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Binomial CIR


Academic year: 2022

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The Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Model


• It is the following square-root short rate model:

dr = β(µ − r) dt + σ√

r dW. (110)

• The diffusion differs from the Vasicek model by a multiplicative factor

r .

• The parameter β determines the speed of adjustment.

• The short rate can reach zero only if 2βµ < σ2.

• See text for the bond pricing formula.

aCox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985).


Binomial CIR

• We want to approximate the short rate process in the time interval [ 0, T ].

• Divide it into n periods of duration ∆t ≡ T /n.

• Assume µ, β ≥ 0.

• A direct discretization of the process is problematic because the resulting binomial tree will not combine.


Binomial CIR (continued)

• Instead, consider the transformed process x(r) ≡ 2√


• It follows

dx = m(x) dt + dW, where

m(x) ≡ 2βµ/(σ2x) − (βx/2) − 1/(2x).

• Since this new process has a constant volatility, its associated binomial tree combines.


Binomial CIR (continued)

• Construct the combining tree for r as follows.

• First, construct a tree for x.

• Then transform each node of the tree into one for r via the inverse transformation r = f (x) ≡ x2σ2/4 (p. 931).


x + 2

∆t f (x + 2


% %

x +

∆t f (x +


% & % &

x x f (x) f (x)

& % & %

x −

∆t f (x −


& &

x − 2

∆t f (x − 2



Binomial CIR (concluded)

• The probability of an up move at each node r is p(r) ≡ β(µ − r) ∆t + r − r

r+ − r . (111)

– r+ ≡ f (x +

∆t) denotes the result of an up move from r.

– r ≡ f (x −

∆t) the result of a down move.

• Finally, set the probability p(r) to one as r goes to zero to make the probability stay between zero and one.


Numerical Examples

• Consider the process,

0.2 (0.04 − r) dt + 0.1√

r dW,

for the time interval [ 0, 1 ] given the initial rate r(0) = 0.04.

• We shall use ∆t = 0.2 (year) for the binomial approximation.

• See p. 934(a) for the resulting binomial short rate tree with the up-move probabilities in parentheses.


0.04 (0.472049150276)

0 . 0 5 9 8 8 8 5 4 3 8 2 (0.44081188025)

0.03155572809 (0.489789553691)

0.02411145618 (0.50975924867)

0.0713328157297 (0.426604457655)

0 . 0 8 3 7 7 7 0 8 7 6 4

0.01222291236 0.01766718427

(0.533083330907) 0.04

(0.472049150276) 0.0494442719102


0.0494442719102 (0.455865503068)

0.03155572809 (0.489789553691)

0 . 0 5 9 8 8 8 5 4 3 8 2




(b) 0.992031914837

0.984128889634 0 . 9 7 6 2 9 3 2 4 4 4 0 8 0.968526861261 0.960831229521

0.992031914837 0.984128889634 0 . 9 7 6 2 9 3 2 4 4 4 0 8

0.992031914837 0 . 9 9 0 1 5 9 8 7 9 5 6 5

0.980492588317 0.970995502019 0.961665706744

0 . 9 9 3 7 0 8 7 2 7 8 3 1 0.987391576942 0.981054487259 0 . 9 7 4 7 0 2 9 0 7 7 8 6

0 . 9 8 8 0 9 3 7 3 8 4 4 7 0 . 9 7 6 4 8 6 8 9 6 4 8 5 0.965170249273

0 . 9 9 0 1 5 9 8 7 9 5 6 5 0.980492588317

0.995189317343 0.990276851751 0.985271123591

0 . 9 9 3 7 0 8 7 2 7 8 3 1 0.987391576942 0 . 9 8 5 8 3 4 7 2 2 0 3 0.972116454453

0 . 9 9 6 4 7 2 7 9 8 3 8 8 0.992781347933

0 . 9 8 3 3 8 4 1 7 3 7 5 6

0 . 9 8 8 0 9 3 7 3 8 4 4 7



Numerical Examples (continued)

• Consider the node which is the result of an up move from the root.

• Since the root has x = 2p

r(0)/σ = 4, this particular node’s x value equals 4 +

∆t = 4.4472135955.

• Use the inverse transformation to obtain the short rate x2 × (0.1)2/4 ≈ 0.0494442719102.


Numerical Examples (concluded)

• Once the short rates are in place, computing the probabilities is easy.

• Note that the up-move probability decreases as interest rates increase and decreases as interest rates decline.

• This phenomenon agrees with mean reversion.

• Convergence is quite good (see text).


A General Method for Constructing Binomial Models


• We are given a continuous-time process dy = α(y, t) dt + σ(y, t) dW .

• Make sure the binomial model’s drift and diffusion

converge to the above process by setting the probability of an up move to

α(y, t) ∆t + y − yd yu − yd .

• Here yu ≡ y + σ(y, t)√

∆t and yd ≡ y − σ(y, t)√

∆t represent the two rates that follow the current rate y.

• The displacements are identical, at σ(y, t)√

∆t .

aNelson and Ramaswamy (1990).


A General Method (continued)

• But the binomial tree may not combine:

σ(y, t)√

∆t − σ(yu, t)√

∆t 6= −σ(y, t)√

∆t + σ(yd, t)√

∆t in general.

• When σ(y, t) is a constant independent of y, equality holds and the tree combines.

• To achieve this, define the transformation x(y, t) ≡

Z y

σ(z, t)−1 dz.

• Then x follows dx = m(y, t) dt + dW for some m(y, t) (see text).


A General Method (continued)

• The key is that the diffusion term is now a constant, and the binomial tree for x combines.

• The probability of an up move remains

α(y(x, t), t) ∆t + y(x, t) − yd(x, t) yu(x, t) − yd(x, t) ,

where y(x, t) is the inverse transformation of x(y, t) from x back to y.

• Note that yu(x, t) ≡ y(x +

∆t, t + ∆t) and yd(x, t) ≡ y(x −

∆t, t + ∆t) .


A General Method (concluded)

• The transformation is Z r


z)−1 dz = 2√ r/σ for the CIR model.

• The transformation is Z S

(σz)−1 dz = (1/σ) ln S for the Black-Scholes model.

• The familiar binomial option pricing model in fact discretizes ln S not S.


Model Calibration

• In the time-series approach, the time series of short rates is used to estimate the parameters of the process.

• This approach may help in validating the proposed interest rate process.

• But it alone cannot be used to estimate the risk premium parameter λ.

• The model prices based on the estimated parameters may also deviate a lot from those in the market.


Model Calibration (concluded)

• The cross-sectional approach uses a cross section of bond prices observed at the same time.

• The parameters are to be such that the model prices closely match those in the market.

• After this procedure, the calibrated model can be used to price interest rate derivatives.

• Unlike the time-series approach, the cross-sectional

approach is unable to separate out the interest rate risk premium from the model parameters.


On One-Factor Short Rate Models

• By using only the short rate, they ignore other rates on the yield curve.

• Such models also restrict the volatility to be a function of interest rate levels only.

• The prices of all bonds move in the same direction at the same time (their magnitudes may differ).

• The returns on all bonds thus become highly correlated.

• In reality, there seems to be a certain amount of independence between short- and long-term rates.


On One-Factor Short Rate Models (continued)

• One-factor models therefore cannot accommodate

nondegenerate correlation structures across maturities.

• Derivatives whose values depend on the correlation structure will be mispriced.

• The calibrated models may not generate term structures as concave as the data suggest.

• The term structure empirically changes in slope and curvature as well as makes parallel moves.

• This is inconsistent with the restriction that all

segments of the term structure be perfectly correlated.


On One-Factor Short Rate Models (concluded)

• Multi-factor models lead to families of yield curves that can take a greater variety of shapes and can better

represent reality.

• But they are much harder to think about and work with.

• They also take much more computer time—the curse of dimensionality.

• These practical concerns limit the use of multifactor models to two-factor ones.


Options on Coupon Bonds


• The price of a European option on a coupon bond can be calculated from those on zero-coupon bonds.

• Consider a European call expiring at time T on a bond with par value $1.

• Let X denote the strike price.

• The bond has cash flows c1, c2, . . . , cn at times t1, t2, . . . , tn, where ti > T for all i.

• The payoff for the option is max

à n X


ciP (r(T ), T, ti) − X, 0

! .

aJamshidian (1989).


Options on Coupon Bonds (continued)

• At time T , there is a unique value r for r(T ) that renders the coupon bond’s price equal the strike price X.

• This r can be obtained by solving X = Pn

i=1 ciP (r, T, ti) numerically for r.

• The solution is also unique for one-factor models whose bond price is a monotonically decreasing function of r.

• Let Xi ≡ P (r, T, ti), the value at time T of a

zero-coupon bond with par value $1 and maturing at time ti if r(T ) = r.


Options on Coupon Bonds (concluded)

• Note that P (r(T ), T, ti) ≥ Xi if and only if r(T ) ≤ r.

• As X = P

i ciXi, the option’s payoff equals max

à n X


ciP (r(T ), T, ti) − X


ciXi, 0



Xn i=1

ci × max(P (r(T ), T, ti) − Xi, 0).

• Thus the call is a package of n options on the underlying zero-coupon bond.

• Why can’t we do the same thing for Asian options?a

aContributed by Mr. Yang, Jui-Chung (D97723002) on May 20, 2009.


No-Arbitrage Term Structure Models


How much of the structure of our theories really tells us about things in nature, and how much do we contribute ourselves?

— Arthur Eddington (1882–1944)



• Recall the difficulties facing equilibrium models mentioned earlier.

– They usually require the estimation of the market price of risk.

– They cannot fit the market term structure.

– But consistency with the market is often mandatory in practice.


No-Arbitrage Models


• No-arbitrage models utilize the full information of the term structure.

• They accept the observed term structure as consistent with an unobserved and unspecified equilibrium.

• From there, arbitrage-free movements of interest rates or bond prices over time are modeled.

• By definition, the market price of risk must be reflected in the current term structure; hence the resulting

interest rate process is risk-neutral.

aHo and Lee (1986).


No-Arbitrage Models (concluded)

• No-arbitrage models can specify the dynamics of

zero-coupon bond prices, forward rates, or the short rate.

• Bond price and forward rate models are usually non-Markovian (path dependent).

• In contrast, short rate models are generally constructed to be explicitly Markovian (path independent).

• Markovian models are easier to handle computationally.


The Ho-Lee Model


• The short rates at any given time are evenly spaced.

• Let p denote the risk-neutral probability that the short rate makes an up move.

• We shall adopt continuous compounding.

aHo and Lee (1986).


% r3

% &


% & %

r1 r3 + v3

& % &

r2 + v2

& %

r3 + 2v3



The Ho-Lee Model (continued)

• The Ho-Lee model starts with zero-coupon bond prices P (t, t + 1), P (t, t + 2), . . . at time t identified with the root of the tree.

• Let the discount factors in the next period be

Pd(t + 1, t + 2), Pd(t + 1, t + 3), . . . if short rate moves down Pu(t + 1, t + 2), Pu(t + 1, t + 3), . . . if short rate moves up

• By backward induction, it is not hard to see that for n ≥ 2,

Pu(t + 1, t + n) = Pd(t + 1, t + n) e−(v2+···+vn)

(112) (see text).


The Ho-Lee Model (continued)

• It is also not hard to check that the n-period zero-coupon bond has yields

yd(n) ≡ −ln Pd(t + 1, t + n) n − 1

yu(n) ≡ −ln Pu(t + 1, t + n)

n − 1 = yd(n) + v2 + · · · + vn n − 1

• The volatility of the yield to maturity for this bond is therefore

κn p

pyu(n)2 + (1 − p) yd(n)2 − [ pyu(n) + (1 − p) yd(n) ]2

= p

p(1 − p) (yu(n) − yd(n))

= p

p(1 − p) v2 + · · · + vn

n − 1 .


The Ho-Lee Model (concluded)

• In particular, the short rate volatility is determined by taking n = 2:

σ = p

p(1 − p) v2. (113)

• The variance of the short rate therefore equals p(1 − p)(ru − rd)2, where ru and rd are the two successor rates.a

aContrast this with the lognormal model.


The Ho-Lee Model: Volatility Term Structure

• The volatility term structure is composed of κ2, κ3, . . . . – It is independent of the ri.

• It is easy to compute the vis from the volatility structure, and vice versa.

• The ris can be computed by forward induction.

• The volatility structure is supplied by the market.


The Ho-Lee Model: Bond Price Process

• In a risk-neutral economy, the initial discount factors satisfy

P (t, t+n) = (pPu(t+1, t+n)+(1−p) Pd(t+1, t+n)) P (t, t+1).

• Combine the above with Eq. (112) on p. 956 and assume p = 1/2 to obtaina

Pd(t + 1, t + n) = P (t, t + n) P (t, t + 1)

2 × exp[ v2 + · · · + vn ] 1 + exp[ v2 + · · · + vn ],


Pu(t + 1, t + n) = P (t, t + n) P (t, t + 1)


1 + exp[ v2 + · · · + vn ].


aIn the limit, only the volatility matters.


The Ho-Lee Model: Bond Price Process (concluded)

• The bond price tree combines.

• Suppose all vi equal some constant v and δ ≡ ev > 0.

• Then

Pd(t + 1, t + n) = P (t, t + n) P (t, t + 1)

n−1 1 + δn−1, Pu(t + 1, t + n) = P (t, t + n)

P (t, t + 1)


1 + δn−1.

• Short rate volatility σ equals v/2 by Eq. (113) on p. 958.

• Price derivatives by taking expectations under the risk-neutral probability.


The Ho-Lee Model: Yields and Their Covariances

• The one-period rate of return of an n-period zero-coupon bond is

r(t, t + n) ≡ ln

µP (t + 1, t + n) P (t, t + n)


• Its value is either ln PdP (t,t+n)(t+1,t+n) or ln PuP (t,t+n)(t+1,t+n).

• Thus the variance of return is

Var[ r(t, t + n) ] = p(1 − p)((n − 1) v)2 = (n − 1)2σ2.


The Ho-Lee Model: Yields and Their Covariances (concluded)

• The covariance between r(t, t + n) and r(t, t + m) is (n − 1)(m − 1) σ2 (see text).

• As a result, the correlation between any two one-period rates of return is unity.

• Strong correlation between rates is inherent in all one-factor Markovian models.


The Ho-Lee Model: Short Rate Process

• The continuous-time limit of the Ho-Lee model is dr = θ(t) dt + σ dW.

• This is Vasicek’s model with the mean-reverting drift replaced by a deterministic, time-dependent drift.

• A nonflat term structure of volatilities can be achieved if the short rate volatility is also made time varying, i.e., dr = θ(t) dt + σ(t) dW .

• This corresponds to the discrete-time model in which vi are not all identical.


The Ho-Lee Model: Some Problems

• Future (nominal) interest rates may be negative.

• The short rate volatility is independent of the rate level.


Problems with No-Arbitrage Models in General

• Interest rate movements should reflect shifts in the model’s state variables (factors) not its parameters.

• Model parameters, such as the drift θ(t) in the

continuous-time Ho-Lee model, should be stable over time.

• But in practice, no-arbitrage models capture yield curve shifts through the recalibration of parameters.

– A new model is thus born everyday.


Problems with No-Arbitrage Models in General (concluded)

• This in effect says the model estimated at some time does not describe the term structure of interest rates and their volatilities at other times.

• Consequently, a model’s intertemporal behavior is

suspect, and using it for hedging and risk management may be unreliable.


The Black-Derman-Toy Model


• This model is extensively used by practitioners.

• The BDT short rate process is the lognormal binomial interest rate process described on pp. 807ff (repeated on next page).

• The volatility structure is given by the market.

• From it, the short rate volatilities (thus vi) are determined together with ri.

aBlack, Derman, and Toy (BDT) (1990).



% r3

% &

r2 r4v4

% & %

r1 r3v3

& % &

r2v2 r4v42

& %





The Black-Derman-Toy Model (concluded)

• Our earlier binomial interest rate tree, in contrast, assumes vi are given a priori.

– A related model of Salomon Brothers takes vi to be constants.

• Lognormal models preclude negative short rates.


The BDT Model: Volatility Structure

• The volatility structure defines the yield volatilities of zero-coupon bonds of various maturities.

• Let the yield volatility of the i-period zero-coupon bond be denoted by κi.

• Pu is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now if the short rate makes an up move.


The BDT Model: Volatility Structure (concluded)

• Pd is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now if the short rate makes a down move.

• Corresponding to these two prices are the following yields to maturity,

yu ≡ Pu−1/(i−1) − 1, yd ≡ Pd−1/(i−1) − 1.

• The yield volatility is defined as κi ≡ (1/2) ln(yu/yd).


The BDT Model: Calibration

• The inputs to the BDT model are riskless zero-coupon bond yields and their volatilities.

• For economy of expression, all numbers are period based.

• Suppose inductively that we have calculated (r1, v1), (r2, v2), . . . , (ri−1, vi−1).

– They define the binomial tree up to period i − 1.

• We now proceed to calculate ri and vi to extend the tree to period i.


The BDT Model: Calibration (continued)

• Assume the price of the i-period zero can move to Pu or Pd one period from now.

• Let y denote the current i-period spot rate, which is known.

• In a risk-neutral economy, Pu + Pd

2(1 + r1) = 1

(1 + y)i. (115)

• Obviously, Pu and Pd are functions of the unknown ri and vi.


The BDT Model: Calibration (continued)

• Viewed from now, the future (i − 1)-period spot rate at time one is uncertain.

• Recall that yu and yd represent the spot rates at the up node and the down node, respectively (p. 972).

• With κ2 denoting their variance, we have κi = 1

2 ln

ÃPu−1/(i−1) − 1 Pd−1/(i−1) − 1


. (116)


The BDT Model: Calibration (continued)

• We will employ forward induction to derive a quadratic-time calibration algorithm.a

• Recall that forward induction inductively figures out, by moving forward in time, how much $1 at a node

contributes to the price (review p. 833(a)).

• This number is called the state price and is the price of the claim that pays $1 at that node and zero elsewhere.

aChen (R84526007) and Lyuu (1997); Lyuu (1999).


The BDT Model: Calibration (continued)

• Let the unknown baseline rate for period i be ri = r.

• Let the unknown multiplicative ratio be vi = v.

• Let the state prices at time i − 1 be P1, P2, . . . , Pi, corresponding to rates r, rv, . . . , rvi−1, respectively.

• One dollar at time i has a present value of f (r, v) ≡ P1

1 + r + P2

1 + rv + P3

1 + rv2 + · · · + Pi

1 + rvi−1.


The BDT Model: Calibration (continued)

• The yield volatility is

g(r, v) ≡ 1 2 ln

³ Pu,1

1+rv + 1+rvPu,22 + · · · + 1+rvPu,i−1i−1


− 1


1+r + 1+rvPd,2 + · · · + 1+rvPd,i−1i−2


− 1

 .

• Above, Pu,1, Pu,2, . . . denote the state prices at time

i − 1 of the subtree rooted at the up node (like r2v2 on p. 969).

• And Pd,1, Pd,2, . . . denote the state prices at time i − 1 of the subtree rooted at the down node (like r2 on

p. 969).


The BDT Model: Calibration (concluded)

• Now solve

f (r, v) = 1

(1 + y)i and g(r, v) = κi for r = ri and v = vi.

• This O(n2)-time algorithm appears in the text.


The BDT Model: Continuous-Time Limit

• The continuous-time limit of the BDT model is d ln r =


θ(t) + σ0(t)

σ(t) ln r

dt + σ(t) dW.

• The short rate volatility clearly should be a declining function of time for the model to display mean reversion.

– That makes σ0(t) < 0.

• In particular, constant volatility will not attain mean reversion.


The Black-Karasinski Model


• The BK model stipulates that the short rate follows d ln r = κ(t)(θ(t) − ln r) dt + σ(t) dW.

• This explicitly mean-reverting model depends on time through κ( · ), θ( · ), and σ( · ).

• The BK model hence has one more degree of freedom than the BDT model.

• The speed of mean reversion κ(t) and the short rate volatility σ(t) are independent.

aBlack and Karasinski (1991).


The Black-Karasinski Model: Discrete Time

• The discrete-time version of the BK model has the same representation as the BDT model.

• To maintain a combining binomial tree, however, requires some manipulations.

• The next plot illustrates the ideas in which t2 ≡ t1 + ∆t1,

t3 ≡ t2 + ∆t2.


% ln rd(t2)

% &

ln r(t1) ln rdu(t3) = ln rud(t3)

& %

ln ru(t2)



The Black-Karasinski Model: Discrete Time (continued)

• Note that

ln rd(t2) = ln r(t1) + κ(t1)(θ(t1) − ln r(t1)) ∆t1 − σ(t1)p

∆t1 , ln ru(t2) = ln r(t1) + κ(t1)(θ(t1) − ln r(t1)) ∆t1 + σ(t1)p

∆t1 .

• To ensure that an up move followed by a down move coincides with a down move followed by an up move, impose

ln rd(t2) + κ(t2)(θ(t2) − ln rd(t2)) ∆t2 + σ(t2)p

∆t2 ,

= ln ru(t2) + κ(t2)(θ(t2) − ln ru(t2)) ∆t2 − σ(t2)p

∆t2 .


The Black-Karasinski Model: Discrete Time (concluded)

• They imply

κ(t2) = 1 − (σ(t2)/σ(t1))p


∆t2 .


• So from ∆t1, we can calculate the ∆t2 that satisfies the combining condition and then iterate.

– t0 → ∆t0 → t1 → ∆t1 → t2 → ∆t2 → · · · → T (roughly).


Problems with Lognormal Models in General

• Lognormal models such as BDT and BK share the problem that Eπ[ M (t) ] = ∞ for any finite t if they the continuously compounded rate.

• Hence periodic compounding should be used.

• Another issue is computational.

• Lognormal models usually do not give analytical solutions to even basic fixed-income securities.

• As a result, to price short-dated derivatives on long-term bonds, the tree has to be built over the life of the

underlying asset instead of the life of the derivative.


Problems with Lognormal Models in General (concluded)

• This problem can be somewhat mitigated by adopting different time steps: Use a fine time step up to the

maturity of the short-dated derivative and a coarse time step beyond the maturity.a

• A down side of this procedure is that it has to be carried out for each derivative.

• Finally, empirically, interest rates do not follow the lognormal distribution.

aHull and White (1993).


The Extended Vasicek Model


• Hull and White proposed models that extend the Vasicek model and the CIR model.

• They are called the extended Vasicek model and the extended CIR model.

• The extended Vasicek model adds time dependence to the original Vasicek model,

dr = (θ(t) − a(t) r) dt + σ(t) dW.

• Like the Ho-Lee model, this is a normal model, and the inclusion of θ(t) allows for an exact fit to the current spot rate curve.

aHull and White (1990).


The Extended Vasicek Model (concluded)

• Function σ(t) defines the short rate volatility, and a(t) determines the shape of the volatility structure.

• Under this model, many European-style securities can be evaluated analytically, and efficient numerical procedures can be developed for American-style securities.


The Hull-White Model

• The Hull-White model is the following special case, dr = (θ(t) − ar) dt + σ dW.

• When the current term structure is matched,a θ(t) = ∂f (0, t)

∂t + af (0, t) + σ2 2a

¡1 − e−2at¢ .

aHull and White (1993).



• A put gives its holder the right to sell a number of the underlying asset for the strike price.. • An embedded option has to be traded along with the

• Similar to futures options except that what is delivered is a forward contract with a delivery price equal to the option’s strike price.. – Exercising a call forward option results

zero-coupon bond prices, forward rates, or the short rate.. • Bond price and forward rate models are usually non-Markovian

• P u is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now if the short rate makes an up move. • P d is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now

• P u is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now if the short rate makes an up move. • P d is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now

• Goal is to construct a no-arbitrage interest rate tree consistent with the yields and/or yield volatilities of zero-coupon bonds of all maturities.. – This procedure is

zero-coupon bond prices, forward rates, or the short rate.. • Bond price and forward rate models are usually non-Markovian

zero-coupon bond prices, forward rates, or the short rate. • Bond price and forward rate models are usually non-Markovian