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The Influence of Personal Traits, Leisure Participation and Job Satisfaction on the Well-being for the Part-time ... 洪家興、施建彬


Academic year: 2022

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The Influence of Personal Traits, Leisure Participation and Job Satisfaction on the Well-being for the Part-time ...


E-mail: 9607407@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study seeks to explore the influence of personal traits, leisure participation, and job satisfaction on the well-being for the part-time administrative teachers in junior high schools in Chang-Hua County. Purposive sampling was used to select all public junior high school part-time administrative teachers as the research sample. 536 questionnaires were released, 463 were valid. the analytical results are summarized as follows: The ratio of male to female of this sample is 3:2. Most of the sample is 31-35 in age, married in marital status, with no child in family situations, and healthy in their health condition. In general, the average job span of their administration work is 0-3 years, and the attitude toward occupying administration work is moderate. In variance analysis.

There are significant differences in leisure participation in terms of age and attitude toward administration. There are significant differences in job satisfaction in terms of gender, marital status, family conditions, health conditions, administration span and attitude toward administration. There are significant differences in well-being in terms of marital status and health condones. In correlation analysis. There is a positive correlation between an extrovert personality and the degree of leisure participation. There is a negative correlation between a neurotic personality and the degree of leisure participation. There is a positive correlation between an

extrovert personality and job satisfaction. There is a negative correlation between a neurotic personality and job ratification. There is a positive correlation between an extrovert personality and well-being. There is a negative correlation between a neurotic personality and well-being. There is a positive correlation between leisure participation and well-being. There is a positive correlation between job satisfaction and well-being. In hierarchical regression analysis. In terms of well-being, personal traits, leisure paritcpation and job satisfacation have the union forecast ability. Different sex research objects influence the predictive factors of personal traits, leisure participation and job satisfacation on well-being. This research detailed analysis results, the discussions and the suggestions, please refer to the paper contents.

Keywords : part-time administrative teachers ; personal traits ; leisure participation ; job satisfaction ; well-being Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ................

..... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... vi 內容目錄 ..............

....... vii 表目錄  ..................... ix 圖目錄  ............

......... x 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機..

.......... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 4   第三節  名詞解釋....

........... 5   第四節  研究範圍............... 6 第二章  文獻探討.....

............ 7   第一節  幸福感................ 7   第二節  休閒參與..

............. 19   第三節  工作滿足............... 24   第四節  文獻總結

............... 27 第三章  研究設計................. 28   第一節  研究 架構............... 28   第二節  研究假設............... 29   第三節   研究工具............... 30   第四節  預試................. 33   第五節   資料處理與分析............ 34 第四章  資料分析結果............... 36   第 一節  個人背景資料分析........... 36   第二節  休閒參與、工作滿足及幸福感現況分析.. 40    第三節  不同背景變項在休閒參與、工作滿足及幸福 感上之差異分析............ 42   第四節   幸福感之相關分析結果......... 61   第五節  幸福感的預測結果........... 64 第五章   討論與建議................ 77   第一節  研究結果摘要............. 78   第 二節  綜合討論............... 85   第三節  建議................. 95 參 考文獻 ..................... 100   中文部份....................

100   英文部分.................... 105 附錄A  彰化縣國中兼任行政教師個人特質、休閒 參與及 工作滿足對幸福感影響調查表.........111



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