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SOCP Relaxation of Sensor Network Localization


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SOCP Relaxation of Sensor Network Localization

Paul Tseng

Mathematics, University of Washington Seattle

University of Vienna/Wien June 19, 2006


This is a talk given at Univ. Vienna, 2006.


Talk Outline

• Problem description

• SDP and SOCP relaxations

• Properties of SDP and SOCP relaxations

• Performance of SOCP relaxation and efficient solution methods

• Conclusions & Future Directions


Sensor Network Localization Basic Problem


• n pts in <d (d = 1, 2, 3).

• Know last n − m pts (‘anchors’) xm+1, ..., xn and Eucl. dist. estimate for pairs of ‘neighboring’ pts

dij ≥ 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ A with A ⊆ {(i, j) : 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n}.

• Estimate first m pts (‘sensors’).

History? Graph realization, position estimation in wireless sensor network, determining protein structures, ...


Optimization Problem Formulation

υopt := min




kxi − xjk2 − d2ij

• Objective function is nonconvex.

6. .


• Problem is NP-hard (reduction from PARTITION).

6. .


• Use a convex (SDP, SOCP) relaxation.



PARTITION: Given positive integers a1, a2, ..., an, ∃ a partition I1, I2 of {1, ..., n} with P

i∈I1 ai = P

i∈I2 ai? (NP-complete)

Reduction to our problem

(d = 1) (Saxe ’79):

Let m = n − 1, xn = 0, dn1 = a1, d12 = a2, ..., dn−1,n = an

PARTITION ‘yes’ ⇐⇒ υopt = 0 [This extends to d ≥ 2]


SDP Relaxation

Let X := [x1 · · · xm], A := [xm+1 · · · xn].

Then (Biswas,Ye ’03)

kxi − xjk2 = tr

bijbTij  XTX XT

X Id

with bij :=  Im 0

0 A

(ei − ej).


:  Y XT X Id

 0 has rank d ⇐⇒ Y = XTX



υopt = min




tr bijbTijZ − d2ij s.t. Z =  Y XT

X Id

 0, rankZ = d Drop low-rank constraint:

υsdp := min




tr bijbTijZ − d2ij s.t. Z =  Y XT

X Id


• Biswas and Ye gave probabilistic interpretation of SDP soln, and proposed a distributed (domain partitioning) method for solving SDP when n > 100.


SOCP Relaxation

Second-order cone program (SOCP) is easier to solve than SDP.

• Q: Is SOCP relaxation a good approximation? Or a mixed SDP-SOCP relaxation?

• Q: How to efficiently solve SOCP relaxation?


SOCP Relaxation

υopt = min




yij − d2ij

s.t. yij = kxi − xjk2 ∀(i, j) ∈ A

Relax “=” to “≥” constraint:

υsocp = min




yij − d2ij

s.t. yij ≥ kxi − xjk2 ∀(i, j) ∈ A

y ≥ kxk2 ⇐⇒ y + 1 ≥ k(y − 1, 2x)k

(also Doherty,Pister,El Ghaoui ’03)


Properties of SDP, SOCP Relaxations

d = 2, n = 3, m = 1, d12 = d13 = 2



0 = min


|(1 − α)2 + β2 − 4| + |(−1 − α)2 + β2 − 4|


SDP Relaxation


0 = min

x1=(α,β)∈<2 y∈<

|y − 2α − 3| + |y + 2α − 3|


y α β

α 1 0

β 0 1

  0

If solve SDP by IP method, then likely get analy. center.


SOCP Relaxation


0 = min

x1=(α,β)∈<2 y,z∈<

|y − 4| + |z − 4|

s.t. y ≥ (1 − α)2 + β2 z ≥ (−1 − α)2 + β2

If solve SOCP by IP method, then likely get analy. center.


Properties of SDP & SOCP Relaxations Fact 1

: υsocp ≤ υsdp. If υsocp = υsdp, then

{SOCP (x1, ..., xm) solns} ⊇ {SDP (x1, ..., xm) solns}.

Fact 2

: If (x1, ..., xm, yij)(i,j)∈A is the analytic center soln of SOCP, then xi ∈ conv {xj}j∈N (i) ∀i ≤ m

with N (i) := {j : (i, j) ∈ A}.


Opt soln (m = 900, n = 1000, nhbrs if dist< .06)

SOCP soln found by IP method (SeDuMi)


Fact 3

: If X = [x1 · · · xm], Y is a relative-interior SDP soln (e.g., analytic center), then for each i,

kxik2 = Yii =⇒ xi appears in every SDP soln.

Fact 4

: If (x1, ..., xm, yij)(i,j)∈A is a relative-interior SOCP soln (e.g., analytic center), then for each i,

kxi − xjk2 = yij for some j ∈ N (i) ⇐⇒ xi appears in every SOCP soln.


Error Bounds

What if distances have errors?

d2ij = ¯d2ij + δij,

where δij ∈ < and d¯ij := kxtruei − xtruej k (xtruei = xi ∀ i > m).

Fact 5

: If (x1, ..., xm, yij)(i,j)∈A is a relative-interior SOCP soln corresp.

(dij)(i,j)∈A and X


ij| ≤ δ, then for each i,

kxi − xjk2 = yij for some j ∈ N (i) =⇒ kxi − xtruei k = O(

s X



Fact 6

: As X


ij| → 0, (analytic center SOCP soln corresp. (dij)(i,j)∈A)

→ (analytic center SOCP soln corresp. ( ¯dij)(i,j)∈A).


Error bounds for the analytic center SOCP soln when distances have small errors.


Solving SOCP Relaxation I: IP Method




yij − d2ij

s.t. yij ≥ kxi − xjk2 ∀(i, j) ∈ A

Put into conic form:

min X


uij + vij

s.t. xi − xj − wij = 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ A

yij − uij + vij = d2ij ∀(i, j) ∈ A

αij = 12 ∀(i, j) ∈ A

uij ≥ 0, vij ≥ 0, (αij, yij, wij) ∈ Rconed+2 ∀(i, j) ∈ A with Rconed+2 := {(α, y, w) ∈ < × < × <d : kwk2/2 ≤ αy}.

Solve by an IP method, e.g., SeDuMi 1.05 (Sturm ’01).


Solving SOCP Relaxation II: Smoothing + Coordinate Gradient Descent

miny≥z |y − d2| = max{0, z − d2} So SOCP relaxation:




max{0, kxi − xjk2 − d2ij}

This is an unconstrained nonsmooth convex program.

• Smooth approximation:

max{0, t} ≈ µh(t/µ) (µ > 0)

h smooth convex, limt→−∞ h(t) = limt→∞ h(t) − t = 0. We use h(t) = ((t2 + 4)1/2 + t)/2 (CHKS).


SOCP approximation:

min fµ(x1, .., xm) := X


µh kxi − xjk2 − d2ij µ


Add a smoothed log-barrier term −µ X


log µh d2ij − kxi − xjk2 µ


Solve the smooth approximation using coordinate gradient descent (SCGD):

• If k∇xifµk = Ω(µ), then update xi by moving it along the Newton direction


ixifµ]−1xifµ, with Armijo stepsize rule, and re-iterate.

• Decrease µ when k∇xifµk = O(µ) ∀i.

µinit = 1e − 5. µend = 1e − 9. Decrease µ by a factor of 10.

Code in Fortran. Computation easily distributes.


Simulation Results

• Uniformly generate xtrue1 , ..., xtruen in [0, 1]2, m = .9n, two pts are nhbrs if dist< radiorange.


dij = kxtruei − xtruej k · max{0, 1 + ij · nf },

ij ∼ N (0, 1) (Biswas, Ye ’03)

• Solve SOCP using SeDuMi 1.05 or SCGD.

• Sensor i is uniquely positioned if

kxi − xjk2 − yij

≤ 10−7dij for some j ∈ N (i).


SeDuMi SCGD n m nf cpu/mup/Errup cpu/mup/Errup 1000 900 0 5.5/402/7.2e-4 .4/365/3.7e-5 1000 900 .001 5.4/473/1.8e-3 3.3/451/1.5e-3 1000 900 .01 5.6/554/1.5e-2 2.2/518/1.1e-2 2000 1800 0 209.6/1534/4.3e-4 1.3/1541/3.3e-4 2000 1800 .001 230.1/1464/3.6e-3 6.8/1466/3.6e-3 2000 1800 .01 176.6/1710/5.1e-2 3.7/1710/5.1e-2 4000 3600 0 203.1/2851/4.0e-4 2.5/2864/3.2e-4 4000 3600 .001 205.2/2938/3.2e-3 15.1/2900/3.0e-3 4000 3600 .01 201.3/3073/1.0e-2 23.2/3033/9.1e-3

Table 1: radiorange = .06(.035) for n = 1000, 2000(4000)

• cpu (sec) times are on a HP DL360 workstation, running Linux 3.5.

• mup := number of uniquely positioned sensors.

• Errup := maxi uniq. pos.kxi − xtruei k.


True positions of sensors (dots) and anchors (circles) (m = 900, n = 1000)

SOCP soln found by SeDuMi and SCGD


Mixed SDP-SOCP Relaxation

Choose 0 ≤ ` ≤ m. Let B := {(i, j) ∈ A : i ≤ `, j ≤ `}.




tr bijbTijZ − d2ij

+ X


yij − d2ij

s.t. Z =  Y XT

X Id


X = [x1 · · · x`]

yij ≥ kxi − xjk2 ∀(i, j) ∈ A \ B

with bij :=  I` 0 0

0 0 A

(ei − ej).

Easier to solve than SDP? As good a relaxation? Properties?


Conclusions & Future Directions

• SOCP relaxation may be a good pre-processor.

• Faster methods for solving SOCP? Exploiting network structures of SOCP?

(For d = 1, solvable by -relaxation method (Bertsekas,Polymenakos,T ’97))

• Error bound for SDP relaxation?

• Additional (convex) constraints? Other objective functions, e.g., X


|kxi − xjk − dij|2 ?

• Replace 2-norm by a p-norm (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞)? p-order cone relaxation?

• Q: For any x1, ..., xn ∈ <d, does arg min





kx − xikpp ∈ conv {x1, ..., xn}?

(1 < p < ∞)

A: Yes for d ≤ 2. No for d ≥ 3.



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