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Toric algebras


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ISSN: 0092-7872 print/1532-4125 online DOI:10.1080/00927872.2015.1065840


Jen-Chieh Hsiao

Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

In this article, the ideals of an F -split toric algebra that are fixed by certain Cartier algebra are described, extending the result for normal toric algebras in the author’s joint work with K. Schwede and W. Zhang.

Key Words: Cartier modules; Frobenius split; Toric algebras.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14M25; 13A35; 14F18.


Let S be a toric algebra over a perfect field ! of characteristic p > 0. Given a toric p−e-linear map ! " S → S (also called a toric near splitting), a monomial ideal

" of S, and a positive rational number t that has no p in the denominator, we are interested in the ideals I of S satisfying the condition




"t#pne−1$· I#

= I% (1.1)

where the sum runs through all n∈ # such that t#pne− 1$ ∈ # and "t#pne−1$ is the integral closure of "t#pne−1$ in S. These ideals are the so-called F -pure submodules of certain Cartier algebra $!%"t in the sense of [1]. We call the ideals satisfying (1.1)

$!%"t-fixed. When S is normal, $!%"t-fixed ideals are described in [4]. In particular, there are only finitely many of them. This provides a positive evidence to [1, Question 5.3]. Moreover, the $!%"t-fixed ideals of S are identified in [4] with certain multiplier-like ideals on the normal toric variety SpecS arising from birational geometry.

The goal of this article is to generalize the description of $!%"t-fixed ideals in [4]

to F -split toric algebras. To state the result, we need the following notation, which will be fixed throughout the article.

Notation. Let ! be a perfect field of characteristic p > 0, and let & be a semigroup satisfying %&= %d= M. We assume that 0 is the only invertible element

Received February 13, 2014; Revised January 14, 2015. Communicated by U. Walther.

Address correspondence to Jen-Chieh Hsiao, Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University, No. 1 University Rd., East District, Tainan City 70101, Taiwan; E-mail:



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in &. Denote ' "= &≥0& the real cone of & in M& "= M ⊗%&, and denote $& "= '∩ M the saturation of &. For any face ( of ', denote int ( the relative interior of (. Let S "= !)&* be the semigroup algebra (toric algebra) generated by & over !.

Similarly, denote $S = !)$&*.

Fix a number e∈ #, a p−e-linear map (or a near splitting) on S is a map ! " S→ S satisfying !#rpes$= r!#s$ for all r% s ∈ S. A toric near splitting is a near splitting

!a " S→ S for some suitable a ∈ p1eM such that for +∈ &


%xa+pe+ if a+p+e ∈ M%

0 otherwise.

See Proposition 3.1 for a characterization of toric near splittings on toric algebras.

Fix a toric near splitting != !a, and set ,!%"t "=

& pea

pe− 1 + t Newt "


∩ &-

Here, Newt " is defined to be the usual Newton polyhedra Newt#"$S$ in the normal case.

For +∈ ,!%"t, consider

J+!%"t "=!



"t#pne−1$· 'x+(# -

Since ! and "t are fixed, we simply write J+ for J+!%"t. For each face (⊆ t Newt ", denote


& pea

pe− 1 + int ( '

∩ &-

Let G( be the minimal subset of ,!%( such that .x+ * + ∈ G(/ generates the ideal (x+ * + ∈ ,!%(

), and denote G "=*

(⊆t Newt "G(.

Theorem 1.1. Assume S is F-split. An ideal I of S is $!%"t-fixed if and only if I = +

+∈HJ+ for some subset H ⊆ G.

When S is normal, we have J+= J+ for any +% + ∈ G( by [4, Proposition 3.4]. So Theorem 1.1 recovers [4, Theorem 3.5].

A simple example (Example 4.6) is computed to illustrate Theorem 1.1. We also determine the fixed ideals for some non-F -split toric algebra (Examples 4.7), showing that the situation is more subtle in the general case.


A ring R of prime characteristic p is called F -split if the Frobenius map F " R → R splits. The F-split toric algebras have been characterized before (see

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for example [2, Proposition 6.2]). For our purpose, we give an alternative characterization in terms of the toric language.

First, the following lemma is well known for a toric algebra S = !)&*, . Lemma 2.1 ([6, Proposition 3.4]). There exists bi ∈ $& and faces (i of ', i= 1% 2% - - - % m, such that

$&\& = ,m i=1

)bi+ #(i ∩ &$* -

In particular, there exists +∈ & ∩ int ' such that + + $&⊂ &.

The proof of Lemma 2.1 basically follows from the fact that the finite S-module

$S/S admits a finite filtration such that the quotient of each step in the filtration is isomorphic to S/P for some graded associated prime P of S.

Proposition 2.2. A toric algebra S = !)&* is F-split if and only if p"


∩ & = ∅-

Proof. First, suppose there exists an element 0 ∈ $&\& such that p0 ∈ &. Choose +∈ )& ∩ int '* as in Lemma 2.1. Then #++ p0$ + $& ⊂ &. In particular, + + p0 and ++ #p + 1$0 are both in &. If S was F-split, there would be a splitting ! " S → S of the Frobenius map. We have

x++p0!#xp0$= !#xp#++p0$+p0$= x++#p+1$0!#1$= x++#p+1$0-

This implies !#xp0$= x0 ∈ S since S is a domain. But this contradicts the assumption that 0. &.

Conversely, if p"


∩ & = ∅, then for any 0 ∈ & either 0p ∈ & or 0p . M.

So we have the well-defined splitting ! of the Frobenius map on S:


%x0p if 0p ∈ M%

0 otherwise.

! Example 2.3. Consider & = #2\.#k% 0$ * k is odd/. Then !)&* is split when p is odd.

Corollary 2.4. If S is F-split, then "


∩ int ' = ∅. In particular, the only one- dimensional F -split toric algebra is the polynomial ring of one variable.

Proof. If there is an element 0 ∈"


∩ int ', then by Proposition 2.2



∩ int '

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for all n∈ #. This contradicts Lemma 2.1, which guarantees that k0+ $&⊂ & for

large k∈ #. !

Corollary 2.5. Assume S is F-split. Suppose v ∈ $&\& such that v is the primitive lattice point on the ray 1v "= &≥0v. Then 1v∩ & = .k#nvv$*k ∈ #/ for some nv ∈ # which is not divisible by p.

Proof. First notice that some multiple of v is in &, so 1v∩ & ̸= ∅. Let nv be the smallest positive integer n such that nv∈ &. This implies nv is not divisible by p, for otherwise nv = pk for some k ∈ #. By Proposition2.2,

p#kv$= nvv ∈ & 0⇒ kv ∈ &- This contradicts the minimality of nv.

To complete the proof, assume that 0 < n0= nv< n1 < n2< - - - be all the integers satisfying niv ∈ &. We will show by induction that each ni is divisible by nv. Clearly, n0is divisible by nv. Suppose n0% - - - % nk−1 is divisible by nv. Since p does not divide nv, there exists 0≤ l ≤ p − 1 such that p*#lnv+ nk$. By Proposition 2.2 again, lnvp+nkv ∈ &. But lnv+np k = #p−1$npk+nk < nk implies that lnv+np k = ni for some i < k.

Therefore, the induction hypothesis implies that nk= pni − lnv is divisible by nv. ! We will use the following lemma, whose proof is evident.

Lemma 2.6. Let n ∈ #, and let p be a prime number such that p " n. Then for any e∈ #, there exists l ∈ # such that

n divides





Corollary 2.7. Assume S is F-split. If 2 ∈ $&, then for any e∈ # there exists l ∈ # such that


ple− 1 pe− 1

' 2=




pei .

2∈ &-

Proof. If 2 ∈ &, simply take l = 1. Suppose 2 . &. As in Corollary2.5, let v∈ $&\&

be the primitive lattice point on the ray &≥02, let nv ∈ # be the smallest positive integer such that nvv ∈ &, and write 2 = n2v. Since p" nv, by Lemma2.6there exists k% l∈ # such that

knv = -l−1



pei .

- Therefore,




pei .

2= kn2#nvv$ ∈ &-


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In this section, we determine all the toric near splittings on an F -split toric algebra S following [5].

Let !0 be the canonical splitting on !)M*, namely for + ∈ M,


%xp+ if +p ∈ M%

0 otherwise.

For e∈ # and a ∈ p1eM, consider the near splitting !a "!)M* → !)M* defined by

!a#!$ = !e0#xpea· !$-

We say !a is regular on S if !a#S$⊆ S (i.e., !a induces a well-defined near splitting on S). In this case, we call !a a near splitting of S. It is observed in [5] that the !a’s form a basis of the space of near splittings

Hom!)M*#Fe!)M*% !)M*$

and that an element + ci!ai ∈ Hom!)M*#Fe!)M*% !)M*$, ci ∈ !×, lies in HomS#FeS% S$ if and only if each !ai is regular on S. Here, for a module M over a ring R of positive characteristic p, we denote FeM the additive group M equipped with an R-module structure via the R-action r· m "= rpem. Notice that in [5], the monomials in FeS are identified with the points in p1e&. We do not use that identification here.

We generalize Proposition 4.2 in [5] to general toric algebras.

Proposition 3.1. For a ∈ p1eM, the map !a is regular on S if and only if



0 v∈ 1

peM 11

11#v% v1$ > −1 2

\ 3



0− 1 pe&

' -

Here the v1’s are the primitive lattice points on the rays of the dual cone ' of ' =


Proof. We first prove the (if) part. Let



0 v∈ 1

peM 11

11#v% v1$ >−1 2

\ 3



0− 1 pe&



and suppose 2∈ & with p2e + a ∈ M. We need to show that p2e + a ∈ & (i.e., !a#x2$= xpe2+a ∈ S). Observe that



pe + a% v1




2 pe% v1


− 1 ≥ −1

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for all v1 and hence p2e + a ∈ $&. This implies p2e + a ∈ &, since otherwise


& 2 pe + a


− 2 pe

4& 2 pe + a


− 1 pe&


contradicting the assumption.

We now prove the (only if) part.

Suppose #a% v10$≤ −1 for some 10. Using the notation in Lemma 2.1, we choose b = bi so that (= (i is the facet corresponding to 10 and such that if j ̸= i is such that (j = ( then #bj% v10$≤ #b% v10$. If there is no such b, just choose any b∈ %d so that #b% v10$= −1. Now, choose 0 ∈ )b + #& ∩ int ($* ⊆ #%d\&$ so that

#0− a% v1$ > #bj% v1$ for all bj ̸= b and all 1 ̸= 10 (if no such bj exists, we require

#0− a% v1$ >0 for all 1̸= 10). Notice that #0− a% v10$≥ #0% v10$+ 1 = #b% v10$+ 1.

By Lemma 2.1 and by the choice of b, we must have 0− a ∈ p1e$& and

)#0− a$ + '* ∩ #$&\&$ = ∅-

Therefore, !a is not regular since pe#0− a$ ∈ & but !a#xpe#0−a$$= x0 . S.

To complete the proof, we need to show that !a is regular implies

a. 3



0− 1 pe&

' -

Suppose a∈ 0 − p1e& for some 0 ∈ $&\&. Then pe#0− a$ ∈ &. Since !a#xpe#0−a$$=

x0 . S, we see that !a is not regular. !

We illustrate Proposition 3.1 by the following figure. Consider the toric algebra generated by the four black dots #0% 1$% #1% 1$% #2% 0$% #3% 0$ in characteristic p= 3. We have $&\& = .#1% 0$/. The gridded area (excluding x = −1 and y = −1) indicates the candidates a ∈6



v ∈ 1pM 11

11#v% v1$ > −1 2

for !a to be a regular map.

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The small gray dots indicate the points in *0∈$&\&"

0− 1p&#

that should be removed from the candidate set.


In this section, fix an F -split toric algebra S, a monomial ideal " of S, and a number t ∈ (>0. Given an element a∈ p1eM such that the toric near splitting != !a

is regular on S, we have for each +∈ & either p+e + a ∈ & or p+e + a . M. We are going to characterize the $!%"t-fixed ideals.

To simplify the presentation, we introduce for any n∈ % and for any + ∈ M the element

+n "= pne


+− pea pe− 1


+ pea pe− 1- We have immediately that

+n− + = #pne− 1$


+− pea pe− 1


- (4.1)

Also, if n≥ 0, then +n = #+n− +$ + + ∈ M, and one can also check that

!n#x+n$= x+- (4.2)

Our goal is to describe the ideals I ⊆ S satisfying (1.1)




"t#pne−1$· I#

= I%

where the sum runs through all n∈ # such that t#pne− 1$ ∈ # and "t#pne−1$ is the integral closure of "t#pne−1$ in S.

When S is normal, it is well known that the integral closure of a monomial ideal J ⊆ S is

J = 'x+ * + ∈ Newt#J$ ∩ &(%

where Newt#J$ is the convex hull of the set .+∈ M * x+ ∈ J/. For general toric algebras S, define Newt#J$ "= Newt#J$S$. The following lemma is valid without the F-split assumption on S.

Lemma 4.1. Let I% J be monomial ideals of a toric algebra S. Then the following statements are true:

(1) J = 'x+* + ∈ Newt#J$ ∩ &(-

(2) Newt#I$+ Newt#J$ = Newt#IJ$. In particular, In = 'x+ * + ∈ #nNewt#I$ ∩ &$( for any n∈ #.

(3) If I = 'xg * g ∈ ,(, then Newt#I$ = Conv#,$ + ' where Conv#,$ is the convex hull of ,.

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Proof. When S is normal, these are proved in [4, Lemma 3.1]. All these statements extend readily to general S according to [3, Proposition 1.6.1] which states that if R⊂ S is an integral ring extension and I is an ideal of R then IS ∩ R = I. !

One can also extend [4, Proposition 3.2] to F -split toric algebras.

Proposition 4.2. If an ideal I ⊆ S is $!%"t-fixed, then I ⊆ I!%"t "= 'x+ * + ∈ ,!%"t( where

,!%"t "=

& pea

pe− 1 + t Newt "


∩ &-

Moreover, I is a monomial ideal.

Proof. The first statement is valid without the assumption that S is F-split. It follows from Lemma 4.1 and the first half of the proof of [4, Proposition 3.2].

Indeed, for any element


cjx+j ∈ I #cj ̸= 0$%

fix a term x+j and set += +j. Since +n>0!n"

"t#pne−1$· I#

= I% there exists n1 >0, + ∈ &, and 01 ∈ t#pn1e− 1$ Newt#"$ ∩ &, such that x+ ∈ I and +n1 = 01+ +. Here +n1 is defined as in (4.1) so that !#x+n1$= x+. Repeating the same process k times for + in the place of +, for 2≤ i ≤ k we can find ni ∈ #, 0i ∈ t#pnie− 1$ Newt#"$ ∩ &, and +#i$ ∈ & such that


i=1ni =




#0i$ni+1+ 0k+ +#k$-

By definition (4.1), #0i$ni+1 = pni+1e"


#+ppee−1a , so

#0i$ni+1 ∈ 4

#1− pni+1e$ pea

pe− 1 + tpni+1e#pnie− 1$ Newt#"$

5 - Hence, by Lemma 4.1(3)


i=1ni = p+ki=1ni+−"

p+ki=1ni − 1# & pea pe− 1






#0i$ni+1 + 0k+ +#k$

∈ 7-


!k i=1


. pea

pe− 1 + t"

p+ki=1nie− 1#


8 -

Dividing by p+ki=1ni and letting k go to infinity, we see that +∈ ,!%"t as desired.

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For the second statement, since #pe− 1$"

+− ppee−1a

#∈ )t#pe − 1$ Newt#"$* ∩ $&

and since S is F -split, by Corollary 2.7 there exists l∈ # such that t#ple− 1$ ∈ # and

+l− + =

(4.1)#ple− 1$


+− pea pe− 1



t#ple− 1$ Newt#"$:

∩ &- Therefore,

!l#x+l−+· h$ ∈ !l"

"t#ple−1$· I#

⊆ I- By (4.2),

!l#x+l−+· h$ =!



1 ple

j x++

+j −+

ple = c

1 ple

i x+-

Since l can be chosen arbitrarily large, we must have x+ ∈ I. Moreover, since + = +i

is arbitrary chosen, we conclude that I is a monomial ideal. ! We will often need the following lemma which is observed in the proof of Proposition4.2.

Lemma 4.3. For any + ∈ ,!%"t (i.e.x+∈ I!%"t), there exists l∈ # such that t#ple− 1$ ∈ # and

x+l−+= x#ple−1$


+pe−1pe a#

∈ "t#ple−1$⊆ S- Proposition 4.4. The ideal I!%"t = 'x+* + ∈ ,!%"t( is $!%"t-fixed.

Proof. We need to show




"t#pne−1$· I!%"t

#= I!%"t-

For the containment #⊆$, fix any n ∈ # so that t#pne− 1$ ∈ #, and let x0 ∈ "t#pne−1$· I!%"t-

Then 0∈;

t#pne− 1$ Newt#"$ + ppee−1a + t Newt "<



pe−1 + tpneNewt "<

. So either

!n#x0$= 0 or

!n#x0$(4.2)= x0−n = xp−ne


0pe−1pe a# +pe−1pe a %

where 0−n ∈ ,!%"t. Therefore, !n#x0$∈ I!%"t as desired.

Conversely, let x0 ∈ I!%"t, and by Lemma4.3 there exists l∈ # such that x0l−0 ∈ "t#ple−1$-

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x0 = !l#x0l$= !l#x0l−0· x0$∈ !l"

"t#ple−1$· I!%"t


- !

We now describe the basic $!%"t-fixed ideals.

As in the introduction, consider for each +∈ ,!%"t the ideal J+ = J+!%"t =!



"t#pne−1$· 'x+(#

It follows from Proposition 4.4that 'x+( ⊆ J+ ⊆ I!%"t- Proposition 4.5.

(1) J+ is $!%"t-fixed.

(2) If I is $!%"t-fixed, then for any x+∈ I we have J+⊆ I. In particular, if I = 'x+1% - - - % x+k( is $!%"t-fixed, then I =+k

i=1J+i- Proof. (1) By construction of J+, we have




"t#pne−1$· J+

#⊆ J+-

Conversely, let x0 ∈ 'x+(. By Lemma4.3, there exists l∈ # such that t#ple− 1$ ∈ # and x0l−0 ∈ "t#ple−1$- So

x0(4.2)= !l#x0l−0· x0$∈ !l"

"t#ple−1$· 'x+(#

⊆ !l"

"t#ple−1$· J+

# - Therefore,

J+= 7

'x+( +!



"t#pne−1$· 'x+(#8




"t#pne−1$· J+


(2) For the first statement, observe again that J+ =!



"t#pne−1$· 'x+(#




"t#pne−1$· I#

= I-

The second statement follows immediately. !

Now, we are ready to describe all $!%"t-fixed ideals.

Recall that for each face (⊆ t Newt ", ,!%("=



pe− 1 + int ( '

∩ &%

G( is the minimal subset of ,!%( such that .x+* + ∈ G(/ generates the ideal (x+ * + ∈ ,!%(

), and G "=*

(⊆t Newt "G(.

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Proof of Theorem1.1. The (if) part follows from Proposition 4.5#1$ and the fact that sums of $!%"t-fixed ideals are $!%"t-fixed.

Conversely, if I is $!%"t-fixed, then by Proposition 4.2 I is a monomial ideal satisfying I⊆ I!%"t. Let

H = .+ ∈ G * x+ ∈ I/- Then I ⊇+

+∈HJ+ by Proposition 4.5#2$. We claim that H ̸= ∅ and I = !



Let x0 ∈ I. By Proposition 4.2, there is a unique face (⊆ t Newt#"$ such that 0 ∈ ,!%(. So there exists an +∈ G(such that 0 ∈ + + &, namely x0 ∈ 'x+( ⊆ J+. It suffices to prove that +∈ H-

If + = 0, there is nothing to do. Suppose + ̸= 0, and let 3 be the face of ' such that 0− + ∈ #int 3$ ∩ &. On each ray (one-dimensional face) of 3, choose an element in &. Denote these elements by 41% - - - % 4k. Then there exists l∈ # such that

l#0− +$ =

!k i=1

ni4i% for some ni ∈ #-

On the other hand, since

+1− + = #pe− 1$


+− pea pe− 1


∈ $&%

we must have +1− + ∈ #int 3$∩ $& for some unique face 3 of '. Note that if (= t Newt ", then +1− + ∈ int ' and hence 3 = ' ⊇ 3. Also, if ( # t Newt ", then

0̸= 0 − + ∈ )& ∩ #int ( − int ($ ∩ int 3*

implies that ( contains a translation of 3. In this case, since +∈ ,!%(, we still have 3 ⊇ 3. So we may choose an element in & on each ray of 3 that is not in 3 (if exists). Denote these elements 4k+1% - - - % 4k (k≤ k). Write

+1− + =




qi4i for some qi ∈ (>0-

Choose u% v∈ # such that p " v and that puvqi ∈ # for i = 1% - - - % k. By Lemma2.6, there exists n∈ # such that the following statements hold:

(1) t#pne− 1$ ∈ #;

(2) v devides ppnee−1−1; (3) "

pne−1 pe−1


puqi ≥ puni, for i= 1% - - - % k.

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In particular, by (4.1) pu)#+n− +$ − l#0 − +$* =


pne− 1 pe− 1


pu#+1− +$ − pul#0− +$



!k i=1

4&pne− 1 pe− 1


puqi− puni 5





4&pne − 1 pe− 1

' puqi

5 4i

∈ &-

Since S is F -split, we have #+n− +$ − l#0 − +$ ∈ & by Proposition 2.2. Hence +n− 0 ∈ )#l − 1$#0 − +$ + &* ⊆ &-

Notice also that, since ( contains a translation of 3, for l sufficiently large

+n− 0 = #+n− +$ − #0 − +$ = #pne − 1$


+− pea pe− 1


!k i=1

ni l 4i

∈ #pne − 1$int ( −

!k i=1

ni l 4i

⊆ #pne − 1$int (

⊆ t#pne− 1$ Newt "- Therefore, we have x+n−0 ∈ "t#pne−1$ and

x+= !#x+n$= !#x+n−0· x0$∈ !"

"t#pne−1$· I#

⊆ I

as desired. !

Example 4.6. As in Example 2.3, consider S = !)&* where

&= #2\.#k% 0$ * k is odd/-

Assume char!= p = 3 and e = 1. Again, the gray dots in the following figure indicate the points a with !a not regular.

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Consider a= #23%23$. Then ppa−1 = #1% 1$ and G= 3


G(= .#1% 1$% #1% 2$% #2% 1$% #3% 1$% #2% 2$% #3% 2$/-

The following figure illustrates the points in G as well as the sets ppa−1 + int ( for (⊆ '.

By Theorem1.1, the nontrivial fixed ideals are as follows:

J#1%1$ = 'xy(% J#2%1$ = 'x2y(% J#3%1$ = 'x3y% x2y2(%

J#1%2$ = 'xy2% x2y2(% J#2%2$ = J#3%2$= 'x2y2% x3y2( = smallest%

J#1%1$+ J#2%1$= 'xy% x2y( = largest%

J#2%1$+ J#3%1$ = 'x2y% x3y(%

J#2%1$+ J#1%2$ = 'x2y% xy2(%

J#1%2$+ J#3%1$ = 'xy2% x2y2% x3y(%

J#2%1$+ J#3%1$+ J#1%2$= 'x2y% x3y% xy2(-

Observe that since (1∩"


̸= ∅, the generators in G(1 produce multiple fixed ideals, J#2%1$ and J#3%1$, whereas the generators in G' produce only one fixed ideal, J#2%2$ = J#3%2$.

Similarly, one can easily verify the following table.

a p−1pa Nontrivial !a fixed ideals

#13%13$ #12%12$ 'xy% x2y(

#23%13$ #1%12$ 'xy% x2y(% 'x2y% x3y(

#13%23$ #12%1$ 'xy% x2y(% 'xy2% x2y2(

#23%0$ #1% 0$ 'x2(% 'xy% x2y(% 'x2y% x3y(

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In the following examples, we will see that many conclusions in this section are false for non-F -split toric algebras.

Example 4.7. Again, by Example 2.3 the toric algebra in characteristic p= 2 generated by & = #2\.#k% 0$ * k is odd/ is not F-split. By Proposition 3.1, the set


#u% v$∈ 1 2M


1 u > −1% v > 0


u− 1 2%0' 11

1 u ≥ 0 2

consists of all a with !a regular. Notice that in the following figure the points

#2k% 0$∈ &% k ≥ 0, are corresponding to nonregular maps. This does not happen for F-split toric algebras.

We consider the following cases.

(1) a==


%ppa−1 = #−1% 0$. Observe that x2k . !a#S$for all k≥ 0. In particular, as a generator in G, x2k does not produce any fixed ideals. Also, even though

& ⊆ ppa−1+ ', the toric algebra S is not fixed by !a. The only nontrivial !a-fixed ideal is 'y% xy(.

(2) a==1


%ppa−1 = #1% 0$. Again, x2k . !a#S$for all k≥ 0 and the only nontrivial

!a-fixed ideals are 'xy% x2y(% 'x2y% x3y(.

(3) a==


%ppa−1 = #−1% 2$. The set of generators is G = .#0% 2$% #1% 2$% #0% 3$%

#1% 3$/. One can easily check that J#1%2$ = 'y% xy2( and J#0%3$= J#1%3$ = 'y3% xy3( are !a-fixed ideals, but J#0%2$ = 'y2( is not fixed by !a.


The author was partially supported by NSC in Taiwan under grant 101-2115- M-006-011-MY2.


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