Listening Success is a five-level series designed to help students develop listening comprehension skills through focused practice with dialogs and monologs structured around common functional language patterns. By familiarizing themselves with the natural spoken forms heard in the audio tracks, students will prepare themselves for comprehending conversations and information they hear from native English speakers as well as prepare themselves for standardized tests that incorporate listening tasks.
The lesson plan presented here is suggested for classroom practice during which the instructor controls the audio presentation. Additional homework assignments are suggested at the end of the lesson plan for students to practice out of class using the audio CDs included in each book.
Suggested Lesson Plan (50 min.)
Pre-listening Warm-up (10 min.)
As a class, read through the example sentences presented in Part A. Have students focus on key functional and grammatical language targets of the unit. A complete list of language targets covered in each book of this series may be downloaded online.
Next, have students complete the practice activity in Part B. Be sure to highlight for students the examples of the language targets found in this activity.
Finally, give students a few minutes to individually complete Part C. After students have recorded their own responses, have them work in pairs to share
their answers with each other. This communicative activity will give students a chance to orally practice the language targets of the unit before moving on to the main listening activities of the unit.
4 l How to Teach This Book l
Listening 2 (10 min.)
For Part A of Listening 2, repeat the process used in Part A of Listening 1.
For Part B of Listening 2, repeat the process used in Part B of Listening 1.
For Part C of Listening 2, repeat the process used in Part C of Listening 1.
Listening 1 (10 min.)
Give students a minute or two to study the illustrations or photos that they see in Part A. Ask students to brainstorm some of the vocabulary related to these images or to briefly explain what they see in each image. After it is clear that students have considered each image, explain the activity for Part A by reading the instruction line together. These activities vary from unit to unit, so it is important to make sure students are clear about the task before they listen.
Then play the audio track listed for this activity.
Afterward, check the answers as a class.
The activity in Part B will always require students to listen to the dialog from Part A again. However, the activity will require students to do something new with the information they hear. These activities are purposely designed for repeated listening in order to allow students to experience the benefits of repetitive practice.
The activity in Part C may or may not require additional listening. In some cases, students need only think about the information heard in parts A and B and then complete the activity in Part C based on what they remember. In other cases, students may be required to listen to questions or statements in order to complete the activity.
l How to Teach This Book l 5
6 l How to Teach This Book l
Test (10 min.)
For the test at the end of each unit, it is suggested that all five tracks for the test be played consecutively without a break. Then, when checking the test, play each part and check the answers for that part. This will allow for discussion time of difficult questions.
Listening 3 (10 min.)
For Part A of Listening 3, repeat the process used in Part A of Listening 1.
For Part B of Listening 3, repeat the process used in Part B of Listening 1.
For Part C of Listening 3, repeat the process used in Part C of Listening 1.
NOTE: In Listening Success 4 and Listening Success 5, this activity focuses on simple writing tasks.
Students who need additional support for these writing activities can refer to the sample responses presented in the answer keys of these books.
l How to Teach This Book l 7
(No time limit)
The following homework and supplemental activities are based on having students work with the transcripts provided with each book of this series.
Partial Dictation: Choose one of the tracks of the main listening activities from the unit or from the unit test. Prepare an overhead (or simply write on the board) every other line or sentence from the transcript for that track. Students should copy the lines or sentences from the board on a sheet of paper, leaving space between lines or sentences to write the missing parts. At home, students should listen to the assigned track and write the lines or sentences they hear that were not copied in class.
Team Quizzes: Divide the class into teams of 3-5 students. Each team should look through the transcripts of the unit that was studied that day.
Teams should select five sentences for other teams to write as dictation. These five sentences should be written on a sheet of paper and given to the instructor. After all of the teams have handed in their lists of sentences, the instructor reads one sentence from the first team’s list. All students write the sentence they hear. Then the instructor reads another sentence from the next team’s list. Continue until an appropriate number of sentences have been
read for dictation. Check in class or collect for a completion/quiz grade.
8 l How to Teach This Book l
l Unit 1 l 9 Match the sentences.
Column A Column B
It’s nice to meet you! (a) I’m fifteen.2.
Come on, I’ll introduce you. (b) I’m happy to meet you, too.3.
How old are you? (c) OK, thanks!Study the sentences below.
Fill in the blanks below. Now introduce yourself to another student.
Hello! My name is 1________________. I’m from 2________________. I am
3________________ years old. I have a younger/older 4________________.
I like 5________________. It’s nice to meet you.
Her name is Anna Smith. She is 12 years old.
Good morning. I am Mike Taylor. I am from England.
My name is Tara.
I have a younger sister.
Listen and choose the best answer to each question.
(a) At a farm (b) In New York(c) At home (d) At school
(a) She went to New York. (b) She went to Canada.(c) She went to her parents’ farm. (d) She talked to the new girl.
(a) Jenny’s sister (b) A teacher(c) Mr. Thompson’s kid (d) A new student
Listen again. You will then hear four statements. Circle True or False.
True False2.
True False3.
True False4.
True FalseListen and match the people with the right pictures.
Back to School
10 l Unit 1 l Track
Track 02
Track 03
(a)Mr. Thompson
the new girl
First Day at a New School
l Unit 1 l 11
Track 04
Listen again. Fill in the missing words.
Well, he’s a boy, and I’m a girl. It’s quite 9____________.
Come on, Jenny, I’ll 10____________ you.
Maybe you should 7____________ to the other new student.
He said that 8____________ 13.
I guess if you like 6____________ boys.
It’s big but 5____________. Both my brother Robert and I like it.
I am from Canada. My 3____________ got a new 4____________ here, so we moved.
Oh, hi! My 1___________ is Alice. It’s nice to 2___________ you!
Circle the right word based on what you heard.
The school is (old / big / confusing).2.
(Jenny’s / Alice’s / Alex’s) dad got a new job here.3.
(Robert / Alice / Robert and Alice) moved here from Canada.4.
(Alice / Jenny) will introduce (Alice /Jenny) to Alex.Alice _____________
Alex _____________
Jenny _____________
Robert _____________
Listen. Write the words below the right pictures.12 years old 13 years old 14 years old Alice’s brother from England from Canada
Track 04
Listen again. Write T for True and F for False.
_____ Alex’s family moved here last month.2.
_____ Alex’s mom teaches drums.3.
_____ Alex likes the drums more than the piano.4.
_____ Alex likes math.Listen. What does Alex like? Circle the right pictures.
The New Student
12 l Unit 1 l Track
05 Track
Choose the best word or phrase to complete each sentence.
Alex is introducing himself to _________.(a) his teacher (b) Jenny (c) all the kids in class (d) Alice
He has _________.(a) an older brother (b) a younger sister (c) two younger brothers (d) no sisters
The speaker _________ basketball.(a) loves watching (b) hates watching (c) loves playing (d) hates playing
1 2 3 4
Listen. Choose the best response.
(a) You’re welcome!4.
(a) I’m fifteen.(b) I’m doing fine. (b) I’m fine, thank you.
(c) Nice meeting you. (c) I live in New York.
(d) OK, thanks! (d) Nice to meet you.
You will hear two short dialogs followed by questions. Choose the best answers to the questions.
(a) In New York6.
(a) Biking(b) At school (b) Swimming
(c) At Brenda’s house (c) Hiking (d) At Edward’s house (d) Nothing
(a) The girl8.
(a) Chicago(b) The boy (b) New York
(c) Neither speaker (c) The Philippines (d) Both speakers (d) New Jersey
Look at the picture. Listen. Choose the statement that best describes the picture.
(a) (b) (c) (d)2.
(a) (b) (c) (d)l Unit 1 l 13
Track 08 Track
07 Track
You will hear two short talks followed by questions. Choose the best answers to the questions.
(a) Math10.
(a) She is 7 years old.(b) French (b) She has two younger sisters.
(c) English and math (c) She loves hiking.
(d) Science and English (d) She moved here last month.
(a) Study English12.
(a) An old student from Japan (b) Study science (b) A new student from America (c) Play baseball (c) A boy from Tokyo(d) Watch basketball games (d) A new teacher
You will hear a dialog followed by questions. Choose the best answers to the questions.
(a) New students14.
(a) Ralph (b) A new school (b) Daniel (c) Their vacation (c) Mandy(d) Weekend plans (d) Simon
(a) His brother’s name is Ralph.(b) He and Michelle come from the same country.
(c) He loves dancing and singing.
(d) He is going to play basketball this weekend.
14 l Unit 1 l Track
10 Track