.2 研究方法 ---72 3.3 研究流程 ---78 3.4 研究對象

---79 3.5 訪談議題 ---80 3.6 資料分析方法 ---81 第四章 資料分析與討論 ---82 4.1 創業決策要素 ---82 4.1.1 創業條件 ---82 4.1.2 創業原因

---85 4.1.3 創業評估 ---92 4.2 創業所面臨問題 ---97 4.3 創業輔導 ---102 第五章 結論與建議 ---108 5.1 結論 ---108 5.1.1 創業決策要素 ---108 5.1.2 創業所面臨問題 ---110 5.1.3 創業輔導 ---111 5.2 發現與建議 ---112 5.3 研究限制 ---114 5.4 後續研究建議 ---114 參考文獻 ---115 一、中文部分 ---115 二、英文部分 ---118 附錄

---121 附錄一:訪談記錄1 ---121 附錄二:訪談記錄2 ---127 1.A受訪者 ---127 B受訪者 ---130 C受訪者 ---133 D受訪者 ---136 E受訪者 ---138 F受訪者 ---140 G受訪者 ---143 H受訪者 ---145 I受訪者 ---148 J受訪者


---150 K受訪者 ---152 L受訪者 ---155 M受訪者 ---156 N受訪者 ---159 O受訪者 ---161 P受訪者 ---165 Q受訪者 ---167 R受訪者 ---169 S受訪者 ---171 T受訪者 ---173


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