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A study of performance Evaluation and Risks on Real Estate Investment Trust in Japan and Taiwan-The-J-REIT and REITs... 魏于鈞、賴文魁


Academic year: 2022

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A study of performance Evaluation and Risks on Real Estate Investment Trust in Japan and Taiwan-The-J-REIT and REITs...


E-mail: 9607707@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The aim of this essay is going to understand which is the better invest target by evaluating the risk and performance of Taiwan and Japan Real Estate Investment Trust. In addition, it will also talk about if it makes differences in different risky evaluation method.

This investigation is using J-REIT and REITs as sample which is based on one year daily data and the weekly data which entered the market until Dec 30, 2006 to evaluate the risk and performance. The result shows that in daily data, it can combine Module EWMA and GARCH(1,1) to examine in a level 95 confidence interval, in order not to misjudge the risk. On the other hand, the evaluation of Module GARCH(1,1) is better in a level 95 confidence interval. Overall, sample NBF performs well than others. The sample of Taiwan distributes in the middle and behind.Under the weekly data, the GARCH(1,1) Module of Japanese Sample is good in a level 95 confidence interval; on the other hand, EWMA Module is better in Taiwanese Module. Under the level 99 confidence interval, GARCH(1,1) Module is better for Japan, and EWMA Module is better for Taiwan.If differentiates between Modules, the Office Module is better than residence Module un-der both daily and weekly data. In addition, the Market Module is better than residence Module under weekly data. The other Modules make no huge differences.

Keywords : GARCH(1,1) ; japan real estate investment trust ; real estate investment trusts ; exponential weighted moving average Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 .................. iii 英文摘要 .................. iv 誌謝辭  .................. v 內容目錄 .................. vi 表目錄  

.................. viii 圖目錄  .................. xi 第一章 緒論....

............. 1 第一節 研究背景................1 第二節 研究目的........

........3 第三節 研究範圍與方法.............4 第四節 研究流程與架構..........

...6 第二章 文獻回顧................8 第一節 不動產證券化之沿革...........8 第 二節 不動產證券化相關文獻..........36 第三節 績效評估相關文獻............42 第四節 風險 評估相關文獻............49 第三章 研究方法................53 第一節 資料來源及樣 本之選取..........53 第二節 績效報酬評估指標............61 第三節 風險評估方法....

..........64 第四章 實證結果分析..............73 第一節 日資料樣本變數基礎統計量分析

......73 第二節 日資料三種績效指標分析.........76 第三節 日資料風險值驗證..........

..84 第四節 週資料樣本變數基礎統計量分析......95 第五節 週資料三種績效指標分析.........98 第 六節 週資料風險值驗證............106 第七節 修正後夏普指標(V1).......... 117 第八節 不 同類型J-REIT&REITs之比較...... 124 第五章 結論與建議...............134 第一節 結論..

................134 第二節 建議..................140 參考文獻 .....

............. 141 REFERENCES

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