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應考人如有下列情事扣該節成 績 10 分,如再犯者該節不予計分


Academic year: 2021

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臺灣土地銀行 107 年度一般金融人員及專業人員甄試試題



科目一:國文及英文 *入場通知書編號:______________________

注意:作答前先檢查答案卡,測驗入場通知書編號、座位標籤、應試科目是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試人員處 理。使用非本人答案卡作答者,不予計分。

本試卷一張雙面,四選一單選選擇題共 50 題,每題 2 分,共 100 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,




外接插卡、攝(錄)影音、資料傳輸、通訊或類似功能),且不得發出聲響。應考人如有下列情事扣該節成 績 10 分,如再犯者該節不予計分。1.電子計算器發出聲響,經制止仍執意續犯者。2.將不符規定之電子計 算器置於桌面或使用,經制止仍執意續犯者。


壹、國文【四選一單選選擇題 25 題,占 50 分】


針貶時弊/變本加厲/貪髒枉法 脫潁而出/憤世嫉俗/不徑而走

膾炙人口/紛至踏來/非常岔異 人才薈萃/草菅人命/勘查地形

【3】2.下列文句中由注音符號所代替的字,正確的字形依序是:「我們做任何事都應該趁早ㄔㄡˊ畫,未 雨ㄔㄡˊ繆,否則,到時壯志未ㄔㄡˊ,遺憾終身。」

籌/稠/綢 稠/籌/酬 籌/綢/酬 酬/稠/綢

【1】3.下列「」內各字讀音正確的選項是:(甲)「牝」雞司晨:ㄆㄧㄣˋ (乙)面面相「覷」:ㄒㄩ (丙)

為虎作「倀」:ㄔㄤ (丁)「罄」竹難書:ㄑㄧㄥ (戊)大肆咆「哮」:ㄒㄧㄠ (己)相形見「絀」:


甲丙戊 乙丁己 乙丁戊 丙戊己


狼心狗肺/鵲巢鴆占/如虎添翼 守株待兔/畫蛇添足/心猿意馬

獨占鰲頭/鶴立雞群/乘龍快婿 馬首是瞻/羊質虎皮/巴蛇吞象


你沿岸踽踽獨行,數了又數自己的腳印 一池的紅蓮如紅焰,在雨中

凡你醉處,你說過,皆非他鄉 恰若青石的街道向晚

【4】6.「人怕出名,豬怕肥」,是「人怕出名就好像豬怕肥」的意思。有些日常用語,在表達上也具有這 樣的比喻意涵。下列屬於相同用法的選項是:

三天打魚,兩天曬網 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩

千里送鵝毛,禮輕情意重 善惡不同途,冰炭不同爐

【1】7.春天本是鳥語花香,大地蓬勃熱鬧充滿生機的季節,但是《寂靜的春天》一書作者卻有意以對比的 死寂、靜默為書命名,為的是警告人類勿濫用化學藥劑危害地球自然環境。下列書籍的命名方式,同樣 是刻意運用此種以相反情境作對比的選項是:

窮得只剩下錢 解憂雜貨店 先別急著吃棉花糖 世界又平又熱又擠



屈原 李白 岳飛 文天祥


除夕 元宵 七夕 中秋


其哭泣愈痛:此洪都百鍊生所有以《 》之作也。棋局已殘,吾人將老,欲不哭泣也得乎?吾知海內 千芳,人間萬豔,必有與吾同哭同悲者焉」。依上述文句,「《》」應填入:

西遊記 紅樓夢 聊齋誌異 老殘遊記


「松柏長青」用於賀生男 「瓜瓞綿綿」用於賀農產豐收

「賓至如歸」用於賀飯店開幕 「椿萱並茂」用於賀子孫滿堂

【2】12.《莊子.庖丁解牛》:「良庖歲更刀,割也;族庖月更刀,折也。今臣之刀十九年矣,所解數千牛 矣,而刀刃若新發於硎。」有關本段文句的說明,最恰當的選項是:






髮光可「鑑」 殷「鑑」不遠 「鑑」往知來 「鑑」明則塵垢不止


小人之過也必「文」 質勝文則野,「文」勝質則史

武仲以能屬「文」,為蘭臺令史 郭公夏五,疑信相參,則徵「文」難








冰/時/教 冰/命/身 雪/時/身 雪/命/教


松柏後凋於歲寒 風雨如晦,雞鳴不已

疾風知勁草,板蕩識忠臣 回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴

【2】18.「逆風赫赫你標舉的燦爛/列黃旗簇金劍耀眼的長瓣/昂向秋來肅殺的風霜/綻不盡重陽高貴的徽 號。」依據詩句中所提及的特徵,其所歌詠的植物是:

楓葉 菊花 水稻 向日葵







一傅眾咻 里仁為美 白沙在涅,與之俱黑 邦無道,危行言孫




貪慕富貴,枉道速禍 入鄉問禁,入境隨俗

上有好者,下必甚焉 風行草偃,德教之速


浮雲遊子意,落日故人情 浮雲一別後,流水十年間

不義而富且貴,於我如浮雲 不畏浮雲遮望眼,自緣身在最高層



君子不以言舉人,不以人廢言 說大人則藐之,勿視其巍巍然

君子易事而難說也,說之不以道,不說也 困於心,衡於慮,而後作;徵於色,發於聲,而後喻

【3】24.一位信徒來向禪師問「禪」。禪師以茶相待,他將茶水注入杯中,滿溢而不止。信徒言:「已經漫 出來了,不要再倒了!」禪師言:「你就像這個杯子!裝滿了自己的看法和想法,你不先把自己的杯子 弄空,教我如何對你說禪?」依此文意,下列文句意義最相近的是:

不怨天,不尤人;下學而上達 己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人

毋意,毋必,毋固,毋我 知者不惑,仁者不憂,勇者不懼


奔車朽索,「其」可忽乎 「其」有不合者,仰而思之

微管仲,吾「其」被髮左衽矣 如得「其」情,則哀矜而勿喜



貳、英文【四選一單選選擇題 25 題,占 50 分】


【3】26. Which _____ of the ice cream would you like? Vanilla, chocolate, or peppermint?

 favor  brand  flavor  quality

【2】27. Some people are _____ into giving money to those who pretend to lead a poor and miserable life.

 harvested  deceived  relieved  tamed

【2】28. I have to settle with this _____ job before I find a better and long-term position in a big company.

 promising  temporary  reliable  fortunate

【4】29. The new film became a blockbuster as _____ movie-goers flocked to the theaters to buy tickets.

 original  lousy  dependent  numerous

【1】30. When an earthquake happens, we must stay calm and never _____ in order to stay safe and alive.

 panic  march  depart  occupy

【2】31. His fear of making lifelong commitment to the same woman was the reason for his _____ at the wedding.

 labor  absence  parade  theft

【2】32. Amy is very athletic, but her sister Lisa is quite the _____ and hates any kinds of sports.

 natural  opposite  unlikely  efficient

【3】33. The United Nations imposed economic _____ against some countries that shelter terrorists.

 preservation  illustration  sanction  reputation


【3】34. When making friends, we should avoid _____ a person by his or her appearance or wealth.

 judge  to judge  judging  being judged

【3】35. Not until Mom and Dad got to the airport _____ that they forgot to bring their passports.

 they find out  they found out  did they find out  they did not find out

【4】36. You’ll need to study hard in order to find the answers _____ the more difficult questions in this test.

 in  for  of  to

【4】37. Thank you for buying me this new watch. You _____ so much money on my birthday present.

 must not spend  must not have spent  shouldn’t spend  shouldn’t have spent

【1】38. Many people fail to finish the marathon because they _____ perseverance and stamina.

 lack  are lack  lack of  are lack of

【2】39. _____ in an important match last week, the former world’s No. 1 tennis player said he needed some rest.

 Beat  Beaten  Beating  Having beaten

【3】40. My sister had dated quite a few men, some of _____ were lawyers or doctors.

 them  who  whom  which


Zoos can play an increasingly crucial role in animal conservation. For one thing, a zoo is a good environment for scientists to 41 the behavior of endangered animals more easily. Information discovered from such research can be used to ensure their survival. Many people think animals are simply 42 at zoos. However, today’s modern zoos try to imitate their 43 and provide healthy food and lots of space for exercise and play. They can protect the young of endangered species until they grow old enough to be released to the outer world. Without this intervention, many species would not 44 in the wild. Moreover, according to Dutch scientist Frans de Wall, zoos also serve an important 45 purpose. For example, by visiting zoos with families or school classes, children can learn about endangered animals and grow up appreciating the importance of protecting them.

【2】41.  copy and change  observe and study

 control and criticize  praise and reward

【4】42.  born in test tubes  abused in the wild

 left unattended in bushes  cooped up in cages

【1】43.  natural habitats  unique appearance  mating behavior  funny sounds

【4】44.  sleep  roar  hide  survive

【1】45.  educational  psychological  biological  ecological


Perhaps the most important factor involved in becoming an elite athlete is genetics. Most Olympic competitors are equipped with certain physical characteristics that differentiate them from the average person. Take a talented sportsman’s muscles for example. In most human skeletal muscles (the ones that make your body move), there are fast-twitch fibers and slow-twitch fibers. Fast-twitch fibers help us move quickly. Olympic weightlifters, for instance, have a large number of such fibers in their muscles—many more than ordinary people. These allow them to lift hundreds of kilos from the ground and over their heads in seconds. Surprisingly, a bulky, muscular body is not the main requirement to do well in this sport. It counts more to have a large amount of fast-twitch muscle fibers.

The legs of an elite marathon runner, on the other hand, might contain up to 90 percent of slow-twitch muscle fibers.

These fibers generate energy efficiently and enable an athlete to control fatigue and keep moving for a longer period of time. When we exercise long or hard, it’s common to experience tiredness, muscle pain, and difficulty in breathing. These feelings are caused when the muscles produce high quantity of lactate and can’t remove it quickly enough. Athletes with many slow-twitch muscle fibers seem to be able to clear lactate from their muscles faster as they move. Thus, the average runner might start to feel discomfort halfway into a race, but a trained Olympic athlete, however, might not feel exhausted until much later in the competition.

For some Olympic sportsmen, size matters. Most male champion swimmers are 180 cm or taller, allowing them to reach longer and swim faster. For both male and female gymnasts, though, a smaller body height and weight mean they can move with greater ease, and are less likely to suffer impact or injury when landing on the floor from the midair. Some athletes’ abilities are naturally enhanced by their environment. Those raised at high altitudes in countries such as Kenya, Ethiopia, and Morocco have blood rich in hemoglobin, which, when in large amounts, carry oxygen around the body faster, enabling these athletes to run better.

【3】46. What is the main idea of this article?

 Fast-twitch muscle fibers are the most important key to athletic success.

 Olympic sportsmanship is more valuable and harder to train than muscle strength.

 Muscle features and physical traits can determine whether one can be a great athlete.

 Athletes of Africa are better than those from other countries for several reasons.

【2】47. Which of following is true about fast-twitch muscle fibers?

 They can be found in anyone with a muscular body.

 They help athletes show more power in an instant.

 They are why great marathon runners perform better than others.

 They can prevent athletes from getting hurt.

【1】48. What can an athlete do if he or she has many slow-twitch muscle fibers?

 Not feel tired so quickly or easily.

 Move his or her body more easily.

 Turn lactate into energy faster.

 Reach farther and jump higher.

【2】49. What is lactate (in the second paragraph)?

 The official name of slow-twitch muscle fibers.

 Something that weakens one’s muscles and strength.

 A medicine that helps remove one’s tiredness.

 Something that carries oxygen around one’s body.

【3】50. What advantage do athletes living in high-altitude countries have?

 Swim faster or do gymnastics better.

 Lift weight faster and more easily.

 Transport oxygen around body faster.

 Suffer impact or injury less likely.





甄選成績未達 70

甄選成績如有一科未達 80 分者,不予錄取。報考人員達錄取標準者,按成績

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