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科目一 科目一


Academic year: 2021

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板信商業銀行 板信商業銀行 板信商業銀行

板信商業銀行 100 年新進行員甄試試題 年新進行員甄試試題 年新進行員甄試試題 年新進行員甄試試題 科目一

科目一 科目一

科目一: : : :普通科目 普通科目 普通科目【 普通科目 【 【 【國文及英文 國文及英文 國文及英文 國文及英文】 】 】 】

甄試類別 甄試類別

甄試類別 甄試類別: : :五職等辦事 : 五職等辦事 五職等辦事員 五職等辦事 員 員 員


注意:本試卷正反兩頁共 50 題,每題 2 分,限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答。






「不惑之年」乘以 2 「弱冠之年」乘以 5

「而立之年」加「花甲之年」 「古稀之年」加「三五之數」

【4】2.﹝宋﹞范仲淹〈岳陽樓記〉,文中以雨景帶出悲情、晴景帶出喜情,引發感慨,下列選項何者不是形 容「晴喜」的情景?

上下天光,一碧萬頃 長煙一空,皓月千里

春和景明,波瀾不驚 薄暮冥冥,虎嘯猿啼



挾、陜 俠、挾 狹、峽 狹、挾


寄蜉蝣於天地,渺滄海之一粟 縈青繚白,外與天際,四望如一

間關鶯語花底滑,幽咽泉流水下灘 如一條飛蛇,在黃山三十六峰半中腰裡盤旋穿插


呂不韋為陰陽家 公孫龍為名家

慎到為道家 列子為法家


「福壽全歸」賀長者壽誕 「鴻案相莊」用於賀新婚喜慶

「陶朱媲美」用於賀商家開張 「樹人大業」用於慶賀校慶



一個 二個 三個 四個


書局 水果行 餐廳飯館 百貨公司







點點池生萍 蕭蕭斑馬鳴 瑟瑟谷中風 靄靄雪覆峰


曾經周公刪定 今傳三百又五篇

分為風雅頌三大類 為中國古代詩歌總集


他這種賣友求榮的行為,真令人不恥 生態保育在今天已是一個不可默視的問題

個性飛揚拔扈之人,實在令人厭惡 做任何事情只要按部就班,成功便指日可待


陰險狡詐的人 自私自利的人 缺乏恆心的人 膽小畏縮的人

【1】14.「主義是從」就是「從主義」之意,「是」的文法作用是把「主義」提前。下列詞語何者與「主 義是從」的格式不同?

不辨是非 唯利是圖

唯命是從 馬首是瞻


妥貼 / 妥帖 差使 / 差事

腳夫 / 角夫 蹣跚 / 盤跚







琦君著有《午後書房》一書 蔣夢麟著有《西潮》一書

張秀亞著有《桂花雨》一書 梁實秋著有《飲冰室全集》

【3】18.「把影子投在水上的,都患了潔癖 / 一種高貴的絕症 / 把名字投在風中的 / 衣帶便飄在風中 / 清 芬從風裡來,楚歌從清芬裡來」,此首現代詩所描寫的人物是何人?

陶淵明 周敦頤 屈原 李煜

【3】19.下列「 」內的詞彙,不屬於音譯的外來語是:

臺灣舊有「福爾摩沙」之稱 速食店的「漢堡」特餐,頗受歡迎

珍惜資源,應先做好「垃圾」分類 多搭乘「巴士」,可減少塞車時間

【2】20.下列各組「 」內的字,何者「部首」不相同?

士「卒」///「南」方 / 「栽」培///「裁」判 /

指「甲」///「男」子 / 「私」心///「秀」才 /



(1)(4)(2)(3) (2)(3)(1)(4)

(3)(4)(2)(1) (4)(1)(3)(2)

【4】22.下列「 」內的成語運用,何者最貼切?





【4】23.「緣溪行,忘路之遠近」(陶淵明‧桃花源記)句中「遠近」一詞,由「遠」和「近」兩個意義相反 的字所組成,但只表示「遠」的意義,此稱為偏義副詞。下列何者為偏義副詞?

「榮辱」之來,必象其徳 不問可否,不論「曲直」

江流天地外,山色「有無」中 陟罰臧否,不宜「異同」


進德休業/和諧安詳 百花錠放/躍躍欲試

芳醇美酒/揠苗助長 篳路籃縷/粗枝大葉









【【英文英文英文英文】】】 一 一 一


【2】26. Tom threw a stone into the lake, causing ________ across the surface of the water.

 scenes  ripples  couples  blessings

【4】27. If you want to get a ________ on your job, you have to work very hard.

 relation  deduction  suggestion  promotion

【2】28. Confidence, intelligence, and good leadership skills are all ________ of a good president.

 combats  attributes  sequences  prerogatives

【2】29. Having published many important papers, he enjoys a high ________ as a scholar.

 deputation  reputation  temptation  imputation

【2】30. In the early 1950s, elements of the blues were ________ into a new musical style known as rock and roll.

 comprised  incorporated  obsessed  extracted

【1】31.If you have three checks bounced within one year, your account will become a ________ account.

 dishonored  dislodged  disfigured  disdained

【2】32.The main goals of the central bank are to keep international capital flowing without ________ and to help balance domestic and foreign interest rates.

 interaction  intervention  interrelation  interpretation

【4】33. I’ll present a ________ of the new computer system. Then you’ll know how powerful it is.

 regulation  persuasion  supervision  demonstration 二二


【4】34. ________ arriving at the airport, Henry gave his mother a call.

 To  With  At  On

【4】35. The video camera and tapes ________ the police to trace down the armed robber.

 made possible  made it able  disabled  enabled

【4】36. ________ a solution to the problem of a future energy shortage, but it also helps to eliminate environmental pollution.

 The new energy source provides  The new energy source provides not only

 Not only the new energy source provides  Not only does the new energy source provide

【1】37. You will be even happier to know that the total amount of deposits a foreign branch here may accept ________ to fifteen times its remitted working capital.

 has been increased  have been increased  been increased  had increased

【3】38. ________ all the words spoken during the endless sermons, I had little choice but to spend the time in thought about myself.

 For not understand  I do not understand  Not understanding  Not understood

【4】39. The American public are much more likely to eat out at a restaurant today than they ________ thirty years ago.

 ate  did  should  were

【2】40. The orchards are open in October, which ________.

 the best time to harvest is  is the best time to harvest

 to harvest is the best time  the best time is to harvest 三

三 三


In my opinion, capital punishment is wrong. First of all, I believe that it is wrong to kill. Only God has the right to take away life. Human beings should not kill human beings. 41 a criminal has committed horrible crimes, the government does not have the right to execute him or her. Second, the threat of going to the electric chair or to the gas chamber does not stop criminals. When people commit a violent crime such as murder, they are not thinking about their punishment. 42 , many murders happen when people are angry. They are not thinking about the consequences of their actions. According to a report in the New York Times, the State of Louisiana executed eight men in nine weeks in the fall of 1987. During that same time period, the murder rate in New Orleans 43 16.4 percent. This shows that the threat of capital punishment does not stop crime. The third and most important reason for abolishing the death penalty is that the government sometimes makes mistakes and executes innocent people. In fact, this has happened. According to an article in Time magazine, there were twenty-three executions of innocent people in the United States between 1900 and 1991. 44 my point of view, this makes the government itself guilty of murder. For these three reasons, I believe that the United States should get rid of capital punishment, which 45 really just “legal murder.”

【3】41.  Even  If  Even if  If only

【2】42.  However  In fact  Moreover  As a result

【1】43.  rose  raised  arose  aroused

【2】44.  In  From  For  At

【3】45.  are  be  is  being

四 四 四


Rats can use the rhythm of human language to tell the difference between Dutch and Japanese, researchers in Spain reported on Sunday. Their study suggests that animals, especially mammals, evolved some of the skills underlying the use and development of language long before language itself ever evolved, the researchers said.

It is the first time an animal other than a human or monkey has been shown to have this skill. “These findings have remarkable parallels with data from human adults, human newborns, and cotton-up tamarins,” the researchers wrote in their report, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, which is published by the American Psychological Association.

For their study neuroscientists Juan Toro and colleagues at Barcelona’s Scientific Park tested 64 adult male rats. They used Dutch and Japanese because these languages were used in earlier, similar tests, and because they are very different from each other in use of words, rhythm and structure.

The rats were trained to respond to either Dutch or Japanese using food as a reward. Then they were separated into four groups—one that heard each language spoken by a native, one that heard synthesized speech, one that heard sentences read in either language by different speakers and a fourth that heard the languages played backwards.

Rats rewarded for responding to Japanese did not respond to Dutch and rats trained to recognize Dutch did not respond to the spoken Japanese. The rats could not tell apart Japanese or Dutch played backwards.

【3】46. Rats can tell the difference between which of the following languages?

 Dutch and Spanish.  Japanese and English.

 Dutch and Japanese.  English and Japanese.

【2】47. For the first time, researchers have shown animals have evolved which of the following?

 An acute sense of hearing.

 Skills underlying the use of language.

 Ability to differentiate languages played backward.

 Innate capacity for learning language.

【3】48. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

 The rats show parallels with human adults and children.

 Cotton-up tamarins are a species of monkey.

 The rats show parallels to human children but not adults.

 The rats used in the experiment were all males.

【4】49. The two languages were selected for which of the following reasons?

 They were never used in such experiments before.

 The cotton-up tamarins were not familiar with these languages.

 They were easier for the rats to understand.

 They are very different from each other.

【4】50. What did the rats learn to do?

 They learned to understand the two languages.

 They learned to understand simple words and phrases.

 They learned to use one of the languages but not the other.

 They learned to respond to one of the languages when rewarded.



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