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由報酬遞增觀點探討我國產業技術標準化問題Industrial Technology Standardization in Taiwan---The Implications of Increasing Returns


Academic year: 2021

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(3)  Industrial Technology Standardization in Taiwan – The Implications of Increasing Returns NSC 88-2416-H-110-015  87 8 1

(4) 88 7 31

(5)  . . !"# Keywords: increasing returns, standardization. $%&'()*+,-./01 23456789:;<=>?@ A&'B.CDEF*+,-=G HIJKL!MNOPQRSTU VWWXYZJ[\]^*+,-_ E=`ab<.cd/0123 45e67=>?JfCghi9 Ua_Ej.kJlm./0ndop 12345EqrsFt_EJg uvw45x@. V. zDO{=. $%do|/0}}~#8€ |Ow‚do8ƒ„ d†_FJ ‡ˆwe‰Š‹=ŒFŽJ ‘ ’“F”Jq•–O•— ˜™ š›O˜šœgžŸ ¡O¢¡= €£@¤¥J“¦§J/0ndop 123¨© [[§šª«lm=Š ¬g­®¯=°±@D²/0³F =L´Jj.µ¶(=*+,-_ En·%³F¸/0Jt/0· ¹ºpJ¤¥t_E./0123 45e67=:;<>?J»¼½ ƒ¾¿@ ÀÁJÂcd/0=Š¬Á ÃJ*+,-'Äqršª/0nd op123=45ÅUÆA&'eÇ ]^=#È©@É¡ÁÃJA&' g Arthur (1988, 1989)=*+,- GÊËAHIJKLcd/0Š ¬WX=^GJÌÍFÎÏÐ*+ ,-eÉÑ=b<JÒÌÍÓCg ]^9.*+,-_Ej.kJÔÕ Olm./0ndop12345 EqrsF*+,-_E@. :;y*+,-J123 Abstract It has long been recognized that increasing returns play a critical role in the competition of technology (or product) standardization. In this study we intend to examine two case studies of standardization, Chinese character codes and the stored value card, from the perspective of increasing returns to adoption to derive the implications on industrial technology standardization in Taiwan. We also would like to know how firms could take advantage of these implications when increasing returns to adoption prevails. 1.

(6) Ö. T@IC QNTÉUV uW XY ŽžZ [j£Œ‰J.9k\]Æ ^ä_@½LD²k›½`abJ ¤cde@ Mondex Æ8»éPQRST =fìgJMasterCard O Visa hå ij@1996 11 MasterCard kl 51%= Mondex mnJ¤¥{o xéfò#PQRST=V ìgÊ MasterCard O Visa@D²c 3Ôp=q:J{oUVfìg (½‰.rsté¬PQRSTJ Áu¥=vwi½xõ8ƒ@hµ f3OÛD3=yzJÎ=OUV fìgOQÞL=45>

(7) \ {@Áhµž|m}=Š¬J{oQ ÞL¼CDž|~=éJ€ ‚ƒÎJ½Lw IC QNTf„f 3vwJÎO MasterCard g Visa =45o qrÑ{†‡ˆ‰@ Š!yNÁÃJcoå‹ hŒ g=⎄Æa123 ={1@&'ŠPJc!MN“ 5‘=:;¤’#.²ÔÕp“ eé=ñMN12ôA”½` x s J •–IfEF—˜ƒ ƒJ¤¥½™½ÛŠ¬w‚çA= MN@ášZ]JD²12A”=› dJ“5ñŠêô*+,-=sœ (positive feedbacks)‘JžŸ“Œ@ ²PQRSTJ À*+,-=s œ‘ ¡¢£'¤êJ¥¦¤f ½Æ12A”½`xsJÁÆk›½ §9J›¨ Wade (1995)eý#©`= ìgª«(organizational support)e¬@. ×ØO^G. A&'±F*+,-=GYZ HI]^c!MNOPQRST =12ÙÚ¨©@ cÛ 1981 µÜ2Ý!Þß àáN=123âãgÎJäåæP $%çA=!yN@äÆDÔè Þߊ¬éêëì² 1983 11 í îäïFð =ñòFóy12àá NôOñõóy12àáNôö÷ 12ø² 1986 8 ùÚúûñòF óy12àáNônüýñòFNôp Êþ12Jf² 1992 5  Êñ!12àáNô@ ñBIG-5 MNôÞßâ nÞ p² 1984 JñòFNô = Ù=MNJFg

(8)   ¡=ãJfu!žŸl mF@ÁѲ!MN=123 O!žŸ=Š¬8:JÞ OžŸ8:¯² 1987 7   JíÚéñòFNôf ÙÚ!=12MN@²Æ žŸú ² 1988 2 Ùe!= ñú Nô@"¥#$J%&'= !MN(ÑñUNICODE MNôñEUC Nô(Extended Unix Code)gñ)ò *!žNô@+LU,% Î=ñ% -N.ôOñ/N01ôJÔè& 2 ² 1996 10 O345! žŸéËQ 67J9kF8 =ñBIG-5 MNô« 20,902 yJ 1997 7 åõÍé@ PQRST=9:;<² 1990. ==JÆ>?Ñ@A=BCRST |DETJw{=.²ëF­®kG HI¡JK@cQÞL». 1993. MéæñIC QNTôJ9kÑ 20 þOP\JQ\=R+®SL 20. ­. aØÛ®. Û¯*+,-=ˆ:°«ƒ¿g ÎJ¼±‡Ñ²¯CDWXYZ Î]^/0123=aa¨©@UÌ Í=WX&'³­´µ‘(Postrel,. 2.

(9) [3] Arthur, W.B. (1989), “Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns, and Lock-in by Historical Events”, Economic Journal, 99:116-131.. 1990)J¶‰·E¸(Cowan, 1990)Jž Ÿ# RISC @A(Khazam & Mowery, 1994) J 5  = µ ¹ à ò > ‹  ‘ (Mangematin & Callon, 1995) Jº ã » = ¼ ½ / 0 (Cowan & Gunby, 1996)J¾¿ÀÁ(Islas, 1997)gÂà =ÄÅÆ/(Carlsson, 1997)£öA&' =ÚÇOUÈ!ÉÈÊ@½Lcd Š¬ËÌbÍJ.d12=ÙÚ }}ÎÏgf12ÊÐÑJÒÓ ÑÔ9=XÕ\gYZJ!M NUWWX\gý™ÆÕ$@ÀÁ D²ÔÕp“eÖ=!N12½ `xsJ¤¥f£‰×sØæ*+, -=IfãF@ CDUW&'JS™cÙÚ2= W8:¨©Æ./0Š¬ JÔ Õp“Ƈ\gbÛÜÝ845= ñ212ôÞŠ¬JgM.ßå= Ô9k›àáw¸W/0ãÊþ 12Jgâ¤*+,-_EÁãä³ åhAæ%ç/0ãÊ12@Cowan (1991) ÂUW¨©=&'uÊèé êˆ=ëX@ÀÁD²UÌÍ=8: &')ìÑ J£ÎEt(ÑÒ%& '=í–@

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