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A Study of the Educational Physical Situation On the Environmental Cognition of Pupils --Taking Example of the Elementar 吳卿雲、翁玉慧


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of the Educational Physical Situation On the Environmental Cognition of Pupils --Taking Example of the Elementar


E-mail: 9418518@mail.dyu.edu.tw


ABSTRACT This research is aimed to explore the educational situation of campus reconstructed in Nantou county, based on the environmental cognition of pupils. Six cognitive factors including “playfulness”, “learning”, “comfort”, “diversity”,

“security” and “visual aesthetics” are applied to evaluate the cognitive messages brought by the reconstructed campus. 400 valid questionnaires are sampled from the students of senior level at elementary schools to find out the cognition of six individual spaces on campus. After the related statistical analysis, the findings of this research are as the following: 1.The students revealed significant difference in the cognition of different cognitive factors. 2.The difference of personal backgrounds was related to the cognition of educational situations on campus. 1)Students in different grades revealed significant difference in the cognition of different cognitive factors. 2)Students with different educational backgrounds of parents revealed significant difference in the cognition of different cognitive factors. 3)Students with different family backgrounds revealed significant difference in the cognition of different cognitive factors. 3.The students revealed different cognition to various spaces on campus. Suggestions for the prospective planning of educational space and situation on campus: 1. Enhance the consideration of planning and design with respect to the

“diversity” of “the square of the courtyard” and the “corridor and hall”. 2. Enhance the consideration of planning and design with respect to the “playfulness’, “learning”, “comfort” and “security” of the “playground”. 3. Enhance the consideration of planning and design with respect to the “playfulness”, “comfort”, “diversity” and “security” of the

“corridor and hall”. 4. Enhance the consideration of planning and design with respect to the “comfort”, “diversity” and

“visual aesthetics” of the “classroom”. 5. Enhance the consideration of planning and design with respect to the “visual aesthetics” of the “computer room”. 6. Enhance the consideration of planning and design with respect to the “learning” and

“visual aesthetics” of the “library”. Based upon the research findings, the researcher expected to propose the related suggestion as reference for the planning and design of campus in the future. Key words: environmental cognition, educational situation, new campus movement

Keywords : environmental cognition ; educational situation ; new campus movement Table of Contents

第一章 緒論 1.1研究背景與動機 1.2研究目的 1.3研究範圍與限制 1.3.1研究範圍 1.3.2研究限制 1.4名詞定義與解釋 1.5內容架 構 1.6預期研究成果 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1校園環境規劃之相關理論 2.2教育改革理念融入校園教學空間規劃 2.3九二一新校 園運動 2.3.1南投921校園重建政策 2.4環境心理學影響 2.5小結 第三章 研究設計和研究方法 3.1研究主題與假設 3.2研究架構 流程 3.3研究變項釋義 3.4變項測度架構擬定 3.5研究假設檢定 3.6問卷設計與抽樣 3.6.1問卷設計 3.6.2抽樣方法 3.7資料分析 和統計第四章 實證研究結果 4.1樣本描述 4.2學童對不同校園教育情境認知因子間的認知差異分析 4.3 學童個人背景屬性與 校園教育情境認知關係 4.4 學童對各類型校園空間情境認知 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 結論 5.2 結論與建議 5.2.1 校園教育空間 情境改善對策初步建議 5.2.2未來研究建議 參考文獻 附錄一 新校園運動相關大事記 附錄二 符合取樣標準之重建校園表 附 錄三 重建校園特色 附錄四 重建校園配置圖 附錄五 樣本學校高年級學生人數表 附錄六 學校樣本聯絡名單資料 附錄七 學校 樣本名單負責單位資料 附錄八 南投縣921震災校園重建樣本學學校認養援建單位及經費來源表 附錄九 施測問卷內容 REFERENCES

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