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108年公務人員高等考試三級考試試題 類科:觀光行政(選試觀光英語)


Academic year: 2021

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考試時間: 2 小時 座號:

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代號:24480 頁次:1-1

一、英譯中:Translate the following passage into Chinese(30 分)

The Trump administration on Wednesday instructed shelters that house undocumented children who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border that it would no longer pay for English-language instruction, recreational activities, including soccer and access to legal aid. The Department of Health and Human Services said a budget crisis caused by a massive influx of unaccompanied immigrant minors is forcing the agency to end paying for any services and activities not directly related to children’s safety.

二、中譯英:Translate the following passage into English(30 分)

近幾年來,徒步旅行已經成為一項極具吸引力的戶外探險活動。臺灣面 積雖小,但卻擁有百處以上的徒步旅行秘境,如果積極推廣,一定可以 成為國際遊客嚮往的景點。無論遊客喜歡徒步登山,或者喜歡享受林間 寧靜的夜晚,在這個美麗的島嶼,他們永遠不會沒有選擇。從本島最高 峰玉山到充滿螢火蟲的林間小溪,這片神秘的土地上處處都綻放著令人 驚嘆的自然美景。

三、英文作文:Write an English essay in 250-300 words(40 分)

In this essay, please provide your opinions of sustainability and tourism.

Please start with describing whether tourism can be completely sustainable or not. Then provide at least three strategies or policies and explain how each of them can foster economic and social growth while minimizing negative social, cultural and environmental impacts.



[This function is named after the electrical engineer Oliver Heaviside (1850–1925) and can be used to describe an electric current that is switched on at time t = 0.] Its graph

(一)初試:採筆試方式,題目類型為選擇題,每科目題數各 50 題(每題 2 分,各題未作 答不予計分,答錯倒扣 0.6 分) 。初試成績達參加複試標準(初試科目其中

候用校長、候用主任、教師 甄選業務、考卷業務及試 務、教師介聘、外籍英語教 師及協同教學人員招募、推

“Social welfare” if defined in a narrow sense refers to the services provided by the Social Welfare Department (SWD) and Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs),

身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試委員會於 108 年 11 月 1 日公告「考試科目及測驗範 圍調整說明—111 學年度起適用」,本案業經教育部 108 年 10 月 29


The increasing charges of medical services, rising prices in jewellery and air tickets pushed the indices of Health; Other goods and services; and Transport and communications up

Meanwhile, the price indices of Miscellaneous Goods & Services and Health increased by 4.64% and 4.51% respectively, due to dearer prices of articles and products for