Government of Macao Special Administrative Region Statistics and Census Service
NOVEMBER/2011 No. 11
The total merchandise export for November 2011 amounted to MOP651 million, up by 14.2% year-on- year, of which value of domestic exports (MOP219 million) and re-exports (MOP432 million) increased by 16.1% and 13.2% respectively. Total merchandise import amounted to MOP6.23 billion, up notably by 51.9%
year-on-year. Merchandise trade deficit amounted to MOP5.58 billion in November 2011.
From January to November 2011, total value of merchandise export decreased by 2.8% year-on-year to MOP6.24 billion, of which value of domestic exports and re-exports declined by 1.2% and 3.6% respectively.
Total value of merchandise import grew by 41.7% to MOP56.05 billion over the same period of 2010.
Merchandise trade deficit for the first eleven months of 2011 widened by 50.3% year-on-year to MOP49.81 billion; the exports/imports ratio that reflects the situation of import and export balance stood at 11.1%, down by 5.1 percentage points year-on-year. From January to November 2011, total value of external merchandise trade amounted to MOP62.29 billion, up by 35.5% compared with MOP45.99 billion a year earlier.
Million MOP
2010 2011 Year-on-year %
Principal indicator
Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov.
Exports 570.1 6 419.7 651.0 6 240.1 14.2 -2.8
Domestic exports 188.3 2 187.5 218.6 2 161.7 16.1 -1.2
Re-exports 381.8 4 232.2 432.4 4 078.5 13.2 -3.6
Imports 4 101.8 39 570.0 6 231.3 56 053.1 51.9 41.7
Trade balance (Exp.-Imp.) -3 531.7 -33 150.3 -5 580.3 -49 813.0 -58.0 -50.3
Exports/Imports ratio (%) 13.9 16.2 10.4 11.1 . . . .
.. Not applicable
In November 2011, exports of Textile & garment declined by 21.6% year-on-year, of which value of Non-knitted or non-crocheted garment and Textile fabrics decreased by 28.4% and 30.3% respectively.
Exports of Non-textile grew by 24.4% year-on-year, of which value of Articles for casino soared by 106.1%.
In the first eleven months of 2011, exports of Textile & garment fell by 17.4% to MOP1.23 billion;
meanwhile, exports of Non-textile grew by 1.6% year-on-year to MOP5.01 billion, with that of Tobacco & wine and Machines & apparatus, parts & accessories thereof rising by 53.4% and 29.8% respectively, but exports of Diamond & diamond jewellery dropping by 64.6%.
Official Statistics. Reproduction of these data is allowed provided the source is quoted.
Statistics and Census Service
Alameda Dr. Carlos d’Assumpção, No. 411-417, Dynasty Plaza, 17th floor, Macao Tel: 8399 5311 Fax: 2830 7825
Million MOP
2010 2011 Year-on-year %
Commodity Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov.
Total 570.1 6 419.7 651.0 6 240.1 14.2 -2.8
Textile and garment 126.3 1 494.5 99.0 1 234.1 -21.6 -17.4
Of which:
Garment, not knitted or crocheted 49.2 510.6 35.2 509.5 -28.4 -0.2 Garment, knitted or crocheted 52.5 694.1 43.5 471.7 -17.1 -32.0
Textile fabrics 16.3 176.5 11.4 146.0 -30.3 -17.3
Non-textile 443.9 4 925.2 552.0 5 006.0 24.4 1.6
Of which:
Tobacco and wine 55.1 387.7 67.5 594.7 22.4 53.4
Machines and apparatus, parts
and accessories thereof 46.6 415.4 88.2 539.3 89.5 29.8
Copper and articles thereof 28.8 341.1 28.2 350.6 -2.1 2.8
Articles for casino 27.8 268.9 57.4 274.8 106.1 2.2
Clocks and watches 21.5 335.4 11.7 228.6 -45.5 -31.8
Diamond and diamond jewellery 24.5 610.7 6.8 216.2 -72.3 -64.6
Analysed by destination, merchandise export to Hong Kong (MOP2.75 billion), Mainland China (MOP990 million), the USA (MOP503 million) and the EU (MOP348 million) in the first eleven months of 2011 decreased by 1.2%, 3.6%, 31.2% and 4.7% respectively year-on-year.
Million MOP
2010 2011 Year-on-year %
Country / territory
Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov.
Total 570.1 6 419.7 651.0 6 240.1 14.2 -2.8
Hong Kong 269.7 2 786.4 329.2 2 753.4 22.0 -1.2
Mainland China 97.1 1 026.6 96.8 990.0 -0.3 -3.6
USA 43.8 731.5 43.9 503.0 0.1 -31.2
EU 34.3 365.2 26.2 348.1 -23.7 -4.7
Of which:
Germany 8.6 129.2 4.0 113.2 -53.8 -12.4
France 10.0 64.0 10.0 76.9 -0.3 20.0
United Kingdom 5.8 58.3 2.9 43.7 -49.6 -25.1
Italy 1.8 14.6 1.7 12.0 -6.7 -18.3
Japan 8.8 98.5 12.9 126.1 46.5 28.1
Vietnam 10.8 154.6 4.5 110.1 -58.4 -28.8
Taiwan, China 9.5 165.3 6.7 99.7 -29.7 -39.7
Mexico 7.2 89.3 4.4 63.9 -39.4 -28.5
Singapore 8.1 66.8 13.0 57.0 60.6 -14.7
Australia 1.7 23.2 5.0 37.3 196.6 60.5
Others 79.1 912.3 108.6 1 151.6 37.3 26.2
In November 2011, total merchandise import amounted to MOP6.23 billion, up notably by 51.9% year- on-year, with that of Consumer goods rising by 68.2%.
In the first eleven months of 2011, total value of merchandise import grew by 41.7% year-on-year to MOP56.05 billion, with that of Consumer goods (MOP34.66 billion) and Capital goods (MOP9.70 billion) rising by 48.1% and 58.3% respectively year-on-year.
Million MOP
2010 2011 Year-on-year %
Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov.
Total 4 101.8 39 570.0 6 231.3 56 053.1 51.9 41.7
Consumer goods 2 442.9 23 412.1 4 109.6 34 664.5 68.2 48.1
Capital goods 682.8 6 130.7 1 009.7 9 704.7 47.9 58.3
Fuels and lubricants 443.3 4 871.7 517.5 6 034.5 16.7 23.9 Raw materials and
semi-manufactures 532.9 5 155.5 594.6 5 649.3 11.6 9.6
Analysed by imports of Consumer goods, in the first eleven months of 2011, value of Food &
beverages (MOP7.75 billion) expanded by 36.3% year-on-year; Other durable consumer goods (MOP12.07 billion) grew by 58.3%, with Gold jewellery (MOP6.02 billion) rising by 103.9%; Other semi-durable consumer goods (MOP7.57 billion) increased by 76.6%, with Handbags & wallets (MOP3.10 billion) surging by 119.7%.
Million MOP
2010 2011 Year-on-year %
Category of consumer goods
Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov.
Total 2 442.9 23 412.1 4 109.6 34 664.5 68.2 48.1
Household consumption goods 593.4 5 687.8 789.1 7 754.5 33.0 36.3 (food and beverages)
Motor cars and motorcycles 192.7 1 741.0 304.3 2 231.7 57.9 28.2 Other durable consumer goods 756.9 7 622.6 1 595.5 12 068.1 110.8 58.3
Of which:
Gold jewellery 321.1 2 950.8 880.1 6 015.9 174.1 103.9
Watches 248.6 2 508.7 426.7 3 584.2 71.6 42.9
Other semi-durable consumer goods 491.8 4 286.8 878.9 7 569.9 78.7 76.6 Of which:
Handbags and wallets 170.1 1 409.4 404.5 3 096.8 137.8 119.7
Footwear 65.1 667.6 114.5 1 110.4 75.9 66.3
Other non-durable consumer goods 408.1 4 074.0 541.8 5 040.3 32.7 23.7 Of which:
Beauty, cosmetic and skin-care 105.4 893.3 126.4 1 164.5 19.9 30.4 products
Tobacco 48.2 513.9 88.2 731.4 82.9 42.3
Within the imports of Capital goods, in the first eleven months of 2011, value of information technology products registered robust growth, with that of Mobile phones (MOP3.66 billion) and Portable computers (MOP1.00 billion) soaring by 69.5% and 196.1% respectively year-on-year.
Million MOP
2010 2011 Year-on-year %
Category of capital goods
Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov.
Total 682.8 6 130.7 1 009.7 9 704.7 47.9 58.3
Of which:
Mobile phones 254.3 2 156.6 460.2 3 655.7 81.0 69.5
Portable computers 44.1 339.2 85.7 1 004.4 94.5 196.1
Computer hard disk 51.0 468.2 15.4 543.5 -69.9 16.1
Slot machines, parts
and accessories thereof 25.4 246.7 68.3 519.1 168.9 110.4
Buses 22.9 54.8 9.1 351.0 -60.3 540.5
In the first eleven months of 2011, merchandise import from Mainland China (MOP17.05 billion), the EU (MOP13.96 billion) and Hong Kong (MOP6.77 billion) rose by 38.0%, 59.5% and 61.8% respectively year- on-year.
Million MOP
2010 2011 Year-on-year %
Country / territory
Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov. Nov. Jan. – Nov.
Total 4 101.8 39 570.0 6 231.3 56 053.1 51.9 41.7
Mainland China 1 305.3 12 354.2 1 801.3 17 047.9 38.0 38.0
EU 946.0 8 752.4 1 586.1 13 958.5 67.7 59.5
Of which:
France 357.2 3 525.2 606.7 5 731.0 69.8 62.6
Italy 238.6 1 770.0 522.7 4 168.2 119.1 135.5
Germany 122.1 1 179.8 175.4 1 396.0 43.7 18.3
United Kingdom 94.0 785.5 120.2 911.5 27.9 16.0
Hong Kong 473.9 4 186.8 830.8 6 773.4 75.3 61.8
Switzerland 291.5 3 001.2 573.1 4 155.3 96.6 38.5
Japan 324.5 3 463.3 380.3 3 561.3 17.2 2.8
USA 235.5 2 351.8 391.5 3 318.8 66.3 41.1
Singapore 76.1 769.2 86.4 1 284.1 13.5 66.9
Taiwan, China 82.0 987.9 128.5 1 206.7 56.6 22.1
Republic of Korea 60.7 577.8 104.8 867.8 72.6 50.2
Thailand 62.3 589.7 56.9 695.1 -8.6 17.9
Malaysia 45.1 499.8 42.0 625.2 -6.8 25.1
Australia 39.6 358.5 69.9 590.9 76.4 64.8
Others 159.2 1 677.3 179.8 1 968.1 12.9 17.3
The following statistical tables are available for download from the DSEC website
Table 1 − Changes of external merchandise trade Table 2 − Imports and exports of goods by month
Table 3 − Domestic exports and re-exports of goods by month
Table 4 − Imports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 4, and country/territory of origin Table 5 − Exports by section and division of SITC-Rev. 4, and country/territory of destination Table 6 − Imports by country/territory of origin, and section and division of SITC-Rev. 4 Table 7 − Exports by country/territory of destination and principal commodity
Table 8 − Imports and exports by geographical/economic zone and country/territory
Table 9 − Domestic exports and re-exports by geographical/economic zone and country/territory Table 10 − Imports by broad economic category and country/territory of origin
Table 11 − Exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination
* Table 12 − Quarterly exports by principal commodity and country/territory of destination
* Table 13 − Quarterly imports by broad economic category and country/territory of origin
* Table 14 − Exports by group of CAM-Rev. 1
* Table 15 − Value and gross weight of goods by type of trade and mode of transport
* Available in March, June, September and December.
SITC: Standard International Trade Classification CAM: Classification of Economic Activities of Macao
Note 1: Due to rounding, the total may not correspond to the sum of the partial figures in the statistical tables.
Note 2: Figures in this publication are provisional and subject to revision later on. To obtain the latest information, please visit the “Database of External Merchandise Trade Statistics” or “Time Series Database” of our website.