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An Action Research Of Multimedia On English Remedial Teaching For 6th Grade Underachievers At An Elementary School 陳芳筠、郎亞琴


Academic year: 2022

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An Action Research Of Multimedia On English Remedial Teaching For 6th Grade Underachievers At An Elementary School


E-mail: 360029@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study aimed to examine the effects of multimedia on English remedial teaching for underachieved elementary school students based on their English learning achievement and English learning motivation. The study used action research to explore English remedial teaching for the English underachievers. These 10 students were selected from the whole 6th graders of an elmentary school located in the central part of Taiwan. They were so chosen because their English scores were as the lowest 25% of the 6th graders. In this study, these students took 24 English remedial teaching classes. The major conclusions drawn from this study are as follows: 1. The 10 students improved moderately on English learning achievement after the 24 remedial teaching classes. 2. The English learning motivation changed positively. 3. Through this action research, the researcher constantly contemplated on many issues of teaching and learning, and this thinking process encourages her improve the quality of English teaching.

Keywords : Multimedia、Action research、Underachievers、Remedial teaching Table of Contents

中文摘要...................... i 英文摘要......................

ii 誌謝辭....................... iii 內容目錄.....................

. iv 表目錄....................... vi 圖目錄....................

... viii 第一章 緒論..................... 1   第一節  研究動機與背景.......

..... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 4   第三節  名詞解釋.........

...... 5 第四節  研究限制................. 5 第二章 文獻探討............

....... 7   第一節  英語教學的理論與應用......... 7 第二節  多媒體學習的認知理論與應用

........ 17   第三節  補救教學的理論與應用......... 22   第四節  低成就學童的發展與 輔導........ 26 第三章 研究方法................... 31   第一節  研究架構與流程

............ 31 第二節  研究場域與參與人員............ 35   第三節  研究工具.

.............. 37   第四節  多媒體融入英語補救教學之研究方案... 43 第五節  資料蒐集與 分析.............. 45 第四章 多媒體融入英語補救教學過程與結果....... 49 第一節  多媒體 融入英語補救教學各單元....... 49 第二節  結果與討論................ 66 第五章 研究結 果與討論................ 68 第一節  多媒體融入英語補救教學結果與討論......68 第二節   研究對象個別之結果與討論......... 73 第三節  研究者的教學省思............. 94 第六 章 結論與建議.................. 97 第一節  結論................... 97 第二節  建議................... 99 第三節  對未來研究的建議............

. 101 參考文獻...................... 103 中文部份..................

.... 103 英文部份...................... 109 附錄1 英語學習成效測驗(預試)......

...... 112 附錄2 英語學習成效測驗(正式)............ 114 附錄3 英語學習動機量表(預試)....

........ 116 附錄4 英語學習動機量表(正式)............ 118 附錄5 英語科補救教學課程通知單暨 家長同意書..... 120 附錄6 英語補救教學課堂觀察記錄表.......... 121 附錄7 英語補救教學個別訪談 教學紀錄表........ 122 附錄8 教學進度表.................. 123 附錄9 教案設計...

................ 124 附錄10 學習單一................... 140 附錄11 學習單 二................... 141 附錄12 學習單三................... 142 REFERENCES

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 Incorporating effective learning and teaching strategies to cater for students’ diverse learning needs and styles?.  Integrating textbook materials with e-learning and authentic

Session notes for Course for Secondary School Teachers on Teaching Personal, Social & Humanities Education (PSHE) Key Learning Area in the English Medium

The academic achievement of math of high-grade elementary school students is significant related to their SES and the self-concept in math, but is non-related to their