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Research on Competitive Advantage of Elementary School on the Trend of Declining Birth Rate-The Perspective of Resource- 蕭育芬、劉子歆


Academic year: 2022

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Research on Competitive Advantage of Elementary School on the Trend of Declining Birth Rate-The Perspective of Resource-


E-mail: 9706861@mail.dyu.edu.tw


National elementary schools in Taiwan have paid less attention to the discussion on competitive advantages in the past due to the protection of national compulsory educa-tion regulations and being in a stable operation environment. However public schools are now not wholly-protected non-profit entities any more and some badly-managed ones will probably disappear in the free education market in the face of future few-children phenomenon and open and most competitive operation environment. Therefore, these elementary schools are facing the transformation and relocation, and will deal with the competition and pressure of different degrees.

The study establishes the relationship between “Resource Conditions” and “Com-petitive Advantages” for national elementary schools, and hopes to help their manage-ment team to clarify the competition status of all resources and find ways to utilize these resources efficiently, so as to be sustainable and obtain competitive advantages on the fastest varying education market. The CS National Elementary School was used for the case study, from which a re-source-based Strategic Analysis Chart for Competitive Advantage was developed. This chart shows that schools may adjust the market direction through the resources identifi-cation and shaping well-featured schools. And on the premise of market direction of shaping well-featured schools the wide range of networks are utilized to acquire mutu-ally complementary resources and launched innovative operation strategies. The results of the study can extend the connotation of the Resource-Based Theory, and present the management practices on the pursuit of value creation by national elementary schools under the trend of few-children situation. Finally research limitations and suggestions of this paper are given.

Keywords : few-children phenomenon ; resource-based theory ; competitive advantages Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ................

..... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... vi 內容目錄 ..............

....... vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ............

......... x 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機..

.......... 1   第二節  重要名詞解釋............. 4   第三節  研究問題與目的.

........... 5   第四節  研究方法與步驟............ 6   第五節  研究範圍與限制

............ 9 第二章  文獻探討................. 11   第一節  少子化之起 源與歷史背景........ 11   第二節  少子化影響的層面........... 17   第三節  資源基 礎理論............. 27   第四節  競爭優勢............... 41 第三章  研究方 法................. 51   第一節  研究架構............... 51   第二節   研究對象............... 53   第三節  研究工具............... 53   第四 節  實施程序............... 55   第五節  資料處理與分析............ 56    第六節  研究倫理............... 58 第四章  個案分析................. 59   第一節  個案背景............... 59   第二節  CS 國小資源基礎分析 .........

62 第五章  結論與建議................ 89   第ㄧ節  研究結論.............

.. 89   第二節  理論貢獻............... 92   第三節  實務貢獻...........

.... 93   第四節  建議................. 96 參考文獻 ...............

...... 98 附錄 A  徵求校長訪談同意書............ 110 附錄 B  徵求家長代表訪談同意書.

......... 111 附錄 C  訪談歷任教師會長及家長會長........ 112 附錄 D  訪談CS國小各年級學 生........... 117 附錄 E  訪談校內老師、主任、志工、專職行政人員.. 119 附錄 F  CS國小校務評 鑑.............. 121 附錄 G  督學視導記錄............... 123 表目錄 表 2- 1 台 灣地區預測之人口總量變化表........ 13 表 2- 2 94學年度至98學年度國民小學學生人數推估... 22 表 2- 3 民 國80 92年國小校數、教師數與學生數變化表. 24 表 2- 4 資源基礎理論相關定義彙整表......... 29 表 2- 5 資 源基礎理論分類彙整表........... 32 表 2- 6 資源基礎理論構面之衡量指標......... 38 表 2- 7 競


爭優勢定義彙整表............. 42 表 2- 8 競爭優勢衡量構面學者的論點彙總....... 47 圖目錄 圖 1-1 研究流程圖................. 8 圖 2-1 資源基礎取向的策略分析架構......... 36 圖 2-2 以資源為基礎的策略分析架構......... 37 圖 2-3 產業競爭的力量............... 45 圖 2-4 資源、技術配置和定位優勢循環........ 49 圖 2-5 競爭優勢來源................ 50 圖 3-1 本研究架構圖................ 52


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