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口腔病理診斷科 口腔病理診斷科 CASE REPORT


Academic year: 2022

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口腔病理診斷科 口腔病理診斷科 CASE REPORT


指導老師 林立民教授 陳玉昆主任 指導老師:林立民教授 陳玉昆主任 王文岑醫師 陳靜怡醫師 報告者:Intern-B組


General data


Name : 劉民XName : 劉民X


Sex : 男


Age : 83 y/o


Native : 高雄市


Native : 高雄市


Marital status : 已婚


Attending V.S. : 沈也雄 醫師


First visit : 97 12 09


First visit : 97.12.09




Chief complaint p


Pain and discomfort over the L’t lower


Pain and discomfort over the L t lower edentulous ridge for months


Present illness


This 83 y/o male suffered from the episode


This 83 y/o male suffered from the episode above, so he went to 正安LDC for help. The dentist found pus discharge from L’t lingual dentist found pus discharge from L t lingual side of the ridge, then referred him to our

OPD f f th i ti

OPD for further examination.


Denied radiotherapy ,complicated extraction.e ed ad o e apy ,co p ca ed e ac o


Past historyy

„ Past Medical Historyy –arthropathy

–osteoporosis –osteoporosis –fracture

l l f h kid

–calculus of the kidney –Parkinson's disease

„ Past Dental History –Extraction Extraction

–Prosthodontic treatment E d d ti t t t

–Endodontic treatment


Personal habits

„ Risk factors relate to malignancy

„ Risk factors relate to malignancy

-Alcohol : no record

-Betel quid : no record -Cigarette : no recordCigarette : no record


OMF examination

Si 2 X 2

„ Size : 2 X 2 cm

„ Surface : unknown

B k

„ Base :unknown

„ Shape : nodule

„ Consistency : unknown

„ Color :yellow (ulceration) y ( )

„ Pain : (+)

„ Tenderness : (+) ( )

„ Induration : unknown

„ Lymphadenopathy : unknown

„ Lymphadenopathy : unknown


Image finding


Panorex Findings


C&B: 14x16x,cantilever 23,24x26 ,



Endodontic Tx:12,13,16 Endodontic Tx:12,13,16


Caries: tooth 24,26,27


Occlusal film findings

There is an ill-defined , irregular shaped radiolucence with mild

radiopaq e lesion e tending from lo er midline to L’t premolar

radiopaque lesion extending from lower midline to L’t premolar

lingual region, measuring about 3.5 X 0.5 cm in diameter


Image finding

There is an ill-defined , irregular shaped radiolucence with mild

radiopaq e fragment in the central lo er anterior ling al area

radiopaque fragment in the central lower anterior lingual area,

measuring about 0.5 X 0.5 cm in diameter. Also, there is a well-

defined radiolucence with less radiopaque prominence next to p q p

the fragment, measuring about 0.5X1 cm in diameter.



Disease origin : origin :

11.. Intra Intra--Bony Bony or yy or peripheral origin peripheral origin p p p p g g 22. Inflammation . Inflammation or neoplasm or neoplasm

33 Benign Benign or or malignant malignant 33. Benign . Benign or or malignant malignant

Differential diagnosis


Peripheral or Intra-bony origin? p y g


Induration : unknown


Bony destruction (+)


Bony destruction (+)


Bony expansion (-)


Intra--bony origin bony origin

(but cannot rule out peripheral origin)

(but cannot rule out peripheral origin)


Neoplasm or Inflammation? p

Fe e o Local heat: nkno n

„ Fever or Local heat:unknown

„ Pain : (+)

L h d th k

„ Lymphadenopathy:unknown

„ Pus discharge : (+)

„ Duration:for months

N l N l

Neoplasm Neoplasm (but

(but cannot cannot rule out Inflammation) rule out Inflammation) (but

(but cannot cannot rule out Inflammation) rule out Inflammation)


Neoplasm: Benign or malignant? p g g

„ Mobility : unknown

„ Ulceration: (+)

„ Facial n. palsy : unknown

( )

„ Induration:unknown

„ Duration : months

„ Lymphadenopathy:


„ Pain:(+) „ Margin:poor­defined


Malignant g g


Working diagnosis g g

„ Osteosarcoma

„ Osteosarcoma

„ Metastatic carcinoma

„ Osteomyelitis



Our Case Osteosarcoma

Gender Male Slight male predominance

Age 83 y/o 33y/o

Frequency Uncommon in jaws (6~8%)

Symptomy p Pain, pus discharge, sequestrum, p g , q Swelling , pain, loosening of teeth,

formation g , p , g ,

paresthesia, nasal obstruction

Site Mandible Mandible and maxilla

Color Yellow ?

Shape ? Irregular

Size 0.2*0.2 cm ?

Surface ulcerative ?

Duration Several months ?


Our case „ Osteosarcoma

„ Our case „ Osteosarcoma


Metastatic Tumor

Ours case Metastatic tumor

Ageg 83 y/oy/ Mid-age or elderlyg y

Gender Male Male

Site Lower anterior mandible Uncommon in jaws

If in jaw 80% in mandible

Site Lower anterior mandible If in jaw ,80% in mandible


Primary tumor ? yes

Clinical feature

Pain, pus discharge Nodular mass

sequestrum formation

Asymptomatic, pain, swelling, mass, paresthesia, numb-chin symdrome


X-ray features More often shows ill-defined,

“moth-eaten” appearance

X ray features moth eaten appearance

Mixed R-O and R-L Bony expansion

Effects on adjacent structure ? Bony destruction

Loosening of teeth


metastatic tumor

Our case

Our case


Osteomyelitis y

Our Case Osteomyelitis

Gender Male Male

Age 83 y/o All ages

Age 83 y/o All ages

Symptom Pain, pus discharge, sequestrum

formation Swelling, pain, sinus formation, purulent discharge, sequestrum formation, tooth loss, pathologic fracture

Site L’t mandible Mandible

Color Yellow ?

Si 0 2*0 2 ?

Size 0.2*0.2 cm ?

Surface Ulcerative Ulcerative

Duration Several months Few month


Our case




Impression p


Osteosarcoma over lingual side of anterior


Osteosarcoma over lingual side of anterior region of mandible

O t liti (If i fl ti i i )


Osteomyelitis (If inflammation origin)


Th k F A !!

Th k F A !!

Thanks For your Attention!!

Thanks For your Attention!!


Biopsy 97.12.08 p y


Debridement of necrotic bone over lower


Debridement of necrotic bone over lower

anterior alveolar ridge was performed in OS dept on 97/12/08

dept. on 97/12/08


1 specimen ,containing 1 hard tissue

fragment and 3 soft tissue fragment, for HP report.epo


Check HP report on 97/12/22


Biopsy 97.12.08 p y

Main findings in HP reportMain findings in HP report

Section A:soft tissue

– Granulation tissue with some atypical cells

Section B:hard tissueSect o a d t ssue

– Prominent new bone formation perpendicular to the cortical bone

the cortical bone

– Multinucleated osteoclast-like cells alond the margin of the bone trabeculae was noted

margin of the bone trabeculae was noted

– Chronic inflammation was noted


Biopsy 97.12.08 p y


Parosteal osteosarcoma with osteomyelitis,


Parosteal osteosarcoma with osteomyelitis, bone, mandible, anterior lingual, incision



There is a well-defined, round-shaped unilocular mixed radiolucent/radiopaque lesion with corticated margin over right anterior mandible, extending from alveolar crest of 84 to

y There is a mixed radiolucent and radiopaque lesion with well defined sclerotic margin and it looks like with well-defined sclerotic margin, and it looks like cotton wood2.

Oral Melanotic macule Oral Melanocytic nevus Oral Melanoacanthoma...

 There is an ill-defined radiolucent lesion without a corticated margin over right mandibular body extending from distal aspect of tooth 42 to mesial aspect of tooth 47, and

There is a well-defined, unilocular radiolucency with corticated margin (lower margin of the lesion) over R’t mandibular body & ramus, extending from distal side of tooth 46 to

• There is a solitary well-defined corticated unilocular radiolucent shadows located in left mandibular body, measured about 2.0 x 3.0 cm in maximum diameter, extending from

Poor enhanced lesion about 12X7mm in size in the lower right lingual soft tissue. Adjacent bony structure

6 An ulcerated mass over left tongue and left protid mass SCC & Warthin’s tumor 7 A swelling mass over left hard palate for 3 years Adenoid cystic carcinoma 8 A fast-growing