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Research on the Relationship among Leader's Behavior , Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Job Burnout in Express Agent-... 游文志、封德台


Academic year: 2022

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Research on the Relationship among Leader's Behavior , Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Job Burnout in Express Agent-...


E-mail: 9607766@mail.dyu.edu.tw


In recent years, more and more industries adopt shipping by freight to ship globally in order to export and import the materials and products. Therefore, with the prevailing of international trade and the increasing of commercial businesses, the way to keep business logistics steadily becomes a key factor for one to be a winner. The world changes as time flees; however, the owner of air freight must have an insight to make the best benefits in dealing with his/her employees so that they could really get involved in and devote themselves to this big “family.” In view of this, without doubts, an enterprise will become stronger and stand firmly. Besides, what makes an industry successful lies not only in resources but also leadership, which plays an important factor to the employees’

morale as well as their sense of identification with the company. The main purpose of this study is to discuss the causes in influencing job burnout. It ranges over leadership, job pressure, job satisfaction and job burnout. In addition, we tested the mutually relationship between job pressure and job satisfaction. This survey population included the Morrison Express Corporation. The total returning polls are 341. Among them, 13 polls are incomplete and the rest 328 polls used for quantitative analysis are valid and sufficient, which means its useable survey rate is 96.18%. The major discovery of this study indicates that transformational leadership is significant to job pressure and job satisfaction, but transactional leadership is not. The relationship between job pressure and job satisfaction is significantly, job pressure is partially significant to job burnout, and job satisfaction is significantly to job burnout.

Keywords : leadership, job pressure, job satisfaction, job burnout

Table of Contents

中文摘要 ................... iii 英文摘要 ................... iv 誌謝辭 .

................... v 內容目錄 ................... vi 表目錄  ....

............... viii 圖目錄 .................... x 第一章  緒論 .....

........... 1 第一節  研究背景與動機 ........... 1 第二節  研究目的 .......

....... 2 第三節  研究流程 .............. 3 第二章  文獻探討 ...........

... 6 第一節  主管領導型態 ............ 6 第二節  工作壓力 .............. 10 第三節  工作滿足 .............. 12 第四節  工作倦怠 .............. 15 第五節   領導型態、工作滿足、工作壓力與工作倦怠      之相關理論 ............. 17 第三章  研究方 法 .............. 22 第一節  研究架構 .............. 22 第二節  研究假設 ..

............ 23 第三節  研究變項之操作性定義 ........ 25 第四節  研究設計 .....

......... 27 第五節  研究對象與資料蒐集 ......... 31 第六節  資料分析方法 ......

...... 32 第四章  實證結果及分析 ........... 35 第一節  基本敘述性統計 ........

... 35 第二節  因素分析與信度檢定 ......... 39 第三節  描述性統計量變異數檢定 .......

49 第四節  相關性分析 ............. 58 第五節  複迴歸分析 ............. 59 第五 章  結論與建議 ............. 65 第一節  研究結論 .............. 65 第二節   管理意涵 .............. 68 第三節  研究限制與建議 ........... 68 參考文獻 ....

............... 71 附錄 ..................... 78 REFERENCES

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