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Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 118/2021


Academic year: 2022

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Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 118/2021


From: Secretary for Education To: Supervisors/Heads of all Secondary Schools – for necessary action

Ref: EDB/CDI/ApL/07-02-21 Date: 25 October 2021

Applied Learning Courses (2022-24 Cohort; 2024 HKDSE




(Note: This circular memorandum should be read by heads and teachers of all secondary schools.)


The purpose of this circular memorandum is to announce the implementation details for the Applied Learning (ApL) courses (2022-24 Cohort; 2024 HKDSE), and invite schools to offer ApL courses and submit applications for their students.


I. Basic Information Course Features

2. ApL is a valued senior secondary elective subject which complements other senior secondary subjects to form a flexible subject combination that helps enrich students’ subject choices. The courses focus on practical learning elements linked to broad professional and vocational fields with dual emphasis on theory and practice. It develops students’ knowledge, generic skills, positive values and attitudes through providing simulated or authentic contexts, as well as deepens students’

understanding of vocational and professional education and training (VPET), preparing them for further studies and work in future.

3. ApL covers six Areas of Studies, namely Creative Studies; Media and Communication;

Business, Management and Law; Services; Applied Science; and Engineering and Production. In addition, there are courses covering cross Areas of Studies, including Applied Learning (Vocational English)(ApL(VocE)) and Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) (ApL(C)), the latter of which is provided exclusively for non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students meeting specified circumstances2.

4. For important information such as assessment requirement, attendance requirement and recognition of ApL, etc., please refer to Annex 1.

5. ApL courses are Category B subjects of the HKDSE. All senior secondary students studying the curriculum prepared by the Curriculum Development Council and published for use in schools by the Education Bureau (EDB) may take a maximum of two ApL courses as elective subjects in       

1 HKDSE refers to the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination. 

2 Students who have learned Chinese Language for less than six years while receiving primary and secondary


courses are provided respectively at Annex 2 and Annex 3.

6. The duration of each ApL course (except ApL(C)) is 180 contact hours, generally spanning two school years at the senior secondary level, commencing either at Secondary 4 (S4) 3 (to be completed at Secondary 5 (S5); the results will be released in one go with other HKDSE subjects after the completion of the HKDSE at Secondary 6)or S5 (to be completed at Secondary 6 (S6)). The arrangement of ApL(C) course is different. The duration of each ApL(C) course is 270 contact hours, spanning S4 to S6.

Modes of Implementation


7. Schools may adopt the following two non-exclusive modes in implementing ApL courses to suit their school contexts:

Mode 1:  Lessons to be held mainly on Saturdays at the venues of the course providers and delivered by tutors recognised by the course providers.

Schools should arrange their students to attend the lessons according to the timetables set by the course providers.

Mode 2:  Lessons to be held mainly in schools offering courses and delivered by tutors recognised by the course providers. Schools have to reach an initial agreement and formulate the implementation details with the course providers, including the timetables, class venues and provision of facilities, etc.

Schools may also consider collaborating with other schools to offer ApL courses with the support of the course providers. For instance, schools in the same/nearby districts may jointly offer one or more ApL courses with agreed implementation details including timetables, class venues, provision of facilities, etc. to enrich subject choices for their students. Schools interested in offering ApL courses in collaboration with other schools can express their intentions by submitting the form at Annex 4 to the EDB.

Funding Arrangement

8. Aided, government and caput schools, schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme and special schools operating senior secondary classes offering the local curriculum are eligible for the Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) for ApL and Student Grant for ApL(C) to offer ApL and ApL(C) courses and pay the course fees charged by the respective course providers. No fee should be charged from students. Starting from the 2020/21 school year, if individual students take an ApL course as the fourth elective subject, their schools will also be subsidised by the DLG for ApL to encourage students to take ApL to broaden their learning experiences. In case a student also takes the adapted ApL course(s), each adapted ApL course will be counted as an ApL course in the funding arrangement.

Please refer to the funding and accounting arrangements at Annex 5 and Annex 6.


3 The piloting of the early commencement of ApL courses at S4 was first implemented in Mode 2 in the 2013/14 school year. In the 2020/21 school year, in order to take forward the recommendations made in the final report of the Task Force on Review of School Curriculum, the EDB has regularised the commencement of ApL at S4 so that students would complete the 180-hour ApL courses at S5. 


II. Applied Learning Courses offered for the 2022-24 Cohort (2024 HKDSE)

9. Regarding the 2022-24 cohort, i.e. the cohort of students sitting the 2024 HKDSE, the EDB has already approved the offer of a total of 52 ApL courses to schools and students, including two pilot ApL courses, three ApL(VocE) courses and three ApL(C) courses. The course list is provided at Annex 7. The course information (including course synopses, key elements in learning and teaching) of the ApL courses will be uploaded to the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en) in due course. Contact information of the course providers is available on the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en/course- providers).     

10. Schools may opt for commencing ApL courses at S4. Please see the circular letter issued by the EDB on 5 March 2021 on “Applied Learning Courses (2022-24 Cohort; 2024 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination) Arrangement Details for Early Course Commencement at Secondary 4 in the 2021/22 School Year” (www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en/circular letter 2022_24) for the details4.  For the details of ApL(C) and ApL courses commencing at

S5, please refer to this circular memorandum. According to the prevailing arrangement, schools should arrange for students taking the ApL courses (2022-24 Cohort; 2024 HKDSE) to apply for entering the relevant ApL subjects in the 2024 HKDSE at S6 regardless of whether the students commence their study of ApL courses at S4 or S5.

Pilot Applied Learning Courses



To explore the future development of ApL (including greater engagement of industries), the EDB had approved the offer of two Pilot ApL Courses5: “Tech Basics” and Multimedia Storytelling”.

The organisations participating in the pilot courses include the course provider (the School of Continuing Education of the Hong Kong Baptist University) and all participating schools.

12. “Pilot ApL Course — Tech Basics” has been offered since the 2019/20 school year, please refer to paragraphs 17 and 18 for the application procedures. The “Pilot ApL Course — Multimedia Storytelling” is commencing in the 2021/22 school year; for details on course arrangements at S4 in the 2021/22 school year, please refer to the circular letter issued by the EDB on 13 August 2021 on

“Pilot Applied Learning Course — Multimedia Storytelling (for Secondary 4 in the 2021/22 school year; 2024 HKDSE) Details on Course Arrangements” (www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en/circular

letter_Multimedia Storytelling). “Pilot ApL Course — Multimedia Storytelling” will also be offered in Mode 1 in September 2022 for S5 students in the 2022/23 school year (students sitting the 2024 HKDSE); please refer to paragraphs 17 and 18 for the application procedures.


Applied Learning (Vocational English)

13. ApL(VocE) introduced since the 2020/21 school year, is designed to enhance the learning opportunities of students with diverse learning needs, particularly those who will benefit from a strong practical orientation in English language learning. Through ApL(VocE), students can advance their English communication skills and career-related competencies in simulated applied learning contexts related to work and social situations. English Language is a core subject under the local senior       

4 While the application for ApL courses commencing at S4 in the 2021/22 school year had already closed and classes have already commenced in September 2021, schools may wish to refer to the circular letter issued by the EDB on 5 March 2021 for general information regarding the arrangement of ApL courses commencing at S4. 

5   Pilot ApL Courses are a part of the CLAP-TECH project that aims to develop a learning pathway with the engagement of industries. The learning pathway starts with students taking “Pilot ApL Course — Tech Basics” or


career pursuits. The duration of each ApL(VocE) course is 180 contact hours. For the curriculum framework of ApL(VocE), please refer to the EDB webpage:


14. Students’ assessment results in ApL(VocE) are reported in three levels: “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)”, and “Attained with Distinction (II)” on the HKDSE certificate. The result in this subject is not deemed equivalent to any level in the HKDSE English Language Examination, nor can it be used as an alternative qualification for English Language. For the application procedures, please refer to paragraphs 17 and 18.

Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students)

15. ApL(C), introduced since the 2014/15 school year, is designed to provide a simulated applied learning context to help NCS students build a foundation for using Chinese in the workplace and obtain an alternative Chinese language qualification to prepare them for further studies and career pursuits. In the language learning process, students apply listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in an integrated way and learn the Chinese language in different contexts. 

16. Schools admitting NCS students should consider whether to offer ApL(C) courses at S4 taking into account the language ability, interests and aspirations of their NCS students. Please

refer to the guidelines for nominating students to take ApL(C) courses at Annex 3, and other relevant information on ApL(C) on the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/en/aplc).

III. Application Procedures and Relevant Information Application Procedures

17. For application for ApL courses commencing at S4 in the 2021/22 school year, please refer to the circular letter stated in paragraph 10. If schools intend to offer ApL(C) courses for NCS students at S4 and offer ApL courses at S5, please submit applications for their students via the “ApL Module”

in the WebSAMS during the following application periods, and arrange the student applicants to participate in the selection arrangements to be announced by the course providers in due course. The application periods are as follows:

Course Target Student Application Period ApL(C) S4 NCS students intending to take ApL(C) courses

in the 2021/22 school year 25 October to 22 November 2021 ApL Students intending to take ApL courses

commencing at S5 in the 2022/23 school year 22 February to 12 April 2022


18. Schools may make reference to the application procedures stated in the “User Manual for the ApL Module in WebSAMS” uploaded on the website: cdr.websams.edb.gov.hk/ (path:

home page > system documents > user manual > Applied Learning). The important dates on offering ApL and ApL(C) courses are given at Annex 8 and Annex 9. 

Support for Students and Parents

19. Schools should arrange appropriate activities for both students and parents to deepen their understanding of ApL courses and provide students with guidance on subject selection in order to help them make informed choices. For example, schools may organise talks for students and parents, distribute the ApL course prospectus/leaflet, encourage them to participate in the ApL courses       

6 Under the adapted curriculum for students with intellectual disabilities, English Language is not a core subject.  


exhibition, taster programmes and refer to the online resources prepared by the course providers. For the details of the course exhibition and taster programmes, please refer to Annex 10.

Support for Teachers 

20. To facilitate schools in implementing ApL courses for the 2022-24 cohort, the EDB will organise a briefing session in October 2021, and professional development programmes/seminars for teachers in the 2021/22 school year. Details will be announced through the Training Calendar System in due course.


21. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on ApL and other relevant information on the ApL webpage (www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en). For other enquiries, please call the following contact persons:. 

(a) General enquiries Applied Learning Section (Tel: 3698 3186 ) (b) ApL(C) – curriculum matters Ms Amy LEE (Tel: 3540 7411 )

(c) ApL(VocE) – curriculum matters Ms Jane CHENG (Tel: 2892 5454 )

(d) WebSAMS – technical support Systems and Information Management Section (Tel: 3125 8510)

Ms Joanne WONG for Secretary for Education

c.c. Heads of Sections – for information


Important Information on Applied Learning

Quality Assurance 

1. The Education Bureau (EDB) has institutionalised an Applied Learning (ApL) quality assurance mechanism involving the Curriculum Development Council Committee on ApL, the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications and the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) to ensure that courses are developed according to the design principles; the curriculum is delivered as designed; and the learning outcomes of students can meet the set standards.

Assessment Requirement 

2. ApL courses are Category B subjects of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE), and there is no public examination for ApL subjects. The assessment of each ApL subject comprises six to ten tasks undertaken within the period of study. Course providers will conduct assessments of respective ApL subjects while the HKEAA is responsible for moderation of the assessment results submitted by the course providers. The moderated results will be recorded on the HKDSE certificate.

Attendance Requirement 

3. Students taking ApL courses are required to attend lessons (e.g. lecture and e-learning) and other learning activities (e.g. application and practice activities, site visits and project learning) arranged by the course providers. Schools should make arrangement to avoid compulsory school activities for students during the ApL lesson time to support their learning, and also remind students to attend ApL lessons punctually. The minimum attendance requirement of ApL courses is 80%

of the total contact hours. To keep schools informed of students’ learning progress and attendance to facilitate the provision of support to students, the EDB will provide interim results and attendance reports of the students to schools.

Reporting of Performance

4. The reporting of students’ performance in ApL subjects (except ApL(C)) is by three levels, namely, “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)”.

Performance of “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)” are deemed comparable to Level 3 and Level 4 or above of Category A subjects of the HKDSE respectively. As for ApL(C), student performance is reported as “Attained” and “Attained with Distinction”.

For all ApL courses, candidates with performance below the standard of “Attained” or attendance rates below 80% will be designated as “Unattained”, which will not be reported on the HKDSE certificate.


5. In addition to the HKDSE qualification, students who have successfully completed ApL courses that are registered in the Qualifications Register as certificate programmes at Qualifications Framework (QF) Level 3 will obtain a QF Level 3 certificate to be issued by the course providers.

ApL(C) is pegged at QF Level 1 to Level 3, whereas ApL(VocE) is pegged at QF Level 2 to Level 3. Students taking ApL(C)/ApL(VocE) will obtain the respective QF certificate(s)

issued by the course providers upon meeting the assessment and attendance requirements of different QF levels of the courses. Details are available on the Qualifications Register website (www.hkqr.gov.hk).


Further Studies and Work 

6. For further studies in undergraduate programmes, tertiary institutions in general value the learning experiences that students acquire in ApL. ApL subjects are recognised as elective subjects, or considered for award of extra bonus or additional information, varying by individual institutions, faculties or programmes. For further studies in sub-degree programmes, students with level 2 or above in five HKDSE subjects (including Chinese Language and English Language) are eligible to apply for admission to Associate Degree or Higher Diploma Programmes. In general,

each student is allowed to use up to two ApL subjects in the application. For details, please also refer to the relevant websites of individual institutions or the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en/quality-assurance-and-recognition).

7. ApL(C) provides NCS students with an additional channel to obtain an alternative Chinese Language qualification. For the purpose of admission to post-secondary education programmes, ApL(C) is in general accepted as an alternative Chinese Language qualification, but it is not considered an elective subject (please refer to the EDB Circular Memorandum No. 40/2017 for details). Currently, University Grants Committee-funded universities and most post-secondary institutions accept ApL(C) as an alternative qualification in Chinese Language for the

admission of NCS students with “Attained” as the minimum grade required. For details on recognition, please refer to the relevant websites of individual institutions or the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en/quality-assurance-and-recognition). 

8. The Civil Service Bureau (CSB) accepts students’ ApL results in the HKDSE (including “Attained” and “Attained with Distinction”, up to a maximum of 2 ApL subjects) in civil service appointments. For details, please refer to the website of CSB (www.csb.gov.hk/english/info/2170.html). The CSB also accepts “Attained” and

“Attained with Distinction” in ApL(C) as meeting the Chinese language proficiency requirements of relevant civil service ranks. For details, please also refer to the website of CSB (www.csb.gov.hk/textonly/english/admin/appoint/35.html).


Guidelines on Nominating Students for Applied Learning Courses (excluding Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students))

Schools may refer to the following guidelines in nominating students for Applied Learning (ApL) courses:


 For diversified learning, a flexible combination of ApL with core subjects, elective subjects and Other Learning Experiences helps provide theoretical and applied learning opportunities to cater for students’ diverse learning needs. Schools should NOT prioritise their nominations simply based on students’ academic results.

 Schools should provide guidance to students in choosing ApL courses according to their interests and aspirations.

Each student can apply for a maximum of two ApL courses (excluding Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students)). If applying for two ApL courses, students have to list their choices in order of preference. Students have to go through a selection process, after which they may opt to accept offers of one or two ApL courses based on their preferences.

 Before collecting students’ personal data, schools must seek students’

consent by providing all ApL course applicants with the “Student Agreement Form”. The form can be downloaded at the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en/forms-download). The completed forms should

then be collected for retention. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, schools should ensure that all students' personal data can only be handled by authorised personnel of the schools.

For students with special educational needs, schools may opt to submit supplementary information, along with their applications for ApL courses, for reference of the course provider(s) concerned. The form can be downloaded from the website of the Education Bureau (EDB)

(www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en/forms-download). The completed form should be sent to the EDB via fax at 2714 2456 for transmission to the course provider(s) concerned as reference. The course provider(s) may contact schools to make special arrangements for selection interviews if deemed necessary. The EDB encourages schools to keep in close contact with the course providers about the special educational needs of students, so as to support student learning in the ApL courses.


Guidelines on Nominating Students for

Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students)


Schools may refer to the following guidelines in nominating students for Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) (ApL(C)):

ApL(C) is introduced to provide an additional channel exclusively for non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students meeting specified circumstances to obtain an alternative Chinese language qualification to prepare them for further studies and career pursuits.

 Specified circumstances are students who have learned Chinese Language for less than six years while receiving primary and secondary education; or students who have learned Chinese Language for six years or more in schools, but have been taught an adapted and simpler Chinese Language curriculum not normally applicable to the majority of students in local schools.

ApL(C) emphasises application and practice, taking daily life or vocational areas as learning context, schools should assist NCS students in considering applying for ApL(C) according to their language ability, interests and aspirations, and provide guidance and support for NCS students in choosing the appropriate Chinese language curriculum. Each NCS student can take one ApL(C) course only.

 NCS students who aspire to study ApL(C) should have basic language competency to enable them to learn the Chinese language through different modes of activities in a simulated applied learning context. At the point of entry for the study of ApL(C) courses, they are expected to have achieved most of the learning outcomes of the “Chinese Language Curriculum Second Language Learning Framework” (“Learning Framework”) at level 4 or above. Upon completion of courses, NCS students are expected to have achieved

the relevant learning outcomes of the “Learning Framework” at level 6 or above.

Details of the Learning Framework are available at the website of the EDB (www.edb.gov.hk/tc/curriculum-development/kla/chi-edu/second-lang.html).

 Before collecting students’ personal data, schools must seek students’ consent by providing all ApL course applicants with the “Student Agreement Form”. The form can be downloaded at the EDB website (www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en/forms-download).

The completed forms should then be collected for retention. In accordance with

the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, schools should ensure that all students' personal data can only be handled by authorised personnel of the schools.

For students with special educational needs, schools may opt to submit supplementary information, along with their applications for ApL(C) courses, for reference of the course provider(s) concerned. The form can be downloaded from the website of the Education Bureau (EDB) (www.edb.gov.hk/apl/en/forms-

download). The completed form should be sent to the EDB via fax at 2714 2456 for transmission to the course provider(s) concerned as reference. The course provider(s) may contact schools to make special arrangements for selection interviews if deemed necessary.

The EDB encourages schools to keep in close contact with the course providers about the special educational needs of students, so as to support student learning in the ApL(C) course.

 For details of ApL(C) courses, please refer to the ApL(C) website (www.edb.gov.hk/en/aplc).

Annex 3


Offering Applied Learning Courses (2022-24 Cohort; 2024 HKDSE)

in Collaboration with Other Schools in Mode 2

Intention of School


 This form should be completed by schools intending to offer Applied Learning (ApL) courses in collaboration with other schools in Mode 2. The Education Bureau (EDB) will communicate with schools on the feasibility of offering the ApL courses in due course.

 Schools intending to offer two or more ApL courses in collaboration with other schools in Mode 2 should provide separate information to Parts III to V of this Annex for each ApL course.

 Please return the completed form to the Applied Learning Section, Curriculum Development Institute, EDB by fax (fax no.: 2337 0371) on or before 25 March 2022.

For enquiries, please contact the Applied Learning Section, Curriculum Development Institute, EDB at 3698 3186.


I. School and Contact Person Information School name

School address

School no. - Tel. no.  

Name of

contact person Post  

Tel. no. Fax no. Email  


II. Declaration by the Principal

I confirm that my school intends to offer a total of ApL course(s) in collaboration with other schools, via Mode 2 arrangement with details given overleaf.

Signature of Principal : Name of Principal:


School Chop


III. Information of the ApL Courses to be Offered in Collaboration with Other Schools

Course provider

Course name Estimated no.

of students Start date


End date (month/year) Remarks

(Please put a “✓”

in the appropriate box.)

1. Has your school already reached an initial consensus with other school(s) in offering the ApL course through collaboration?

 Yes  No

2. Is your school willing to provide venues/facilities for conducting ApL lessons for students of other schools?

 Yes  No


IV. Information of Collaborating Schools (if applicable)

School name Host school

(Use “✓” to indicate) No. of students 1

2 3



V. Other suggestions/ views (if applicable): 


Funding and Accounting Arrangements for Diversity Learning Grant for Applied Learning

(2022-24 Cohort; 2024 HKDSE)


Diversity Learning Grant

1. The Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) supports aided, government and caput schools, schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) and special schools operating senior secondary classes, in offering a diversified local curriculum to cater for students’ needs. It is a cash grant for aided secondary schools, caput schools, DSS secondary schools and special schools. For government secondary schools, it is in the form of budget allocation.


2. The DLG for Applied Learning (ApL) will be provided to eligible schools on a yearly basis for the implementation of ApL courses provided by the course providers and approved by the Education Bureau (EDB). Schools receiving the grant are NOT allowed to charge students any course fees. To streamline school administration, schools are no longer required to draw up a three- year plan on broadening subject choices for a particular cohort of students.



3. Students in eligible schools studying the senior secondary curriculum prepared by the Curriculum Development Council and published for use in schools by the EDB and studying ApL courses are subsidised under the DLG for ApL7. Each eligible student is entitled to funding for a maximum of two ApL courses (excluding Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students)). In addition, from the 2020/21 school year onwards, if individual students take an ApL course as the fourth elective subject, the school will also be subsidised by the DLG for ApL 8. 4. The DLG for ApL (2022-24 cohort) can only be used to subsidise students to take ApL courses for the 2022-24 cohort and cannot be mixed with the DLG for other cohorts of ApL courses.

The funding must be used for the payment of ApL course fees to be charged by the course providers.

It must not be used for Other Languages and Other Programmes (which are supported by other categories of the DLG), and other purposes such as capital purchases, overheads or maintenance, etc.

Funding Arrangement

5. Schools will be allocated with an amount of DLG for ApL which is equal to the total course fee of ApL courses enrolled by eligible students. The DLG for ApL (2022-24 cohort) will be allocated to schools in two equal instalments during the two-year course duration. The first and second instalments of the DLG for ApL will be provisionally disbursed to schools in August 2022 and August 2023 respectively. For government secondary schools, the DLG for ApL will be provided to schools in the form of budget allocations. Adjustments to the DLG for ApL, if any, will be made by the EDB based on the actual number of students taking ApL courses (2022-24 cohort) (as at 30 September of the respective school years) and the information submitted by schools.


7 Students no longer meeting the requirements as stated in paragraph 3 above due to any reason (e.g. departed from schools) will not be eligible for the DLG for ApL. However, if such students have successfully completed their first year study of ApL courses, they may continue their second year study of ApL courses at their own expense with the consent of the respective course providers and the EDB.

8 In case a student also takes the adapted ApL course(s), each adapted ApL course will be counted as an ApL course in the funding arrangement.


Accounting Arrangements

6. Schools should pay course fees to the course providers in two equal instalments. Instalments of course fees would be calculated based on the number of students as at 30 September of the respective school years. Besides, schools may apply for course fee reduction from the course providers should there be venues, facilities, equipment provided or school teachers contributing to the teaching of ApL courses, etc..

7. For aided secondary schools, caput schools, DSS secondary schools and special schools, a separate ledger account named “DLG for ApL (2022-24 cohort)” should be kept in the school ledger account under the Government Fund to properly record all income and expenditure chargeable to ApL courses. The surplus in the ledger account can be carried forward to the next school year until 31 August 2024. Any unspent balance of the grant will be clawed back. Transfer of funds and/or its unspent balance out of this grant is not allowed. In case of deficit in the ledger account, schools can top up the grant by deploying other resources tabulated below by the end of the respective school years.

School Type Resources to be Deployed by Schools Aided

Secondary Schools, Special Schools

 Capacity Enhancement Grant (CEG)

 Surplus in the General Domain of Operating Expenses Block Grant (OEBG) / Expanded OEBG

 Substitute Teacher Grant / Teacher Relief Grant (TRG)

 Senior Secondary Curriculum Support Grant (SSCSG)9

 Schools’ own funds Government

Secondary Schools  Expanded Subject and Curriculum Block Grant


Caput Schools



 Fee Subsidy

 Schools’ own funds DSS

Secondary Schools


 DSS Subsidy

 Schools’ own funds

8. If schools still have financial difficulties in offering the ApL courses after deploying other resources, schools may approach the EDB to explain their practical difficulties. The EDB will consider providing appropriate support taking into account the specific situation of individual schools.

9. For government secondary schools, the expenditure should be charged to the user code assigned for DLG for ApL (2022-24 cohort). The grant is financial year-based and the expenditure could not exceed the allocation in the respective financial year. Separate allocation for the unspent balance (if any) of the preceding financial year will be provided at the beginning of the next financial year, and any unspent balance of the grant will lapse after 31 August 2024. Transfer of funds and/or its unspent balance out of this grant is not allowed. In case of deficit, schools can top up the grant by deploying the resources as set out in paragraph 7.



Funding and Accounting Arrangements for

Student Grant for Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students) (2022-24 Cohort; 2024 HKDSE)

Student Grant for Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students)

1. The Student Grant for Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students)(Student Grant) supports aided, government and caput schools, schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) and special schools operating senior secondary classes to offer Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students)(ApL(C)) courses. It is a cash grant for aided secondary schools, caput schools, DSS secondary schools and special schools. For government secondary schools, it is in the form of budget allocation.



2. Eligible schools offering ApL(C) courses are provided with the Student Grant to pay for the course fees. Full subsidies will be provided to schools to support each eligible non-Chinese speaking students in taking one ApL(C) course. Schools receiving the Student Grant are NOT allowed to charge students any course fees.

3. The Student Grant (2022-24 cohort) can only be used to subsidise students to take ApL(C) courses for the 2022-24 cohort. The funding must be used for the payment of ApL(C) course fees to be charged by the course providers. It must not be used for offering other ApL courses, capital purchases, overheads or maintenance, etc..

Funding Arrangement

4. Schools will be allocated with an amount of Student Grant which is equal to the total course fee of ApL(C) courses enrolled by eligible students. The Student Grant will be provisionally allocated to schools in three equal instalments. The first installment will be provisionally disbursed to schools in January 2022, the second and third instalments of the Student Grant will be provisionally disbursed to schools in August 2022 and August 2023 respectively. Adjustments to the Student Grant, if any, will be made according to actual number of students (as at 28 February 2022, 30 September 2022 and 30 September 2023) and the information submitted by schools.

Accounting Arrangements

5. Schools should pay course fees to the course providers in three equal instalments. Instalments of course fees would be calculated based on actual number of students (as at 28 February 2022, 30 September 2022 and 30 September 2023). Besides, schools may apply for course fee reduction from the course providers should there be venues, facilities, equipment provided or school teachers contributing to the teaching of ApL(C) courses, etc..

6. For aided secondary schools, caput schools, DSS secondary schools and special schools, a separate ledger account named “Student Grant for ApL(C) (2022-24 cohort)” should be kept in the school ledger account under the Government Fund to properly record all income and expenditure. The surplus in the ledger account can be carried forward to the next school year until 31 August 2024. Any unspent balance of Student Grant will be clawed back. Transfer of funds and/or its unspent balance out of this grant is not allowed. In case of deficit in the ledger account, schools can top up the grant by deploying other resources tabulated below by the end of the respective school years.


School Type Resources to be Deployed by Schools


Secondary Schools, Special Schools

 Capacity Enhancement Grant (CEG)

 Surplus in the General Domain of Operating Expenses Block Grant (OEBG) / Expanded OEBG

 Substitute Teacher Grant / Teacher Relief Grant (TRG)

 Senior Secondary Curriculum Support Grant (SSCSG)10

 Schools’ own funds Government

Secondary Schools

 Expanded Subject and Curriculum Block Grant


Caput Schools



 Fee Subsidy

 Schools’ own funds DSS

Secondary Schools


 DSS Subsidy

 Schools’ own funds

7. If schools still have financial difficulties in offering the ApL(C) courses after deploying other resources, schools may approach the EDB to explain their practical difficulties. The EDB will consider providing appropriate support taking into account the specific situation of individual schools.

8. For government secondary schools, the expenditure should be charged to the user code assigned for Student Grant for ApL(C) (2022-24 cohort). The grant is financial year-based and the expenditure could not exceed the allocation in the respective financial year. Separate allocation for the unspent balance (if any) of the preceding financial year will be provided at the beginning of the next financial year, and any unspent balance of the grant will lapse after 31 August 2024. Transfer of funds and/or its unspent balance out of this grant is not allowed. In case of deficit, schools can top up the grant by deploying the resources as set out in paragraph 6.



(2022-24 年度;2024 年香港中學文憑考試)

List of Applied Learning Courses (2022-24 Cohort; 2024 HKDSE)



學習範疇 Area of Studies

課程組別 Course Cluster

科目代碼 Subject Code

課程 註一 Course NOTE 1



Course Provider


教學語言 Medium of Instruction

可提早於 2021/22 學年

中四級開辦 Available for

early commencement

at Secondary 4 in the 2021/22


課程費用註三 Course Fee



創意學習 Creative Studies

設計學 Design Studies

676 時裝形象設計

Fashion Image Design VTC 中文或英文

Chinese or English 16,270 668 室內設計

Interior Design VTC 中文或英文

Chinese or English 14,350 717 數碼年代—珠寶設計

Jewellery Design in Digital Age VTC 中文或英文 Chinese or English


Not Applicable 15,100

媒體藝術 Media Arts


電腦遊戲及動畫設計 Computer Game and Animation Design

VTC 中文或英文

Chinese or English 14,350 707

數碼漫畫設計與製作 Digital Comic Design and

Production HKU



Chinese or English 15,500 710 流行音樂製作

Popular Music Production HKCT 中文

Chinese 22,000

表演藝術 Performing Arts

599 舞出新機-舞蹈藝術

Taking a Chance on Dance HKAPA 中文 Chinese


Not Applicable 21,800 677 由戲開始.劇藝縱橫

The Essentials of Theatre Arts HKAPA 中文 Chinese


Not Applicable 20,000

媒體及傳意 Media and Communication

電影、電視與 廣播學 Films, TV and Broadcasting Studies


數碼媒體及電台製作 Digital Media and Radio Production




Chinese or English 18,000 702 電影及超媒體

Film and Transmedia VTC 中文或英文

Chinese or English 15,100

媒體製作與 公共關係 Media Production and Public Relations

718 數碼品牌傳播

Digital Brand Communication




中文或英文 Chinese or English


Not Applicable 18,000 719 多媒體故事

Multimedia Storytelling




中文或英文 Chinese or English


Not Applicable 24,000 708

公關及多媒體傳訊 PR and Multimedia Communication


HKCT 中文或英文

Chinese or English 13,800

商業、管理及 法律 Business, Management

and Law

會計及金融 Accounting and Finance

703 電子商務會計

Accounting for e-Business CityU (SCOPE)


Chinese or English 17,300

商業學 Business Studies

720 人工智能-商業應用

AI in Business CityU (SCOPE)

中文或英文 Chinese or English


Not Applicable 19,300 693 商業數據應用

Data Application for Business HKIT 中文或英文

Chinese or English 10,400 681

市場營銷及網上推廣 Marketing and

Online Promotion CityU (SCOPE)


Chinese 16,490


Legal Studies 672

香港執法實務 Law Enforcement in Hong Kong




Chinese or English 15,800


學習範疇 Area of Studies

課程組別 Course Cluster

科目代碼 Subject Code

課程 註一 Course NOTE 1



Course Provider


教學語言 Medium of Instruction

可提早於 2021/22 學年

中四級開辦 Available for

early commencement

at Secondary 4 in the 2021/22


課程費用註三 Course Fee



服務 Services

食品服務及 管理 Food Services and Management



Modern Southeast Asian Cuisine





Not Applicable 19,800 688

甜品及咖啡店營運 Pâtisserie and Café Operations


HKCT 中文或英文

Chinese or English 18,700 616 西式食品製作

Western Cuisine


VTC 中文或英文

Chinese or English 16,050

款待服務 Hospitality Services



Airport Passenger Terminal Operations


Chinese 20,200

611 酒店服務營運

Hospitality Services in Practice




Chinese or English 18,700 615 酒店營運

Hotel Operations


VTC 中文或英文

Chinese or English 15,800 個人及

社區服務 Personal and Community Services

704 幼兒發展

Child Care and Development


CICE 中文或英文

Chinese or English 16,880 665 幼兒教育

Child Care and Education


VTC 中文或英文

Chinese or English 15,100 610 美容學基礎

Fundamental Cosmetology CICE 中文

Chinese 14,400

應用科學 Applied Science


Food Science 712 食品創新與科學

Food Innovation and Science HKU (SPACE)


Chinese or English 18,000

醫療科學及 健康護理 Medical Science and Health Care

689 動物護理

Animal Care CityU


英文 English


Not Applicable 25,800 592

中醫藥學基礎 Foundation in

Chinese Medicine HKU (SPACE)


Chinese 16,500

618 健康護理實務

Health Care Practice CICE 中文或英文

Chinese or English 16,270 660 醫務化驗科學

Medical Laboratory Science HKU (SPACE)


Chinese or English 18,000 713 復康護理實務

Rehabilitation Care Practice CICE 中文或英文 Chinese or English


Not Applicable 17,650

心理學 Psychology

662 應用心理學 Applied Psychology


LIFE 中文或英文

Chinese or English 17,500 691 實用心理學

Practical Psychology




Chinese or English 16,250

運動 Sports

674 運動及體適能教練

Exercise and Fitness Coaching


HKCT 中文或英文

Chinese or English 14,200 627

運動科學及體適能 Exercise Science and Health Fitness




Chinese or English 19,150

工程及生產 Engineering and


土木、電機及 機械工程 Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering


電機及能源工程 Electrical and Energy

Engineering VTC 中文或英文

Chinese or English 15,410

資訊工程 Information Engineering

722 人工智能與機械人

AI and Robotics HKU (SPACE)

中文或英文 Chinese or English


Not Applicable 18,000 684

電腦鑑證科技 Computer Forensic

Technology HKU


中文或英文 Chinese or English


Not Applicable 15,200 714 電競科技

eSports Technology HKU (SPACE)


Chinese or English 18,000 706 資訊科技精要

Tech Basics




Chinese or English 24,000

航空學 HKU 中文或英文


學習範疇 Area of Studies

課程組別 Course Cluster

科目代碼 Subject Code

課程 註一 Course NOTE 1


Course Provider


教學語言 Medium of Instruction

Available for early commencement

at Secondary 4 in the 2021/22


課程費用 Course Fee



跨學習範疇 Cross Areas of




Applied Learning (Vocational English)

715 英文傳意

English Communication


VTC 英文

English 16,900

723 商用服務英語

English for Business Services





Not Applicable 19,800 716

服務業專業英語 English for Service Professionals



(SPACE) 英文

English 19,800


(非華語學生 適用)

Applied Learning Chinese (for non-Chinese speaking students)

695 商業服務中文

Chinese in Business Service



中文 Chinese


Not Applicable 43,500 700 實用情境中文

Chinese in Practical Context



中文 Chinese


Not Applicable 44,550 699 實務中文

Practical Chinese





Not Applicable 40,200 725 韓國語文及文化

Korean Language and Culture LIFE 中文 Chinese


Not Applicable 17,500 726 實用翻譯(漢英)

Practical Translation (CHI-ENG) LIFE 中文及英文 Chinese and English


Not Applicable 17,500 註一NOTE 1

# 學生在同一個課程組別內只可修讀一科「#」標示的課程。For courses marked with “#”, only one course in the course cluster could be taken by a student.

△ 「△」標示的課程已載錄於資歷名冊,屬於資歷架構第三級的證書課程。學生成功完成「△」標示的應用學習課 程,除了會得到香港中學文憑資歷之外,亦會獲課程提供機構頒發資歷架構第三級證書。詳情可瀏覽資歷名冊網頁

(www.hkqr.gov.hk)。The courses marked with “△" are registered in the Qualifications Register as certificate programmes at Qualifications Framework (QF) Level 3. Students will also obtain a QF Level 3 certificate issued by Course Providers in addition to the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education qualification upon successful completion of these Applied Learning (ApL) courses. Details are available at the Qualifications Register website (www.hkqr.gov.hk). 

▲ 教育局鼓勵課程提供機構按情況安排「▲」標示的應用學習課程與資歷架構掛鈎。最新消息請留意應用學習網頁。 The Education Bureau (EDB) encourages course providers to seek QF accreditation, where appropriate, for courses marked with

“▲". Please refer to the ApL website for updated information.

@  下列課程屬於「鼓掌—創新教育歷程(CLAP-TECH)」計劃的一部分,計劃旨在發展一條有業界參與的學習路徑。有關詳情,請

聯絡課程提供機構—香港浸會大學持續教育學院。The courses below are part of the CLAP-TECH project that aims to develop a learning pathway with the engagement of industries. For details, please contact the course provider, HKBU(SCE).

學習範疇 Area of Studies

課程組別 Course Cluster

課程 註一 Course NOTE 1

課程提供機構註二 Course Provider


教學語言 Medium of Instruction

課程費用 註三 Course Fee NOTE 3

($) 媒體及傳意

Media and Communication

媒體製作與公共關係 Media Production and Public Relations


Multimedia Storytelling





Chinese or English 24,000 工程及生產

Engineering and Production


Information Engineering


Tech Basics HKBU



Chinese or English 24,000 註二NOTE 2

課程提供機構Course Provider CICE 明愛社區書院 Caritas Institute of Community Education

CityU(SCOPE) 香港城市大學專業進修學院 School of Continuing and Professional Education, City University of Hong Kong HKAPA 香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

HKBU(SCE) 香港浸會大學持續教育學院 School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University HKCT 香港專業進修學校Hong Kong College of Technology

HKIT 香港科技專上書院Hong Kong Institute of Technology

HKU(SPACE) 香港大學專業進修學院 School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong LIFE 嶺南大學持續進修學院 Lingnan Institute of Further Education

PolyU(SPEED) 香港理工大學專業進修學院 The School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University VTC 職業訓練局 Vocational Training Council

註三NOTE 3

在資助中學、官立中學、按位津貼學校、直接資助計劃中學及設有高中班級的特殊學校修讀由課程發展議會所編訂並由教育局公布之高 中課程的學生,將獲教育局全數資助課程費用。Students in aided, government and caput schools, schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme and special schools with senior secondary classes studying the senior secondary curriculum prepared by the Curriculum Development Council and published for use in schools by the EDB will be fully subsidised by the EDB to take ApL courses.


Applied Learning Courses (2022-24 Cohort; 2024 HKDSE)


Important Dates for Course Commencement at Secondary 5

Briefing Session for Schools Oct 2021

Submission of Applications by Schools via WebSAMS 22 Feb - 12 Apr 2022

(Selection arrangements will be sent to schools by 28 Apr 2022) Application for Taster Programmes by Schools

on or before 25 Feb 2022

(Starting date of application will be announced via CDS) ApL Courses Virtual Exhibition

Mar 2022 Taster Programmes 12 & 19 Mar 2022

Student selection by course providers 7 & 14 May 2022 (fall-back date: 21 May 2022)

Announcement of selection results by the EDB 7 Jun 2022 onwards

Confirmation of student information by schools On or before 20 Jun 2022

Student selection and confirmation of implementation details & course fee reduction by schools and course providers

Apr - Jun 2022

Submission of class details & student information by schools On or before 8 Jul 2022

Disbursement of provisional Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) for ApL (1st instalment) to schools by the EDB

Aug 2022 Course commencement

Sep 2022

Calculation of the adjusted amount of DLG for ApL (1st instalment) by the EDB based on actual number of students as at 30 Sep 2022*

Payment of course fees (1st instalment) to course providers by schools Oct / Nov 2022

Disbursement of provisional DLG for ApL (2nd instalment) to schools by the EDB Aug 2023

School registration with the HKEAA for students’ entry to HKDSE for ApL Sep / Oct 2023

Calculation of the adjusted amount of DLG for ApL (2nd instalment) by the EDB based on actual number of students as at 30 Sep 2023*

Payment of course fees (2nd instalment) to course providers by schools Oct / Nov 2023

2021/22 s.y.

Mode 1 Mode 2

2022/23 s.y.

2023/24 s.y.

Annex 8



03/2018 Annual Information on operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Local and International Primary Schools by Grade are provided in XLS format. 16

Figures include ordinary secondary day schools, but not special schools and secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education

Figures include ordinary secondary day schools, but not special schools and secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education

Including special schools and a small number of special classes in ordinary schools (primarily outside the public sector), but excluding special child care centres registered under

1.5 In addition, EMB organised a total of 58 forums and briefings (45 on COS and 13 on special education) to explain the proposals in detail and to collect feedback from

The basic ranks of teachers in aided secondary schools are Certificated Master/Mistress (CM) for non-graduate teachers and Graduate Master/Mistress (GM) for

(Updated in September 2022)

In order to facilitate school personnel of DSS schools in operating their schools smoothly and effectively and to provide new DSS schools a quick reference on the