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國立北門高級中學 100 學年度第 1 次正式教師甄選英文科試題


Academic year: 2021

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國立北門高級中學 100 學年度第 1 次正式教師甄選英文科試題

Part One: 選擇題

I. Vocabulary (20%;1% for each)

1. The moss      easily in the bathroom because of poor air circulation and too much moisture.

(A) navigated (B) cultivated (C) proliferated (D) converted 2. After a heated argument, these two friends had become _______ strangers.

(A) virtual (B) unsanitary (C) wreak (D) abrupt

3. When the doctor decided to _______ his leg to prevent the spread of gangrene, he cried that he preferred death to incapacity.

(A) precipitate (B) mitigate (C) investigate (D) amputate

4. Hundreds of thousands of people were _______ from the city due to the volcano eruption.

(A) submerged (B) evacuated (C) drained (D) temporized

5. He refused to defend himself against the slander and ______ hurled against him by the newspapers; he preferred to rely on his record.

(A) opprobrium (B) implication (C) fanaticism (D) extradition 6. This is a ______scheme because it does not consider the facts.

(A) cataclysmic (B) apathetic (C) fanciful (D) discernible

7. Firefighters are desperately trying to ______ the fire before it spread to nearby houses.

(A) plunge (B) contain (C) impose (D) vibrate 8. The only ______ the stores here will accept is the U.S. dollar.

(A) interpretation (B) dissuasion (C) finance (D) currency 9. Allen was so deep in debt that he had to rely on his parents for a _____

(A) bailout (B) coalition (C) mediation (D) paradox 10. John was so ______ in his studies that he did not hear his mother call.

(A) impassive (B) luminous (C) magnanimous (D) engrossed

11. Under pressure of public opinion, the president of a slaughterhouse in the largest-ever meat recall ____ admitted that his company had introduced sick cows into the hamburger supply.

(A) unanimously (B) frugally (C) skeptically (D) grudgingly 12. This century has witnessed environmental destruction on a(n) _____ scale.

(A) implicit (B) unprecedented (C) permanent (D) untenable

13. Scientific research has proven that being overweight is just as much a(n) _____ to health as smoking.

(A) detriment (B) duplicity (C) revulsion (D) dissent

14. Originally Mary liked the advice everyone gave her about having a baby, but now she’s tired of all the ____


(A) unsolicited (B) candid (C) digressive (D) paramount

15. Most parents are ____ in protecting their children form anything that might be harmful. All parents should be alert and watchful..

(A) vigilant (B) responsible (C) ardent (D) sentimental 16. Despite _____ opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.

(A) subsequent (B) vernacular (C) vehement (D) ubiquitous

17. Kate has the optimal blend of curiosity, and communication that qualifies her for the job. She will be a great ____

to your company.

(A) impetus (B) asset (C) acumen (D) semblance

18. These folks, motivated by humanitarian considerations, became enthusiastic ____ of a vegetarian diet, saving the animals with every bite.

(A) proponents (B) clientele (C) alumni (D) receptionists

19. As urbanization continues, 6.4 billion city dwellers will need access to energy. That is, 80% of all greenhouse gases are caused by the _____ of cities for energy.

(A) ignition (B) liability (C) obligation (D) appetite P. 1


20. The _____ behind lung cancer is smoking and air pollution; thus, those who are susceptible to cancer are advised to avoid smoking and second-hand smoking.

(A) likelihood (B) culprit (C) magnet (D) catalyst

II. 克漏字選擇 (20%; 2% for each)

The word, euthanasia, is from Ancient Greek, literally meaning “good death.” It is the practice of ending a life, usually with an injection. The ancient Greeks and Romans were ___21___ of suicide if there was no hope for the patient. For example, the elderly could choose euthanasia if they wished. Nowadays it is only legal in Belgium, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Thailand, some Australian states, and one U.S. state, Oregon.

Euthanasia is a deeply debated topic. Some people think it is murder ___22___ others think it is mercy.

Supporters of euthanasia believe the quality of life is more valuable than how long you live. ___23___, the medical costs used on keeping someone alive who cannot be saved may be better used on a ___24___ disease.

Other people believe euthanasia is ___25___ the oath that a doctor makes. When a person becomes a doctor, s/he takes an oath ___26___ they promise to never cause a death through a deadly ___27___. Another belief is that

euthanasia is morally wrong. It is ___28___ suicide by some people and if you ___29___, then that is murder. In the film, The Sea Inside, the main character, Ramon, is ___30___ from the neck down and wishes to commit suicide.

During an argument with a priest, the priest tells him “Freedom without a life is not freedom.” Ramon answers with

“A life without freedom is not a life.”

There are many sides to the debate on euthanasia, and many people feel very strongly about the issue. This is one debate that may continue for many years.

_____21. (A) tolerant (B) critical (C) ignorant (D) appreciative

_____22. (A) as (B) despite (C) besides (D) since

_____23. (A) Yet (B) Accordingly (C) Nevertheless (D) Also _____24. (A) curable (B) incurable (C) fatal (D) malignant

_____25. (A) with (B) for (C) against (D) at

_____26. (A) in which (B) what (C) for (D) since

_____27. (A) prescription (B) inscription (C) subscription (D) illness _____28. (A) regarded (B) considered (C) viewed (D) seen

_____29. (A) insist (B) resist (C) assist (D) persist

_____30. (A) paralyzed (B) persuaded (C) perplexed (D) possessed

III. 文意選填 (20%; 1% for each)


(A) myth-like (B) set sail for (C) around the time (D) hold our imaginations

(E) ran away with (F) taken place (G) warriors (H) wage (I) set down (J) went on

Most of our information about the Trojan War comes from the poet Homer. We know that he __31__ the story in the 9th century B.C., but we do not know how much of his version is true. In the course of their diggings at Troy in 1871, archeologists discovered the city had been destroyed by a fire __32__ that the Trojan War is supposed to have __33__. As a result, many people believe that Homer's story was based on actual history. The poet, however, gave the events a __34__ quality that continues to __35__ today.

Homer's epic poem tells the story of Helen, the wife of a Greek king. She __36__ Paris, the Prince of Troy, giving the Greeks a reason to __37__ war against the city. They gathered a fleet of a thousand ships, and __38__

Troy. But in a war that __39__ for ten years, the Greeks could not conquer Troy. They had to find another way to get inside. They finally achieved this by hiding a group of __40__ in a giant wooden horse, which the Trojans, thinking it was tribute from the losing army, took into the city.

P. 2



(A) surveys indicate (B) currently (C) computing (D) could be (E) in its early stages (F) on the market (G) before (H) corporations (I) take a look (J) decades away from

Hi Frank. I just had to write and tell you about my new idea. I think it's going to completely change the world of interactive __41__. I don't want to say too much, because my invention is still __42__. But its potential impact on the world is huge, and I am sure it won't be long __43__ everybody will be using it. Some people are afraid of new technology, and __44__ that many older people in particular avoid learning how to use computers in their daily lives.

But with my machine, everyone from little children to elderly grandparents will find it perfect for all their needs.

Some __45__ have spent large amounts of money trying to develop something similar to my idea. But they are __46__ success! In contrast, I have completed all the design work, and I am __47__ working on building the first model. I believe that, with hard work and a bit of luck, I could have the finished product __48__ less than a year from now. My friend Dr. Nelson has encouraged my efforts. But he warns me not to get too excited, as it __49__ bad for my health. Anyway, I'll be happy to let you __50__ at my work, just as soon as the doctors let me out of this special hospital. They seem to think I'm crazy or something!

IV. 閱讀測驗 (20%; 2% for each)


How do investigators on the popular TV series, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, solve mysterious car crashes, kidnappings, and explosions? The CSI investigative team solves crimes almost entirely through forensic science. A century earlier, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional Sherlock Holmes, examined evidence such as gunpowder, and hoof prints using early forensic science methods to solve mysterious crimes. Television programs such as CSI and the detective stories such as Sherlock Holmes mysteries have sparked interest in many people to learn about the way scientists solve crimes.

Forensic science involves studying evidence related to a crime. Forensic scientists collect and analyze the traces and evidence left at crime scenes, ranging from blood stains to handwriting samples, and examine these in scientific labs through the forensic process including methods such as fingerprinting, DNA analysis, and chemical analysis of body fluids, drugs, hair, bones, and other materials. These methods have improved over time with the use of

technology. Forensic science not only aids in solving crimes but is also used to investigate fires and accidents that do not involve crime. Finally, they have to present what they found in the court.

The forensic scientists who examine bullets and body parts on CSI are not entirely realistic. CSI investigators often go to crime scenes and talk with witnesses. In reality, most forensic scientists perform their work mainly in labs and specialize in certain areas. For instance, forensic biologists analyze body parts such as blood and hair while forensic chemists analyze materials for traces of drugs or explosives. Forensic anthropologists study bones while forensic meteorologists study weather patterns. Regardless of what type of work forensic scientists do, however, they help find criminals, solve mysteries, and even save lives.

_____51.Forensic scientists perform their work mainly _____.

(A) at the court (B) at the scene of the crime

(C) in the lab (D) at the police station

_____52.According to the passage, which of the following is not forensic scientist’s work?

(A) Shooting a film about crime scene investigation.

(B) Finding out who the criminal is.

(C) Save people’s lives.

(D) Examining every detail of one case.

_____53.Studying evidence related to a crime is called _____.

(A) forensic science (B) forensic biology (C) forensic chemistry (D) forensic anthropology _____54.Which statement is true?

(A) CSI is a popular TV series named after a US governmental agency dealing with crimes.

(B) Forensic science is an interdisciplinary study involving two or more branches of knowledge.


(C) Forensic science is only applied in solving crimes.

(D) In reality, forensic scientists have to go to the crime scene instead of staying in the lab. P. 3 _____55.Who is responsible for analyzing materials for traces of drugs?

(A) Forensic meteorologists. (B) Forensic biologists.

(C) Forensic chemists. (D) Forensic anthropologists.


Khalfan Mohammed has long been overwhelmed by culture shock while staying in five-star hotels. As a devoted Muslim he has learned to ask staff to remove the minibar's alcohol. He stays away from lobbies with loud discos and drunken guests. When traveling with his parents, it is the bikinis that bother them most. To avoid such

embarrassment, the Mohammeds took to renting furnished apartments.

No longer. On a trip to Dubai last year, Mohammed stayed in the Villa Rotana, one of a growing number of hotels catering to Muslim travelers. In the lobby — all white leather, brick and glass, with a small waterfall. Other Westerners are sometimes carefully reminded to respect local customs. Minibars are stocked not with alcohol, but with Red Bull, or Pepsi.

In the past, buying Muslim meant avoiding pork and alcohol and getting your meat from halal butchers, who slaughtered under Islamic principles. But such food market has exploded in the past decade and is now worth an estimated $632 billion annually. That's about 16% of the entire global food industry. One reason for the rise of the halal economy is that the world's 1.6 billion Muslims are younger and, in some places at least, richer than ever.

Seeking to tap that huge market, non-Muslim multinationals like Tesco, McDonald's and Nestlé have expanded their Muslim-friendly offerings and now control an estimated 90% of the global halal market.

Those who define the halal market in the traditional sense — as a matter of meat, and no more — see the industry stopping at Islamic food standards. But the movement's more bullish supporters foresee Muslim cars and halal furniture built in accordance with Muslim finance, labor and ethical principles. Some entrepreneurs even see halal products moving into the mainstream and appealing to consumers looking for high-quality, ethical products. To keep growing, halal firms know they can't simply rely on religion. "Ideology does not fit within a consumer mindset,"

says Amanullah of Zabihah.com.

Adapted from “Buying Muslim.” Time, vol 173, no 20, 2009 _____56.Which of the following statements is true?

(A) Drinks like Red Bull, or Pepsi are not acceptable for Muslims.

(B) Middle-aged Muslims are the main buying power of the halal economy.

(C) Halal products fail to find its way into markets outside the Muslim world.

(D) Staying in Muslim-unfriendly hotels used to be an unpleasant experience for Khalfan Mohammed.

_____57. According to the article, a Muslim traveler dislikes a hotel _____.

(A) with a hilarious hotel lobby

(B) with their customs respected by Western travelers (C) without alcohol in the minibar

(D) without ladies wearing bikinis walking around

_____58. Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the first paragraph?

(A) Persuasive opinions on how a Muslim traveler should be treated are given.

(B) A story about a Muslim traveler is narrated.

(C) Historical facts about a Muslim traveler are presented.

(D) Various types of traveling are compared and contrasted.

_____59.The word “halal” _____.

(A) is used to mean a profitable way of food production (B) has to do with Islamic food processing

(C) suggests how meat and alcohol are stored

(D) refers to a humane way of slaughtering animals _____60.The author's primary purpose in the text is to _______.

(A) examine the similarities and differences between Muslim and other religions.

(B) show that Islam-friendly services and products have limited markets.


(C) argue that many international companies have competed in the growing Muslim market.

(D) suggest that ideology plays an important role in the public response toward the Muslim practice. P. 4

Part Two: 申論題 (請直接作答於本張答案紙上)

V. Essay Question: (20%)

The theory and practice of “Literature Circles” has played an integral role in English teaching. The Literature Circles Resource Center of Seattle University’s College of Education defines literature circles as “small groups of students who gather together to discuss a piece of literature in depth. The discussion is guided by students’ response to what they have read.” Please write down your tailor-made application of “Literature Circles,” appropriate for students’ proficiency level in this school. (1) Please select 3 roles that students can hold in a literature circle from the following list: word watcher / story connector / summarizer / illustrator / discussion director / passage master. (2) Meanwhile, please explain how the individual significance of these roles will facilitate students’ four abilities. (It is better that you use ONE textbook reading topic to illustrate procedure or strategies.)

P. 5

國立北門高級中學 100 學年度第 1 次正式教師甄選英文科試題答案

1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. D

11. D 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. D 20. B

21. A 22. A 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. A

31. I 32. C 33. F 34. A 35. D 36. E 37. H 38. B 39. J 40. G

41. C 42. E 43. G 44. A 45. H 46. J 47. B 48. F 49. D 50. I

51. C 52. A 53. A 54. B 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. B 59.


60. C

其中59 題正確答案為 B,原公告答案 A 係屬誤植,特此更正。



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