School's experiences on the Development of e-
Chu Ka Tim
Hong Kong True Light College
9:30-10:00: Experience sharing by
Ms. Kassel Cheung (English Panel Head) 10:00-11:00: Experience sharing by
Mr. Chu Ka Tim (IT Coordinator) 11:00-11:15: Break
11:15-12:15: Workshop on Schoology 12:15-12:30: Q&A
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Elearning Milestone in True Light
• elearning pilot scheme (Four True Light Schools): WIFI construction, iPad procurement, elearning school visit and teacher training, English starts the elearning lesson
2012 • iPad & Apple TV procurement
2013 • Teacher training (All teachers), elearning extended to other subjects
2014 • elearning support scheme: WIFI construction (Whole School)
Future • Promote flipped classroom, Use elearning to cater learner diversity
Elearning Activities
Elearning Lessons
Teachers Over 20
Lessons Over 200
Subjects Nearly 10
新科技有助改善教育?專家:學校不了 解科技的優勢
根據調查,教師採用新 技術讓自己的工作更容 易以及補充傳統教學內 容,而不是讓學生運用 新科技自我學習。
elearning VS traditional learning
Gimmick Just for fun
elearning is a trend only
Paradigm shift
Teacher centred to Student centred Acquire 21st century skills
Bottom up management VS Top down management
School culture
Teacher readiness
Bottom up management VS Top down management
subject → subjects form → forms
learning activities → lessons → topics → curriculum
Bottom up management VS Top down management
Tablet: IOS VS Android VS Windows
Tablet: IOS VS Android VS Windows
Ultimate Goal:
Open to all platforms/devices
Number of Tablets:
20 VS 30 VS More
1 student : 1 tablet 2 students : 1 tablet 4 students : 1 tablet Group work:
Build up students’ collaboration / communication skills More discipline
Training: General VS Subject based
School visit workshop sharing seminar
subject panel meeting facebook group
lesson observation
whole school WIFI VS Partial WIFI
whole school WIFI VS Partial WIFI
WIFI Vendors:
Well-known VS Unknown
Services AP Brand
WIFI Management Console Reliability
Quality Cost
WIFI: Security VS User friendliness
Integration with existing network Separated broadband
Independent SSIDs in different rooms
The authentication of teachers, students and guests
BYOD VS School tablets
Reduce IT admin work
Flexible to carry out different elearning activities Provide comprehensive elearning environment
Have to deal with discipline team, PTA, teachers
Apple TV VS AirServer
iPad charging cart VS taobao
Offline Apps VS Web Platform
Offline Apps VS Web Platform
cross platform
students’ works are saved on the cloud easy to share students’ works
web platform VS LMS
Learning management system
Assessment for learning
archive and analyze students’ works traditional teaching cannot achieve
Google for Education
Simple Apps VS Advanced Apps
English Storytelling:
Toontastic→ Bookabi → Keynote
Simple Apps VS Advanced Apps
Instant Feedback tool:
Nearpod → Edmodo → Google Spreadsheet
e-textbook vs textbook
Textbook, paper and pen cannot be eliminated.
e-textbook can act as a supplement in learning and teaching
The implementation of e-textbook depends on e-textbook market, publishers and teachers’
elearning is a tool VS elearning is everything
elearning is one of the tools to create learning experiences
IT Skills VS IT Literacy
Ability to dig deeper, finding whatever information they want
Connecting to others and collaborating in everything using search engines
e-mailing, chatting, texting, microblogging
Flipped classroom VS Normal classroom
Flipped classroom:
self-made video VS youtube video
prefer youtube video
platform→ content→ language
Academic result VS Generic Skills
elearning → better academic result?
Flipped classroom:
boost the academic result of more capable students
Fairly speaking
Exam/Test (Assessment) ← → elearning?
Audience VS Speaker
Audience: Listen
Speaker: Discuss, share, reflect