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uniqueness of the solution


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Quantitative estimates of the stationary Navier-Stokes equations at infinity and

uniqueness of the solution

Ching-Lung Lin

Jenn-Nan Wang


In this paper we are interested in the asymptotic behavior of in- compressible fluid around a bounded obstacle. Under certain a priori decaying assumptions, we derive a quantitative estimate of the de- caying rate of the difference of any two velocity functions at infinity.

This quantitative estimate gives us a sufficient condition, expressed in terms of integrability, to guarantee that the solution of the Navier- Stokes equations is unique.

1 Introduction

Let B be a bounded domain in Rn and Ω = Rn\ ¯B with n ≥ 2. Without loss of generality, we let 0 belong to interior of B and B ⊂ B1(0) = {x :

|x| < 1}. Assume that Ω is filled with an incompressible fluid described by the stationary Navier-Stokes equations

( −∆u + u · ∇u + ∇p = f in Ω,

∇ · u = 0 in Ω. (1.1)

We are interested in the following question: let u1 and u2 be two solutions of (1.1) satisfying some pre-described assumptions such as boundedness or

Department of Mathematics, NCTS, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan. Email:cllin2@mail.ncku.edu.tw

Department of Mathematics, NCTS (Taipei), National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan. Email: jnwang@math.ntu.edu.tw


decaying conditions, then find a sufficient condition which guarantees that u1 ≡ u2 in Ω. In this paper, we answer this question by deriving a minimal decay rate of u1− u2 at infinity if u1 6= u2.

This question is motivated by the following problem. It was shown by Finn [2] that when n = 3 and f = 0, if u|∂B = 0 and u = o(|x|−1), then u is trivial. Inspired by Finn’s result, we would like to ask the following question:

when n = 3, if we know a priori that u = O(|x|−1), what is the minimal decaying rate of any nontrivial u satisfying (1.1)? It should be remarked that the boundary value of u on ∂B is irrelevant in this problem. Moreover, the asymptotic behavior u = O(|x|−1) characterizes the so-called physically reasonable solutions introduced by Finn [3].

To answer the main question of the paper, we simply subtract two equa- tions for u1 and u2 and obtain

(−∆v + v · ∇v + v · ∇u2+ u2· ∇v + ∇pv = 0 in Ω,

∇ · v = 0 in Ω,

where v = u1 − u2 and pv = p1 − p2. Therefore, to solve the problem, it suffices to consider the generalized Navier-Stokes equations

(−∆v + v · ∇v + v · ∇α + α · ∇v + ∇p = 0 in Ω,

∇ · v = 0 in Ω (1.2)

with ∇ · α = 0. To describe the main theorem, we denote I(x) =



|v(y)|2dy and

M (t) = inf


Then we prove that

Theorem 1.1 Let v ∈ (Hloc1 (Ω))n be a nontrivial solution of (1.2) with an appropriate p ∈ Hloc1 (Ω). Assume that for 0 ≤ κ114, 0 ≤ κ212, 0 < δ ≤ 18 and λ ≥ 1

(|v(x)| + |α(x)| + |∇v(x)| ≤ λ(1 + |x|2)−κ1−δ

|∇α(x)| ≤ λ(1 + |x|2)−κ2−δ. (1.3)


Then there exist ˜t depending on λ, n, κ1, κ2, δ and positive constants C1, C2 such that

M (t) ≥ exp −(C12)tκ(log t)C2

for t ≥ ˜t, (1.4) where κ = max{2 − 4κ1, 2 − 2κ2} and the constant C2 depends on λ and n, while C1 is explicitly given by

C1 = k

log min{ inf




|v(y)|2dy, 1}


+ γ, where k is an absolute constant and γ depends on λ and n.

It is interesting to compare Theorem 1.1 with the result obtained in [6]

where we showed that for the standard stationary Navier-Stokes equations (i.e., α = 0 in (1.2)) if v is bounded (for n = 2) or C1 bounded (for n ≥ 3) in Ω, then

M (t) ≥ exp(−Ct2+).

We would also like to mention some related results for the Schr¨odinger opera- tor with potential in [1] and [7] where the unique continuation property were proved under some integrability conditions similar to those in Corollary 1.3 and 1.4.

We can immediately deduce several consequences from Theorem1.1. As- sume that n = 3 and f = O(|x|−3) at infinity. Let u1, u2 be two solutions of (1.1) satisfying u1 = O(|x|−1) and u2 = O(|x|−1). It was proved by Sverak and Tsai [9] that both ∇u1and ∇u2 are O(|x|−2). So we can choose κ1 = 1/4, κ2 = 1/2 (then κ = 1), and fix δ = 1/8 in Theorem 1.1. Due to Sverak and Tsai’s result, we can also relax condition (1.3). Setting v = u1 − u2 and α = v1, we obtain from Theorem 1.1 that

Corollary 1.2 Let u1, u2 ∈ (Hloc1 (Ω))3 be solutions of (1.1) with appropriate pressures p1, p2 ∈ Hloc1 (Ω). Assume that f (x) = O(|x|−3), u1(x) = O(|x|−1), and u2 = O(|x|−1), at infinity. Then there exist ˜t and positive constants s1, s2 such that





|(u1− u2)(y)|2dy ≥ exp (−s1t(log t)s2) for t ≥ ˜t, where s1 depends linearly on


min{ inf




|(u1− u2)(y)|2dy, 1}



Corollary 1.2 immediately implies the following qualitative uniqueness results.

Corollary 1.3 Let u1, u2 ∈ (Hloc1 (Ω))3 be solutions of (1.1) with appropriate pressures p1, p2 ∈ Hloc1 (Ω). Assume that f (x) = O(|x|−3), u1(x) = O(|x|−1), and u2 = O(|x|−1), at infinity. Then there exist R and positive constants s1, s2 such that if



exp(s|x|(log |x|)s2)|(u1− u2)(x)|2dx < ∞

for all s > s1, then u1 ≡ u2 in Ω, where s1’s dependence is described in Corollary 1.2.

In particular, let u2 = 0 and f = 0, we have that

Corollary 1.4 Let n = 3, f = 0, and u ∈ (Hloc1 (Ω))3 be a solution of (1.1) with an appropriate p ∈ Hloc1 (Ω). Assume that u(x) = O(|x|−1). Then there exist R and positive constants s1, s2 such that if



exp(s|x|(log |x|)s2)|u(x)|2dx < ∞

for all s > s1, then u ≡ 0 in Ω, where s1 depends linearly on the quantity

log min{ inf




|u(y)|2dy, 1}

! .

As in [6], we prove our result along the line of Carleman’s method. Some useful techniques used in [6] are collected in the next Section. The proof of the main theorem is given in Section 3.

2 Reduced system and Carleman estimates

Fixing x0 with |x0| = t >> 1, we define

w(x) = (at)v(atx + x0), ˜α(x) = (at)α(at + x0), and ˜p(x) = (at)2p(atx + x0), where r1 is the constant given in Lemma 2.1 and a ≥ 8/r1 which will be determined in the proof of Theorem 1.1. Likewise, we denote

t:= B1

a 1


(0) = {x : |x| < 1 a − 1



From (1.2), it is easy to get that

( −∆w + w · ∇w + w · ∇ ˜α + ˜α · ∇w + ∇˜p = 0 in Ωt,

∇ · w = 0 in Ωt. (2.1)

In view of (1.3), we have that



k ˜αkL(Ωt)+ kwkL(Ωt) ≤ C0aλt1−2κ1−δ, k∇wkL(Ωt) ≤ C0a2λt2−2κ1−δ,

k∇ ˜αkL(Ωt)≤ C0a2λt2−2κ234δ,


where we can choose C0 = (20)5/4.

To prove Theorem1.1, we use the reduced system containing the vorticity equation derived in [6]. Let us define the vorticity q of the velocity w by

q = curl w := 1

√2(∂iwj − ∂jwi)1≤i,j≤n.

The formal transpose of curl is given by (curl>v)1≤i≤n := 1

√2 X


j(vij − vji),

where v = (vij)1≤i,j≤n. It is easy to see that

∆w = ∇(∇ · w) − curl>curlw (see, for example, [8] for a proof), which implies

∆w + curl>q = 0 in Ωt. (2.3) Next we observe that

w · ∇ ˜α + ˜α · ∇w = ∇(w · ˜α) −√

2(curl w) ˜α −√

2(curl ˜α)w

= ∇(w · ˜α) −√

2q ˜α −√

2(curl ˜α)w and in particular

w · ∇w = ∇(1

2|w|2) −√

2(curl w)w = ∇(1

2|w|2) −√ 2qw.


Thus, applying curl on the first equation of (2.1), we have that

−∆q+Q(q)(w+ ˜α)+q(∇w+∇ ˜α)>−(∇w+∇ ˜α)q>−divF = 0 in Ωt, (2.4) where

(Q(q)w)ij = X


(∂jqik− ∂iqjk)wk and

(divF )ij =




kFijk with Fijk = X


(curl ˜α)jmwmδki − (curl ˜α)imwmδkj .

Putting together (2.3), (2.4), and using (1.3), to prove the main theorem, it suffices to consider

( ∆q + A(x) · ∇q + B(x)q + divF = 0 in Ωt,

∆w + curl>q = 0 in Ωt (2.5)


kAkL(Ωt)≤ C0λat1−2κ1−δ, kBkL(Ωt)≤ C0λa2t2−2κ1−δ, and

|F (x)| ≤ C0λa2t2−2κ2−δ|w(x)|, ∀ x ∈ Ωt.

Our proof relies on appropriate Carleman estimates. Here we need two Carleman estimates with weights ϕβ = ϕβ(x) = exp(−β ˜ψ(x)), where β > 0 and ˜ψ(x) = log |x| + log((log |x|)2).

Lemma 2.1 There exist a sufficiently small number r1 > 0 depending on n and a sufficiently large number β1 > 3, a positive constant C, depending on n such that for all v ∈ Ur1 and f = (f1, · · · , fn) ∈ (Ur1)n, β ≥ β1, we have that


ϕ2β(log |x|)2(β|x|4−n|∇v|2+ β3|x|2−n|v|2)dx

≤ C Z

ϕ2β(log |x|)4|x|2−n[(|x|2∆v + |x|divf )2+ β2kf k2]dx, (2.6) where Ur1 = {v ∈ C0(Rn\ {0}) : supp(v) ⊂ Br1}.


Lemma2.1 is a modified form of [5, Lemma 2.4]. For the sake of brevity, we omit the proof here. Replacing β of Lemma 2.1 with β + 1 and choosing f = 0 implies

Lemma 2.2 There exist a sufficiently small number r1 > 0, a sufficiently large number β1 > 1, a positive constant C, such that for all v ∈ Ur1 and β ≥ β1, we have


ϕ2β(log |x|)−2|x|−n(β|x|2|∇v|2+ β3|v|2)dx ≤ C Z


(2.7) In addition to Carleman estimates, we also need the following interior estimate.

Lemma 2.3 For any 0 < a1 < a2 such that Ba2 ⊂ Ωt for t > 1, let X = Ba2\ ¯Ba1 and d(x) be the distant from x ∈ X to Rn\X. Then we have



d(x)2|∇w|2dx + Z


d(x)4|∇q|2dx + Z



≤ C

1 + a2t2 2Z


|w|2dx. (2.8)

where the constant C depends on n, λ.

The proof of this lemma is given in [6].

3 Proof of Theorem 1.1

This section is devoted to the proof of the main theorem, Theorem 1.1.

Since (w, p) ∈ (H1(Ωt))n+1, the regularity theorem implies w ∈ Hloc2 (Ωt).

Therefore, to use estimate (2.7), we simply cut-off w. So let χ(x) ∈ C0(Rn) satisfy 0 ≤ χ(x) ≤ 1 and

χ(x) =



0, |x| ≤ 8at1 ,

1, 4at1 < |x| < 1a20at3 δ, 0, |x| ≥ 1a20at2 δ. It is easy to see that for any multiindex α

(|Dαχ| = O((at)|α|) if 8at1 ≤ |x| ≤ 4at1 ,

|Dαχ| = O((atδ)|α|) if 1a20at3 δ ≤ |x| ≤ 1a20at2 δ. (3.1)


To apply Carleman estimates above, it suffices to take 1/a ≤ r1. Now apply- ing (2.7) to χw gives


(log |x|)−2ϕ2β|x|−n(β|x|2|∇(χw)|2+ β3|χw|2)dx

≤ C Z

ϕ2β|x|−n|x|4|∆(χw)|2dx. (3.2) Here and after, C and ˜C denote general constants whose value may vary from line to line. The dependence of C and ˜C will be specified whenever necessary. Next applying (2.6) to v = χq and f = |x|χF yields that


ϕ2β(log |x|)2(|x|4−nβ|∇(χq)|2 + |x|2−nβ3|χq|2)dx

≤ C Z

ϕ2β(log |x|)4|x|2−n[(|x|2∆(χq) + |x|div(|x|χF ))2+ β2k|x|χF k2]dx.

(3.3) Combining β×(3.2) and (3.3), we obtain that



(log |x|)−2ϕ2β|x|−n2|x|2|∇w|2+ β4|w|2)dx +



(log |x|)2ϕ2β|x|−n(β|x|4|∇q|2+ |x|2β3|q|2)dx

≤ Z

ϕ2β(log |x|)−2|x|−n2|x|2∇(χw)|2+ β4|χw|2)dx +


(log |x|)2ϕ2β|x|−n(β|x|4|∇(χq)|2+ β3|x|2|χq|2)dx

≤ Cβ Z

ϕ2β|x|−n|x|4|∆(χw)|2dx +C


ϕ2β(log |x|)4|x|2−n[ |x|2∆(χq) + |x|div(|x|χF )2

+ β2k|x|χF k2]dx, (3.4) where W denotes the domain {x : 4at1 < |x| < a120at3 δ}. To simplify the notations, we denote Y = {x : 8at1 ≤ |x| ≤ 4at1 } and Z = {x : 1a20at3 δ


|x| ≤ 1a20at2 δ}. By (2.4) and estimates (3.1), we deduce from (3.4) that Z


(log |x|)−2ϕ2β|x|−n2|x|2|∇w|2+ β4|w|2)dx +



(log |x|)2ϕ2β|x|−n(β|x|4|∇q|2+ |x|2β3|q|2)dx

≤ Cβ Z


ϕ2β|x|−n|x|4|∇q|2dx +Ca2t2−4κ1−2δ



(log |x|)4ϕ2β|x|−n|x|6|∇q|2dx +Ca4t4−4κ1−2δ



(log |x|)4ϕ2β|x|−n|x|6|q|2dx +Cβ2a4t4−4κ234δ



(log |x|)4ϕ2β|x|−n|x|4|w|2dx +C(at)4β


Y ∪Z

ϕ2β|x|−n| ˜U |2dx +C(at)4β2


Y ∪Z

(log |x|)4ϕ2β|x|2−n| ˜U |2dx, (3.5) where | ˜U (x)|2 = |x|4|∇q|2 + |x|2|q|2+ |x|2|∇w|2+ |w|2 and C depends on n, λ.

Now we can choose a > a0 ≥ 8/r1 such that (log |x|)2 ≥ 2C for all x ∈ W . Then the first term on the right hand side of (3.5) can be absorbed by the left hand side of (3.5). Now, let β ≥ β2 = tκ and choose t ≥ t0 with t0

depending on a, λ, δ such that the second term to the fourth term on the right hand side of (3.5) can be removed. With the choices described above, we obtain from (3.5) that

β4(b1)−n(log b1)−2ϕ2β(b1) Z

1 at<|x|<b1


≤ β4 Z


(log |x|)−2ϕ2β|x|−n|w|2dx

≤ Cβ(at)4 Z

Y ∪Z

(log |x|)4ϕ2β|x|−n| ˜U |2dx

≤ Cβ2(at)4(log b2)4b−n2 ϕ2β(b2) Z


| ˜U |2dx +Cβ2(at)4(log b3)4b−n3 ϕ2β(b3)



| ˜U |2dx, (3.6)


where b1 = 1a20at8 δ, b2 = 8at1 and b3 = a120at3 δ.

Using (2.8), we can control | ˜U |2 terms on the right hand side of (3.6).

Indeed, let X = Y1 := {x : 16at1 ≤ |x| ≤ 2at1 }, then we can see that d(x) ≥ C|x| for all x ∈ Y,

where C an absolute constant. Therefore, (2.8) implies Z


|x|2|∇w|2 + |x|4|∇q|2+ |x|2|q|2 dx

≤ C Z


d(x)2|∇w|2+ d(x)4|∇q|2 + d(x)2|q|2 dx

≤ C

1 + a2t2




≤ Ca4 Z


|w|2dx. (3.7)

Here C depends on n, λ. On the other hand, let X = Z1 := {x : 2a1 ≤ |x| ≤


a20at1 δ}, then

d(x) ≥ Ct−δ|x| for all x ∈ Z,

where C another absolute constant. Thus, it follows from (2.8) that Z


|x|2|∇w|2+ |x|4|∇q|2+ |x|2|q|2 dx

≤ Ct Z


d(x)2|∇w|2+ d(x)4|∇q|2dx + d(x)2|q|2 dx

≤ Ct

1 + a2t2




≤ C(at)4 Z


|w|2dx. (3.8)


Combining (3.6), (3.7), and (3.8) leads to b−2β−n1 (log b1)−4β−2





≤ Ca8t4(log b2)4b−n2 ϕ2β(b2) Z


|w|2dx +C(at)8(log b3)4b−n3 ϕ2β(b3)




(3.9) Notice that (3.9) holds for all β ≥ β2.

Changing 2β + n to β, (3.9) becomes b−β1 (log b1)−2β+2n−2





≤ Ca8t4b−β2 (log b2)−2β+2n+4 Z


|w|2dx +C(at)8b−β3 (log b3)−2β+2n+4



|w|2dx. (3.10)

Dividing b−β1 (log b1)−2β+2n−2 on the both sides of (3.10) and noting β ≥ n + 2 > n − 1, i.e., 2β − 2n + 2 > 0, we have for t ≥ t1 ≥ t0 that



t |<1



≤ Z




≤ Ca8t4(log(8at))6(b1/b2)β Z



+C(at)8(b1/b3)β(log b3)6[log b1/ log b3]2β−2n+2 Z



≤ Ca8t4(log(8at))6(8t)β Z




+C(at)8(log b3)6(b1/b5)β Z


|w(x)|2dx, (3.11)


where b4 = a1at1δ and b5 = 1a20at6 δ. In deriving the third inequality above, we use the fact that

0 ≤ (b5

b3)(log b1

log b3)2 = 1 − 1

2tδlog a− 3

20tδ + O(t−2δ) ≤ 1

for all t ≥ t2 ≥ t1 and a > a1 = max{1, a0}, where t2 depends on t1, δ, and a. From now on we fix a, which depends only on n and r1. Recall that r1 is a function of n. Therefore, t2 depends on n, λ, and δ. Having fixed constant a, | log b3| can be bounded by a positive constant. Thus, (3.11) is reduced to


|x+b4x0t |<at1

|w(x)|2dx ≤ Ct4(log t)6(8t)β Z



+Ct8(b1/b5)β Z


|w(x)|2dx, (3.12) where C depends on n and λ.

From (3.12), (2.2), the definition of w(x), the change of variables y = atx + x0, and x0 = ty0, we have that

I(t1−δy0) ≤ Ct4(log t)6(8t)β Z


|u(y)|2dy + Ct8−2

 tδ tδ+ 101


≤ C(8t)β+10I(ty0) + Ct8

 tδ tδ+101


≤ C(8t)I(ty0) + Ct8

 tδ tδ+101


(3.13) provided β ≥ β2. For simplicity, by denoting

A(t) = 2 log 8t, B(t) = log(tδ+101 tδ ), (3.13) becomes

I(t1−δy0) ≤ C n

exp(βA(t))I(ty0) + t8exp(−βB(t)) o

. (3.14)

Now, we consider two cases. If

exp(β2A(t))I(ty0) ≥ t8exp(−β2B(t)),


then we have

I(x0) = I(ty0) ≥ t8exp(−β2(A(t) + B(t))) = t8(8t)−2β2 tδ+ 101 tδ

−β2 , that is

I(ty0) ≥ t−2β2+8 = t−2tκ+8 ≥ exp(−2tκlog t). (3.15) for all t ≥ t2. Note that we have used the relation β2 = tκ in (3.15). On the other hand, if

exp(β2A(t))I(ty0) < t8exp(−β2B(t)), then we can pick a ˜β > β2 such that

exp( ˜βA(t))I(ty0) = t8exp(− ˜βB(t)). (3.16) Solving ˜β from (3.16) and using (3.14), we have that

I(t1−δy0) ≤ C exp( ˜βA(t))I(ty0)

= C (I(ty0))τ(t8)1−τ

≤ Ct8(I(ty0))τ, (3.17) where τ = A(t)+B(t)B(t) .

It is time to prove Theorem 1.1. Let |x0| = t for t ≥ t

1 1−δ

2 and y0 = xt0, then we can write

t = µ((1−δ)−s) (3.18)

for some positive integer s and t2 ≤ µ < t

1 1−δ

2 ≤ t22. For simplicity, we define dj = µ((1−δ)−j) and τj = A(dB(dj)

j)+B(dj) for j = 1, 2 · · · s. Define

J = {1 ≤ j ≤ s : exp(dκjA(dj))I(djy0) ≥ d8jexp(−dκjB(dj))}.

Now, we divide it into two cases. If J = ∅, we only need to consider (3.17).

Using (3.17) iteratively starting from t = d1, we have that I(µy0) ≤ C(d81) (I(d1y0))τ1

≤ Cs(d1d2· · · ds)8(I(x0))τ1τ2···τs. (3.19) By (3.18) and (3.19), we obtain that

I(µy0) ≤ C(log log t/| log(1−δ)|)t8/δ(I(x0))τ1τ2···τs

≤ tC˜0(I(x0))τ1τ2···τs, (3.20)


where ˜C0 depends on λ, n. It is easily to see that 1

τj = 2 log(8dj) + log(1 + 0.1d−δj )

log(1 + 0.1d−δj ) ≤ 4 log(8dj) log(1 + 0.1d−δj ). and thus

1 τ1τ2· · · τs

≤ 4slog(8sd1· · · ds) log(1 + (0.1)s(d1· · · ds)−δ)

≤ 2(40)st1−(1−δ)slog(8st(1−(1−δ)s)/δ)

≤ 2(40)(log log t/| log(1−δ)|)

t(log t)/δ +2(40)(log log t/| log(1−δ)|)

t(log log t/| log(1 − δ)|) log 8

≤ 2(log t)4/| log(1−δ)|t(log t)/δ

+6(log t)4/| log(1−δ)|t(log log t/| log(1 − δ)|)

≤ ( ˜C1/δ)t(log t)C˜1, (3.21) where ˜C1 is an absolute constant. Raising both sides of (3.20) to the power


τ1τ2···τs and using (3.21), we obtain that (min{I(µy0), 1})( ˜C1/δ)t(log t)C1/δ˜

≤ I(µy0)τ1τ2···τs1

≤ e( ˜C22)t(log t)C2/δ˜ (I(x0)) , (3.22) where ˜C2 depends on n, λ.

Next, if J 6= ∅, let l be the largest integer in J . Then from (3.15) we have I(dly0) ≥ d−2dl κl+8. (3.23) Iterating (3.17) starting from t = dl+1 yields

I(dly0) ≤ Cs−l(dl+1· · · ds)8(I(x0))τl+1···τs

≤ C(log log t/| log(1−δ)|)(t/dl)8/δ(I(x0))τl+1···τs

≤ tC˜0(I(x0))τl+1···τs. (3.24) It is enough to assume I(dly0) < 1. Repeating the computations in (3.21), we can see that


τl+1· · · τs ≤ ( ˜C1/δ)(t/dl)(log t)C˜1 ≤ ( ˜C1/δ)(t/dl)κ(log t)C˜1. (3.25)


Hence, combining (3.23), (3.24) and using (3.25), we get that

t−( ˜C3/δ)tκ(log t)C3/δ˜ ≤ e( ˜C22)t(log t)C2/δ˜ (I(x0)) , (3.26) where ˜C3 is an absolute constant. The proof is complete in view of (3.15), (3.22) and (3.26).



The authors were supported in part by the National Science Council of Tai- wan.


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6 《中論·觀因緣品》,《佛藏要籍選刊》第 9 冊,上海古籍出版社 1994 年版,第 1

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