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A Patch Protocol for SHK Secret Transfer Scheme


Academic year: 2021

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A Patch Protocol for SHK Secret Transfer Scheme

Tian-Lung Lu✝ Jen-Chun Chang Hsin-Lung Wu*


Saied Hosseini Khayat proposed a scheme (SHK scheme) in 2008 to transfer a secret from sender to receiver such that the receiver cannot decrypt the secret without the consent of a group of trustees. This scheme is simple and excellent since it does not require any key exchange among sender, receiver, or trustees. But there is a prob-lem in this scheme that the secret will be exposed when the private keys of the sender, receiver, and trustees are chosen improperly such that any one of some bad relations among the keys happens.

In this paper, a patch protocol for the SHK scheme is presented such that the private keys are guaranteed to be chosen properly and the privacy of all private keys is also assured.

I. Introduction

The commutative property of encryption function has been explored and used in cryptography widely. For example, Shamir’s keyless secret communication [3] is a good sample. Shamir also explored the power of commutativity in [5]. Agrawal [1] and Clifton [2] used the commutative property for security applications in distributed databases and data mining, respectively. Many related topics are surveyed and col-lected in Weis’s MIT PhD dissertation [6].

Based on the commutative property of encryption, Saied Hosseini Khayat [7] considered the following situation. Suppose that Alice wants to transfer a secret to Bob securely such that bob cannot decrypt the secret unless a group of trustees agree. Though all involved parties can be trusted to follow a prescribed protocol, the com-munication channels are insecure. Furthermore, the secret must be protected not to be revealed to the trustees, nor to anyone but Bob. This situation often arises in many practical applications in commercial or military environments. At the first thought,

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taipei University, Taipei Coun-try 237,Taiwan. E-mail: {jcchang, hsinlung@mail.ntpu.edu.tw}. This work was supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan under contract NSC-97-2218-E-305-001-MY2.


this problem seems easy to be solved by Shamir’s threshold secret sharing scheme [4]. But in order to transfer the shares of the parties securely, the scheme normally re-quires some key exchange operations. It is inconvenient.

Saied Hosseini Khayat [7] proposed a scheme for the above problem. This scheme is very simple and excellent since it does not require any key exchange among sender, receiver, or trustees. But there is a problem in the scheme that the secret will be exposed if any bad relation among the private keys of the sender, receiver, and trustees occurs. The SHK scheme and the details of the secret leakage problem will be introduced in the next section.

In this paper, we design a patch protocol for the SHK secret transfer scheme. It is efficient and secure. When it is applied with/before the SHK scheme, the secret lea-kage problem is solved and all private keys are kept secret.

II. The SHK secret transfer scheme

We briefly introduce the SHK scheme here. For readers want to know the details, please refer to [7]. Let p be a large prime which can be published to all (even adversa-ries). The secret owner (Alice) is denoted by P0. The recipient of the secret is denoted

by Pn. The trustees are denoted by P1, P2, …, Pn1. That is, there are n + 1 parties in

total. The SHK protocol has three phases described below.


Make a large prime p public. P0 has a secret s Zp. For each i {0, 1, 2, …, n},

party Pi has his/her own private key pair (ai, bi) such that ai, bi Zp , gcd(ai, p  1) =

1, and aibi = 1 (mod p  1).

Locking (means “encryption”): The secret is locked by all parties sequentially.

1. P0 locks the secret s by computing 0 0



c(mod p) and sending c0 to P1.

2. For i = 1, 2, …, n  1 do

Pi locks the secret by computing i

a i

i c

c1 (mod p) and sending ci to Pi+1.

3. Pn locks the secret by computing n

a n

n c

c1 (mod p) and sending cn to P0.

4. P0 removes her lock the secret by computing ' 0

b n


s(mod p) and sending s' to


Unlocking (means “decryption”): The secret is unlocked by all trustees in an

arbi-trary order, and then unlocked by Pn finally.

1. Pn sends s' to a trustee Pi, i {1, 2, …, n  1}.

2. Each trustee Pi, in {P1, P2, …, Pn1} (in an arbitrary order), removes his lock by

computing f(x)xbi(mod p) on his received data and sends the result to the next

trustee. The last trustee removes his lock and sends the result to Pn.

3. Finally, Pn removes his own lock by computing n


x x

f( ) (mod p) on his re-ceived data and then finds the secret out.

The correctness and security based on discrete logarithm problem (DLP) have been shown in [7]. But, as the author said, there is nonzero possibility (though the probability is low) that the secret is exposed in the locking phase when the private keys are improperly selected such that any one of the following condition happens.

a0a1 = 1 (mod p  1), or a0a1a2 = 1 (mod p  1), or

 = 

a0a1an = 1 (mod p  1).

To solve the secret leakage problem, we want to make sure that

a0a1 1 (mod p  1), and a0a1a2 1 (mod p  1), and


a0a1an 1 (mod p  1).

If any above inequality is not true, we must coordinate someone to change his private key pair until all above inequalities are true. Note that during the checking of inequalities and the coordination of changing keys, each private key should be prevent from exposing to others.

III. Our proposed patch protocol

In this section, we will introduce a patch protocol to completely prevent the se-cret leakage problem in the locking phase. First, the sese-cret leakage problem can be reformulated as follows.



A large prime p is public. For each i {0, 1, 2, …, n}, party Pi has his/her own

private key pair (ai, bi) such that ai, bi Zp , gcd(ai, p 1) = 1, and aibi = 1 (mod p

1). Q is a proposition defined as follows.

              ). 1 (mod 1 , ), 1 (mod 1 ), 1 (mod 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 p a a a and and p a a a and p a a Q n   Objectives:

1. Check and make sure that proposition Q is true. If Q is false, try to change some private keys securely until Q becomes true.

2. During the checking of Q and changing of private keys, the privacy of all private key pairs should be maintained.

Our patch protocol is given below.

Our SHK Patch Protocol Begin

1. P0 chooses a random number r in Zp and compute 0 0

a r l  . 2. For i = 1, 2, …, n do { P0 sends li1 to Pi. Pi replies i a i i l l1 to P0.

P0 stores li to A[i], the i-th cell of the array A.


3. P0 checks whether there is an i such that A[i] = r.

If there is no i such that A[i] = r, the protocol stops and Q is true, else


P0 selects a new private key pair (a0*, b0*).

P0 recomputes Ai Ai p a b mod ]) [ ( ] [  00* , for each i.

P0 updates the private key pair (a0, b0)  (a0*, b0*).




Figure 1 is a diagram to illustrate the communication flow among the parties. In addition, the contents of the array of P0 are also given in Figure 2. When no element

of the array is equal to the random number initially selected by P0, the proposition Q

must be true. Thus the correctness of the patch protocol is straight-forward. In the next section, we will give a brief analysis for the security and efficiency of our patch protocol.

Figure 1: The communication flow among the parties.

From P1 From P2 From P3 … From Pn

1 0 1 a a r l  2 1 2 a l l  3 2 3 a l l  … an n n l l1

Figure 2: The contents of the array of P0.

IV. Security and Efficiency


The security of our patch protocol relies on the computational hardness of dis-crete logarithm problem (DLP). For an adversary, even partial break to find out the private key (ai or equivalently bi) of one party is not easy.


The efficiency can be discussed from two kinds of cost: the communications cost and the computation cost. The communication cost is low. Except that party P0 needs

to send out n messages, each party needs to send out one message only. The computa-tion cost of our patch protocol mainly depends on the number of times to execute Step 3. And this number is always equal to one plus the number of times for P0 to reselect a

P1 P2 P3 Pn


new private key pair. Let T be the expected number of times for P0 to re-select his key

pair (The initial selection of his key pair is not included). Consider the set S = {(a1)-1(mod p1), (a1a2)-1(mod p1), …, (a1a2…an)-1(mod p1)}. If a0 is not in S,

proposition Q must be true. Since the strategy we use is to fix (ai, bi) for i  {1, 2, …, n} and randomly re-choose a0 (or equivalently b0) in Zp1* when necessary, the

prob-ability Pr{Q is false} is at most |S| / | Zp1*|  n / (p  1), where  is the Euler

func-tion. Let q = n / (p  1), this should be a very small value in practical settings. We thus have the following inequalities.

Pr{Q is true}  1  q, Pr{Q is false} q, n p n q q q q q q q q q T               ) 1 ( 1 ) 1 ( 3 ) 1 ( 2 ) 1 ( 1 ) 1 ( 0 2 3   .

Since in practical situations (p 1) is far greater than n, so T is far less than 1. That is, the expected number of times to re-select the private key pair of P0 in our

protocol is far less than one. Therefore, except P0, each party needs one modular

ex-ponentiation only. The expected number of modular exex-ponentiations needed by P0 is 1

+ 2nT = 1 + 2n2 / ((p  1)  n), which is very close to one. This is very efficient.

V. Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed a patch protocol for the SHK secret transfer scheme to overcome the possible secret leakage problem. The patch protocol can be used with/before the original SHK protocol. From another point of view, our patch protocol checks a proposition defined over private keys of some parties and coordinates to change some key until the proposition is true. The privacy of all keys is always main-tained during the checking of proposition and the coordination of key changing. In conclusion, our patch protocol has the following advantages.

1. It prevents the secret leakage problem in the locking phase of the SHK scheme. 2. The privacy of all private keys is maintained.

3. The communication cost is low. Except that party P0 needs to send out n messages,

each party needs to send out one message only.

4. The computation cost is also low. Except P0, each party needs one modular

expo-nentiation only. The expected number of modular expoexpo-nentiations needed by P0 is



[1] Agrawal, R., Evfimievski, A., and Srikant, R., “Information sharing across pri-vate databases,” International Conference on Management of Data (ACM SIGMOD), ACM Press, pp. 86-97, 2003.

[2] Clifton, C., Kantarcioglu, M., Vaidya, J., Lin, X., and Zhu, M. Y., “ Tools for privacy preserving distributed data mining,” SIGKDD Explorations 4, 2, pp. 28-34, Jan. 2003.

[3] Menezes, A., Oorschot, P., Vanstone, S., “Handbook of Applied Cryptography,” CRC Press, pp. 500, 1997.

[4] Shamir, A., “How to share a secret,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 22, No. 11, pp. 612-613, Nov. 1979.

[5] Shamir, A., “On the power of commutativity in cryptography,” ICALP80, pp.582-595, July 1980.

[6] Weis, Stephen A., “New Foundations for Efficient Authentication, Commutative Cryptography, and Private Disjointness Testing,” MIT Phd Dissertation, pp.1, May 2006.

[7] Saied Hosseini Khayat, “Using commutative encryption to share a secret,” http://eprint.iacr.org/2008/356.pdf, Aug. 2008.


Figure 1 is a diagram to illustrate the communication flow among the parties. In  addition, the contents of the array of P 0  are also given in Figure 2



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