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The Effect of Reciprocal Teaching on Seventh Graders’Self- Efficiency and Chinese Academic Achievement 徐千惠、謝智玲


Academic year: 2022

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The Effect of Reciprocal Teaching on Seventh Graders’Self- Efficiency and Chinese Academic Achievement


E-mail: 9800750@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study investigated the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching used as a learning strategy with students in Chinese classrooms.

Sixty-four seventh grade students partici-pated in the study. Variables of interest were students' creativity and motivation when learning from ten Chinese text, students' reported use of reciprocal teaching (Summa-rizing, questioning, clarifying, prediciting) for learning Chinese from 12 texts. A ran-domized pre-test-post-test control group design was employed. The finding showed a statistically significant interaction of reciprocal teaching for creativity and motivation. For all outcome variables, the reciprocal teaching group showed significantly greater gains from pre-test to post-test than the control group. The findings have implications for both practice and research.disadvantages of cooperative learning and teaching.

Keywords : reciprocal teaching, self-efficacy, chinese academic achievement Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要...................... iii 英文摘要.................

..... iv 誌謝辭....................... v 內容目錄................

...... vi 表目錄....................... viii 圖目錄...............

........ x 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究動機......

......... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 4   第三節  研究問題與假設..

.......... 5   第四節  名詞解釋............... 5   第五節  研究範圍與限制.

........... 6 第二章  文獻探討................. 9   第一節  交互教學的內涵 與理論依據....... 9   第二節  自我效能的理論依據與特色....... 21   第三節  交互教學與 自我效能、國文學業成就的相        關研究................ 29 第三章  研究方法...

.............. 36   第一節  實驗課程的實施............ 36   第二節  研究設 計............... 37   第三節  研究對象............... 39   第四節  研 究工具............... 40   第五節  研究程序............... 42 第四章  研 究結果與討論.............. 49   第一節  交互教學對自我效能的影響....... 49   第二 節  交互教學對國文學業成就之影響..... 51   第三節  交互教學活動回饋........... 58    第四節  綜合討論............... 59 第五章  結論與建議結論與建議........... 63   第一節  結論................. 63   第一節  建議................

. 64 參考文獻 ..................... 67 附錄A  自我效能量表預試..........

... 79 附錄B  教學活動回饋單.............. 80 附錄C  交互教學教案設計........

..... 81 附錄D  心理出版社股份有限公司同意書....... 96 REFERENCES

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