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Exact solutions in supergravity theory


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Exact solutions in supergravity theory

James T. Liu 26 July 2005

Lecture 1: Introduction and overview of supergravity Lecture 2: Conditions for unbroken supersymmetry Lecture 3: BPS black holes and branes

Lecture 4: The LLM bubbling AdS construction


Lecture 3 Outline

• D = 11 supergravity with F(4) 6= 0

The AdS4 × S7 (Freund-Rubin) background The supergravity M2-brane

• Generalized holonomy when F(4) 6= 0

Definition of generalized holonomy A look at the M2-brane


Turning on fluxes

• We now consider the general case with charges or fluxes turned on

For example, we can consider D = 11 supergravity

ˆM = 0 ˆM = ∇M + 2881 MN P QR − 8δMNΓP QR)FN P QR

• Different approaches to solving this system

− Ansatz based on symmetry

− Generalized holonomy

− G-structure analysis

− Combination of methods, etc.


Use of symmetry: the Freund-Rubin ansatz

• The presence of F(4) hints at a natural compactification to four dimensions, M11 = M4 × X7

s211 = ds24 + ds27(X7) F(4) = m(4)

• Solve the equations of motion

F(4) eom: dF(4) = 0 and d ∗F(4) + 12F(4) ∧ F(4) = 0

m = constant

Einstein: RM N = 121 (FM N2 121 gM NF2) Decompose D = 11 indices:

µ, ν, . . . = 0, 1, 2, 3 m, n, . . . = 4 . . . 10


Freund-Rubin: the bosonic solution

• Use Fµν2 = −6m2gµν and F2 = −24m2 to obtain

Rµν = −3(m/3)2gµν AdS4

Rmn = 6(m/6)2gmn Einstein (e.g. S7)

• Maximum symmetry for the 4 + 7 split is

M11 = AdS4 × S7

• There are three other interesting cases

− A 7 + 4 split gives AdS7 × S4

− IIB theory with self-dual F(5) gives AdS5 × S5

− The D1-D5 system gives AdS3 × S3 × T4


Freund-Rubin: Killing spinors

• To explore supersymmetry, we reduce

ˆM = ∇M + 2881 MN P QR − 8δMNΓP QR)FN P QR

along the µ and m directions to obtain

ˆµ = ∇µ 361 mµνρσΓνρσ

ˆm = ∇m + 2881 mµνρσΓmΓµνρσ Introduce Γ5 = iΓ0123

ˆµ = ∇µ + 2i(m/3)ΓµΓ5 ˆm = ∇m 2i(m/6)ΓmΓ5

Killing spinor in AdS Killing spinor on spheres


Freund-Rubin: Killing spinors

• The basic solution, AdS4 × S7, has maximal supersymmetry

• Of course, we could replace S7 by a manifold with reduced supersymmetry

7-dimensional Einstein manifold with ‘weak’ G2 holonomy yields N = 1 inD = 4

• Conversely, we can ask how many backgrounds there are preserving maximal supersymmetry

Answered by J. Figueroa-O’Farrill and G. Papadopoulos, JHEP 0303, 048 (2003) 1. M1,10 Flat Minkowski space

2. AdS4 × S7 Freund-Rubin 3. AdS7 × S4

4. Hpp pp-wave geometry F(4) = µ dx ∧ dx1 ∧ dx2 ∧ dx3 ds211 = 2dx+dx − µ2(~x2 + 14~y 2)(dx)2 + d~x32 + d~y62


Maximal supersymmetry in D = 11

• Classification performed through integrability

Define MM N ≡ [ ˆM, ˆN] ≡ 14R

For maximal supersymmetry, R vanishes for all 

This implies the matrix R = cMΓM + cM NΓM N + · · · + cM N P QRΓM N P QR must vanish

cM, cM N, . . . , cM N P QR all vanish

• Working out the consequences of these conditions is sufficient to prove the result


Use of symmetry: the M2-brane

• The 3-form potential A(3) of D = 11 supergravity couples naturally to the worldsheet of the eleven-dimensional supermembrane (M2-brane)

• The M2-brane carries mass (GM N) and charge (electric F(4))

BPS mass = charge

• We obtain the M2 geometry by considering a longitudinal + transverse split, M11 = M3 × M8

Take the ansatz: ds211 = e2A(y)dx2µ + e2B(y)dyi2

F(4) = dx0 ∧ dx1 ∧ dx2 ∧ de2C(y)

Goal: obtain a supersymmetric solution for A(y), B(y) and C(y)


The M2-brane: supersymmetry

• We may work out the Killing spinor equations

In the longitudinal direction

ˆµ = ∂µ + 12ωµνiΓνi 121 FµνρiΓνρi

= ∂µ + 16ΓµΓie−3Ai(e3A + e2CΓ012) In the transverse direction

ˆi = ∂i + 14ωijkΓjk + 721 FµνρjΓiµνρj 361 FiµνρΓµνρ

= ∂i + 16e−3Aie2CΓ012 + 12Γij(∂jB − 16e−3Aje2CΓ012)

• We may build a projection by taking e3A = e2C and B = −13C

e3A = e−6B = e2C


The M2-brane: supersymmetry

• The resulting expressions for the supercovariant derivative are

ˆµ = ∂µ + 23ΓµΓiiC P+

ˆi = ∂i 13iC − 13ij − 2δij)∂jC P+ where P± = 12(1 ± Γ012)

• Killing spinors are easily obtained

 = e13CP0

Note that partial supersymmetry does not imply the equations of motion . . . only that the metric and form-field are given in terms of a single function C(y)


The M2-brane: supergravity solution

• To obtain a solution, we impose (one) equation of motion

d ∗F(4) + 12F(4) ∧ F(4) = 0 d ∗F(4) = 0 d ∗8 de−2C = 0

Hence e−2C is harmonic in transverse space

e−2C = H = 1 + X



|~y − ~yi|6

• The complete solution

ds211 = H−2/3dx2µ + H1/3dyi2 F(4) = dx0 ∧ dx1 ∧ dx2 ∧ d„ 1



 = H−1/6P0 Harmonic superposition for BPS objects


The M2-brane: BPS and time independence

• We may construct a vector from spinor bilinears

V µ = Γµ = H−1/30Γµ0 = 0Γµ0

A constant vector pointing in the time direction, V =


ΓM = real ΓTµ = −C−1ΓµC C = Γ0 ψ = ψTC−1

• We can prove that V µ is a Killing vector

M = −2881 MN P QR − 8δMN ΓP QR) FN P QR

M = 2881 (ΓMN P QR + 8δMN ΓP QR)FN P QR



The supergravity p-brane ansatz

• Generalize the M2-brane solution to other objects and other dimensions

• Effective description in terms of the metric (mass M), a dilatonic scalar and an electrically charged (p + 2)-form field strength (charge Q)

e−1L = R − 12dφ ∧ ∗dφ − 12eαφF(p+2) ∧ ∗F(p+2)

F(p+2) A(p+1) (p + 1)-dimensional world volume p-brane

• Ansatz

ds211 = e2A(y)dx2µ + e2B(y)dy2i

φ = φ(x) F(p+2) = dx0 ∧ . . . ∧ dxp ∧ de2C(y)


The p-brane solution

• The solution depends on the parameter ∆

a2 = ∆ − 2d ˜d D − 2

d = p + 1 (worldvolume dim) d = D − d − 2 (dual brane dim)˜

and is given by

ds2 = H−4 ˜d/∆(D−2)dx2µ + H4d/∆(D−2)dyi2

eφ = H2a/∆ F(p+2) = 2∆−1/2dx0 ∧ . . . ∧ dxp ∧ d(1/H)

• The function H is harmonic in the transverse space

H(y) = 1 + X



|~y − ~yi|d˜


Generalized holonomy classification

• The presence of F(4) modifies the covariant derivative

ˆM = ∇M + 2881 MN P QR − 8δMNΓP QR)FN P QR = ∂M + 14M


M = ωMABΓAB + 721 MN P QR − 8δMNΓP QR)FN P QR is a generalized connection taking values in SL(32; R)

• Introduce Generalized holonomy H ⊆ SL(32; R) for the generalized connection ΩM

[DM(Ω), DN(Ω)] = 14RM N(Ω)

The number of preserved supersymmetries = the number of singlets in the decomposition of the 32 of SL(32; R) under H


The number of singlets

• For  a 32-component spinor, we may choose a basis of Killing spinors

 = 2 6 6 4

1 0 0...

3 7 7 5

2 6 6 4

0 1 0...

3 7 7 5


To preserve n supersymmetries, the generalized holonomy must act as

R ∈ 0

@ SL(32; R)





1 Rn,32−n

0 SL(32 − n; R) 1 A

Hence H ⊆ SL(32 − n; R) n ⊕nR32−n

However H does not have to be so large, so long as the singlet counting is correct


Generalized holonomy for the Freund-Rubin background

• For the Fruend-Rubin ansatz, ∇ˆM split into

ˆµ = ∇µ + 2i(m/3)ΓµΓ5 ˆm = ∇m 2i(m/6)ΓmΓ5

Killing spinor in AdS Killing spinor on spheres

• Focus on the 7-sphere part Integrability yields

[ ˆm, ˆn] = [∇m, ∇n] − 14(m/6)2mΓ5, ΓnΓ5]

= 14[Rmnpq − (m/6)2(gmpgnq − gmqgnp)]Γpq

• Substituting in the equation of motion Rmn = 5(m/6)2gmn gives

[ ˆm, ˆn] = 14CmnpqΓpq


Higher order integrability

• First order integrability: [ ˆm, ˆn] = 14CmnpqΓpq For the round S7, the Weyl tensor vanishes

⇒ trivial generalized holonomy

Puzzle for the squashed S7:

left-squashing gives N = 1 while right-squashing gives N = 0 but first order integrability cannot distinguish these cases

• Second order integrability:

[ ˆl, [ ˆm, ˆn]] = 14(∇lCmnabΓab − 2i(m/6)Cmnla


left- and right-squashing give opposite signs for m


Generalized holonomy for the squashed S


• The generalized structure group is SO(8)

SO(7) is generated by 12ab;

SO(8) is generated by appending ΓaΓ5 to the above set

• At first order, we only see SO(7)

SO(7) ⊃ G2 : 8 → 7 + 1

• At second order, we see SO(8)

SO(8) ⊃ Spin(7) : 8s → 7 + 1 N = 1 for left-squashing SO(8) ⊃ Spin(7) : 8s → 8 + 1 N = 0 for left-squashing


Generalized holonomy for the M2-brane

• Given ∇ˆ M = ∂M + 14M, the M2 background yields the generalized connection

µ = 83iCµΓiP+) i = 43i012 43jCijP+)

• We may view these as Lie algebra generators

Tij = ΓijP+ Kµ i = ΓµiP+ Kµ ijk = ΓµijkP+

where Kµ ijk arises from second order integrability

• The result is

HolM2 = SO(8)+ n 12R2(8s) ⊂ SL(16; R) n 16R16


Generalized holonomies of other objects

• A similar analysis may be performed for the basic objects of M-theory

n Background Generalized holonomy

32 E1,10, AdS7 × S4, AdS4 × S7, Hpp {1}

18,. . . ,26 plane waves R9

16 M5 SO(5) n 6R4(4)

16 M2 SO(8) n 12R2(8s)

16 MW R9

16 MK SU (2)

The M-wave and KK monopole are pure geometry solutions

• Is there a generalized holonomy classification generalizing Berger’s classification of Riemannian holonomy?


Next time

• Direct use of the Killing spinor equations in constructing new supersymmetric vacua

G-structure (Killing tensor) analysis

• The LLM construction of all 1/2 BPS bubbling AdS5 × S5 backgrounds with SO(4) × SO(4) isometry



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