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Academic year: 2022



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Abstract. As an important prototype in closed convex cones, ellip- soidal cone covers several practical instances such as second-order cone, circular cone and elliptic cone. In virtue of a recent study on its de- composition expression, we present a symmetric type of ellipsoidal cone function and show that this vector-valued function inherits some smooth properties from its corresponding scalar function, particularly in conti- nuity, directional differentiability, differentiability and continuous differ- entiability. We believe that these results will play important roles on further analysis and study about conic programming problems associ- ated with ellipsoidal cone.

1. Introduction

Consider the ellipsoidal cone [2, 21, 22, 23] with the form (1.1) KE :=x ∈ Rn| xTQx ≤ 0, uTnx ≥ 0 ,

where Q ∈ Rn×nis a real-valued nonsingular symmetric matrix and (λi, ui) ∈ R × Rndenotes its i-th eigenpair. In addition, these pairs satisfy the under- line relations:

λ1≥ · · · ≥ λn−1> 0 > λn and

 uTi uj = 1, if i = j, uTi uj = 0, if i 6= j.

Under the standard Euclidean inner product h·, ·i and the norm k · k defined on Rn, its dual cone (KE)h·,·ihas an explicit expression (due to [16, Theorem 2.1]) as follows:

(1.2) (KE)h·,·i:= {y ∈ Rn | yTQ−1y ≤ 0, uTny ≥ 0}.

It is not difficult to see that the ellipsoidal cone KE defined as in (1.1) can be viewed as a type of nonsymmetric cones.

During the past two decades, conic programming have been extensively studied [4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 20], particularly in three types of closed

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 90C25.

Key words and phrases. Nonsymmetric cones, Ellipsoidal cones, Cone function.

The author’s work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Number: 11601389), Doctoral Foundation of Tianjin Normal University (Grant Number: 52XB1513).

Corresponding author. The author’s work is supported by Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.



convex cones, i.e., the nonnegative octant Rn+, second-order cone Kn and positive semi-definite cone S+n. All of these cones are fully addressed and some fundamental topics such as projection, spectral decomposition, cone function and cone-convexity have been studied. A fascinating feature among them is to unify all these results under the framework of Euclidean Jordan Algebra defined on symmetric cones, we refer to the monograph [10] for more details. A natural question is how to extend these observations on symmetric cones suitable for nonsymmetric counterparts? Recently, Miao, Lu and Chen [18] look into the first three items in the setting of some nonsymmetric cases such as circular cone, p-order cone, geometric cone, exponential cone and power cone, in which the lack of explicit projection formulae onto these cones (except for the circular cone case) become the main hurdle for non-symmetric cone optimization problems and cause some unpleasant consequences. For example, the classical Moreau decomposition in convex analysis cannot be used directly; the associated decomposition expressions and cone functions are correspondingly missing. These observations motivate us to focus on algebraic properties of nonsymmetric cones and to provide a systematical study on their analytic features.

As an important prototype, several famous instances can be generated from ellipsoidal cones by different choices of parameters (Q, un). For in- stances, let us take

Q =

 In−1 0

0 −1


 In−1 0 0 − tan2θ


 MTM 0

0 −1

and un= en, where In−1 denotes the identity matrix of order n − 1, θ ∈ (0,π2), M is any nonsingular matrix of order n − 1 and en is the n-th column vector of In. In these cases, the ellipsoidal cone respectively reduces to the second-order cone [5, 8]:

Kn:=(¯xn−1, xn) ∈ Rn−1× R | k¯xn−1k ≤ xn , the circular cone [3, 24]:

Lθ:=(¯xn−1, xn) ∈ Rn−1× R | k¯xn−1k ≤ xntan θ and the elliptic cone [1]:

KnM :=(¯xn−1, xn) ∈ Rn−1× R | kM ¯xn−1k ≤ xn .

Therefore, ellipsoidal cone is a natural generalization of second-order cone, circular cone and elliptic cone.

For algebraic properties of ellipsoidal cones, there have been several liter- atures in recent studies. More specifically, Lu and Chen [16] discuss its self- duality and positive homogeneity, in which the authors observe that ellip- soidal cone can become self-dual by introducing a new inner product and the associated automorphism group can be characterized as the similarity trans- formation of its special counterpart in the second-order cone setting with an appropriate nonsingular matrix. Furthermore, they also provide an investi- gation on its variational geometry, projection expression and decomposition,


see [17] for more details. In particular, the decomposition of the given point associated with the ellipsoidal cone is characterized in [17, Theorem 8]. For completeness, we restate it as follows. Due to the eigenvalue decomposition, we rewrite Q ∈ Rn×n as the form Q = U ΛUT with an orthogonal matrix U ∈ Rn×n and a diagonal matrix Λ ∈ Rn×n, where U := [ ¯Un−1, un] ∈ Rn×n, U¯n−1 := [u1, u2, · · · , un−1] ∈ Rn×(n−1) and Λ := diag( ¯Λn−1, λn) ∈ Rn×n, Λ¯n−1 := diag (λ1, λ2, · · · , λn−1) ∈ R(n−1)×(n−1).

Theorem 1.1 (Decomposition). [17, Theorem 8] Let KE ∈ Rn be an ellipsoidal cone defined as in (1.1) and (KE)h·,·i be its dual cone defined as in (1.2). For any given x ∈ Rn, it has the following decomposition:

x = ( s(1)I

a(x) · vI(1)

a (x) + s(2)I

a(x) · vI(2)

a (x) if U¯n−1T x 6= 0, s(1)I

b (x) · vI(1)

b (x) + s(2)I

b (x) · vI(2)

b (x) if U¯n−1T x = 0, where s(1)I

a(x), s(2)I

a(x), s(1)I

b (x), s(2)I

b (x) and v(1)I

a (x), vI(2)

a (x), vI(1)

b (x), vI(2)

b (x) are respectively given by


a(x) := uTnx + k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk, vI(1)

a (x) := 1

2 · ¯Un−1n−1T x k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk + un


∈ KE,


a(x) := uTnx − k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk, vI(2)

a (x) := 1

2 · −U¯n−1n−1T x k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk + un


∈ KE, s(1)I

b (x) := uTnx, vI(1)

b (x) := 1 2 ·

U¯n−1w k ¯M wk + un

∈ KE, s(2)I

b (x) := uTnx, vI(2)

b (x) := 1 2 ·

−U¯n−1w k ¯M wk + un

∈ KE with any given nonzero vector w ∈ Rn−1 and a diagonal matrix ¯M looks like


M :=¯

" ¯Un−1T (Q − λnunuTn) ¯Un−1



= diag s


(−λn), s


(−λn), · · · , s



! . Theorem 1.1 indicates that by denoting


λ(1)I (x), λ(2)I (x), u(1)I (x), u(2)I (x)



a (x), s(2)I

a (x), vI(1)

a (x), v(2)I

a (x)

if ¯Un−1T x 6= 0,


b (x), s(2)I

b (x), vI(1)

b (x), v(2)I

b (x)

if ¯Un−1T x = 0, the decomposition formula now can be rewritten as follows:

(1.5) x = λ(1)I (x) · u(1)I (x) + λ(2)I (x) · u(2)I (x), ∀x ∈ Rn.


For any function f : R → R, the following vector-valued function associated with KE is considered:

(1.6) fIEC(x) = f (λ(1)I (x)) · u(1)I (x) + f (λ(2)I (x)) · u(2)I (x), ∀x ∈ Rn. If f is defined only on the subset of R, then fIEC is defined on the cor- responding subset of Rn. Notice that the expression (1.6) is well-defined whether ¯Un−1T x 6= 0 or ¯Un−1T x = 0. In the sequel, we call this function a symmetric type of ellipsoidal cone function, due to the fact that the vectors u(1)I (x), u(2)I (x) in (1.4) are both contained in KE. For any given x ∈ Rn, λ(i)I (x), u(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2) are the spectral values and the spectral vectors of x, respectively.

In this paper, we aim to study smooth properties of the vector-valued function fIEC, particularly in continuity, directional differentiability, dif- ferentiability, continuous differentiability inherited by fIEC from f . As a byproduct, we also establish these results for some special cases of ellip- soidal cone such as second-order cone, circular cone and elliptic cone.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present some technical lemmas used in the sequel. The main conclusions will be established in Section 3. We next discuss some special examples in Section 4. Finally, some concluding remarks are drawn.

1.1. Notation and terminology. In what follows, we review some basic concepts about vector-valued functions. For the mapping F : Rn→ Rm, we say F to be continuous at x ∈ Rn if

F (y) → F (x) as y → x,

and F is continuous if F is continuous at every x ∈ Rn. Similarly, we say F is directionally differentiable at x ∈ Rn if

F0(x; h) = lim


F (x + th) − F (x) t

exists for all h ∈ Rn and F is directionally differentiable if F is directionally differentiable at every x ∈ Rn. Moreover, F is differentiable (in the Fr´echet sense) at x ∈ Rnif there exists a linear mapping DF : Rn→ Rm such that

F (x + h) − F (x) − DF (x)h = o(khk).

We call DF (x) the Jacobian of F at x ∈ Rn. Furthermore, if F is differen- tiable at every x ∈ Rn and DF (x) is also continuous, then F is continuous differentiable. For a differentiable mapping g : Rn → R, the gradient of g with respect to the variable x ∈ Rn is denoted by ∇xg.

2. Preliminaries

Before establishing smooth analytic properties of fIEC, we need the fol- lowing technical lemmas.


Lemma 2.1 (Perturbation of spectral values). Let λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2) be the spectral values of x ∈ Rn and m(i)I (y) (i = 1, 2) be the spectral values of y ∈ Rn. Then, we have


λ(i)I (x) − m(i)I (y)

≤ 1 + k ¯M ¯Un−1T k · kx − yk, ∀i = 1, 2, where k ¯M ¯Un−1T k is the induced matrix norm on the space R(n−1)×nof ¯M ¯Un−1T as follows:

k ¯M ¯Un−1T k := sup{k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk

kxk = 1, x ∈ Rn}.

Proof. The proof can be obtained easily by simple calculation. Note that

(i)I (x) − m(i)I (y)|

uTn(x − y) +

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk − k ¯M ¯Un−1T yk

≤ kunk · kx − yk + k ¯M ¯Un−1T (x − y)k

≤ 1 + k ¯M ¯Un−1T k · kx − yk, ∀i = 1, 2,

where the second inequality follows from the facts |aTb| ≤ kak · kbk, |kak −

kbk| ≤ ka − bk, ∀a, b ∈ Rn. 

Lemma 2.2 (Perturbation of spectral vectors). Let u(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2) be the spectral vectors of x ∈ Rn and p(i)I (y) (i = 1, 2) be the spectral vectors of y ∈ Rn.

(a) If ¯Un−1T x 6= 0, ¯Un−1T y 6= 0, then we have (2.2)

u(i)I (x) − p(i)I (y) ≤ 1


k ¯Un−1n−1T k

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk +k ¯Un−1−1k · k ¯M ¯Un−1T k k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk


· kx − yk

for any i = 1, 2. In this case, u(i)I (x) and p(i)I (y) are the unique spectral vectors of x and y, respectively.

(b) If either ¯Un−1T x = 0 or ¯Un−1T y = 0, then we can choose u(i)I (x), p(i)I (y) such that the left hand side of the above inequality (2.2) is zero.

Proof. (a) If ¯Un−1T x 6= 0, ¯Un−1T y 6= 0, according to the decomposition in Theorem 1.1 and (1.4), we obtain

u(1)I (x) = 1

2· ¯Un−1n−1T x k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk + un


, u(2)I (x) = 1

2 · −U¯n−1n−1T x k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk + un

! , p(1)I (y) = 1

2· ¯Un−1n−1T y k ¯M ¯Un−1T yk + un


, p(2)I (y) = 1

2 · −U¯n−1n−1T y k ¯M ¯Un−1T yk + un

! .


From the above, we see that u(i)I (x), p(i)I (y) (i = 1, 2) are unique. In addition, we have

ku(i)I (x) − p(i)I (y)k

≤ 1


n−1n−1T x

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk −U¯n−1n−1T y k ¯M ¯Un−1T yk

≤ 1


n−1n−1T x − ¯Un−1n−1T y k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk +

n−1n−1T y

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk −U¯n−1n−1T y k ¯M ¯Un−1T yk

≤ 1


k ¯Un−1n−1T k

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk · kx − yk + k ¯Un−1−1k k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk ·

k ¯M ¯Un−1T yk − k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk


≤ 1


k ¯Un−1n−1T k

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk · kx − yk + k ¯Un−1−1k

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk · k ¯M ¯Un−1T (y − x)k


≤ 1


k ¯Un−1n−1T k

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk + k ¯Un−1−1k · k ¯M ¯Un−1T k k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk


· kx − yk, ∀i = 1, 2.

(b) It is clear that we can choose the same spectral vectors for x and y from the relation (1.4), since either ¯Un−1T x = 0 or ¯Un−1T y = 0.  Lemma 2.3 (Gradients). Let A ∈ Rn×n, B ∈ Rs×n and x ∈ Rn. If Bx 6= 0, then we have


 Ax kBxk

= 1


In−(BTB)(xxT) kBxk2

 AT, (2.3)

x(kBxk) = 1



Proof. Let us rewrite

A =

a11 a12 · · · a1n a21 a22 · · · a2n ... ... . .. ... an1 an2 · · · ann


 aT1 aT2 ... aTn

∈ Rn×n,

B =

b11 b12 · · · b1n

b21 b22 · · · b2n ... ... . .. ... bs1 bs2 · · · bsn


B·,1 B·,2 · · · B·,n  ∈ Rs×n

with ai∈ Rn (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) and B·,j ∈ Rs (j = 1, 2, · · · , n). Therefore, we have


 Ax kBxk



 aT1x kBxk

 , ∇x

 aT2x kBxk

, · · · , ∇x

 aTnx kBxk



where ∇xaT ix kBxk

(i = 1, 2, · · · , n) is defined as follows:


 aTi x kBxk



 aTi x kBxk


 aTi x kBxk



 aTi x kBxk

∈ Rn.

By direct calculation, we have


 aTi x kBxk

= aij


kBxk− (aTi x)(Bx)TB·,j

kBxk3 , j = 1, 2, · · · , n.

Consequently, we obtain


 Ax kBxk

= 1

kBxkAT − 1


= 1


In− (BTB)(xxT) kBxk2


which shows that Eq. (2.3) holds. On the other hand, similar to the first part, we obtain

∂xj(kBxk) = (Bx)TB·,j

kBxk , j = 1, 2, · · · , n, and therefore the gradient of kBxk with respect to x is given by

x(kBxk) =



(kBxk) ...




kBxk (Bx)TB·,2

kBxk ... (Bx)TB·,n


= 1


which implies that Eq. (2.4) is true. 

3. Smooth analysis

In this section, we aim to show the properties of continuity and differen- tiability between the scalar function f and its associated cone function fIEC. Now, after the above preparations, we are ready to present our first main result about continuity between f and fIEC.


Theorem 3.1 (Continuous). For any given function f : R → R, let fIEC be its corresponding cone function defined as in (1.6). Then, the following statements are equivalent to each other.

(a) f is continuous at λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2).

(b) fIEC is continuous at x ∈ Rn with spectral values λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2).

Proof. (a) ⇒ (b) Suppose f is continuous at λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2). For any fixed x ∈ Rn and y → x, let x and y be decomposed as

x = λ(1)I (x)·u(1)I (x)+λ(2)I (x)·u(2)I (x), y = m(1)I (y)·p(1)I (y)+m(2)I (y)·p(2)I (y).

Then, we consider the following two cases:

Case (a): If ¯Un−1T x 6= 0, then we have fIEC(y) − fIEC(x)

= f (m(1)I (y)) · p(1)I (y) + f (m(2)I (y)) · p(2)I (y)

−f (λ(1)I (x)) · u(1)I (x) − f (λ(2)I (x)) · u(2)I (x)

= f (m(1)I (y)) · (p(1)I (y) − u(1)I (x)) + (f (m(1)I (y)) − f (λ(1)I (x))) · u(1)I (x) +f (m(2)I (y)) · (p(2)I (y) − u(2)I (x)) + (f (m(2)I (y)) − f (λ(2)I (x))) · u(2)I (x).


Since f is continuous at λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2) and the inequality (2.1) in Lemma 2.1, we obtain

f (m(i)I (y)) → f (λ(i)I (x)) (i = 1, 2) as y → x.

According to the relation (2.2) in Lemma 2.2, we also know kp(i)I (y) − u(i)I (x)k → 0 (i = 1, 2) as y → x.

Moreover, the equation (3.1) and the boundedness of f (m(i)I (y)), u(i)I (x) yield that

fIEC(y) → fIEC(x) as y → x.

Therefore, fIEC is continuous at x ∈ Rn.

Case (b): If ¯Un−1T x = 0, we can arrange that x, y have the same vector parts, regardless of ¯Un−1T y is equal to zero or not. At the same time, we obtain

fIEC(y) − fIEC(x) = (f (m(1)I ) − f (λ(1)I )) · u(1)I + (f (m(2)I ) − f (λ(2)I )) · u(2)I . By similar arguments as Case (a), we know that fIEC is continuous at x ∈ Rn. (b) ⇒ (a) The proof for this direction is straightforward and has a similar

arguments for [5, Proposition 2]. 

Theorem 3.2 (Directionally Differentiable). For any given function f : R → R, let fIEC be its corresponding cone function defined as in (1.6).

Then, the following statements are equivalent to each other.

(a) f is directionally differentiable at λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2).


(b) fIEC is directionally differentiable at x ∈ Rn with spectral values λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2).

Proof. (a) ⇒ (b) Suppose f is directionally differentiable at λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2). We divide our proof into the following two cases:

Case (a): If ¯Un−1T x 6= 0, then we have

f (x) = f (λ(1)I (x)) · u(1)I (x) + f (λ(2)I (x)) · u(2)I (x),

where the scalars λ(1)I (x), λ(2)I (x) and the vectors u(1)I (x), u(2)I (x) are given by

λ(1)I (x) = uTnx + k ¯M Un−1T xk, λ(2)I (x) = uTnx − k ¯M Un−1T xk, u(1)I (x) = 1

2· ¯Un−1n−1T x k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk + un


, u(2)I (x) = 1

2 · −U¯n−1n−1T x k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk + un

! . Due to the nonsingularity of ¯M defined as in (1.3), we obtain ¯M ¯Un−1T x 6=

0. From Lemma 2.3, we know that λiI(x), u(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2) are Fr´echet- differentiable with respect to the variable x, i.e.,

xλ(1)I (x) = un+ 1

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )x,

xλ(2)I (x) = un− 1

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )x,

xu(1)I (x) = 1 2k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk


In−( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )(xxT) k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk2


( ¯Un−1n−1T ),

xu(2)I (x) = − 1 2k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk


In− ( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )(xxT) k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk2


( ¯Un−1n−1T ).

To show that fIEC is directionally differentiable at x ∈ Rn with spectral values λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2), we only need to verify the directional differentiabil- ity of the composition functions f (λ(i)I (x)) (i = 1, 2) with respect to x ∈ Rn and then use the product rule and the chain rule on fIEC.

Since f is directionally differentiable at λ(1)I (x), then it is easy to see that lim


f (λ(1)I (x) + t · 1) − f (λ(1)I (x))

t = f0(1)I (x); 1), lim


f (λ(1)I (x) − t · 1) − f (λ(1)I (x))

t = f0(1)I (x); −1), lim


f (λ(1)I (x) + o(t)) − f (λ(1)I (x))

t = 0.

Using the fact that λ(1)I (x) is Fr´echet-differentiable at x, we obtain λ(1)I (x + th) = λ(1)I (x) + t · hTxλ(1)I (x) + o(t).


Let y = hTxλ(1)I (x)+o(t)t , then y → hTxλ(1)I (x) as t → 0+. If hTxλ(1)I (x) <

0, then y < 0 as t is sufficiently close to 0 and we obtain



f (λ(1)I (x + th)) − f (λ(1)I (x)) t

= lim


f (λ(1)I (x) + ty) − f (λ(1)I (x)) t

= lim


f (λ(1)I (x) − (−ty) · 1) − f (λ(1)I (x))

(−ty) · (−y)

= lim


f (λ(1)I (x) − (−ty) · 1) − f (λ(1)I (x))

(−ty) · lim


= f0(1)I (x); −1) · (−hTxλ(1)I (x))

= f0(1)I (x); hTxλ(1)I (x)),

where the last equation follows from the positive homogeneous property of directionally differentiable functions. On the other hand, we can also deduce a similar result



f (λ(1)I (x + th)) − f (λ(1)I (x))

t = f0(1)I (x); hTxλ(1)I (x))

under the case hTxλ(1)I (x) ≥ 0. Therefore, the directional differentiability of f (λ(1)I (x)) with respect to x ∈ Rn is fulfilled and so does f (λ(2)I (x)) by repeating the above procedure. Consequently, we obtain

(fIEC)0(x; h)

= f0(1)I (x); hTxλ(1)I (x)) · u(1)I (x) + f0(2)I (x); hTxλ(2)I (x)) · u(2)I (x) +f (λ(1)I (x)) · (∇xu(1)I (x))Th + f (λ(2)I (x)) · (∇xu(2)I (x))Th,


where the terms hTxλ(i)I (x), (∇xu(i)I (x))Th, (i = 1, 2) are defined as fol- lows:

hTxλ(1)I (x) = uTnh + 1

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xkxT( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )h, hTxλ(2)I (x) = uTnh − 1

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xkxT( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )h, (∇xu(1)I (x))Th = 1

2k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk( ¯Un−1n−1T )


In−(xxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T ) k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk2

# h, (∇xu(2)I (x))Th = − 1

2k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk( ¯Un−1n−1T )


In−(xxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T ) k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk2

# h.


Hence, we obtain

f0(1)I (x); hTxλ(1)I (x)) · u(1)I (x) + f0(2)I (x); hTxλ(2)I (x)) · u(2)I (x)

= 1

2 · f0(1)I (x); uTnh + 1

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xkxT( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )h)

− f0(2)I (x); uTnh − 1

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xkxT( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )h)


·U¯n−1n−1T x k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk +1

2 · f0(1)I (x); uTnh + 1

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xkxT( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )h) + f0(2)I (x); uTnh − 1

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xkxT( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )h)


· un (3.3)


f (λ(1)I (x)) · (∇xu(1)I (x))Th + f (λ(2)I (x)) · (∇xu(2)I (x))Th

= f (λ(1)I (x)) − f (λ(2)I (x))

2k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk · ( ¯Un−1n−1T )


In−(xxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T ) k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk2

# h

= f (λ(1)I (x)) − f (λ(2)I (x)) λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x)

· ( ¯Un−1n−1T )


In−(xxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T ) k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk2

# h, (3.4)

where the last equation uses the relation λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x) = 2k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk.

From (3.2), we can rewrite (fIEC)0(x; h) in a more compact form as below:

(fIEC)0(x; h)

= f0(1)I (x); hTxλ(1)I (x)) · u(1)I (x) + f0(2)I (x); hTxλ(2)I (x)) · u(2)I (x) +f (λ(1)I (x)) − f (λ(2)I (x))

λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x)

· ( ¯Un−1n−1T )


In−(xxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T ) k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk2

# h.


Case (b): If ¯Un−1T x = 0, then we have

fIEC(x) = f (λ(1)I (x)) · u(1)I (x) + f (λ(2)I (x)) · u(2)I (x),

where the scalars λ(1)I (x), λ(2)I (x) and the vectors u(1)I (x), u(2)I (x) are given by

λ(1)I (x) = uTnx, λ(2)I (x) = uTnx, u(1)I (x) = 12·U¯


k ¯M wk + un

, u(2)I (x) = 12 ·

U¯k ¯n−1w

M wk + un ,

where w is any given nonzero vector in Rn−1. If ¯Un−1T h 6= 0, then ¯Un−1T (x + th) 6= 0 and fIEC(x + th) has the following decomposition

fIEC(x + th) = f (λ(1)I (x + th)) · u(1)I (x + th) + f (λ(2)I (x + th)) · u(2)I (x + th),


where the scalars λ(1)I (x+th), λ(2)I (x+th) and the vectors u(1)I (x+th), u(2)I (x+

th) satisfy the following relations

λ(1)I (x + th) = uTn(x + th) + k ¯M ¯Un−1T (x + th)k = λ(1)I (x) + tλ(1)I (h), λ(2)I (x + th) = uTn(x + th) − k ¯M ¯Un−1T (x + th)k = λ(2)I (x) + tλ(2)I (h), u(1)I (x + th) = 1

2· ¯Un−1n−1T (x + th) k ¯M ¯Un−1T (x + th)k + un


:= u(1)I (h), u(1)I (x + th) = 1

2· −U¯n−1n−1T (x + th) k ¯M ¯Un−1T (x + th)k + un


:= u(2)I (h).

In addition, if we choose w = ¯Un−1T h, then u(1)I (x) = u(1)I (x + th) = u(1)I (h) and u(2)I (x) = u(2)I (x + th) = u(2)I (h), which show that

fIEC(x + th) − fIEC(x) t

= f (λ(1)I (x) + tλ(1)I (h)) − f (λ(1)I (x))

t · u(1)I (h)

+f (λ(2)I (x) + tλ(2)I (h)) − f (λ(2)I (x))

t · u(2)I (h).

Therefore, the following relation is fulfilled under the directionally differen- tiability of f at λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2):


(fIEC)0(x; h) = f0(1)I (x); λ(1)I (h)) · u(1)I (h) + f0(2)I (x); λ(2)I (h)) · u(2)I (h).

On the other hand, if ¯Un−1T h = 0, then ¯Un−1T (x + th) = 0. In this case, we know

fIEC(x + th) = f (λ(1)I (x + th)) · u(1)I (x + th) + f (λ(2)I (x + th)) · u(2)I (x + th), where the scalars λ(1)I (x+th), λ(2)I (x+th) and the vectors u(1)I (x+th), u(2)I (x+

th) now can be rewritten as follows:

λ(1)I (x + th) = uTn(x + th) = λ(1)I (x) + tλ(1)I (h), λ(2)I (x + th) = uTn(x + th) = λ(2)I (x) + tλ(2)I (h), u(1)I (x + th) = 1

2 ·

U¯n−1η k ¯M ηk + un

:= u(1)I , u(1)I (x + th) = 1

2 ·

−U¯n−1η k ¯M ηk + un

:= u(2)I ,

where η is any given nonzero vector in Rn−1. In addition, if we choose w = η 6= 0, then u(1)I (x) = u(1)I (x + th) = u(1)I , u(2)I (x) = u(2)I (x + th) = u(2)I . Similarly, we have

(3.7) (fIEC)0(x; h) = f0(1)I (x); λ(1)I (h)) · u(1)I + f0(2)I (x); λ(2)I (h)) · u(2)I .


In summary, we show that fIEC is directionally differentiable at x ∈ Rnwith spectral values λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2).

(b) ⇒ (a) The proof for this direction is trivial by adapting the arguments

for [5, Proposition 3]. 

Theorem 3.3 (Differentiable). For any given function f : R → R, let fIEC be its corresponding cone function defined as in (1.6). Then, the fol- lowing statements are equivalent to each other.

(a) f is differentiable at λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2).

(b) fIEC is differentiable at x ∈ Rnwith spectral values λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2).

Moreover, the corresponding Jacobian of fIEC at x is defined as follows:


= ( ¯Un−1n−1T )


f0(1)I (x)) − f0(2)I (x)) λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x)


+2 · f0(1)I (x)) + f0(2)I (x)) (λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x))2

(xxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )

+f (λ(1)I (x)) − f (λ(2)I (x)) λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x)

In− 4 ·(xxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T ) (λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x))2




f0(1)I (x)) − f0(2)I (x)) λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x)

(unxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )

+f0(1)I (x)) + f0(2)I (x))

2 In

# (3.8)

if ¯Un−1T x 6= 0; otherwise,

(3.9) DfIEC(x) = f0(uTnx)In.

Proof. (a) ⇒ (b) The proof for this direction can be adapted from Theo- rem 3.2, in which we only need to use “differentiable” to replace “direction- ally differentiable”. At the same time, we know that f0(i)I (x), ·) (i = 1, 2) are linear, in other words,

(3.10) f0(i)I (x), a + b) = f0(i)I (x))a + f0(i)I (x))b, ∀a, b ∈ R, since f is differentiable at λ(i)I (x) (i = 1, 2).

Next, the remaining part will be verified under the following two cases:


Case (a): If ¯Un−1T x 6= 0, according to the relations (3.3)-(3.5) and (3.10), then we have

(fIEC)0(x; h)

= 1

2 h

(f0(1)I (x)) − f0(2)I (x)))uTnh +f0(1)I (x)) + f0(2)I (x))

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk xT( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )h

#U¯n−1n−1T x k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk +1

2 h

(f0(1)I (x)) + f0(2)I (x)))uTnh +f0(1)I (x)) − f0(2)I (x))

k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk xT( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )h

# un

+f (λ(1)I (x)) − f (λ(2)I (x)) λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x)

· ( ¯Un−1n−1T )


In−(xxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T ) k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk2

# h

= ( ¯Un−1n−1T )


f0(1)I (x)) − f0(2)I (x)) λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x)


+2 · f0(1)I (x)) + f0(2)I (x))

(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x))2 (xxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T ) +f (λ(1)I (x)) − f (λ(2)I (x))

λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x)

In− 4 ·(xxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T ) (λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x))2





f0(1)I (x)) − f0(2)I (x)) λ(1)I (x) − λ(2)I (x)

(unxT)( ¯Un−1TM ¯¯Un−1T )

+f0(1)I (x)) + f0(2)I (x))

2 In

# h,

where the last equation follows from the fact λ(1)I (x)−λ(2)I (x) = 2k ¯M ¯Un−1T xk.

The above relation shows that (fIEC)0(x; h) = DfIEC(x)h, where DfIEC(x) is defined as in (3.8).



According to the authors’ earlier experience on symmetric cone optimization, we believe that spectral decomposition associated with cones, nonsmooth analysis regarding

[1] F. Goldfarb, Second-order cone programming, Math. Alzalg, M.Pirhaji, Elliptic cone optimization and prime-dual path-following algorithms, Optimization. Terlaky, Notes on duality

We point out that extending the concepts of r-convex and quasi-convex functions to the setting associated with second-order cone, which be- longs to symmetric cones, is not easy

In section 4, based on the cases of circular cone eigenvalue optimization problems, we study the corresponding properties of the solutions for p-order cone eigenvalue

(i) spectral factorization associated with circular cones; (ii) smooth and nonsmooth analysis for f L θ given as in (7); (iii) the so-called L θ -convexity; and (iv) L θ

For the proposed algorithm, we establish a global convergence estimate in terms of the objective value, and moreover present a dual application to the standard SCLP, which leads to

Abstract In this paper, we consider the smoothing Newton method for solving a type of absolute value equations associated with second order cone (SOCAVE for short), which.. 1

Chen, Conditions for error bounds and bounded level sets of some merit func- tions for the second-order cone complementarity problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and