Ongoing Renewal of
the School Curriculum for English Panel Chairpersons
English Language Education Section Curriculum Development Institute Education Bureau
24 December 2021
• To introduce the major updates of the English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (ELE KLACG) (2017) and the recommendations of the Task Force on Review of School Curriculum
• To explore the roles of an EPC as a curriculum leader in planning and implementing the school English Language curriculum under the major updates
• To share good practices on planning and implementing the school English Language curriculum
2:00 – 2:05 PM Registration 2:05 – 3:45 PM Part 1
• The roles of an EPC as a curriculum leader
• Ongoing renewal of the school curriculum
• Recommendations of the Task Force on Review of School Curriculum
• Major updates of the English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (P 1 – S6) (2017)
3:45 – 4:00 PM Break 4:00 – 5:00 PM Part 2
• Sharing of good practices
Ms Stella LEUNG, English Vice Panel Chairperson of Jordan Valley St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Rundown of Today’s Programme
Please share with us your answers to the following questions.
(a) What are the roles of an EPC as a curriculum leader?
(b) Which role(s) do you find most challenging?
Warm-up activity
Roles of English Panel Chairpersons
English Panel Chairpersons
Initiate curriculum changes, collaboratewith English panel members in developing
a balanced school English language
curriculum Formulate school-
based assessment policies in light of the
direction of school development, the school
context and students’
Cultivate a reading culture by setting reading as a key task of the school
Create a conducive language learning environment to promote
the learning and use of English Language
Provide space and support to facilitate the
development of English teachers
Manage resources to facilitate L& T of
English Work closely with panel members and promote a culture of
Ongoing Renewal of
the School Curriculum
Respond to local, regional and global contextual
Build on existing strengths and
practices of schools
Curriculum enhancement to
benefit student learning
Ongoing Renewal of
the School Curriculum
BECG (2002) / SSCG (2009)
8 KLA Curriculum Guides (2002)
Various Subject Curriculum Guides Learning to Learn Report (2001)
SECG 2017 (S1-S6)
KLA Curriculum Guides
Subject curriculum guides/
BECG 2014 (P1-P6)
(CDC, 2002)
(P1 – S3)
(CDC, 2004) (CDC, 1999) (CDC & HKEAA, 2007)
9 years
12 years
(CDC, 2004) (CDC, 2018) (CDC & HKEAA, 2007) with updates in 2015 (CDC, 2017)
(P1 – S6)
Updating of the ELE KLACG
(CDC & HKEAA, 2021) [Effective from S4 in
the 2021/22 s.y.]
Holistic Review of the Primary and Secondary Curricula
The Task Force on Review of School
Curriculum was set up in Nov 2017 to holistically review the primary and secondary curricula.
To collect views, the Task Force met with different stakeholder groups and individuals extensively and conducted a 3-month public consultation between late June and mid-October 2019.
The Task Force also took into consideration the impact of
“suspending classes without suspending learning” during the outbreak of COVID-19.
The review report entitled
“Optimise the curriculum for the future, Foster
whole-person development and diverse talents” was released in Sep 2020.
The report presents a set of directional and
interconnected recommendations.
Directional Recommendations of
the Task Force on Review of School Curriculum
I. Whole-person Development II. Values Education and Life Planning Education III. Creating Space and Catering for Learner Diversity
IV. Applied Learning
V. University Admissions VI. STEM Education
Relevant Examples of Interconnected Recommendations
Whole-person Development (WPD)
• promote professional sharing among teachers on assessment literacy and homework design;
• advise schools to review the formulation and implementation of school-based homework and assessment policy for the purpose of creating space, as well as the transformation of the modes of homework and assessment;
• strengthen the interface between different levelsat school in planning for WPD;
• consider trimming the curriculum content of subjects where appropriate at the primary level in the long run
Values Education (VE) and Life Planning Education (LPE)
• provide multifarious VE-related learning experiencesin the curriculum to broaden students’ perspective
Creating Space and
Catering for Learner Diversity
• enrich the existing curriculum, with more emphasis on the academic and creative use of the language; and
• provide more opportunities for students to enhance their language competency through Language across the Curriculum and Reading across the Curriculum.
Major Updates of the ELE KLACG (P1-S6)
Values Education
Integrative Use of Generic Skills
Catering for the Needs of SEN and Gifted Students in the Mainstream English Classroom
Learning and Teaching of Text Grammar Literacy Development
Extending from Assessment for Learning to Assessment as Learning
E-Learning & Information Literacy Reading across the Curriculum
ELE KLACG (P1-S6) (2017)
60% of English lesson time
40% of English lesson time
English Language Curriculum Guide (Primary 1-6) (CDC, 2004)
Components of a School English Language Curriculum at the Primary Level
Literacy Development in the English Classroom
Lifelong learning
Challenges in the 21st
The ability to read and write effectively Literacy Development in the
English Classroom
Promoting Reading across the Curriculum
Equipping Students with New Literacy Skills
Multi- modal texts
Processing and creating multimodal texts
Multi- modal texts
Sound effects
Written texts Spoken
language Music
Reading Journey across Key Stages
Junior Secondary
• Exposure to a wide range of text types (both print and non-print)
• Promoting Reading across the Curriculum and Language
across the Curriculum
• Exposure to a wide spectrum of reading and viewing
Senior Secondary
• Exposure to a wider range of more complex texts (both print and non-print)
• Language Arts & Non- Language Arts
• Extending students’ language exposure and use of English for academic purposes
• Exposure to a range of reading materials
(including information books)
• Incorporation of Reading Workshops into the
school-based English Language curriculum and teaching reading skills explicitly
Using real books with a variety of text types
Using non-print reading resources
Connecting students’ reading and writing
experiences Promoting Reading across the Curriculum
Developing students’ reading and viewing skills
Using Non-print Reading Resources
Digital Multimodal Texts
(e.g. Interactive books, audio books)
Animations and/or audio files with narrations (reading texts provided)
Technological features (e.g. interactive tools,
embedded video clips, built-in dictionary, interactive activities)
Interactive books with technological features
Audio books
Using real books with a variety of text types
Using multimodal texts to address
the different learning styles and needs of students
Using Print Reading Resources
Enhancing the
implementation of READING Workshops
Ensuring progressive development of reading skills
Providing opportunities for students to develop their creativity and critical thinking skills
Introducing the features of different text types explicitly and providing opportunities for
From Reading to Writing
Connecting students’
experiences Making alignment between the GE programme and Reading Workshops to design writing tasks with meaningful contexts
Connecting students’ reading and writing experiences
Creating space by organising the school English Language curriculum more coherently
Connect reading and writing experiences:
connecting GE programme with the Reading Workshop
providing appropriate input (paired texts/ sample writing/ information from the website/ posters)
borrowing ideas and language items from the sample writing to write the article
Writing about “My Favourite Transport”
A narrative text from the
textbook – “Lost in the city” Paired texts
**Paired texts are
thematically related texts but of different text types.**
An information book (e-book) – “This is the way we go to school”
A sample writing –
“My Favourite Transport”
Use of graphic organiser to organise writing ideas
Posters about transport
Different technological features
For more writing ideas:
authentic reading materials from the Transport
Department website
Reading across the Curriculum (RaC) —
What is it and why is it relevant to us as English Teachers?
Dual goals:
To broaden students’ knowledge base, help them connect their learning experiences and provide opportunities for integrating and applying knowledge and skills developed in different KLAs/subjects (ELE KLA CG, CDC, 2017, p.9)
To provide opportunities for students to develop a wide range of reading skills, extend learning of the content and connect their
learning experiences across KLAs (ELE KLA CG, CDC, 2017, p.47)
In implementing RaC, English teachers are encouraged to:
collaborate with teachers of other KLAs to develop learning activities that provide students with opportunities to consolidate the knowledge and skills
acquired across KLAs and avoid unnecessary repetitions of learning arrangements
design reading activities that reinforce students’ ability to
integrate the knowledge, skills and learning experiences
gained in different KLAs identify reading materials in
both print and non-print forms with suitable entry points (e.g.
themes, text types, language features and vocabulary) for connecting students’ learning experiences in different KLAs
help students develop the reading skills and strategies necessary for understanding and analysing language use in English texts (e.g. text structures and vocabulary)
Promoting Reading across the Curriculum
Seeking advice from teachers of other KLAs on:
- the choice and appropriateness of reading materials
- the schedule of teaching a certain topic
Involving teachers of other KLAs in the conduct of cross-
curricular learningactivities or project work,
e.g. assessing students’
Cross-curricular collaboration to facilitate RaC
Working with teachers of other KLAs to conduct curriculum mapping e.g.
designing cross-curricular learning tasks and activities together
Adjusting the
teaching schedules ofEnglish Language and the content
subject to teach the same theme/topic at around the same time
Possible directions when planning for RaC
1. Themes/topics/ issues 2. Text types
3. Skills/Strategies - Reading strategies
- Generic skills (e.g. mind mapping, graph plotting, drawing graphic organisers)
Promoting Reading across the Curriculum
From General English
From other subjects What are some common features?
A recipe Procedures for doing an experiment
• to tell others how to do something
• list of materials and steps
An article in a guidebook
A description about the features of an animal
• to describe something in detail
• present tense is used
• to use quite a lot of adjectives
A recount An article about WWII
• to recall what
happened in the past
• past tense is used
• follow the time sequence
(chronological order)
An argumentative essay on studying
An article discussing different opinions about
• to discuss some issues from different sides/ perspectives
Materials developed by Dr. Yuen Yi Lo & LAC team@HKU
Promoting Reading across the Curriculum
Possible directions when planning for RaC
1. Themes/topics/ issues 2. Text types
3. Skills/Strategies - Reading strategies
- Generic skills (e.g. mind mapping, graph plotting, drawing graphic organisers)
a) Making connection with the learning experience in GS through reading an article about the cause and effect of water shortage in HK in the 1960s
b) Guiding students to read an expository text on the water cycle and helping students visualise the text by using a flowchart to illustrate the different stages of the water cycle
c) Conducting shared reading with students on the narrative text “A World without Water”
and guiding students to use pictorial and contextual clues to predict the content of the story and understand the meaning of new words
d) Conducting a speaking activity in groups to generate ideas about how people can save water in everyday life
e) Responding to the experience of the characters in the story by rewriting the ending and providing tips on ways to save water
f) Inviting GS teachers to assess the content of the writing
Connecting students’ learning experiences in English Language and General Studies
Paired texts*
Topic: Wonderful Water Common teaching points:
• Water rationing
• 3 forms of water
• Uses of water
• Ways to conserve water Text type
• Flowcharts Skills development
• Problem-solving
*Paired texts, which are thematically related texts but of different text types, are used to deepen students’ understanding of the issue and develop different reading strategies.
Level: Upper Primary
Leaflet on RaC
Learning styles Visual (learn best by seeing)
Auditory (learn best by hearing)
Kinesthetic (learn best by doing)
interest, learning motivation, maturity, gender,
personality, aspiration
special educational needs,
prior knowledge, level of readiness
Social Economic
Cultural Backgrounds non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students
newly Arrived Children (NAC)
cross-boundary students (CBS) low family income ethnic minorities
General Principles
• Adopt a multi-sensory approach
• Differentiate in terms of:
Content - what students need to learn or how the student will get access to the information
Process - activities in which the student engages in order to master the content
Product - work in which students demonstrate their learning
Learning Environment - the operation of the classroom
• Encourage personalised learning goals based on students’ own needs
Catering for Learner Diversity
Mainstream English classroom
•understanding the
strengths/weaknessesand the learning backgroundof students
•understanding the learning interests, styles and needs of students
•designing open-ended tasks Catering for
diverse learning styles and abilities
•adopting flexible grouping/
mixed ability grouping
•grouping students according to the purposes and
requirements of tasks
•providing opportunities for students to share and discuss in groups
Facilitating peer learning
• using questioning
techniques to elicit students’
• giving quality verbal and written feedback in lessons/
• adopting various modes of assessment
Promoting assessment for/as
•motivatingstudents’ interest
•facilitating understanding and providing support
•giving immediate feedback
•engaging students in active/self- directed learning to enhance learning autonomy and allow them to learn at their own pace
Effective use of e- learning repertoire
•providing timely support
•providing scaffoldingfor students to complete the task
•providing different modes of support in learning tasks (e.g.
visual cues for visual learners)
Providing support and scaffolding
•setting challenging yet
manageable tasksfor students
•putting more emphasis on the creative use of language
Giving challenges
Mainstream English classroom
Some strategies to Cater for Learner Diversity
•putting more emphasis on the creative use of language
•making use of English-related life-wide learning activities
Enriching the existing curriculum
Leaflet on Let’s Make a Difference:
Unleashing Students’ Potential in Learning English at Primary Level
Topic of the unit:
Festivals around the World
Context : You are the editor of the information book “Let’s Celebrate!”
and you would like to add one more festival to this children’s book.
Task: Choose one kind of festival you like most and write an article to talk about it.
Target vocabulary and language items:
• Vocabulary: names of different festivals and their celebration activities
• Grammar: tenses – the use of simple present tense and past tense
Learning and teaching activities:
• Reading an information book “Let’s Celebrate!”
and learning the text features
• Grammar practice
• Conducting information search on different festivals (reading
blogs/listening to songs)
• Posting their findings of information search
activities on an app (written and recorded)
• Reading an e-book about festivals at home and answering questions
• Writing an article about their favourite festival
Upper primary
Reading an information book
“Let’s Celebrate!” and learning the text features
Conducting information search on different festivals (reading
blogs/listening to songs)
Posting their findings of information search activities on an app
- Make use ofdifferent blogs / songs to:
(More able students read blogs while less able students listen to songs)
Provide multimodal input and writing ideas to students
Cater for different learning styles (e.g. audio, visual learners)
- Use different graphic organisers to help students organise information - Use the KWL chart to check students’
prior knowledge and guide them to summarise their learning in the reader - Use different graphic organisers to
help students understand how the information is organised in the book - Visualise the scene of the book (e.g.
showing students a real piñata when going through the festival “Cinco the Mayo” and inviting students to hit it with a stick when they can answer the questions correctly cater for
different learning styles, e.g.
kinesthetic learners)
Use an app (Padlet) to make audio recordings of their findings in the information search activities, which allows students to make multiple attemptsand do the work at their own pace
Reading an e-book about festivals at home and answering questions
- Assign an e-book to students for home reading to promote self-directed learning
- Create a quiz with the use of Google Form, which can provide instant feedback to students
Grammar practice
- Make use of colour coding activities to raise students’awareness on the use of different tenses
• Making use of a range of learning activities that
incorporate different modes of representation
• Providing different support through the use of
multimodal texts
• Providing scaffolding by
breaking the tasks into small steps to facilitate learning
• Engaging students in active learning through the use of IT to enhance learning
English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 – Secondary 6) (CDC, 2017), p.84
Lea rner Inde pen den ce
Self- directed Learners
Assessment as Learning (AaL)
AaL engages students in reflecting on and monitoring their progress of learning through strengthening their roles and responsibilities in
relation to their learning. Students are actively involved in regulating the learning process, evaluating their own performance against the learning goals, and planning for the next step in learning.
Assessment for Learning (AfL)
AfL integrates assessment into learning and teaching. It assists
students to understand what they are learning, what they have attained, and what is expected of them, and helps teachers collect evidence of students’ learning so that teachers can provide students with timely feedback and refine their teaching strategies.
Assessment of Learning (AoL)
AoL describes the level students have attained in learning and shows what they know and can do over a period of time. It gives an overview of the previous learning of students and is mainly used for reporting
Formativ e Sum mativ e
Three complementary assessment concepts
The relationships between
learning, teaching and assessment
Learning-teaching- assessment Cycle
• Aim for a balanced and comprehensive
coverage • Take the following into consideration:
- what students can do currently;
- what we should expect our students to
be able to do next?• Make use of various assessment
tasks/activitiesto gauge students’
• Share
the learning intentions and task- specific success criteria with students
• Observe
students’ performance
• Use effective questions to elicit students’
• Provide students with quality feedback on how to improve (linked to success criteria)
• Collect evidence of student learning
• Evaluate
students’ performance against the success criteria
• Identify students’ strengths and
weaknesses• Analyse
the underlying causes ofstudents’ learning difficulties
• Review teachers’ expectations on students
• Modify teaching strategies
Explore ways to help students improve
Design activities to address students’
• Revise
the school-based curriculum design/content Learning Progression Framework (LPF)
• Think about how we
can help students achieve the target learning objectives(appropriate input, various modes,
scaffolding, support…)
• Think about
appropriate/effective teaching strategies
The Learning Progression Framework (LPF) for English Language
Listening Skills Reading Skills
Writing Skills Speaking Skills
What is the Learning Progression Framework (LPF)?
The LPF:
• represents the growth of learners on a developmental continuum as they work towards the Learning Targets and
Objectives of the English Language curriculum;
• is made up of Attainment Milestones
organised under the four language skills and divided into eight levels of attainment;
• helps teachers better understand and articulate learners’ performance; and
• helps teachers plan strategically how to enhance English Language learning, teaching and assessment.
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4 ………
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Learning Outcomes
Considerations when designing quality homework and learning, teaching and assessment tasks/activities
Providing concrete and
diagnostic feedback
Incorporating different
Involving different stakeholders
Providing follow-up
work Catering for
learner diversity Having clear
assessment objectives
Deciding on appropriate quantity and frequency to create space for promoting WPD
Using e-learning to
promote AfL and AaL
Different Modes of Assessment
in Schools
Shared Writing &
Process Writing
Dictation Projects
Presentations Conferencing
Learning Tasks &
Activities (e.g.
performance tasks)
Assessment Data —
Evidence of student learning in terms of knowledge,
skills and values and attitudes
Promoting Assessment
for/as Learning
Strengthening AfL:
- Adopting diversified modes of assessment - Making use of various assessment tools
- Making effective use of assessment data
Extending from AfL to AaL:
- Greater involvement of students in LTA process - Enhancing learners’ self- directed learning
capabilities through
introducing metacognitive strategies
Strategies to promote Assessment as Learning
In order to enable students to take charge of their own learning, teachers can do the following:
identifying expected learning outcomes
creating criteria of good practices with the students
guiding students to set goals
teaching enabling skills (e.g. dictionary skills, research skills, phonics
skills and vocabulary building strategies)
providing opportunities for students to practise the skills that need to be learned or mastered
modelling of
learning strategies (e.g. the skills of self-
through think-aloud discussing
sample student work and providing
constructive feedback to students as they learn
using different kinds of assessment forms
(e.g. KWHL Table, SWOT, PMI, Traffic Light,
Feedback Sandwich) to facilitate self-reflection
guiding students to keep track of their own
Some reflection strategies
Graphic Organisers
Some reflection strategies
“Traffic Light”
Have students examine their work and highlight how they feel
• stopped
• cautious
• they can go straight ahead
“Concept Circle”
Instruct students to
• sketch a concept circle with as many spikes as they like;
• brainstorm and recall the key concepts/ideas learnt;
• highlight, or draw a box around, any concept that they have trouble understanding; and
• write down who/where to resort to in order to solve the problems
“The Feedback Burger”
(Good news) “I did really well on …”
(Bad news) “I think …need to be changed because…”
(Good news) “Some ways I can improve this are…”
44 44
Leaflet on Beyond Testing and Grading:
Adopting Effective Assessment Strategies to Enhance English Learning and Teaching
Context: The Science Week is coming. Your English teacher will guide you to read the inspiring life stories of some famous scientists to understand their qualities and achievements. After that, you have to choose a scientist you like and write a biography about him/her.
Module topic / theme: Relationships (Fantastic People)
Promoting Assessment as Learning Level: Upper Primary
Watch a video and search information about Jonas Salk on the Internet for lesson preparation
Conduct self-reflection and set generic goals
Pair work: Read a biography about Jonas Salk and give subheadings to the paragraph(s)
Pair work: Re-read the biography to understand the
text features of a biography Set task-specific
goals Read self-assessment checklist
(Sharing of success criteria)
Self-monitoring Brainstorm ideas and write the draft
Revise the draft
for publishing 46
Interacting with Multimodal Texts
Producing Multimodal Texts
Access information from a variety of
To develop learning, teaching and assessment activities for a unit of work:
Understand the ideas in the multimodal texts
Analyse and explore how messages are
Evaluate the messages and values embedded in
the multimodal texts Express and create
messages using different modes of
Pedagogy to Enhance Literacy Development
e-Learning refers to an open and flexible learning mode
involving the use of the electronic media, including the use of digital resources and communication tools to achieve the
learning objectives.
“Pedagogy empowered by digital technology"
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
E-books, websites
HK Public Libraries e-Resources
eRead Scheme by
Free Kids Book
Poll Everywhere
Creative tools
Shadow Puppet Edu
Google Docs, Slides,
Draw and Tell
Answer Garden
Puppet Pals 2
Templates / graphic organisers
Read Write Think
Reference tools
Google images
Involving good models of English use
Supported by teaching approaches based on
sound pedagogical principles
Consisting of user-friendly design, and appropriate
graphics, sound and animation to increase students’ motivation and
support learning
Promoting the integrated use of language skills
Promoting interactive learning by encouraging
student input, allowing students to work at their
own pace and providing feedback to them
Characteristics of Quality e-Learning Resources
English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 – Secondary 6) (CDC, 2017), p.103
Promoting Information Literacy
Creating a favourable learning
environment with easy accessto a wide variety of information and reading
Providing students with
opportunities to apply IT skillsto process and create multimodal texts, and share information and ideas through
online platforms
Facilitating discussion and evaluation of the power ,
accuracyand reliability of
information, and the effectiveness of different
in conveying informationGuiding students to identify
the bias and stereotypesconveyed in different kinds of
Designing learning activities and projects that require students to evaluate, extract,
and synthesise
information and ideas fromdifferent sources, and create
new ideas of their own
Promoting ethical use of
information (e.g.acknowledging sources of information properly,
preventing cyberbullying) and respect for intellectual
property rights
English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 – Secondary 6) (CDC, 2017), pp.34-35
Ways to help students manage the vast amount of information in the digital age:
Recap the vocabulary learnt about personality through a matching game.
Watch a video about what acrostic poems are.
Introduce the features of acrostic poems.
Co-construct an acrostic poem with students.
Ss create their own acrostic poems and upload their work (written/spoken) on Padlet.
Ss read and comment on each other’s work.
Pre-lesson While-lesson Post-lesson
Values Education
Providing multifarious values education related learning experiences in the curriculum
Constitution and Basic Law
Life education
Media education Sex
Human rights education
Health &
anti-drug education
Environmental education National
Security education
Moral and Civic education National Identity
Integrity Perseverance
Respect for Others Responsibility
Care for Others
Positive values and attitudes
Law-abidingness Empathy
52An example – What if Everybody Did That?
(Positive values: Consideration, self-discipline, responsibility, respect for others)
• Connecting learning experiences between GE Programme & Reading Workshops (P4 Modules: We can be better! / Good habits)
• Prediction: Reading the page on the left and guessing the impact brought by the bad behaviour
• Analysing the consequences of the bad behaviour
• Suggesting what should be done to correct the bad behaviour
• Designing a booklet about good behaviour in different settings
Incorporating Values Education into the School English Language Curriculum
Campaign on “Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom”
The SOW Website Videos
Wallpapers and Posters
Interactive Games
Learning and Teaching Materials
Campaign on “Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom”
Activities under the campaign in the 2021/22 school year (for primary students)
Activity Time period Remarks
SOW Creativity Contest: A Moment in Time
Nov 2021 – Feb 2022
A creative design competition inviting students to
capture a special moment which illustrates the meaning of a SOW related to positive values by taking a photo or creating a 2D artwork and writing a short description about it
Filmit 2022: A Student Film Competition Nov 2021 – May 2022
A digital filmmaking competition which engages
students to create a short film of 1-minute duration or 3-5 minute duration based on the theme selected for the year
School-based activity: Week of Hope 28 Mar – 8 Apr 2022
A school-based activity week staging a variety of
English learning activities which reflect schools’ unique focuses and initiatives in promoting positive values and attitudes
Story to Stage Puppetry Competition Mar – Jun 2022 A puppetry competition which invites teams of KS2 students to stage and film a puppetry performance
Resource Kit on “Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom”
Grammar in Context or Text Grammar?
Grammar in Context
Complementary Concepts
Text Grammar
• beyond the sentence level
• grammar items typical of a particular text type
• how grammar contributes to the coherence & the structure of a text
• how to apply grammar knowledge to create texts of different text types
• the link between form and function and how grammar makes meaning and varies in different contexts
• how contexts shape the choice of
language used
Noticing and hypothesising
Stages involved in learning grammar
• Noticing the structure and being aware of the connections between form and meaning
• Structuring the grammar rule in mind
• Exposure to the specific language patterns in texts
• Restructuring it and applying it in new contexts/using it naturally
Module: Changes Unit: A Fun Library
Target language structures:
Using the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives (e.g. more interesting than, the most interesting) to compare different types of books and express views
Exposure Suggested steps:
• Tell students that they are going to learn how to make comparisons using the correct forms of adjectives.
• Instruct students to use pens of different colours (Blue: the comparatives;
Red: the superlatives) to highlight/underline the adjectives in the reading passage.
• Show students how to identify the comparative and superlative adjectives by giving an example each, e.g. more touching than, the most touching.
Level: Upper Primary
Module: Changes Unit: A Fun Library
Target language structures:
Using the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives (e.g. more interesting than, the most interesting) to compare different types of books and express views
Suggested steps:
Guide students to explore the form and the use of comparatives and
superlativesby using a graphic organiser:
• to report examples of comparatives and superlatives highlighted;
• to generalise the form: (i) three- syllable adjectives always form the comparative with “more…than” and the superlative with “the most …”; (ii) two-syllable adjectives ending in
“ing”, e.g. boring, share the same rule;
• to generalise the use: we use
comparatives to compare two things and superlatives to compare a group of things.
Noticing and hypothesising
Level: Upper Primary
Module: Changes Unit: A Fun Library
Target language structures:
Using the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives (e.g. more interesting than, the most interesting) to compare different types of books and express views
Suggested steps:
• Provide opportunities for students to use the target language structures in new contexts.
Making sentences based on polling results
• Conduct a survey on students’ favourite readers using Google Form.
• Have students make sentences using comparatives and superlatives based on the polling results.
Playing a board game
• Ask students to take turns to throw the dice.
• Ask them to make a sentence based on the instruction on the square that the chess piece lands on and read it aloud.
• The one who makes the most sentences wins.
Level: Upper Primary
Integrative use of generic skills
Two examples of integrative use of generic skills:
-Holistic thinking skills: involving the use of critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and creativity
-Collaborative problem solving skills:
involving the use of collaboration skills, communication skills and problem
solving skills
English Language Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 – Secondary 6) (CDC, 2017), p.25
Level: Upper Primary
In the Reading Workshops, students read the narrative text Library Mouse. Sam, a library mouse whose home is in a little hole in the wall behind the children’s reference books, loves reading and writing story books. Sam then shares his books with other library visitors by placing them on a bookshelf at night secretly. But there comes a time when people want to meet this talented author. Sam is afraid that if the children know he is a mouse, they will be scared and never read his stories again. What should Sam do?
Task 1
Students are guided to understand:
the story elements, e.g.
setting, characters, problem, climax and ending, through a story map;
the text features of the story; and
the language features of the text through
identifying the speaking verbs and the use of the simple past tense.
Task 2
In groups, students discuss:
the problem Sam is facing;
how Sam feel; and
what Sam can do to solve the problem.
Students then propose
different ways to solve Sam’s problem and share with the class.
Task 3
In groups, students write a new climax and ending for the story.
Students can make use of the story dice for more inspiration.
Task 4
In groups, students
conduct Readers’ Theatre and perform in front of the class.
Generic skills involved:
Problem solving, communication
Problem solving, collaboration, creativity Stop reading the story
at the problem part to create a suspense.
Collaboration, communication
Collaborative problem solving skills
63Activity: Curriculum Planning
Study the adapted version of a scheme of work for P4-P6 and comment on the strengths and
development of reading and writing skills?
the L&T resources?
generic skills development?
text types?
strategies to cater for learner diversity?
development of reading and writing skills?
the L&T resources?
generic skills development?
text types?
strategies to cater for learner diversity?
Task-based approach
Familiar topics
Sufficient input for learning
L&T resources
Lack of authentic materials & e-
Mostly form-focused exercises
Opportunities for use in meaningful contexts?
Variety of text types
Information texts
More non- print texts?
Cater for learner diversity
Allow flexibility in
Generic skills
Awareness Integrative use of generic skills?
Managing Resources
Human resources
- Appoint level coordinators to help with horizontal coordination - Deploy the NET effectively
Learning and teaching resources
- Build up a resource bank with teaching plans, learning tasks and resource materials developed by teachers
- Introduce EDB resource packages to teachers
References and Resources
Curriculum Documents
PDPs (Slides)
References &
Resource kit for “Promoting Positive Values and Attitudes through English Sayings of Wisdom”
Learning and teaching resources on “Sayings of Wisdom”
Leaflet on catering learner diversity
Learning and teaching resources on “Fantastic People”
Learning and teaching
resources related to COVID-19
Learning units
with e-learning
Literacy Development
Resources in support of the ELE KLACG (2017)
Using Storytelling to Develop Students' Interest in Reading - A Resource Package for English Teachers (2015)
Teaching Phonics at Primary Level (2017)
Parents’ Guide to Effective English Language Learning (2019)
Promotion of Reading in Schools (2019)
Cross-curricular Learning
Suggested Book Lists for Reading to Learn across the Curriculum (KS1 – KS4)
Suggested Book Lists for Theme-based Reading (KG, Pri, Sec)
EDB One-Stop Portal
Audio Books E-learning English Resources
Hong Kong Public Libraries Resource
Naxos Spoken Word Library
Catering for Learner Diversity
• Catering for Learner Diversity in the Primary English Classroom through Effective Use of e-Learning Resources and Developing Students' Self-directed Learning Capabilities
Assessment Literacy Series
• Effective Use of Assessment for and as Learning to Enhance Students’ Learning Effectiveness and Self-directed Learning in the Primary English Curriculum
• Effective Use of the Learning Progression Framework to Enhance English Language Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Speaking and Listening at Primary Level
• Effective Use of the Learning Progression Framework to Enhance English Language Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Reading and Writing at Primary Level
Curriculum Leadership
• Ongoing Renewal of the School Curriculum for English Panel Chairpersons
PDPs to be Conducted in the 2021/22 s.y.
Effective Learning and Teaching
• Phonics Teaching Series: (1) Enhancing Teachers’ Knowledge and Skills in Teaching Phonics at Primary Level
• Phonics Teaching Series: (2) Enhancing Students’ Reading and Speaking Skills through the Learning and Teaching of Phonics and Storytelling at Primary Level
• Effective Strategies for Teaching Grammar in the Primary English Classroom
Literacy Skills Development Series
• Effective Use of Information Technology to Develop Literacy Skills in the Primary English Classroom
• Promoting Reading across the Curriculum and Progressive Development of Reading Skills in the Primary English Classroom