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臺北捷運公司 104 年 1 月 24 日新進隨車站務員、站務員 甄試試題-語文科目


Academic year: 2021

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請務必填寫姓名: . 應考編號: . 選擇題:每題 2 分,共 50 題,計 100 分

1. 【2】 下列文句「」內的字音,何者正確?

(1)「踔」厲風發:ㄓㄠˋ (2)「裨」益世人:ㄅㄧˋ (3)「驀」然回首:ㄇㄨˋ (4)「鐫」刻圖樣:ㄐㄩㄣˋ 2. 【3】 下列詞語□內依序應填入哪些字,用字才完全正確?


(1)怦/砰/抨 (2)怦/抨/砰 (3)砰/抨/怦 (4)砰/怦/抨 3. 【3】 下列文句,何者用字完全正確?

(1)他一向從大處著眼,不計較繁鎖的細節 (2)他在會議中的報告言簡意該,層次分明 (3)老醫院宣布停業,在鎮上引起軒然大波 (4)經過多年努力,終於在經濟上不餘匱乏 4. 【1】 下列各組成語,何者意義相近?

(1)左支右絀/寅吃卯糧 (2)抱薪救火/釜底抽薪 (3)不落窠臼/如法炮製 (4)異口同聲/莫衷一是 5. 【4】 閱讀下文,推斷□□□內最適合填入的詞語為何?

任何一個國家的建立,都需要一個□□□來激起自己內部的凝聚 力。對歐盟而言,挾其經濟軍事優勢而四出「侵略」張牙舞爪而又 絕對「沒有文化」的美國正是一個理想的「暴秦」,可以促進歐盟各 國的團結。(龍應台《百年思索》)

(1)建築師 (2)革命者 (3)夢想家 (4)假想敵 6. 【1】 閱讀下文,推斷□內最適合填入的詞語依序為何?

每個日子,都是內容不同的一本書,□□□□的一幅畫。只是我們 的腳步太匆忙了,常常忘記去讀它,欣賞它,隨意地瀏覽過去,便 斷言生活是□□□今日抄襲昨日,只是公式化的食衣住行罷了。(簡 媜〈生活細筆小引〉)

(1)風格迥異/一味地 (2)風格迥異/平靜地 (3)異曲同工/一味地 (4)異曲同工/平靜地 7. 【2】 下列文句「」內的成語,何者使用正確?



(3)他的業績向來不錯,這個月更是「變本加厲」,拿下冠軍 (4)眼前群山壯麗,雲霧繚繞,具有「巧奪天工」的自然之美 8. 【4】 下列何者的詞語結構與「四通八達」相同?

(1)氣吞山河 (2)星火燎原 (3)牛刀小試 (4)旁敲側擊


9. 【4】 閱讀下文,推斷○、○、○、○、○應在 內如何 排序,可使全文通順完整?

中醫的道家之學, ,尤其是三伏天之中,尤重心 的調整。(韓良露〈三伏天清心食〉)

夏日養生最重清心, ○為了慎防心力衰竭,

本是心力最不濟之時, ○一年之中夏火最旺的時候,


(1)○ (2)○ (3)○ (4)○ 10. 【2】 下文中哪一句不屬於這篇文章,刪除後全文才連貫通順?



能講各國語言,○能吃各種菜餚,但對它最草根性的家鄉菜,則情 有獨鍾。因這彷彿與生俱來,○如影隨身的胎記,才致使生活增生 許多的情趣與記憶。(心岱〈口味胎記〉)

(1)○ (2)○ (3)○ (4)○

11. 【2】 閱讀下文,推斷「阮籍的木車在夕陽衰草間越走越慢,」應置於文 中何處,可使全文連貫通順?

在中國古代,憑吊古跡是文人一生中的一件大事,「甲」在歷史和地 理的交錯中,雷擊般的生命感悟甚至會使一個人脫胎換骨。那應是 黃昏時分吧,離開廣武山之後,「乙」這次他不哭了,但仍有一種沉 鬱的氣流湧向喉頭,湧向口腔,「丙」他長長一吐,音調渾厚而悠揚,

喉音、鼻音翻捲了幾圈,最後把音收在唇齒間,「丁」變成一種口哨 聲飄灑在山風暮靄之間。(余秋雨〈遙遠的絕響〉)

(1)甲 (2)乙 (3)丙 (4)丁

12. 【4】 下列是一首「五言律詩」(行空〈捷運〉,台北公車暨捷運詩文歷屆 作品),其中 內須填入○能通千里路、○長程接短程、○ 可繫萬人情、○高軌連低軌,若按律詩規則,其順序應是:

風馳客不驚,座穩覺心輕。 , 。 , 。步輦當年事,今從捷運行。

(1)○/○/○/○ (2)○/○/○/○ (3)○/○/○/○ (4)○/○/○/○ 13. 【3】 閱讀下詩,推斷其描寫的事物為何?

你在地下睡著/好腌臢,黑暗/看著的人/怎樣地憎你,怕你/他 們說:誰也不要靠近他呵……/一會你在火園中跳舞起來/黑裸裸 的身體裡/一陣陣透出赤和熱/啊!全是赤和熱了/美麗而光明 (1)木材 (2)黃金 (3)煤炭 (4)岩漿

14. 【2】 蘇軾〈定風波〉:「料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎」,句中


(1)春暖 (2)風寒 (3)酒酣 (4)山高 15. 【1】 「魚游於沸鼎之中,燕巢於飛幕之上」用來比喻:

(1)處境極度危險 (2)勇於冒險犯難 (3)人民流離失所 (4)群眾聚集喧譁


16. 【2】 「古者言之不出,恥躬之不逮也」旨在強調:

(1)莫道他人之短 (2)説到就要做到 (3)求學應不恥下問 (4)儘量不因人廢言

17. 【3】 下列文句,何者與「四時欲得小兒安,常要一分饑與寒」意義相近?

(1)豫則立,不豫則廢 (2)人無遠慮,必有近憂 (3)生於憂患,死於安樂 (4)冰凍三尺,非一日之寒 18. 【1】 下列文句,何者與「尺有所短,寸有所長」意義相近?

(1)天生我才必我用 (2)同是天涯淪落人 (3)近水樓臺先得月 (4)曾經滄海難為水 19. 【3】 下列文句「」內的成語,何者使用錯誤?



(3)經過一連串的比賽,籃球校隊已經「得隴望蜀」,勝利在望 (4)我們應該感念先人「摩頂放踵」的辛勞,珍惜得來不易的成果 20. 【4】 「不識廬山真面目,只緣身在此山中」、「人生到處知何似,恰似飛


(1)陶潛 (2)李白 (3)杜甫 (4)蘇軾

21. 【1】 若「台北大眾捷運股份有限公司」要致函「台北市政府觀光傳播局」, 則下列公文用語何者正確?

(1)自稱「本公司」 (2)自稱「敝公司」

(3)主旨段末用「請鑒核」 (4)主旨段末用「請照辦」

閱讀測驗 22-23


作響的木造平房/以為聽得到父親農閒的木屐聲/新店毗鄰河畔的 紅磚屋/以為魚蝦可以游回夢牽的恆春/只好捧一顆似月的椰子/

租一個團圓的中秋/喝著 喝著/鄉愁 卻更渴了(官宜靜〈租〉,


22. 【2】 詩中提到「中和」、「士林」、「新店」,其用意最可能是形容:

(1)大台北的房租因地而異 (2)租屋族在大台北四處漂泊 (3)捷運為租屋族帶來交通便利 (4)捷運讓老舊房屋變成高樓大廈 23. 【3】 本詩藉「月」所寄託的感懷,與下列何者最接近?

(1)水月通禪寂,魚龍聽梵聲 (2)晨興理荒穢,帶月荷鋤歸 (3)露從今夜白,月是故鄉明 (4)松風吹解帶,山月照彈琴

閱讀測驗 24-25


「從其大體為大人,從其小體為小人。」曰:「鈞是人也,或從其大 體,或從其小體,何也?」曰:「耳目之官不思,而蔽於物;物交物,


則引之而已矣。心之官則思,思則得之,不思則不得也。此天之所 與我者。先立乎其大者,則其小者不能奪也。此為大人而已矣。」


24. 【1】 孟子認為,成為「大人」的關鍵在於:

(1)發揮人之善性 (2)及早立定志向 (3)凡事三思而行 (4)守法不受利誘 25. 【3】 耳目之官不思,而蔽於物」的意思為何?

(1)不用耳朵和眼睛思考,必受他人蒙蔽 (2)不用耳朵和眼睛思考,無法體察萬物 (3)耳朵和眼睛無法思考,易受外界牽引 (4)耳朵和眼睛無法思考,乃是天生弱點

26. 【2】 The father and son have been apart for 10 years and their reunion was very ____.

(1) emotionally (2) emotional (3) emotion (4) emotive

27. 【4】 For a better negotiation outcome, lets decide on a date _____all of us can make it to the meeting.

(1) on when (2) for which (3) with that (4) on which

28. 【3】 The new intern, ____ instructions, didnt have a clue on how to conduct the experiment.

(1) giving no (2) given not (3) not have been given (4) not give

29. 【3】 I wish that human beings ____fly instead of having to take airplanes.

(1) will (2) be able to (3) could (4) can

30. 【4】 You _____forget that you have a meeting with Prof. Flowerdew.

(1) better no (2) better have not (3) had not better (4) had better not

31. 【3】 David is ____enormous pressure to finish the final report by the due day.

(1) With (2) in (3) under (4) of

32. 【2】 _____Jessies efforts, her team still lost the chance to win the championship.

(1) Due to (2) In spite of (3) Because (4) According to 33. 【2】 Do you know the answer ____this question?

(1) with (2) to (3) on (4) for.


34. 【4】 Jane got her husband to _____her luggage for her at the airport.

(1) put (2) borrow (3) shuffle (4) carry

35. 【2】 Very few students can _____ a nice hot drink on such as cold day.

(1) refresh (2) resist (3) resign (4) restore

36. 【2】 The passenger can get _____news about the MRT system on the LED screen.

(1) updates (2) up-to-date (3) out-of-date (4) dated

37. 【4】 I was planning a dinner party so I bought a lot of ____.

(1) foods (2) grocer (3) grocers (4) groceries 38. 【4】 The suspect ____said that he was not at the crime scene.

(1) who accused of the robbery (2) who accusing of the robbery (3) accusing of the robbery (4) accused of the robbery 39. 【1】 She was too shy to really ____herself in the job interview.

(1) promote (2) promotion (3) produce (4) protect

40. 【3】 This research team is ____of the best scientists in the field of electrical engineering from around the world.

(1) made (2) comprehended (3) composed (4) included 41. 【4】 Taylor Swift is a _____singer and songwriter who has a unique


(1) opposite (2) desired (3) specialize (4) talented 42. 【2】 The family do not have the money to buy ____items such as fur

coats and name brand handbags.

(1) reusable (2) luxury (3) inexpensive (4) extreme 43. 【1】 The new window screens are very ____ in keeping out bugs.

(1) effective (2) familiar (3) brave (4) smart 44. 【4】 A: We can settle the bill now or when we leave.

B: _____.

(1) I will stay then. (2) Im leaving tomorrow

(3) I think we can settle here (4) Ill do it now.

45. 【4】 A: Would you mind passing me the salt?

B: _____.

(1) Never mind. Ill be leaving soon. (2) You have to say thanks first. (3) I do mind. Give it to me. (4) Not at all.

Here you go.


46. 【2】 A: I cant stand people who like to talk behind others' backs.

B: _____.

(1)I cant too. (2)Neither can I. (3)Nor do I. (4) Either do I.

47. 【3】 A: Ive always respected Dr. Williams.

B: So have I. Hes my role model.

A: She really had an impact on my academic studies.

B: Is that why you decide to become a scientist?

A: Yes.

What did Dr. Williams do?

(1) Suggested A to be nice.

(2) Told A to overcome the language barrier.

(3) Influenced As life.

(4) Gave A a hand.

48. 【4】 A: I wouldnt go to the party on Sunday if you paid me.

B: Why not? Itll be tons of fun. And everybody will be there.

A: Exactly. You know I cant stand it when the house is jam packed with young people.

Why does A want to avoid the party?

(1) He has no best friend.

(2) Fun events dont sound tempting to him.

(3) Its going to be too warm.

(4) Itll be too crowded.

49. 【2】 Scientists at the University of Michigan studied 82 teenagers over the course of two weeks, and looked at the relationship between unhappiness and their Facebook usage. The findings show a connection between more time on Facebook and negative feelings, such as low self-esteem, loneliness, and decreased subjective wellbeing.

Does the study surprise you? Well, if you often check out your friends' walls and all you see is how nice their lives are while youre browsing their Facebook site, it might make sense, right? Facebook and other social networking sites give almost everyones life a kind of glamour that might not actually exist. So thats probably how the phrase “Fear of Missing Out" or FOMO was coined. If you think that everyones life is as perfect as it looks on Facebook, you are more likely to feel more sad and lonely.

The above passage is mainly about _____.

(1) The function of Facebook


(2) The negative impact of Facebook usage (3) The positive impact of Facebook usage (4) The pros and cons of using Facebook

50. 【4】 The word, “decreased," in the first paragraph most likely means _____.

(1) increased (2) devalued (3) developed (4) lessened




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