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A study on the Lohas concepts, lifestyle, green consumption behavior, and sustainable living behavior / 何雅慧 撰 .- 彰 何雅慧、李俊憲


Academic year: 2022

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A study on the Lohas concepts, lifestyle, green consumption behavior, and sustainable living behavior / 何雅慧 撰 .- 彰


E-mail: 354521@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study aimed to explore the relationship between the LOHAS concepts, lifestyle, green consumption behavior, and sustainable living behavior. A structural questionnaire was applied to collect opinions from consumers over age 18 with writing ability, at the LOHAS-concept-based store after buying goods. There were 420 copies sent and 415 valid samples returned for further statistical analysis using SPSS 10. The main findings of this study was that the lifestyle intention and sustainable living behavior can predict the concepts of LOHAS significantly, as well as the green products consumption behavior. Several suggestions were provided to different stakeholders related to this study subject. The government should focus policy on the promotion of LOHAS concepts into the school and continuing education. Relative activities should be held to promote people to behave within green consuming and sustainable living behaviors. The certification system of green products should be clear and unified with international standards. The

green-product selling stores should provide more information of green products and expand the channel and place to selling green products. Some non-profit activities will enhance the identity from people. The people can have more positively attitude to accept the new lifestyle of loving our environment and building their own LOHAS concepts. The following researchers might apply the qualitative method to collect deeply information from the consumers and extend the conclusion of this study.

Keywords : LOHAS、Lifestyles、Green Consumption Behavior、Sustainable Living Behavior Table of Contents

中文摘要 .......................iii 英文摘要 .......................iv 誌謝辭 .......................v 目錄 .......................vi 圖目錄 .......................viii 表目錄 .......................ix

第一章  緒論

第一節  背景與動機................. .1 第二節  研究目的.................. .5 第三節  研究問題.................. .5 第四節  範圍與限制.................. 6 第五節  重要名詞解釋................ .6 第二章  文獻探討

第一節  樂活之發展..................8 第二節  生活型態.................. 14 第三節  永續生活行為................ 17 第四節  相關實證、命題與假設............ 21 第三章  研究方法

第一節  研究架構.................. 26 第二節  研究工具.................. 27 第三節  問卷發放及實施計畫............. 33


第四節  統計分析方法................ 34 第四章  資料分析

第一節  問卷發放實施情況.............. 36 第二節  信度分析與集群分析............. 37 第三節  樣本背景描述性統計分析........... 40 第四節  樂活觀念、生活型態、綠色消費行為、永續生活行為 敘述性統計................. 42

第五節  假設驗證.................. 47 第六節  本章小結.................. 51 第五章  結論與建議

第一節  結果討論.................. 52 第二節  結論.................... 59 第三節  建議.................... 60 參考文獻....................... 62 附錄A  預試問卷 .................. 74 附錄B  正式問卷 .................. 78


圖2-1 EBM消費者行為模式.............. 12 圖3-1 研究架構圖..................26


表2-1 生活型態之AIO測量類別............ 14 表2-2 一般化生活型態與特殊化生活型態比較表.... 15 表2-3 全球永續發展進程表..............19 表3-1 樂活觀念量表.................28 表3-2 生活型態量表.................29 表3-3 綠色消費行為量表...............30 表3-4 永續生活行為量表...............31 表3-5 驗證假設之統計分析方法表...........35 表4-1 預試問卷信度分析表..............36 表4-2 生活型態子構面信度分析表...........38 表4-3 永續生活行為子構面信度分析表.........39 表4-4 樣本人口統計變項次數分配表..........41 表4-5 樣本人口統計變項次數分配表(併項).......41 表4-6 樂活觀念量表分析...............42 表4-7 生活型態量表分析...............43 表4-8 樣本綠色消費行為變項次數分配表........44 表4-9 樣本常去消費綠色產品商店次數分配表......45 表4-10 樣本最常消費的綠色產品次數分配表.......45 表4-11 永續生活行為量表分析.............46 表4-12 生活型態及永續生活行為對樂活觀念多元迴歸分析表47 表4-13 有無購買綠色產品經驗對樂活觀念差異檢定表...48 表4-14 購買綠色產品持續時間對樂活觀念差異檢定表...48 表4-15 每月購買綠色產品次數對樂活觀念差異檢定表...49 表4-16 是否加入綠色商店家會員對樂活觀念差異檢定表..49 表4-17 平均每月購買綠色產品金額對樂活觀念差異檢定表.50 表4-18 研究假設驗證摘要表..............51 REFERENCES

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