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A study on the influence of the product knowledge and market channel for the health food consumer behavior / 蔡慧盈 撰 蔡慧盈、呂崇銘


Academic year: 2022

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A study on the influence of the product knowledge and market channel for the health food consumer behavior / 蔡慧盈 撰


E-mail: 354765@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The serial cases of using plasticizer in food cause panic among people. It discloses health food consumer issues which have never been found in the past. This study will examine the variables such as product knowledge and marketing channel whether directly or indirectly affect all aspects of consumer behavior. Then it establishes a correct concept for the health food consumers and provides a reference for the health food- related industries for their decision-making. The main purpose of this study is to explore the

relationship of the health food in Taiwan district and the consumer behavior. Secondly, using the health food marketing channel as an intermediate variable to examine how product knowledge affects the interaction of consumer behaviors. This study used a questionnaire survey. A total of 300 questionnaires were returned of 284 copies, 267 copies of valid questionnaires. Effective response rate was 94%. The result showed that product knowledge on consumer behavior and marketing channel had a significant positive impact. Product knowledge has the intermediate effect on consumer behavior in the marketing channel. In addition, this study also found that the age and education variables of personal background showed significant differences on product knowledge, marketing channel, and consumer behaviors variables. The finding provided suggestions to those who are engaged in the health food-related businesses as well as those who are interested in doing research in this field in the new future.

Keywords : Product Knowledge、Market Channel、Consumer Behavior Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要....................... iii 英文摘要................

....... v 致謝辭....................... vii 內容目錄.............

.......... viii 表目錄........................ x 圖目錄..........

.............. xii 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背 景................ 1   第二節  研究動機............... 4 第三節  研究目 的與問題............. 7 第四節  研究範圍................. 8   第五節  研究 限制................. 8 第二章  文獻探討................. 10   第一節   健康食品............... 10   第二節  產品知識............... 17   第 三節  行銷通路............... 21   第四節  消費者行為............... 31 第三章  研究方法................. 46 第一節  研究流程............... 47   第二節  研究架構............... 48   第三節  研究假設..............

. 49   第四節  研究對象............... 50   第五節  操作性定義量表與衡量方式....

..... 51   第六節  問卷設計及樣本選定.......... 58   第七節  資料處理與分析方法...

....... 59 第八節  預試問卷之效度與信度分析......... 63 第四章  研究結果與分析.....

......... 68   第一節  各變項之敘述統計與項目相關分析..... 68   第二節  個人屬性之變異 數分析.......... 78   第三節  相關分析............... 83   第四節  迴歸分析

............... 86   第五節  行銷通路之中介效果分析........ 91 第五章  結論與建 議................ 95   第一節  研究結論............... 95 第二節 研究建議

................ 101 參考文獻...................... 102 附錄A  前測 預試問卷................. 122 附錄B  正式研究問卷................. 126 表目錄 表 2- 1 各國健康食品名稱法規與管理.......... 11 表 2- 2 2003-2008年OTC保健產品市場銷售通路比 重... 13 表 2- 3 產品知識相關論述彙整表............ 18 表 2- 4 行銷通路定義彙整表........

...... 22 表 2- 5 消費者行為定義彙整表............ 32 表 2- 6 影響消費者行為之因素......

...... 34 表 2- 7 口碑定義彙整表............... 40 表 2- 8 再購意願定義彙整表.......

...... 42 表 2- 9 再購意願衡量構面一覽表........... 43 表 2-10 滿意度定義彙整表.......

....... 44 表 3- 1 產品知識操作性定義與衡量.......... 52 表 3- 2 口碑操作性定義與衡量.....

...... 53 表 3- 3 再購意願操作性定義與衡量........... 54 表 3- 4 顧客滿意度操作性定義與衡量..


......... 55 表 3- 5 行銷通路操作性定義與衡量........... 56 表 3- 6 行銷通路之效度分析...

............ 65 表 3- 7 消費者行為及其各構面之效度分析....... 66 表 3- 8 各變項及其構面之內部 一致性信度........ 67 表 4- 1 有效樣本之個人基本資料分析......... 69 表 4- 2 產品知識構面之敘述 統計量.......... 71 表 4- 3 行銷通路構面之敘述統量........... 72 表 4- 4 消費者行為構面之敘 述統量.......... 73 表 4- 5 產品知識構面之項目總和統計量........ 74 表 4- 6 專業人員一對一之行 銷構面之項目總和統計量... 75 表 4- 7 非專業人員一對一之行銷構面之項目總和統計量. 75 表 4- 8 再購意願構面之項 目總和統計量........ 76 表 4- 9 口碑構面之項目總和統計量........ 76 表 4-10 顧客滿意度構面之項 目總和統計量........ 77 表 4-11 性別在各變項及其構面之獨立樣本T檢定.... 78 表 4-12 婚姻在各變項及 其構面之獨立樣本T檢定.... 79 表 4-13 年齡在各變項及其構面之單因子變異數分析... 80 表 4-14 學歷在各變項 及其構面之單因子變異數分析... 81 表 4-15 平均月收入在各變項及其構面之單因子變異數分析 81 表 4-16 職業在各變 項及其構面之單因子變異數分析... 82 表 4-17 相關分析表................. 84 表 4-18 產品知識 對消費者行為及其子構面之迴歸分析..........87 表 4-19 產品知識對行銷通路及其子構面之迴歸分析...

........88 表 4-20 行銷通路對消費者行為及其子構面之迴歸分析..........89 表 4-21 行銷通路子構 面對消費者行為及其子構面影響比較迴歸分析....91 表 4-22 產品知識與行銷通路對消費者行為及其子構面之迴歸分 析.....93 表 5- 1 研究假設驗證結果彙總....................95 圖目錄 圖 1-1 健康食品標 準圖樣.................... 2 圖 2-1 通路長度的四種型態.................

...24 圖 2-2 Kotler之購買行為模式.............. ...33 圖 2-3 Nocosia 消費者行為模式....

........... 35 圖 2-4 Engel-Kollat-Blackwell(EKB)模型........ .37 圖 3-1 研究流程圖.....

...................47 圖 3-2 研究架構圖........................48 REFERENCES

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The min-max and the max-min k-split problem are defined similarly except that the objectives are to minimize the maximum subgraph, and to maximize the minimum subgraph respectively..

Experiment a little with the Hello program. It will say that it has no clue what you mean by ouch. The exact wording of the error message is dependent on the compiler, but it might

In order to partition the GPS market into different segments, this paper used purchase motives, product attributes and consumer lifestyle as the variables for market

The purpose of this study was to investigate if providing consumers with a general dietary guidance or impose a cash punishment policy on customers for not finishing their food on

Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the segments for wine consumers in Taiwan by product, brand decision, and purchasing involvement, and then determine the

The methodology involved in the study is based on the theory of innovation adoption, including the fact proposed by Holak (1988) that product attributes, consumer characteris- tics