J Oral Maxillofac Surg 65:134-140, 2007
Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region:
Report of 2 Cases and Review of the Literature
Jean-Paul Meningaud, MD, PhD, FEBOMS,*
Poramate Pitak-Arnnop, DDS, Diploma (OMS),†
Pierre Fouret, MD, PhD,‡ and Jacques-Charles Bertrand, MD§
Kimura’s disease (KD) is an uncommon chronic inflam- matory disorder of unknown etiology. Clinically, it pre- sents as solitary or multiple subcutaneous nodules, pre- dominantly in the head and neck region, typically in the preauricular region, forehead, and scalp.1-6Other local- izations such as lacrimo-orbital involvement and upper extremities have been reported.1,6The soft tissue local- ization is often associated with regional lymphade- nopathy and, occasionally, with enlargement of the major salivary gland.2-5 Sporadic cases in non-Asian peoples with KD have been previously reported,4,6,7 but there are no reports of patients from islands in the Southwest Indian Ocean. We report 2 cases of KD with hypereosinophilia in patients who are natives of Madagascar and Mauritius. Our report shows that KD should be considered even in non-Asian patients in the diagnosis of hypereosinophilia-associated disease with head and neck subcutaneous mass.
Report of Cases
A 29-year-old man who was a native of Madagascar with no past medical history gradually developed a large, firm mass over the right preauricular region involving the right
zygomatic and temporal areas over 3 months (Fig 1). The cervical lymph nodes were not palpable; physical examina- tion was otherwise unremarkable. Laboratory results were a marked peripheral hypereosinophilia. Because there was no evidence of allergy or parasitic infestation and because the patient had not taken prior medications, hypereosinophilic syndrome was first considered due to the markedly elevated blood eosinophil count. However, the absence of internal organ involvement made this diagnosis questionable. Com- puted tomography (CT) scan revealed an expansively ill- defined subcutaneous mass occupying the parotidomasse- teric region; there was no bone involvement. Nevertheless, it was not determined whether the lesion originated from the parotid gland (Fig 2). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that the lesion infiltrating the subcutaneous fatty tissue had inhomogeneous low signal intensity on both T1- and T2-weighted images; the lesion margins were ill- defined without a clear plane of cleavage between the mass and the adjacent parotid gland that was displaced and com- pressed. No evidence of the invasion of masseter muscle and underlying bone could be seen (Fig 3). Under general anesthesia, surgical removal of the mass with preservation of the facial nerve was performed via rhytidectomy. Patho- logic study of the specimen showed a marked reactive follic- ular hyperplasia with prominent follicles that were sur- rounded by fibrous tissue. Some follicles contained eosinophilic proteinous material; a few demonstrated follicu- lolysis. The interfollicular infiltrate was rich in plasma cells and eosinophils that formed scattered eosinophilic micro- abscesses associated with granulomatous inflammation.
Thin-walled vessels were numerous and often grouped in small foci; their endothelial lining was neither epithelioid nor vacuolated. Reed-Sternberg cells, atypical lymphocytes, or Langerhans cells were not identified. Special stains in- cluding periodic acid-Schiff, Giemsa, and Brown and Brenn failed to show any infectious agents (Figs 4-6). Therefore, the definite diagnosis was KD. The patient’s condition has remained satisfactory throughout the 1-year follow-up period.
A 25-year-old Mauritius native male presented with a soft, mobile, painless, and slowly growing, approximately for 18 months, mass over the right parotid region in 1991. With the exception of hypereosinophilia, there was no signifi- cant medical history. Lymph nodes from the left spinal, left suprahyoid, left suboccipital, and left axillary groups, as well as from the right inguinal group, were enlarged. CT scan showed a well-circumscribed 8.5⫻ 3.5 cm diameter Received from the Teaching Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris,
*Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology.
†Surgical Fellow, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Sto- matology.
‡Professor, Department of Anatomy and Pathologic Cytology.
§Professor and Head, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Stomatology.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Meningaud:
Service de chirurgie maxillo-faciale, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, 47 bd de l’hôpital. 75651 Paris Cedex 13, France; e-mail: meningaud@noos.fr
©2007 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 0278-2391/07/6501-0026$32.00/0
mass that originated from the right parotid gland. The pa- tient benefited from right superficial parotidectomy at an- other hospital. Histologic examination demonstrated lym- phoid hyperplasia with vascular proliferation and eosinophilic infiltration; therefore, KD was diagnosed. Post- operative facial paralysis was encountered which was an unsatisfactory surgical outcome. In 1999, the patient was referred to us for consultation because of recurrence of KD as a right preauricular lymphadenopathy confirmed by CT scan (Fig 7). To avoid further injury to the facial nerve, the mass was excised via an intraoral approach. The diagnosis of KD was confirmed pathologically. The postoperative course was uneventful. However, in early 2004 the patient presented with a 4 cm diameter mass in the left retroman- dibular area. CT scan and MRI revealed hyperplasia of the inferior pole of the left parotid gland consistent with lym- phoid hyperplasia (Figs 8, 9). A left superficial parotidec- tomy via a retromandibular approach was performed. His- tologically, the mass contained the prominent lymphoid hyperplasia compartmentalized by fibrous connective tis- sue; the interfollicular infiltrate was rich in plasma cells and eosinophils that formed eosinophilic microabscesses. The final diagnosis was KD. At the time of last follow-up there had been no recurrence for 1 year. There was no renal complication.
KD is an uncommon chronic inflammatory disorder involving subcutaneous tissue, predominantly in the head and neck region. This disease is most frequently associated with regional lymphadenopathy and/or sal- ivary gland involvement.3-5,8-10Although KD has long been described as a distinct entity since the original report by Kimura,2-5 it is often confused with angi- olymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) in many reports.11-14A long list of synonyms for KD has added to the confusion. However, KD and ALHE are quite different and should be distinguished using clin- ical and pathologic features. A brief summary of dis-
tinctive features between these entities is presented inTable 1. KD has a predilection for young to middle- aged Asian men; however, some cases have been reported in non-Asian patients. Although both our patients are natives of islands located in the South- west Indian Ocean, many people from these countries are partially of Asian descent. It is generally assumed that there is a genetic predisposition for KD.
Current theories on precise causation have been the subject of debate. Because of the correlations of KD with immunities, it seems suitable to classify this disease in a category of the reactive immune disor- ders in etiology, and not with tumors.8-16 Various leukocytes have been advocated in the disease etio- pathogenesis, including mast cells,17,18eosinophils,19 and macrophages.20,21 Recent studies have also sug- gested that the expression of activated CD4(⫹) T- helper 2 (Th2) cells,10,22 as well as the overexpres- sion of their cytokines, such as granulocyte-
FIGURE 1. Photograph of the patient case 1 who presented with a 3-month history of progressive swelling of the right preauricular regions involving the right zygomatic and temporal areas.
Meningaud et al. Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007.
FIGURE 2. A and B, Axial CT scan of case 1 showing an expansive, ill-defined, homogeneously hypoattenuated mass occupying the right parotidomasseteric region and extending posteriorly toward the pos- terior border of mandilar ramus. No bony involvement was evident.
Meningaud et al. Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007.
macrophage colony-stimulating factor, tumor necro- sis factor-␣, interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, eotaxin, and RANTES,23,24 may play an important role in the dis- ease development by regulating Ig E production and eosinophilic recruitment. Moreover, a clonal T-cell population may contribute to disease development and recurrence.25 Some antigens responsible for the reactive induction of the immune system have been proposed; such as Candida albicans,16 Epstein-Barr virus,26and human herpes virus-8.27
Clinically, KD lesions simulate neoplasms in the head and neck region,2-5,10,14,16sometimes in the up- per limbs.28,29The lesions present as deeper masses rather than isolated or grouped red papules, plaques, or mucocutaneous lesions that are commonly seen in ALHE.15Both diseases can cause proptosis, lid swell- ing, ocular dysmotility, or a palpable mass when en- countering the orbit and ocular adnexa. Nevertheless, KD has been described in the orbit, eyelids, and lacrimal gland more frequently than ALHE.11 For the
FIGURE 3. MRI of case 1 showing ill-defined inhomogeneous hy- pointense lesions located in the subcutaneous tissue of parotidomas- seteric region without a clear plane of cleavage between the mass and the adjacent parotid gland appearing displaced and compressed. No evidence of the invasion of masseter muscle and underlying bone can be seen.
Meningaud et al. Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007.
FIGURE 4. Photomicrograph of case 1 showing lymph node-like tissues with markedly reactive follicular hyperplasia and granulomatous inflammation interspersed with normal fatty tissue. (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; magnification⫻25.)
Meningaud et al. Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007.
FIGURE 5. Photomicrograph of case1 showing germinal centers with lack of distinctive large epithelioid endothelial cells and vascular proliferation. The interfollicular infiltration was rich in plasma cells and eosinophils forming eosinophilic microabscesses. (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; magnification⫻200.)
Meningaud et al. Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007.
FIGURE 6. Photomicrograph of case 1 showing numerous and prominent thin-walled vessels with lack of epithelioid or vacuolated endothelial cells. There was no atypia in the lymphoid cell population.
(Hematoxylin-eosin stain; magnification⫻400.)
Meningaud et al. Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007.
non-Asian with KD, some authors have reported its localization in preauricular subcutaneous tissue and cervical lymph nodes of male Caucasians; most had peripheral hypereosinophilia.4Lymph nodes and ma- jor salivary glands, especially parotid glands, are com- monly affected, resembling malignancies.2,3 Interest- ingly, no bilateral parotid masses have been previously documented, as has been shown in our second case.
Swelling of the extraocular muscle,30juvenile tempo- ral arteritis,31and associated coronary artery disease32 are also grouped in accessory lesions of KD, including sleep apnea in cases of laryngeal involvement.33
Many patients with KD also develop allergic condi- tions and renal involvement. Asthma, chronic urticaria/
eczema, pruritis, rhinitis, cutaneous eosinophilic vascu-
litis, and alopecia areata are frequently associated.2,5,14 The coexistences of KD and other cutaneous lesions have also been reported, such as lichen amyloidosus.
It is believed that the inflammatory process of KD results in the basal layer damage necessary for colli- sion occurrence of the later lesions.34 Also, it has a high frequency of an association with nephrotic syn- drome; a handful of KD pediatric patients with renal diseases or who require dialysis have been reported.10,22,35,36 This renal involvement has been attributed to the deleterious effects of eosinophil granules and possibly to microemboli from the heart in patients presenting with fibroplastic endocarditis
FIGURE 7. CT scan of case 2 showing a recurrent mass as a right preauricular lymphadenopathy. The patient, subsequently, underwent the excision via an intraoral approach as the second operation.
Meningaud et al. Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007.
FIGURE 8. CT scan of case 2 before the third operation shows a lesion in the region of the left parotid.
Meningaud et al. Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007.
FIGURE 9. MRI of case 2 before the third operation revealed hyper- plasia of the inferior pole of the left parotid gland consistent with lymphoid hyperplasia.
Meningaud et al. Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007.
Disease ALHE
Gender Predominantly
Predominantly female Ethnic group Predominantly
Asian and non-Asian
Localization Deep,
Superficial, dermal Clinical presentation Nodule Papule
Lymphadenopathy Frequent Rare
Salivary gland involvement
Frequent Rare
Hypereosinophilia Frequent Rare
Serum Ig E Elevated Normal
Predominant cellular component
Lymphoid infiltrate
Vascular hyperplasia Feature of
endothelial cells
Flat Epithelioid
and/or vacuolized Meningaud et al. Kimura’s Disease of the Parotid Region. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007.
or eosinophilic myocarditis. Most secondary forms are usually caused by an immunoallergic process leading to the deposit of immune complexes in glomeruli.
The effects of polynuclear eosinophils could also be caused by the release of cytokines and other media- tors. Additionally, inflammatory process in KD may be involved in refractory hypertension and anemia in patients with end-stage renal disease requiring dialy- sis,9steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome,36as well as renal insufficiency.37 Fortunately, both our patients had no history of or were not associated with renal disease. Nevertheless, in our opinion, KD patients should be referred for other physical evaluation, par- ticularly for nephropathy.
Imaging evaluation of soft-tissue lesions has under- gone a dramatic evolution with the advent of CT and MRI imaging, which are very useful for definite pre- operative diagnosis. Ultrasonogram (US) can also be useful. CT scan provides the information of this soft tissue lesion without any bony involvement. On CT scans with contrast enhancement this lesion appears as a homogeneous, slightly hyperattenuated mass.
MRI will differentiate its precise nature from other soft tissues tumors. This lesion tends to be heteroge- neous-hypointense, sometimes slightly hyperintense on T1- and T2-weighted imagings. Additionally, it will show heterogeneous enhancement after administra- tion of contrast media. Its discrepancies of enhance- ment degree, by nature, may be attributable to differ- ing degrees of fibrosis and vascular proliferation.38 The lesions always present a subcutaneous woolly- echotexture mass with well- or ill-defined border on US.39In addition, on gray-scale US, hypoechoic and round features with normal hilar architecture and homogeneous internal echoes are always revealed in nodal lesions. The prominent intranodal vessels with a hilar pattern and low intranodal resistance are al- ways revealed on Doppler US, as well as soft tissue;
parotid lesions also show low-resistance vascularity within.40
Concerning the presentation in our first case, the exact plane of the lesions should be established to differentiate them from tumors in other origins. The differential diagnosis in emphasis was made in groups of soft tissue tumors, such as lipoma, rhabdomyoma, neurilemmoma, or schwannoma, and lymphoprolif- erative or granulomatous lesions, including Miku- licz’s disease (sialolymphadenitis) or Castelman’s disease.16,41 Hyperplasia and benign tumors of sub- cutaneous vascular proliferations should also be in the differential list, including ALHE, bacillary angiomato- sis, intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia, Kaposi’s sarcoma, pseudo-Kaposi’s sarcoma, and var- ious types of hemangiomas. As demonstrated in the second case, when lymph nodes are involved in the submental, submandibular, and upper cervical re-
gions, as well as within the parotid gland, it mimics malignancy. The differential diagnosis with reactive lymphadenopathy, subcutaneous soft tissue tumors with lymph node involvement, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, dermopathic lymphoma, parotid tumor with nodal metastasis, and Mikulicz’s disease or Castelman’s dis- ease should not be excluded.40,41 Differentiation of Langerhans cell histiocytosis and salivary gland neo- plasms from KD is also crucial in the region of the parotid gland.42
Diagnosis is achieved by excisional biopsy, which is also the therapy of choice. Microscopically, as com- pared with ALHE, KD shows a marked lymphoprolif- eration with prominent germinal center and some folliculolysis. Also, KD lacks distinctive large epithe- lioid endothelial cells. Instead, the angioproliferation involved postcapillary venules presenting with thin- walled vessels4,15are often accompanied by a charac- teristic inflammatory infiltration, forming eosinophilic microabscesses. In nodal specimens, florid germi- nal centers, vascularized germinal centers, increased paracortical post-capillary venules, eosinophilic infil- tration, and fibrosis are commonly found. Warthin- Finkeldey polykaryocytes are often positive for lym- phoid and macrophagic markers. Fine needle aspiration cytology is characterized by an admix- ture of significant numbers of eosinophils, frag- ments of collagenous tissue, epithelioid endothelial cells, and occasional polykaryocytes (Warthin- Finkeldey-type giant cells) against a background of a polymorphous lymphoid population. Therefore, cytology can be a useful adjunct diagnostic tool in KD.43,44
Treatment options range from conservative obser- vation for asymptomatic patients to surgical excision, steroid therapy, and radiotherapy for the symptom- atic patient. The lesion is benign but may be persistent and difficult to eradicate. Multiple treatment modalities have been proposed for KD, each with limited success or undesirable side effects and recurrence is common.
Treatments include oral corticosteroids,7,32,41oral retin- oids,45oral pentoxifylline,46cyclosporine,34,47,48surgi- cal excision,3 radiotherapy,26,41,49 and laser ther- apy.33 Overall prognosis is favorable, but multiple relapses are possible. There is no evidence of malig- nant transformation and occasionally spontaneous resolution occurs.7
Similar to our opinion, some reports have sug- gested that complete surgical excision with/without initial high-dose corticosteroid whenever feasible is the preferred treatment for a well-circumscribed le- sion, despite a high recurrence rate.3,50 With great emphasis on diffusely infiltrative lesions, complete extirpation is virtually impossible and may result in recurrence.19When surgery is not possible or in sit- uations of recurrence, conservative treatment with
either corticosteroids7,14,32,41 or radiation26,41 often produces a favorable response. On the other hand, many internists advocated medical management (eg, corticosteroids).7,14,32,41 Some immunomodulators, such as pranlukast or suplatast tosilate, have been observed to support steroid tapering by the possible immunomodulatory mechanism of IL-4 production of Th2 cells.51,52Because of their effect on the Th2 cells, cyclosporine,47,48 interferon-alpha,53 and oral pen- toxifylline46 may also be introduced in cases of ste- roid-resistant KD subcutaneous masses or ulcers. If the degree of improvement is unsatisfactory or drug resistance occurs, the more radical excision should be considered later. Nicotine, which is an effective treat- ment of other neutrophil-associated skin disorders (such as pyoderma gangrenosum and orogenital ulcer- ations caused by Behçet’s disease) may be attributable to prominent eosinophilic infiltration such as KD skin lesions.54 Prospective, randomized clinical trials, however, are needed to answer whether these medi- caments are a substitute for, or adjunct to, surgery.
Renal involvement of KD subsides most of the time after administration of corticosteroid.9 In steroid-re- sistant cases, KD masses must be sacrificed.36 Care should be taken in KD cases of renal transplantation because both chronic graft rejection and KD involve the Th2-dominant immune response, which may lead to secondary renal graft failure.10
KD is an uncommon chronic inflammatory disease presenting as a subcutaneous swelling typically in the head and neck area. It has been described more often in Asians. However, it does occur in non-Asians with a similar clinicopathologic presentation. Our 2 cases suggest that KD is no longer just a disease from Oriental countries, although most cases have been from there. KD is a distinctive entity with elusive etiology. It has characteristic histologic features that are important to recognize, including follicular hyper- plasia, eosinophil microabscesses, and angioprolifera- tion. The surgical resection (with a safe margin of healthy tissue) with/without initial high-dose steroid therapy is the treatment of choice with risk of recur- rence; regression should be monitored over a pro- longed period of time.
The authors acknowledge the support of Dr Laurent Giaoui, attending maxillofacial surgeon of Department of Maxillofacial Sur- gery, Teaching Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, for the information on the patient case 2.
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J Oral Maxillofac Surg 65:140-143, 2007
Sialectasis of Stensen’s Duct With an Extraoral Swelling: A Case Report With
Surgical Management
Harold D. Baurmash, DDS*
The definition of sialectasis, according to the Merriam Medical dictionary, is “a dilated salivary duct.” When dealing with Stensen’s duct, such dilations occur as a
consequence of intraductal obstructive objects such as sialoliths or polyps (papillomas),1 but most com- monly with ductal stenosis or narrowing. Ductal ste- nosis may occur secondary to sialolithotomy, espe- cially if the duct is sutured following stone removal, traumatic ductal injury with resultant fibrosis, or as a consequence of long standing ductal inflammation associated with chronic parotitis.
Dilations will vary in size depending on the severity of the obstruction, the elasticity of the duct, and the degree of gland function. In the case of chronic pa- rotitis, mild to moderate dilations will be encoun- tered, resulting in the so-called “sausage effect” where
*Formerly, Clinical Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Columbia University, School of Dental and Oral Surgery, NY, New York.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Baurmash:
4666 Hazleton Lane, Lake Worth, FL 33467; e-mail Hali2533@
©2007 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 0278-2391/07/6501-0027$32.00/0