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通達學習:教授小六數學行動研究An action research on the use of Mastery Learning for primary six Mathematics ,以新視窗打開


Academic year: 2021

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Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre Journal !"#$% ,Vol. 5 © Hong Kong Teachers’ Centre 2006

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An action research on the use of Mastery

Learning for primary six Mathematics

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The paper reports an action research on the use of Mastery Learning in the teaching of primary six Mathematics. It is reported that Mastery Learning is able to cater for the needs of a wide range of individual ability in the class. The pupils' motivation is enhanced. With good preparation and clearly defined objectives and learning activities, the effectiveness of teaching and learning is enhanced. However, teachers need more support and resources in order to prepare and conduct lessons for Mastery Learning.



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* All rights reserved, Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, 2005..