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A Self-organization algorithm for real-time flood forecast


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A self-organization algorithm for real-time

¯ood forecast

Fi-John Chang* and Yuan-Yih Hwang

Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Taiwan university, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China


The group method of data handling (GMDH) algorithm presented by A. C. Ivakhnenko and colleagues is an heuristic self-organization method. It establishes the input±output relationship of a complex system using a multilayered perception-type structure that is similar to a feed-forward multilayer neural network. This study provides a step towards understanding and evaluating a role for GMDH in the investigation of the complex rainfall±runo€ processes in a heterogeneous watershed in Taiwan. Two versions of the revised GMDH model are implemented: a stepwise regression procedure and a recursive formula. Eleven typhoon events in the Shen-cei Creek watershed, Taiwan, are used to build the model and verify its usefulness. The prediction results of the revised GMDH models and the instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) model are compared. Based on the criteria of forecasting precision and the rate and time of peak error, a much better performance is obtained with the revised GMDH models. Copyright # 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEY WORDS self-organization algorithm; ¯ood forecasting; GMDH; rainfall±runo€; stepwise regression;

recursive formula


Real-time ¯ood forecasting is one of the most challenging and important tasks for hydrologists in Taiwan. It is a challenge because of the high mountains and steep upstream channels of all watersheds in the island. Floods generated by typhoons from July to October can reach the downstream cities within a few hours, while the temporal and spatial variability in both watershed characteristics and rainfall make its very dicult to model the within-basin processes. Thus, ¯ood forecasting is important not only because a ¯ood can cause tremendous damage to the downstream cities, but also because the massive stream-¯ow during the ¯ood period is the major water input to upstream reservoirs so that a failure to operate the reservoirs during a ¯ood can lead to drought in the following year.

Most of mathematical models used for ¯ood forecasting in Taiwan are deterministic methods, which use quasi-physical conceptual models, because of the lack of rainfall±runo€ data and the preferences of most scientists in Taiwan. Although conceptual models with optimized parameters may match an observed discharge record more satisfactorily in representing the non-linearity in a watershed, there is a great danger of over parameterization, as has been frequently pointed out (e.g. Jakeman and Hornberger, 1993; Beven, 1989). It seems that building a conceptual rainfall-runo€ model would only involve wild guesses at these variables and their interaction; consequently, they can hardly be expected to provide a reliable model for forecasting purposes. The best way of building a model for ¯ood forecasting for Taiwan's watersheds is more likely to be just to look at the data and nothing else.

Received 3 December 1997

* Correspondence to: Professor Fi-John Chang, Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 10617, Republic of China.

Contract grant sponsor: National Science Council, Republic of China. Contract grant number: NSC87-2313-B±002-049.


A useful tool is Ivakhnenko's group method of data handing (GMDH) (Ivakhnenko, 1970, 1989; Ivakhnenko et al., 1990). As cited by many scientists, GMDH is a useful data process for identifying complex systems, especially when only a small amount of collected data is available (Tamura and Kondo, 1980; Farlow, 1984). Its most remarkable advantage is that it self-selects the structure of the model without using a priori information of the relationship between input and output variables, which one might call `regression without models Ð directions in the search for structure'. However, this method has received very little attention in the water resource literature despite important developments as long as two decades ago and successful use in broad areas such as signal processing, control theory, system identi®cation, etc. There are only a few applications of GMDH to modelling of environmental and ecological systems and most of them were performed in the Soviet Union and Japan (Ikeda et al., 1976; Abdullayev et al., 1988; Krotov and Kozubovskiy, 1987; Mamedov and Ivakhnenko, 1987).

It is our hope that this study can provide not only a direct contribution to the methodology of operational forecasting, but also an impetus for continued re-examination of rainfall±runo€ methodology for engineer-ing purposes. In this study, the GMDH algorithm was represented, modi®ed and used to produce one hour ahead time forecasts of stream ¯ows in several typhoon events. The results will also be compared with those obtained from the conceptual model. First, the original GMDH algorithm and its modi®ed versions are described, then the GMDH application experiment and its results are presented. Finally, we present the conclusions and some closing remarks.


GMDH is an heuristic self-organization method that models the input±output relationship of a complex system using a multilayered Rosenblatt's perception-type network structure, which is similar to a feed-forward multilayer neural network. The basic ideas of this algorithm are as follows. We know nothing about the system; let us generate and compare all possible input±output combinations, while each element in the network implements a non-linear function of two inputs and its coecients are determined by a regression technique. Self-selection thresholds are employed at each layer in the network to ®lter out those elements that are useless in predicting the correct output. Only those elements whose performance indices exceed the threshold are allowed to pass to succeeding layers, where more complex combinations are formed. The procedure is performed until a satisfactory result is reached. Figure 1 shows the structure of the overall input± output transformation. In general, the advantageous characteristics of the GMDH algorithm for modelling or problem solving can be summarized as follows: (1) a small training set of data is required; (2) the computational burden is reduced; (3) the procedure automatically ®lters out input properties that provide little information about the location and shape of the decision hypersurface; and (4) a multilayers structure is a computationally feasible way to implement multinomials of very high degree. In the following section, a brief description of the GMDH algorithms used in this work is given.

Main processes

Let us assume the output variable Y is a function of the input variables (x1, x2, x3, . . ., xn), as in the following equation

Y ˆ f …x1; x2; . . . ; xn† …1† The Kolmogorov±Gabor polynomial

^Y ˆ a0‡Xn iˆ1 aixi‡Xn iˆ1 Xn jˆ1 aijxixj‡Xn iˆ1 Xn jˆ1 Xn kˆ1 aijkxixjxk‡    …2†


can simulate the input±output relationship perfectly and has been widely used as a complete description of the system model. However, if the complete polynomial is pursued directly with the method of least squares to estimate the coecients, several problems may arise, e.g. insucient data, ill conditioned data structure, etc. By combining the so-called partial polynomial of two variables in the multilayers, the GMDH algorithm can easily solve these problems. The main process is summarized in the following sequence.


Step 1. Select input variables. N useful input variables are chosen according to selection rules such as correlation criteria. In the case of the rainfall±runo€ model, the rainfall and/or stream ¯ow amount in the previous stages may be chosen. Let Q and R represent the stream ¯ow and rainfall amount, respectively. The model is set as Q(t) ˆ f [Q(t 7 1), Q(t 7 2), . . ., R(t 7 1), R(t 7 2), . . .], or in terms of vector form, as Equation (1): Y ˆ f(x1, x2, . . ., xn), where Y and xirepresent vectors of successive states of the output and ith input, respectively.

Step 2. Divide the original data into a training and a checking set. Step 3. Construct new intermediate variables.

In this step, all of the independent variables are taken two at a time to construct the partial polynomial equation

^Yi ˆ fj…xj; xk† ˆ a0i‡ a1ixj‡ a2i‡ xk‡ a3ix2j ‡ a4ix2k‡ a5ixjxk

i ˆ 1; . . . ; q; j ˆ 1; . . . ; n; k ˆ 1; . . . ; n ÿ 1; q ˆn…n ÿ 1†2 …3† The method of least squares is used to estimate the coecients so that the equation will best ®t the observed stream ¯ow record, Y.

Step 4. Select the new variables.

Evaluate the root mean square of all residual errors in the preceding step. A self-selected threshold, i.e. residual error greater than a speci®c value, is set to ®lter out the least e€ective intermediate variables. Only the best of these intermediate variables are allowed to pass to the succeeding layer. These new variables can be interpreted as new improved variables that have better predictability powers than the previous generation.

Step 5. Truncate the multilayered interative computation.

Compare the best result of the present layer with the preceding layer; if the result is not improved then stop the process; otherwise go to step 3.

Step 6. Compute the predicted value.

The prediction model can be obtained as the intermediate variables remaining in the ®nal layer. REVISED GMDH ALGORITHMS

Two modi®ed versions of GMDH, i.e. a stepwise regression procedure and a recursive (or sequential) formula, have been implemented in this study.

Stepwise regression procedure

In the original GMDH algorithm, the intermediate variables at each layer are generated from the previous level with their values ®tted to the same output by adjusting their coecients; consequently, they are highly correlated, especially at higher levels of the algorithm. To solve the `multicollinearity' problem arising from the original GMDH algorithm, the stepwise-regression procedure is implemented in all the processes in computing the intermediate variables. The stepwise regression is capable of ®ltering out individual terms that are `collinear' with other terms by mens of a signi®cant test in its computation procedure. Furthermore, the number of terms contained in a ®nal model can be dramatically reduced by using only an optimal partial polynomial. Several studies have shown successful results by implementing this procedure to the original GMDH algorithm (e.g. Du€y and Franklin, 1975; Tamura and Kondo, 1980)


Recursive formula

For real-time forecasting it would be more suitable if the model could be operated with an adaptive mode; that is, outputs at the current time-step are related to previously observed outputs. The GMDH algorithms can easily be modi®ed to have the `feedback' structure. A recursive formula can be found in Catlin (1989) and is implemented in this study to shorten the computation time in sequentially changing the model coecients at each time-step.


The GMDH algorithms are applied to the Shen-cei Creek, Taiwan, as shown in Figure 2. Hourly rainfall and runo€ records of typhoon events for the watershed are generally good, with two rainfall stations used to represent the average watershed rainfall (using the Theissen weighting method).


Figure 3. The forecasting model constructed by the second typhoon event

Table I. The selected ¯ood events at Shen-cei Creek

Event Number Date Peak ¯ow (cms)

1 6±8 September 1970 2680 2 16±18 September 1971 1270 3 22±24 September 1971 1390 4 5±7 June 1972 1110 5 25±26 July 1972 1160 6 18±19 June 1974 1610 7 3±4 August 1975 3170 8 1±3 June 1977 1340 9 27±28 August 1980 3400 10 22±27 July 1981 1010 11 12±16 August 1988 2810


Shen-cei Creek has a catchment area of 259 km2and is located upstream of the Chow-cei River Basin in

central Taiwan. The Chow-cei River is the largest river in Taiwan, and the river basin has had the largest fertile plain for agricultural products during the last several decades and for industrial manufacturing in recent years. The Chow-cei Basin has a subtropical climate with pronounced wet and dry seasons. Catastrophic ¯ood events sometimes occur during the wet season. These events are dicult to predict, even with non-linear and/or adaptive models. The ¯ood events were recorded at the outlet of Shen-cei Creek. Only events that occur at this station and have a ¯ow of over 1000 m3s71have been taken into account in this

study. This produced 11 events during the period 1970±1988. Rainfall±runo€ modelling

Stepwise GMDH algorithm (SGMDH). Based on hurly rainfall±runo€ data, the river ¯ow Q(t) at present time t can generally be estimated by a function of previous stages of rainfall and runo€ amounts as follows Q…t† ˆ f ‰Q…t ÿ 1†; Q…t ÿ 2†; . . . ; Q…t ÿ 5†; . . . R…t ÿ 1†; R…t ÿ 2† . . . ; R…t ÿ 5†Š …4† Because the area of the catchment is small, where ¯ow from upstream can reach downstream in just a few hours, only the most recent ®ve previous stages of rainfall and runo€ data are used to construct the forecast model. From our experience, these data can fully represent the water impulse and hydrological persistence to the present ¯ow. To determine the unknown non-linear structure from the available past data, the stepwise GMDH algorithms are applied. The number of input variables of the ®rst layer is then set to 10, while the number of input variables of the rest of the layers is limited to eight. The revised GMDH algorithm is applied to build forecasting models by using a data set chosen from typhoon events used as a calibration. The revised algorithm converges very quickly, generally in no more than three layers, and it does provide relatively simple forecasting models. For example, if the data set of the second typhoon event is used, the forecasting model can be structured as shown in Figure 3, and its output function is

Q…t† ˆ 01417  Q…t ÿ 1† ‡ 08335  Q…t ÿ 2† ‡ 115040  R…t ÿ 1† ‡ 46390  R…t ÿ 5† ÿ 00003  Q…t ÿ 2†2ÿ 01141  R…t ÿ 5†2ÿ 03019  R…t ÿ 1†2‡ 00203  R…t ÿ 1†

 Q…t ÿ 2† ÿ 00017  Q…t ÿ 1†  R…t ÿ 5† …5†

IUH. The instantaneous unit hydrograph (IUH) is the hydrograph of runo€ from unit depth of e€ective rainfall in an instant time on a catchment. It has a signi®cant meaning from a mathematical point of view and has found wide-ranging application for both the design and estimation of actual ¯oods. A catchment, for an IUH, may be represented by a series of N identical linear reservoirs which have the same storage constant, K. The IUH can be obtained by a storage function and continuity equation and is shown as:

U…t† ˆKG…N†1 eÿt=k kt N ÿ1 …6† where U(t) is the instantaneous unit hydrograph, K is the reservoir storage constant and G(N) is the gamma function, where the parameters K and N can be obtained by the method of moments. When N is integer, G(N) ˆ (N 7 1)!

The excess rainfall hydrograph (ERH) and the direct runo€ hydrograph (DRH) are obtained from the recorded rainfall±runo€ data of the catchment. The related equations of N and K can also be computed from the ®rst and second moment of IUH. N and K values can therefore be derived by combining the information in these related equations (Chow et al., 1988).

The IUH can be transformed into a unit hydrograph U(T,t) with excess rainfall time lag, T. The unit hydrograph with one hour time lag U(1,t), in this study, can hence be derived. The U(1,t) can then be


combined with the excess rainfall, R(t), to obtain the direct runo€ hydrograph, Q(t), by the method of the convolution integral, as follows

Q…t† ˆXt


RjUtÿjDT …7†

The IUH model is used for comparison with the GMDH models. Comparison of model performances

When one deals with the ¯ood forecasting performance of a model, several criteria should be taken into account: the forecasting precision, the rate of peak error and the time at peak error. In general, the best model according to one criterion may give a poor performance according to others. A multi-criteria approach is considered to rank the studied models according to objective criteria. The criteria of comparison used in this study are as follows.

1. Coecient of eciency

CE ˆ 1 ÿS…Qobsÿ Qest†2

S…Qobsÿ Qobs†2 …8†

where Qobsis the observed ¯ow, Qobsis the mean of the observed ¯ow and Qestis the estimated ¯ow.


2. Error rate of peak ¯ow EQpˆQpestÿ Qpobs Qp obs …9† where Qp

est is the peak of estimated ¯ow and Qpobs is the peak of observed ¯ow.

3. Time error of peak ¯ow

ETpˆ Tp

estÿ Tpobs …10†

where Tp

estis the time at which estimated peak ¯ow arrived and Tpobsis the time at which observed peak

¯ow arrived.

A multi-criteria of objective function is set as follows

Min…103 jETpj ‡ 103 j1 ÿ CEj ‡ 01  jETpj †

where the weighted coecients for each criterion are allotted so that the criteria have about same weight.


Summary of results

The IUH and SGMDH models have been applied to 11 events to simulate or forecast the ¯ow at the outlet of Shen-cei Creek with the same hourly rainfall and stream ¯ow data. Three events, 1, 2, and 4, have been chosen to train or build the model and calibrate the model parameters; and events 3, 6 and 9 have been used to check or verify the forecast performance of the above models. The models built by using calibrated events with the best performances in the veri®cation events were then used to forecast the rest of the events, i.e. 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11, and to measure their forecast performances. The actual data for these ¯ood events are shown in Table I.

In calibration events, the SGMDH model can ®t the ¯ow hydrographs almost perfectly in all three training sets, while the IUH model can only match the second event and does not ®t the other two events (Figures 4±6). The models built without their formulae and/or parameters being further changed are then used to execute a one hour ahead, on-line ¯ood forecast for three veri®cation events. The results are shown in Table II. Apparently, both models have the best performance if the second event is used to build their formulae and/or parameters, while the SGMDH model has better performance, in terms of forecasting precision and rate and time of peak errors, than the IUH model in almost all the cases. The calibrating results demonstrate that the SGMDH model is much more ¯exible in ®tting or simulating the rainfall±runo€ hydrographs than the IUH model, while the veri®cative results of ¯ood forecasting show that the SGMDH model is more robust than the IUH model.


Figure 7. Observed vs. one hour ahead forecast at Shen-cei Creek for event no. 5

Table II. The results of SGMDH and IUH to calibrate and verify ¯ood events

Purpose Event

number Performances

Coecient of eciency (%) Error rate of peak ¯ow (%) Time error of peak ¯ow (hr)


Calibration 1 98.28 76.84 ÿ0.03 ÿ15.75 ÿ1 3 Veri®cation 3 93.24 84.83 1.27 11.57 4 0 9 75.82 55.85 ÿ32.54 ÿ62.41 2 2 6 80.64 70.70 48.96 ÿ13.84 0 2 Calibration 2 99.25 86.10 ÿ0.15 ÿ4.31 0 0 Veri®cation 3 95.05 95.83 8.44 ÿ12.00 ÿ1 ÿ1 9 84.96 48.20 7.20 ÿ68.97 0 4 6 83.82 89.70 9.86 ÿ33.52 ÿ1 1 Calibration 4 93.09 80.41 ÿ0.31 2.11 ÿ2 3 Veri®cation 3 90.46 57.04 ÿ9.43 27.18 ÿ2 3 9 9.44 50.12 ÿ49.27 ÿ50.39 ÿ4 4 6 39.48 43.74 ÿ40.02 10.90 ÿ4 5


The SGMDH model built by using the data set from the second event was then further used to make a one hour ahead forecast for the rest of the events. The results are shown in Figures 7±11. The model can forecast the stream ¯ow reasonably well for events 5, 8 and 10, but does not match the stream ¯ow records for events 7 and 11. To ®nd the reason, we might look through all the rainfall±runo€ histograms. obviously, events 7 and 11 have a relatively large rainfall intensity in their very early stages, while the second event, which is used to build the forecast model, does not have large rainfall intensity in its early stage.

These results point out the limitations in applicability of the model, where, if the rainfall histo-grams between the calibration event (model built) and veri®cation event (model used) are signi®cantly di€erent, the model might not be used properly. When we inspect the model, i.e. Equation (5), and the rainfall±runo€ histograms of events 7 and 11, it is found that Equation (5) is signi®cantly a€ected by R(t 7 5), while R(t 7 5) is set as zero before t ˆ 6. Events 7 and 11 have a very large rainfall intensity and peak ¯ow in their very early stages and consequently a forecast error does not seem to be a surprise in this circumstance.

In order to improve the real-time forecast, a recursive formula is implemented to the SGMDH model, which is called RESGMDH. The results show that the RESGMDH provides some improvement of model forecast performance (Table III and Figures 7±11), especially for events 7 and 11.


Figure 9. Observed vs. one hour ahead forecast at Shen-cei Creek for event no. 9

Table III. The results of SGMDH and RESGMDH models built by the second event

Purpose Event

number Performances

Coecient of eciency

(%) Error rate of peak ¯ow(%) Time error of peak ¯ow(hr)

Calibration 2 99.25 ÿ0.15 0 Veri®cation 3 95.05 8.44 ÿ1 9 84.96 7.20 0 6 88.32 9.86 ÿ1 Forecast (SGMDH) 57 72.3440.06 ÿ42.913.49 ÿ10 8 86.15 10.03 ÿ1 10 88.94 10.86 ÿ1 11 35.01 ÿ32.52 1 Forecast (RESGMDH) 57 72.4957.95 21.012.49 ÿ1ÿ2 8 86.28 11.55 ÿ1 10 92.81 4.24 ÿ1 11 76.79 13.83 ÿ1



The GMDH is an heuristic, computer-oriented method that provides the foundation for construction of high-order regression models of complex systems and has been applied with great success in a wide variety of ®elds, ranging from economics to biology (Farlow, 1984); nevertheless, until now it has not been considered important in the ®eld of water resources. This study provides a step towards understanding and evaluating a role for GMDH in the investigation of the complex rainfall±runo€ processes in a heterogeneous watershed. A stepwise regression procedure and recursive formula were implemented to revise the GMDH algorithm, to simplify the model formulation and to enhance its eciency in parameter estimation. Our study also shows that both technologies can easily be implemented in the original GMDH algorithm.

Comparing the prediction results, based on the criteria of forecasting precision and the rate and time of peak error, of the revised GMDH model with the IUH model by using 11 typhoon events in the Shen-cei Creek, Taiwan, a much better performance was obtained with the revised GMDH models. In the calibration events, the results demonstrate that the SGMDH model is much more ¯exible and easy to ®t the rainfall±runo€ histogram than the IUH model. In the veri®cation events, the results support the ®nding that the SGMDH model is more robust than the IUH model. When we enquire further into the SGMDH-built model, it is found that a limitation to applicability does exist, whereby, if the rainfall histograms between the calibration event and the veri®cation event are very di€erent, then the model cannot be used properly. In this


circumstance, the recursive formula of the model's parameter adjustment, i.e. RESGMDH, was found to be useful for improving the model forecast performance.


Research support from the National Science Council, ROC (Grant no. NSC87-2313-B-002-049) is gratefully acknowledged.


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Figure 1. The structure of the GMDH algorithm
Figure 2. Location of hydrometric stations on Shen-cei Creek, Taiwan
Figure 3. The forecasting model constructed by the second typhoon event
Figure 4. Observed vs. simulated responses at Shen-cei Creek for event no. 1



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