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A Study of the Relationships among Serious Leisure, Recreation Specialization, Participation Reward, and Sport Tourism P 潘振豪、張孝銘


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of the Relationships among Serious Leisure, Recreation Specialization, Participation Reward, and Sport Tourism P


E-mail: 9707400@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study aimed to defining relationships among concepts as se-rious leisure, recreation specialization, participation reward, and sport tourism participa-tive behaviors. A design of survey research with non-random sampling was used to col-lect riders

’ perception and behavioral patterns, a total of 388 effective questionnaires were collected and analyzed by SPSS and LISREL statistical software. From the results of analysis, conclusions were draw as the following: 1. From the results, riders’ gender is a significant influencing factor in perceiving participation rewards. 2. Riders’ perception of serious leisure, recreation specialization, participation reward and sport tourism participative behaviors are affected by their marital status and career types. 3. Likewise, other factors, such as riders’ age, education, monthly income, where significant differences can be found among variables. 4. In

conclusion, riders’ serious leisure, participation reward have a direct posi-tive effect on the sport tourism participative behavior, and recreation speciali-zation, participation reward have a direct positive effect on the serious leisure. Based on these findings, suggestions are offered to service providers, riders, and government. Further research with continuous efforts in newly developed leisure activi-ties are granted in improving the promoting the leisure participation in Taiwan.

Keywords : Serious Leisure ; Specialization ; Reward ; Sport Tourism ; Big-sized Heavy Motorcycle Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 .....................

iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ....................

. vi 表目錄  ..................... viii 圖目錄  ..................

... x 第一章  緒論.................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機.......

..... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 6   第三節  研究問題.........

...... 6   第四節  研究範圍與限制............ 7   第五節  名詞解釋........

....... 8 第二章  文獻探討................. 11   第一節  深度休閒......

......... 11   第二節  遊憩專業化.............. 15   第三節  運動觀光參與行為

........... 22   第四節  文獻探討評析與研究假設........ 28 第三章  研究方法....

............. 31   第一節  研究架構與變項釋譯.......... 31   第二節  研究工具

............... 35   第三節  研究對象與調查實施步驟........ 41   第四節  資料 分析步驟............. 42   第五節  研究工具信度與效度分析........ 46 第四章  調查 結果與討論.............. 54   第一節  有效樣本特性分析........... 54   第二節   大型重型機車參與者行為涉入分析.... 59   第三節  人口統計變項於大型重車參與行為之差         異性考驗分析............. 62   第四節  大型重車參與行為模式之驗證...... 69 第五章   結論與建議................ 77   第一節  結論................. 77    第二節  建議................. 82 參考文獻 ..................... 85 附錄A  大型重車分類及駕駛訓練.......... 100 附錄B 大型重車發展之重要事項..........

101 附錄C 省道開放及禁行路段............ 102 附錄D 重型機車行駛路權及停車管理........

104 附錄E  問卷................... 105 REFERENCES

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