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A Study of Play Behaviors and Safety Cognitions in Campus’Playground for Three-grade to Six-grade Students in ... 潘正憲、李俊憲


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of Play Behaviors and Safety Cognitions in Campus’Playground for Three-grade to Six-grade Students in ...


E-mail: 9511350@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study focused on the exploration of play behavior and safety cognitions of elementary school students in the school playground.

A quantitative inquiry was intended to investigate the interrelatedness among student demographics, play behavior, injury behavior, personality traits, and safety cognitions in Pingtung County, Taiwan. The implementation of safety measures for the school

playground was also introduced. Four statistical procedures were used for data analysis: t-test for independent samples, cluster analysis, Chi-square, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation. Using stratified sampling, 12 schools were selected to participate in the study, with a total of 480 student participants. Two questionnaires were administered. The first questionnaire dealt with school playground safety measures. The second was concerned with student play safety perception and student personality traits. One administration representative from each participating school was invited to respond to the first questionnaire. Its response rate was 100%. Four hundred and seventy-one students successfully completed the second questionnaire. The response rate was 98.1%.

Analysis of research findings suggested the following: 1.Child’s age and gender significantly affect his/her preference of playground equipment, perception toward dangerous playground equipment, lifetime frequency of playground use, and daily frequency of playground use. 2.Education background of the child’s father has a significant influence on his/her preference of playground equipment. 3.Child’s grade level significantly affects injury experience and injury area. 4.Child’s sex significantly impacts injury experience, injury frequency, injury type, and injury position of her/his body. 5.Child’s siblings significantly influence injury type.

6.Adults in the child’s household significantly affect injury cause. 7.Child’s family financial status significantly affects injury experience and injury frequency. 8.Child’s preference of playground equipment and playmate significantly influences injury frequency. 9.Child’s daily frequency of playground use significantly affects injury cause and injury area. 10.Child’s personality traits significantly affect grade level, sex, adults in the same household, preference of playground equipment, and injury experience.

11.Child’s play safety cognitions significantly influences adults in the same household and injury experience. 12.Statistics with respect to school playground safety measures were as follows: a.Approximately 58% of the sampled schools do not enact any policy for playground safety measures. b.More than 66% of the participating schools do not provide in their playground any sun-blocking eye shields or shades. c.The majority of the selected schools surface their playground with either soft safety floor mats (50%) or natural grass (more than 33%). Recommendations for practitioners and researchers were addressed in three distinct aspects: family, school, and further research.

Keywords : play, school playground, play behavior, play safety cognitions Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 博授權書...iii 中文摘要...iv 英文摘

要...vi 誌謝...viii 目錄...ix 圖目 錄...xi 表目錄...xii 第一章緒論...1 第一 節研究背景與動機...1 第二節研究目的...4 第三節研究問

題...4 第四節研究範圍與限制...5 第五節名詞定義...8 第 二章文獻探討...10 第一節遊戲之定義與理論基礎...10 第二節兒童遊戲安全情況與 傷害特點...17 第三節認知理論與安全認知...22 第四節性格特質理論與安全認

知...31 第三章研究方法...36 第一節研究架構...36 第二節研究 假設...38 第三節研究進行方法...39 第四節抽樣設計...40 第五節研究工具...41 第六節資料分析...46 第四章研究結果與分

析...50 第一節信度分析...51 第二節基本資料分析...53 第三 節假設驗證...63 第五章結論與建議...77 第一節研究結果摘

要...77 第二節綜合論述...80 第三節建議...84 參考文 獻...88 附錄一各變項與各構面間卡方檢定分析交叉表...96 附錄二國小校園兒童遊戲場 學校遊戲安全措施之調查問卷...118 附錄三國小校園兒童遊戲場遊戲行為安全認知調查問卷...119



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