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Academic year: 2021

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天主教道明中學第107 學年度第二學期第二次段考一年級英文科試卷

考試範圍:康軒第二冊Lesson 4~ Review 2 命題教師:吳家玲老師

一、語法選擇:(1-20 題,每題 2 分,共 40%)

1. Peter’s wedding(婚禮) is on .

(A) July (B) this Sunday (C) Sundays (D) Friday

2. Who your parents talking to and who with you?

(A) is ; play (B) does ; plays (C) are ; plays (D) do ; play 3. The show is the evening March eighth.

(A) in ; of (B) on ; of (C) in ; on (D) on ; in

4. Two sevenths of the children are sick, and are healthy.

(A) five seven (B) five sevenths (C) fifth seven (D) fifth sevens 5. Nicole sings this song well. she sings it every day.

(A) Maybe (B) Also (C) Still (D) After

6. There are floors(樓層) in this building, and they live on the floor.

(A) forty ; forty (B) fortieth ; fortieth (C) forty ; fortieth (D) fortieth ; forty 7. Lily seldom pays attention(注意) to teachers in class, .

(A) but Mark usually does (B) but Mark always is (C) and Mark often does (D) and Mark sometimes is 8. A: Does your sister love candy or cookies? B:

(A) Yes, she loves candy. (B) She loves cakes.

(C) She loves cookies. (D) No, she doesn’t love cookies.

9. My parents go to the movies .

(A) on every weekend (B) at five thirty.

(C) in the night (D) in Sunday morning

10 .

Cathy that boy.

(A) still doesn’t choose (B) is still choosing (C) doesn’t still choose (D) still choose 11


Bob: How many times a month do you go to the gym? Bill: .

(A) Three times a week (B) Usually

(C) I sometimes do (D) Never

12 .

Abby enjoys rope.

(A) practicing jumping (B) to practice jumping (C) practicing to jump (D) to practice to jump 13


Terry doesn’t like to play . He usually plays when he is free.

(A) the basketball ; the violin (B) basketball ; the violin


(C) the basketball ; violin (D) basketball ; a violin 14


Kenny loves sports. He goes swimming .

(A) a week five times (B) in a week five times

(C) five time a week (D) five times a week

15 .

Paul : do you listen to this English program on the radio?

Rita: Almost EVERY DAY. When my parents are at home, I have to listen to it EVERY DAY.

(A) When (B) How long (C) How often (D) How much

16 .

The question isn’t to answer.

(A) very enough easy for her (B) enough easy to her (C) easy enough for her (D) very easy enough to her 17


Frank .

(A) is having a lot of funs in the school club (B) so often eats noodles for lunch (C) will be there in a half hour (D) sees a dentist every three months 18


Which is right?

(A) Kelly’s grandmother is in poor healthy. (B) Never say never.

(C) Hudson makes a good use of his time. (D) No one want to make friend to Johnny.

19 .

Which is right?

(A) Tim doesn’t always go to school early. He often goes to school late.

(B) Allen, speak good morning to your teacher.

(C) Always early to school, students.

(D) Sometimes my mother goes to work with my father.

20 .

Which is right?

(A) What date is your birthday? It is on March tenth.

(B) My classmates are all happy for the good news.

(C) Howard understands the ideas now.

(D) Your cousin or I is wrong.

二、克漏字選擇:(21-26 題,每題 1 分,共 6%)

Daniel is a computer engineer in a big company. 21 He always goes to work at 8 a.m., and goes home at 9 p.m. After work, he stays online 22 watches TV at home. 23 because he is always too tired. He doesn’t have enough time to sleep on weekdays. 24 , he usually goes to bed after 3:00 a.m. He only sleeps well 25 . Every weekend, he takes a trip to other cities. It is because this is his way to relax(放鬆). He can sleep very well in the hotels 26 Saturday nights.




. (A) He seldom goes to work. (B) He only works on weekends.

(C) He has a busy life. (D) He is always free.


. (A) or (B) ,and (C) but (D) with


. (A) He never does sports on weekdays (B) He always does sports

(C) He usually does sports with Nicole (D) He does sports every evening 24

. (A) Always (B) In fact (C) Then (D) At least


. (A) every night (B) every weekday (C) in a week (D) on weekends 26

. (A) at (B) in (C) on (D) from

三、閱讀測驗:(27-43 題,每題 2 分,共 34%)


Dear Sister Mary, I need your help.

I envy my sister, Bella. She is tall and thin. She looks beautiful in a dress. I am short and heavy. I never wear a dress. I always wear a T-shirt and jeans. One of my aunts said that my sister looked like a swan, and I looked like an ugly duckling.

I feel sad. Will I be a swan some day?

Ugly Duckling Dear Ugly Duckling,

Be happy.

Isn’t it nice to have a beautiful sister?

Remember, your sister is beautiful, and you are, too. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

Forget what your aunt said. She did not mean to hurt you, but was just kidding you.

Yes, you can be a swan. Cheer up.

Sister Mary

envy 嫉妒 swan 天鵝 duckling 小鴨 27. Which is NOT mentioned in Ugly Duckling’s letter?

(A) She wants to be beautiful, too. (B) One of her aunts was not kind to her.

(C) She has a beautiful sister. (D) She does not talk to her sister.

28. What can we learn from Sister Mary’s letter?

(A) She feels sad for Ugly Duckling.

(B) She wants Ugly Duckling to feel good about herself.



(C) She knows Ugly Duckling’s sister.

(D) She doesn’t like Ugly Duckling’s aunt.


Mary Lin runs a dog shelter in a big city. What she does every day is taking care of stray dogs. She spends a lot of time feeding them, giving them a bath, and playing with them. It is a lot of work, but she never complains.

Why did Mary choose this job? This is what she said to a reporter from a TV station.

Reporter :

Why did you choose this job? It’s quite stressful, you know.

Mary: I’ve always loved dogs. They’re a lot of fun. They’re affectionate, too. Whenever I see a stray dog on the street, it breaks my heart. So one day, I said to myself, “When I grow up, I want to run a dog shelter to take care of stray dogs.”

Reporter :

You sure have a kind heart. How do you run the shelter?

Mary: I do not run the shelter alone. There are many volunteers who come to my help. They not only help take care of the dogs but also donate money and food. Without them, the shelter will not hold so many dogs.

Reporter: Great job! What will you say to those who keep dogs?

Mary: Take good care of them. Don’t abandon them. They’re our best friends.

stray 流浪 shelter 收容所 stressful 壓力很大的 affectionate 情深的 volunteer 義工 donate 捐獻 abandon 遺棄

29. Why did Mary Lin run a dog shelter?

(A) She has no other job to do. (B) She is afraid of dogs.

(C) She is a dog lover. (D) She can make a lot of money.

30. What kind of person is Mary Lin?

(A) Kind. (B) Unhappy. (C) Boring. (D) Funny.

31. What can we learn from the reading?

(A) It doesn’t take a lot of work to run a dog shelter.

(B) A dog shelter is a big problem in a big city.

(C) Dogs also need love and care.

(D) If you don’t want to keep a dog anymore, you can give it to a dog shelter.




(Ms. Li and her son, Hudson, are in the supermarket.) Ms. Li: Be good, Hudson.

Hudson: Yes, Mom.

(Ms. Li is picking some apples from the fruit counter. ) Hudson: Look, Mom.

Ms. Li: What? No, Hudson. Don’t throw the apples into the shopping cart. They’re not balls.

(Ms. Li is now picking some milk and juice for her family.)

Ms. Li: Hey, Hudson. What are you doing? No, my god! You can’t drink the juice without paying for it.

Hudson :

But, Mom. I’m thirsty.

Ms. Li: Be a good boy, Hudson. Put the juice in the cart.

Hudson :

No, I want it! Please, Mom.

Ms. Li: Give it to me. We have to go now.

counter 櫃台 shopping cart 購物車 without 沒有 pay 付款

32. What does throw mean in the dialogue? dialogue 對話

(A) (B) (C) (D)

33. What does thirsty mean in the dialogue?

(A) Feeling that you need some sleep.

(B) Feeling that you want to eat something.

(C) Feeling that you need to exercise.

(D) Feeling that you want to drink something.

34. What can we learn from the dialogue? naughty 頑皮的 (A) Hudson does not listen to his mom, and he is naughty.

(B) Hudson is being good at the supermarket.

(C) Hudson’s mom is happy with him at the supermarket.

(D) Hudson does not do anything wrong at the supermarket.


※Do you ever see whales? Aren’t they big? Here are some funny facts about whales.



1. Whales can be very big. A blue whale can be about 29 meters long.

2. Whales look like fish, swim like fish, but they are not fish. Because they are not fish,

they cannot stay in the water all the time. Now and then, they have to come out of the

water for air.

3. Whales do not lay eggs. They give birth to baby whales and give them milk.

They drink

a lot and grow very fast.

4. Whales have some hair. But when they get old, there is no hair on their bodies at all.

5. Some whales can sing under the water. They sometimes sing for a long time.

6. Whales have a lot to eat in the sea. They just open their mouths and are ready to have a

big meal.

35. What does They mean in the reading?

(A) Fish. (B) Baby whales. (C) Mother whales. (D) Eggs.

36. What can whales do?

(A) They can fly. (B) They stay under the water all day.

(C) They can lay eggs. (D) They can sing under the water.

37. What can we learn from the reading?

(A) Whales are fish. (B) No whales have hair.

(C) A blue whale can grow to be very big. (D) Finding food is hard for whales.


(Miss Wu is talking to her student, Tommy.) Tommy: Good morning, Miss Wu.

Miss Wu:

Good morning, Tommy. Your schoolbag looks very heavy.

Tommy: There are books, a pencil case, several notebooks and so many test papers in it.

Miss Wu:

An overweight schoolbag is not good for you. It might hurt your back to carry a heavy schoolbag. You should carry no more than 10% of your body weight.

Tommy: I see. My schoolbag is getting too heavy because I have so much homework to do at 3-1


Miss Wu:

But you don’t have to carry all your books or notebooks home.

Tommy: I know, but I’m so busy that I don’t have time to arrange my schoolbag.

Miss Wu:

You should take time to check your schoolbag before you go home and pack it before you go to bed.

Tommy: Thank you, Miss Wu. I’ll try. I’ll put some books and notebooks away on my desk and bring only the essential items home.

Miss Wu:

That’s right, Tommy.


overweight 過重的 weight 體重 arrange 整理 pack 裝入 essential 重要的 item 物品

38. If Tommy weights 60 kg, the schoolbag he carries should not weigh over .

(A) 6 kg (B) 5 kg (C) 10 kg (D) 4 kg

39. What is the dialogue mainly about? mainly 主要的

(A) A nice teacher. (B) A smart student.

(C) Books and notebooks. (D) The weight of the schoolbag.

40. What can we learn from the dialogue?

(A) Tommy never does his homework. (B) Tommy is a busy student.

(C) Tommy’s schoolbag is light. (D) Tommy does not have lots of tests.


41. Who can get into Wonderland without paying fees? fee 入場 (A) Will. He is 66 years old. (B) Jenny. She is 3 years old.

(C) Mike. He is 11 months old. (D) Bella. She is 18 years old.

42. Which is TRUE? expensive 昂貴的 (A) Wonderland is open every day.

(B) Anyone 11 years old or above has to pay $120 to visit one of the park.

(C) Wonderland is open for 12 hours on weekends.

(D) Tickets for children are more expensive than tickets for senior citizens.

43. Mr. and Mrs. Lee, both 40 years old, are taking Mr. Lee’s 70-year-old mother and their 11-year-old son Johnny to visit both parks in Wonderland on Saturday. How much do they have to pay?

(A) $ 1,120. (B) $ 620. (C) $ 1,000. (D) $ 800.

3-2 adult 成人 senior 年長的 citizen 市民 Tickets:


(※注意:四、五兩個大題請作答於手寫答案紙上!!) 四、文意字彙:(44-51 題,每題 1 分,共 8%)

44. P e makes perfect. When you do something many times, you will learn to do it very well.

45. Mother’s Day falls on different d s every year.

46. No one in the class c s about that new student. No wonder that student is lonely.

47. Peter is n d. He never thinks carefully.

48. My brother is very shy. He s m talks to stranger.

49. I learned a valuable l n from this experience. I won’t do it again!

50. You should think t e before you make any decisions.

51. Ann: My father drives me to school every day. Ben: T n, why are you always late for school?

五、翻譯:(52-54 題,每題 4 分,共 12%)

52. A:布朗醫生的歡迎派對在何時? B: 它在十一月的第三個禮拜四。

53. A:你的電腦課不也是開始在一月九日嗎? B: 不,它開始在二月二十日。

54. 今天是六月十二日,離我的生日還有三個禮拜。

天主教道明中學第107 學年度第 二學期第二次段考一年級英文科

一、語法選擇:(1-20 題,每題 2 分,共 40%)答案卷

1~5 DCBBA 6~10 CACBA 11~15 DABDC 16~20 CDBDC

二、克漏字選擇:(21-26 題,每題 1 分,共 6%)



21~26 CAABDC

三、閱讀測驗:(27-43 題,每題 2 分,共 34%) 27~28 DB

29~31 CAC 32~34 BDA 35~37 BDC 38~40 ADB 41~43 CDA

四、文意字彙:(44-51 題,每題 1 分,共 8 %)

※ 提醒:1. 請用藍色或黑色原子筆作答,使用其他顏色或鉛筆一律零分。

2. 請確認已填上班級、姓名、座號等個人資料。


第四、五大題 請作答於本答案紙上。

(※ 手寫部分總共 20 分)

44. Perfect 45. dates 46. cares 47. nearsighted

48. seldom 49. lesson 50. twice 51. Then

五、翻譯:(52-54 題,每題 4 分,共 12 %) (※ 時間、日期用英文)

1. When is Dr. Brown’s welcome party? It is on the third Thursday of November.

2. Doesn’t your computer lesson also start on January ninth? No, it starts on February twentieth.

3. It is June twelfth (today), and my birthday is still three weeks away.

= Today is June twelfth



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