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彰化銀行 106 年度新進人員甄試試題


Academic year: 2021

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彰化銀行 106 年度新進人員甄試試題


.Net 程式設計師【K2313】;Cobol 程式設計師【K2314】;

網頁應用程式設計師【K2315】;Java 程式設計師【K2316】

普通科目:國文及英文 *請填寫入場通知書編號:______________



本試卷一張雙面,四選一單選選擇題共 50 題,每題 2 分,共 100 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」



應考人僅得使用簡易型電子計算器(不具任何財務函數、工程函數功能、儲存程式功能),但不得 發出聲響;若應考人於測驗時將不符規定之電子計算器放置於桌面或使用,經勸阻無效,仍執意 使用者,該節扣 10 分;該電子計算器並由監試人員保管至該節測驗結束後歸還。


壹、國文【第 1-25 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,占 50 分】











甲丙乙戊丁 乙甲丙丁戊 丁丙乙戊甲 戊丁丙乙甲


一板一眼 一唱三嘆 一本萬利 一乾二淨



能夠悲憫世人的疾苦,才能使作品有多元視野 想要創作感人的作品,須對生活有真實的體悟

優秀的藝術家,都須歷經一番波折後才能出頭 偉大的作品,大都來自作者生命中挫折的啟發


「稗」草野花/縱橫「捭」闔 靜女其「姝」/「洙」泗之風

層「巒」疊翠/「孿」生兄弟 「瞅」了一眼/「愀」然作色














這件案子調查到現在,總算有點「眉目」了 兒女是爸媽的「心肝」,不容許旁人欺負他們

沒想到是他的祕書陷害他,真是變生「肘腋」 憑著高明的「手腕」,他總算平息了這場風波

【2】9.「潛心雖出重爻後,著眼何妨未畫前。識得兩儀根太極,此時方好絕韋編。」上引朱熹七絕,如果是抒發他讀 儒家某部經典後的感想,則這部經典應是下列何者?

書經 易經 春秋 論語


天下皆知美之為美,斯惡已 禍兮福之所倚,福兮禍之所伏

五味令人口爽,馳騁畋獵令人心發狂 江海所以能為百谷王者,以其善下之

【1】11.「你曾是黃河之水天上來/陰山動/龍門開/而今反從你的句中來/驚濤與豪笑/萬里濤濤入海/那轟動匡廬 的大瀑布/無中生有/不止不休/黃河西來,大江東去/此外五千年都已沉寂/有一條黃河,你已夠熱鬧的了。」


李白 蘇軾 司馬遷 辛棄疾

【4】12.「寂寞是一種冷冷清清的感覺,好像自己被遺棄了。孤獨則不同,它使人暫時擺脫種種俗世的念慮,親親切切 的面對自己,譜出寧靜悠遠的雅趣。」依據文意,下列敘述何者最符合作者對「孤獨」的看法?

關上門窗,拒絕陽光入室,所以孤獨 願意與人分享心事,就不會再孤獨

孤獨的人,往往與世俗格格不入 享受孤獨的人,可以反觀自照


竟私自摘除他腦子並據為己有。哈維醫生的行為雖然可恥,卻為科學家及社會所『諒解』,原因很簡單:奉科學之 名!愛因斯坦是不世奇材,也許他的腦子的確長得和常人不同?哈維於是竟成了科學研究的功臣!時至今日,奉科 學之名,一切器官均可販賣!至於一般人在進醫院或接受治療時被『偷走』的身體髮膚,就更不勝枚舉了。」依據 上文,下列何者最符合作者的想法?

基於研究的需要,科學家可以私自摘取人體的器官 透過解剖愛因斯坦的腦,才能發現許多人體的奧秘

不分貴賤賢愚,人死後全無差別,火化成灰最瀟灑 科學研究固然重要,但不能違背對生命尊嚴的尊重






【2】15.「夫子,我不讓你走/周雖衰微,還礙不著你隱居/關外一片荒涼/你這把年紀/你的青牛又這把年紀/能跋 山還是能涉水/夫子,我送你出關/但請留下五千言底稿」,請推斷詩中「夫子」指何人?

孔子 老子 莊子 墨子

【4】16.「人面呢?顏色比那紙製的面具好,而且活動,帶著生氣。可是你褒獎他的時候,他雖然很高興,臉上卻裝出 很不願意的樣子;你指摘他的時候,他雖是懊惱,臉上偏要顯出勇於訥言的顏色。」依據文意,下列敘述何者正確?

面具的顏色鮮活有生氣,比人面有變化 戴上面具後,就會面無表情,呆板無趣

因為無法掩飾情緒,所以人需要戴面具 有些人雖然沒戴面具,卻往往表裡不一






【3】18.《史記》:「沛公居山東時,貪於財貨,好美姬;今入關,財物無所取,婦女無所幸,此其志不在小。」此段 文字意謂沛公:

取法聖賢,虛懷若谷 以退為進,取信項王 籠絡民心,志在天下 寬闊大度,慈悲為懷


這份工作的待遇相當優渥,吸引不少人競爭 所有同學、朋友都趕赴餐廳,為將赴美求學的小英踐行




扶危持顛/回天乏術 龍虎之姿/獐頭鼠目 兔死狗烹/狐死首丘 心凝形釋/物我兩忘


玉潤珠圓 琴瑟和鳴 飴座歡騰 望切雲霓


「是賈誼痛哭的年紀/是□□登樓的年紀/要像李白一樣/笑入胡姬的酒肆/要像慷慨悲歌的辛稼軒/不恨古人吾 不見/恨古人不見吾狂耳/晉朝的阮籍在荒山裡找不到路/酒醉的劉伶放聲大笑/嵇康和做官去的巨源絕交/□


孔融/陶淵明 王粲/王羲之 王粲/陶淵明 孔融/王羲之


間關鶯語花底滑,幽咽泉流水下灘 迢迢牽牛星,皎皎河漢女

渺渺兮予懷,望美人兮天一方 苔深不能掃,落葉秋風早


提稱語用「函丈」 自稱為「受業」

結尾問候語用「恭請 誨安」 信封啟封詞用「敬啟」

【1】25.古詩十九首〈飲馬長城窟行〉:「客從遠方來,遺我雙鯉魚」中的「遺」是「贈送」的意思,下列與其用法相 同的是:

攀條折其榮,將以「遺」所思 於學無所「遺」,於辭無所假

故舊不「遺」,則民不偷 秦無亡矢「遺」鏃之費,而天下諸侯已困矣


貳、英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,占 50 分】


【1】26. Strategic people set goals, plan in _______, and demonstrate productivity.

 advance  advice  assistance  access

【3】27. A person who does not keep all of their promises does not have the _______ of trustworthiness.

 vice  vagueness  virtue  victim

【2】28. Evidently an apple a day not only keeps the doctor away but the grim _______ as well.

 reader  reaper  rapport  research

【4】29. Many of the changes in politics, society, and religion in the past several centuries have been ________ of people adopting the intellectual values.

 recipients  relationship  community  consequences

【1】30. Some of the most ambitious attempts to deliver a consumer VR product for the masses took place right before the _______ of the century.

 turn  term  come  creation

【4】31. A healthy dose of ______ helps people better evaluate the information they come across.

 demise  registration  percentage  skepticism

【3】32. The biggest mistake learners make is viewing intelligence as a fixed _______.

 machine  consumption  attribute  equipment

【2】33. Although erosion is a natural process, human activities like agriculture, construction, _______, and grazing can greatly increase its impact.

 confidence  deforestation  cognition  psychology 二、文法測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】

【2】34. Studies have shown that people with the lowest mortality rate _______ between 6 and 7 hours a night.

 sleeps  sleep  is sleeping  has slept

【1】35. _______ money certainly can’t buy happiness, evidently it can buy healthcare.

 While  That  How  Why

【3】36. In addition to _______ extensive advertising campaigns, they have aggressively fought stricter restrictions.

 be  run  running  do

【2】37. If the gaps in your knowledge and abilities are holding you _______ from creating the life you want, get out and learn what you need to know.

 forward  back  at  forth

【4】38. The questions that we ask ourselves can shape our perception of who we are, _______ we're capable of, and what we're willing to do to achieve our dreams.

 who  that  how  what

【1】39. People _______ intellectual character find their growth stunted and interact with their circumstances on a childlike level.

 lacking  lack  lacked  who are lack

【2】40. _______ as the Bermuda Triangle, this legendary expanse of ocean can be found between the points of Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico.

 Knowing  Known  To know  Know


Although the origins of smoking are unknown, it was first seen among Native Americans, who used tobacco for both spiritual and 41 purposes. In the late 15th century, sailors returning from the Americas began to introduce tobacco to Europe, where it was soon regarded as an almost 42 curative. Ironically, some claimed that it was an effective treatment for cancer. Tobacco use quickly spread, and by the early 17th century, the plant was being grown in India, China, Japan, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. Some two centuries later, smoking had become an 43 ritual throughout the world—a development much aided by the mass production of cigarettes in the 1880s.

However, not all were in 44 of lighting up. James I, who ruled England from 1603 to 1625, called smoking “a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, 45 to the brain, dangerous to the lungs.”

Ottoman Sultan Murad IV declared that smoking was a capital offense, and in Russia those caught smoking would have their noses cut off.

【2】41. mechanical  medicinal  directive  problematic

【1】42.  universal  united  detrimental  adroit

【3】43.  establish  establishing  established  establishes

【4】44.  middle  front  lieu  favor

【1】45.  harmful  beneficial  improving  lucrative 四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】

If you have money to burn, congratulations. But you’d better not actually set fire to a pile of cash. Burning money is illegal in the United States and is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, not to mention fines. It's also illegal to tear a dollar bill and even flatten a penny under the weight of a locomotive on the railroad tracks.

The laws making defacing and debasing currency a crime have their roots in the federal government’s use of precious metals to mint coins.

Criminals were known to file down or cut off portions of those coins and keep the slivers for themselves while spending the altered currency.

But now even when you burn money or deface coins, your odds of being prosecuted under the federal laws, however, are fairly slim. First, coins now contain very little precious metals. Second, defacing printed currency in an act of protest is often compared to burning the American flag. That is to say, burning money may be considered protected speech under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.

It’s pretty rare for someone to be arrested and charged with defiling or debasing U.S. currency. Even those penny press machines you find at arcades and some seashore attractions are okay because they’re used to create souvenirs and not to debase or shave metal off the coin for profit or fraud.

【1】46. Which of the following is true about burning money in the United States in the past?

 It was unlawful and the punishment might be severe.

 It was unlawful but not punishable.

 It was immoral but lawful.

 It was lawful and protected by the Constitution.

【3】47. What was the original reason for the laws to forbid people to deface or debase currency?

 Because money was the symbol of the country.

 Because money should be used, not damaged.

 Because precious metals were used to mint coins.

 Because the government wanted to better manage the country.

【2】48. Why isn’t it easy for people to be prosecuted when they burn money or deface coins nowadays?

 It is seen as a personal business.

 It may be thought as the freedom of speech protected by the Constitution.

 It does not cause any problem with the country.

 It is considered a symbol of the national wealth.

【3】49. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the penny press machines?

 They are used to improve the income of the government.

 They are welcomed by foreigners.

 They are not considered illegal.

 They are shaving off the coin for profit.

【1】50. What does it most likely imply when a person “has money to burn”?

 The person is wealthy.

 The person has stolen the money.

 The person has a bad habit.

 The person likes to compete with others.



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