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Student Enrolment Statistics, 2019/20


Academic year: 2022

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Education Bureau


School Education Statistics Section

2019/20 學年學生人數統計


Student Enrolment Statistics, 2019/20

(Kindergartens, Primary and Secondary Schools)

2020 年 6 月 June 2020

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Enquiries about this publication can be directed to:

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查詢電話 Enquiry Telephone No.

電郵地址 Email Address 幼稚園


學生統計 Enrolment Statistics

3509 8442 edstat@edb.gov.hk

幼稚園數目 Number of Kindergartens

2186 8993 eokga2@edb.gov.hk

小學 Primary Schools

學生統計 Enrolment Statistics

3509 8442 edstat@edb.gov.hk

學校數目 Number of Schools

3509 8465 sd_centralteam1@edb.gov.hk

中學 Secondary Schools

學生統計 Enrolment Statistics

3509 8442 edstat@edb.gov.hk

學校數目 Number of Schools

3509 8465 sd_centralteam1@edb.gov.hk

2019/20 學年學生人數統計


Student Enrolment Statistics, 2019/20

(Kindergartens, Primary and Secondary Schools)


頁數 Page



I. 所有學校 All Schools 11 - 18

II. 幼稚園 Kindergartens 21 - 40

III. 小學 Primary Schools 43 - 67

IV. 中學 Secondary Schools 71 - 92

V. 特殊教育學校 Special Education Schools 95 - 99

統計圖 CHARTS 7 - 75

名詞釋義 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 103 - 108




頁數 Page 統計表 TABLES

I. 所有學校 All Schools

1.1 2019年學校數目 - 按學校類別及日夜校統計 11

All Schools by Type/Sector and Whether Day or Evening School, 2019

1.2 2019年學生總人數 - 按學校類別及日夜校統計 12

Total Student Enrolment by Type/Sector and Whether Day or Evening School, 2019

1.3 2009年至2019年日校數目 - 按學校類別統計 13

Day Schools by Type/Sector, 2009-2019

1.4 2009年至2019年本地私立夜間中學數目 14

Number of Local Private Secondary Evening Schools, 2009-2019

1.5 2009年至2019年日校學生人數 - 按學校類別統計 15

Student Enrolment in Day Schools by Type/Sector, 2009-2019

1.6 2009年至2019年本地其他日間中學課程學生人數 18

Student Enrolment in Local Other Secondary Day Courses, 2009-2019

1.7 2009年至2019年本地私立夜間中學學生人數 18

Student Enrolment in Local Private Secondary Evening Schools, 2009-2019

II. 幼稚園 Kindergartens

2.1 2009年至2019年幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按級別統計

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by Grade, 2009-2019

(A) 本地及非本地幼稚園 21

Local and Non-local Kindergartens

(B) 本地幼稚園 22

Local Kindergartens

(C) 非本地幼稚園 23

Non-local Kindergartens

2.2 2019年幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按學校宗教背景統計 25

2.3 2019年幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按幼稚園類別及級別統計 26

2.4 2019年幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按幼稚園類別及上課時間統計 27


Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by Type of Kindergarten and Grade, 2019

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by Type of Kindergarten and Session, 2019

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by Religious Background of School, 2019



頁數 Page 統計表(續) TABLES (Cont'd)

2.5 2019年幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按幼稚園類別、級別及上課時間統計

(A) 本地及非本地幼稚園 28

Local and Non-local Kindergartens

(B) 本地幼稚園 29

Local Kindergartens

2.6 2019年幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按分區及級別統計

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by District and Grade, 2019

(A) 本地及非本地幼稚園 30

Local and Non-local Kindergartens

(B) 本地幼稚園 31

Local Kindergartens

2.7 2019年幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按分區及上課時間統計

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by District and Session, 2019

(A) 本地及非本地幼稚園 32

Local and Non-local Kindergartens

(B) 本地幼稚園 33

Local Kindergartens

2.8 2019年幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按分區及幼稚園類別統計

(A) 本地及非本地幼稚園 34

Local and Non-local Kindergartens

(B) 本地幼稚園 35

Local Kindergartens

2.9 2019年幼稚園學生人數 - 按級別、性別及年齡統計

Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by Grade, Sex and Age, 2019

(A) 本地及非本地幼稚園 36

Local and Non-local Kindergartens

(B) 本地幼稚園 37

Local Kindergartens

2.10 2019年參加幼稚園教育計劃的幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按級別及上課時間統計 38

2.11 2019年參加幼稚園教育計劃的幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按分區及級別統計 39

2.12 2019年參加幼稚園教育計劃的幼稚園學額及學生人數 - 按分區及上課時間統計 40


Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by Type of Kindergarten, Grade and Session, 2019

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by District and Type of Kindergarten, 2019

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens Joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme by Grade and Session, 2019

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens Joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme by District and Grade, 2019

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens Joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme by District and Session, 2019



頁數 Page 統計表(續) TABLES (Cont'd)

III. 小學 Primary Schools

3.1 2009年至2019年小學開辦班數、學額、學生人數及重讀生人數 - 按級別統計

(A) 本地及國際學校 43

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 44

Local Schools

(C) 國際學校 45

International Schools

3.2 2009年至2019年小學開辦班數、學額、學生人數及重讀生人數 - 按學校類別統計 46

3.3 2019年小學開辦班數、學額、學生人數及重讀生人數 - 按學校類別及級別統計 48

3.4 2019年小學開辦班數、學額及學生人數 - 按學校類別及上課時間統計 49

3.5 2019年小學開辦班數、學額及學生人數 - 按學校宗教背景統計 50

3.6 2019年小學開辦班數 - 按分區及級別統計

Operating Classes in Primary Schools by District and Grade, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 51

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 52

Local Schools

3.7 2019年小學開辦班數 - 按分區及學校類別統計 53

Operating Classes in Primary Schools by District and Sector, 2019

3.8 2019年小學開辦班數 - 按分區及上課時間統計

Operating Classes in Primary Schools by District and Session, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 54

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 55

Local Schools


Operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Primary Schools by Grade, 2009-2019

Operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Primary Schools by Sector, 2009-2019

Operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Primary Schools by Sector and Grade, 2019

Operating Classes, Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Primary Schools by Sector and Session, 2019

Operating Classes, Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Primary Schools by Religious Background of School, 2019



頁數 Page 統計表(續) TABLES (Cont'd)

3.9 2019年小學學額 - 按分區及級別統計

Accommodation in Primary Schools by District and Grade, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 56

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 57

Local Schools

3.10 2019年小學學額 - 按分區及學校類別統計 58

Accommodation in Primary Schools by District and Sector, 2019

3.11 2019年小學學額 - 按分區及上課時間統計

Accommodation in Primary Schools by District and Session, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 59

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 60

Local Schools

3.12 2019年小學學生人數 - 按分區及級別統計

Student Enrolment in Primary Schools by District and Grade, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 61

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 62

Local Schools

3.13 2019年小學學生人數 - 按分區及學校類別統計 63

Student Enrolment in Primary Schools by District and Sector, 2019

3.14 2019年小學學生人數 - 按分區及上課時間統計

Student Enrolment in Primary Schools by District and Session, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 64

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 65

Local Schools

3.15 2019年小學學生人數 - 按級別、性別及年齡統計

Student Enrolment in Primary Schools by Grade, Sex and Age, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 66

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 67

Local Schools




頁數 Page 統計表(續) TABLES (Cont'd)

IV. 中學 Secondary Schools

4.1 2009年至2019年中學日校開辦班數、學額、學生人數及重讀生人數 - 按級別統計

(A) 本地及國際學校 71

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 72

Local Schools

(C) 國際學校 73

International Schools

4.2 2009年至2019年中學日校開辦班數、學額、學生人數及重讀生人數 - 按學校類別統計 74

4.3 2019年中學日校開辦班數、學額、學生人數及重讀生人數 - 按學校類別及級別統計 76

4.4 2019年中學日校開辦班數、學額及學生人數 - 按學校宗教背景統計 77

4.5 2019年中學日校開辦班數 - 按分區及級別統計

Operating Classes in Secondary Day Schools by District and Grade, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 78

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 79

Local Schools

4.6 2019年中學日校開辦班數 - 按分區及學校類別統計 80

Operating Classes in Secondary Day Schools by District and Sector, 2019

4.7 2019年中學日校學額 - 按分區及級別統計

Accommodation in Secondary Day Schools by District and Grade, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 81

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 82

Local Schools

4.8 2019年中學日校學額 - 按分區及學校類別統計 83

Accommodation in Secondary Day Schools by District and Sector, 2019


Operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Secondary Day Schools by Grade, 2009-2019

Operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Secondary Day Schools by Sector, 2009-2019

Operating Classes, Accommodation, Student Enrolment and Repeaters in Secondary Day Schools by Sector and Grade, 2019

Operating Classes, Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Secondary Day Schools by Religious Background of School, 2019



頁數 Page 統計表(續) TABLES (Cont'd)

4.9 2019年中學日校學生人數 - 按分區及級別統計

Student Enrolment in Secondary Day Schools by District and Grade, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 84

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 85

Local Schools

4.10 2019年中學日校學生人數 - 按分區及學校類別統計 86

Student Enrolment in Secondary Day Schools by District and Sector, 2019

4.11 2019年中學日校學生人數 - 按級別、性別及年齡統計

Student Enrolment in Secondary Day Schools by Grade, Sex and Age, 2019

(A) 本地及國際學校 87

Local and International Schools

(B) 本地學校 88

Local Schools

4.12 2009年至2019年本地其他日間中學課程學生人數 - 按級別統計 89

Student Enrolment in Local Other Secondary Day Courses by Grade, 2009-2019

4.13 2009年至2019年本地其他日間中學課程學生人數 - 按分區統計 90

Student Enrolment in Local Other Secondary Day Courses by District, 2009-2019

4.14 2009年至2019年本地私立夜間中學學生人數 - 按級別統計 91

Student Enrolment in Local Private Secondary Evening Schools by Grade, 2009-2019

4.15 2009年至2019年本地私立夜間中學學生人數 - 按分區統計 92

Student Enrolment in Local Private Secondary Evening Schools by District, 2009-2019

V. 特殊教育學校 Special Education Schools

5.1 2009年至2019年特殊教育學校及設有特殊班的普通學校數目 95

5.2 2009年至2019年接受特殊教育(包括普通學校的特殊班)學生人數 - 按程度統計 96

5.3 2009年至2019年接受特殊教育(包括普通學校的特殊班)學生人數 - 按類別統計 97


Student Enrolment in Special Education (Including Special Classes in Ordinary Schools) by Level, 2009-2019

Student Enrolment in Special Education (Including Special Classes in Ordinary Schools) by Category, 2009-2019

Number of Schools of Special Education and Ordinary Schools with Special Classes, 2009-2019



頁數 Page 統計表(續) TABLES (Cont'd)

5.4 2019年特殊學校及設有特殊班的普通學校數目 - 按程度統計 98

Number of Special Schools and Ordinary Schools with Special Classes by Level, 2019

5.5 2019年接受特殊教育(包括普通學校的特殊班)學生人數 - 按類別及程度統計 99


Student Enrolment in Special Education (Including Special Classes in Ordinary Schools) by Category and Level, 2019



頁數 Page 統計圖 CHARTS

1 2019年日校數目及學生人數 - 按學校分類統計 7

Number of Day Schools and Student Enrolment by School Type, 2019

2 2019年幼稚園數目及學生人數 - 按幼稚園類別統計 8

Number of Kindergartens and Student Enrolment by Type of Kindergarten, 2019

3 2019年普通小學數目及學生人數 - 按學校類別統計 9

Number of Ordinary Primary Schools and Student Enrolment by Sector, 2019

4 2019年普通中學日校數目及學生人數 - 按學校類別統計 10

Number of Ordinary Secondary Day Schools and Student Enrolment by Sector, 2019

5 2009年至2019年幼稚園學生人數 - 按幼稚園類別統計 16

Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by Type of Kindergarten, 2009-2019

6 2009年至2019年小學學生人數 - 按學校類別統計 16

Student Enrolment in Primary Schools by Sector, 2009-2019

7 2009年至2019年中學日校學生人數 - 按學校類別統計 17

Student Enrolment in Secondary Day Schools by Sector, 2009-2019

8 2009年至2019年幼稚園學額及學生人數 24

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens, 2009-2019

9 2009年至2019年小學學額及學生人數 47

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Primary Schools, 2009-2019

10 2009年至2019年小學每班平均人數 - 按學校類別統計 47

11 2009年至2019年中學日校學額及學生人數 75

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Secondary Day Schools, 2009-2019

12 2009年至2019年中一每班平均人數 - 按學校類別統計 75

Average Class Size in Secondary One by Sector, 2009-2019


Average Class Size in Primary Schools by Sector, 2009-2019



簡介 Introduction

1. 本報告列載普通幼稚園、小學及中學 的學生人數詳細統計數字,亦包括為 有特殊教育需要學生而設學校的學 生人數基本統計數字。

1. This report presents detailed statistics on student enrolment in ordinary kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. Basic statistics on enrolment in schools for students with special educational needs are also included.

2. 本報告所載的學生人數統計數字,是 根據教育局各資訊系統所備存的行 政記錄,以及學校教育統計組按年進 行「學生人數統計調查」所搜集的數 據編製而成。就 2019/20 學年的統計 數字而言,大部分數據(主要包括所 有公營中、小學和參加幼稚園教育計 劃的幼稚園的數據)是來自上述資訊 系統;而餘下有關國際和私立中、小 學的數據,以及上述資訊系統未能提 供的一些有關幼稚園和直接資助計 劃中、小學的特定數據項目,則是透 過「學生人數統計調查」搜集得來。

是項統計調查的回應率為 100%。

2. Student enrolment statistics contained in this report are compiled based on administrative records kept in the Bureau’s information systems as well as data collected via the annual Student Enrolment Survey conducted by the School Education Statistics Section. For statistics of the 2019/20 school year, the main bulk of data, covering primarily all public sector primary and secondary schools as well as kindergartens participating in the Kindergarten Education Scheme, were available from the information systems. The remaining data, being those of international and private primary and secondary schools as well as selected data items of kindergartens and Direct Subsidy Scheme primary and secondary schools, that were not available from the information systems, were collected via the survey. The survey achieved a response rate of 100%.

3. 除註明外,所有幼稚園、小學及中學

的學生統計數字均反映該學年 9 月中

的情況。為簡化代號,本報告會以學 年開始的年份來表示某一學年,即 2019 年的數字是指 2019/20 學年的數 字。

3. Unless otherwise stated, all enrolment statistics for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools refer to the position as at mid-September of the respective school years. To simplify the notations, the year that a school year commences is used to represent the school year hereafter. In other words, statistics for 2019 refer to those for the 2019/20 school year.



簡介 (續) Introduction (Cont’d)

4. 由 2005 年 9 月 1 日開始,當局實施

協調學前服務的措施,凡提供 3 歲或

以上學前服務的機構(包括過往受社 會福利署監管且提供 0 至 6 歲或 2 至 6 歲服務的幼兒中心),均須根據《教

育條例》(第 279 章)註冊為幼稚園,

並以幼稚園或幼稚園暨幼兒中心的 模式營辦。下文所述的「幼稚園」,

已包括「幼稚園暨幼兒中心」。有關 幼稚園的數字包括幼稚園暨幼兒中 心開辦的幼兒班、低班及高班的數 字。

4. Upon harmonisation of pre-primary services on 1 September 2005, all pre-primary institutions providing services for children aged 3 or above (including child care centres providing services for children aged 0-6 or 2-6 supervised by the Social Welfare Department before then) are registered as kindergartens under the Education Ordinance (Cap. 279) and are operated as kindergartens or kindergarten-cum-child care centres. Kindergartens hereafter mentioned include these kindergarten-cum-child care centres. Figures for kindergartens include nursery, lower and upper classes in kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

5. 本報告內中五級別的統計數字亦包 括於 2004/05 至 2009/10 學年期間推 行的「毅進/中學協作計劃」及於 2005/06 至 2010/11 學年間由直接資 助計劃高中學校開辦的「中五以上 程度一年制課程」。

5. Enrolment statistics for Secondary 5 in this report also cover the Yi Jin/Secondary Schools Collaboration Project (launched during the 2004/05 to 2009/10 school years) and 1-year Post-Secondary 5 Courses run by senior secondary schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme (launched during the 2005/06 to 2010/11 school years).

6. 當局於 2008/09 學年起,透過公營學 校提供免費高中教育,並由 2009 年 9 月開始,在中四推出三年的新高中學

制。因此,由 2011 年開始有關中六

學生的數字是反映就讀新高中學制 的學生,並不能與較早年份的數字比

較。此外,新高中學制亦於 2012/13

學年全面推行,本地課程自該學年起 沒有中七津貼學額。

6. Starting from the 2008/09 school year, senior secondary education is provided free through public sector schools. The 3-year senior secondary education under the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure was implemented in Secondary 4 in September 2009. Therefore, figures for Secondary 6 students from 2011 onwards referred to students enrolled under the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure.

Accordingly, they are not comparable to figures for earlier years. Moreover, upon the full implementation of the New Senior Secondary Academic Structure in 2012/13 school year, there are no subsidised Secondary 7 places under the local curriculum starting from that school year.



簡介 (續) Introduction (Cont’d)

7. 為方便編製按級別的統計數字,本局 已要求提供非本地正規課程的學校

(主要為國際學校),按相等於本地 正規課程的級別程度劃分提供按級 別的學生數據。小學的統計數字亦包 括國際小學開辦的預備班的數字。

7. To facilitate the compilation of statistics by grade, schools offering non-local formal curriculum (mainly refer to international schools) have been requested to provide the student data by grade according to the grades equivalent to those of the local formal curriculum. Figures for primary schools also cover figures of preparatory classes operated by international primary schools.

8. 為方便讀者了解學生人數統計的各 項數字,本報告的最後部分附有「名 詞釋義」,列出學生人數統計中各主 要名詞的定義。這些名詞的定義或會 與教育局其他分部/組所用的定義 不盡相同,故不能視為其他用途的正 式定義。

8. To facilitate better understanding of the statistics, a glossary listing the definitions of major terms is given at the end of this report. The definitions listed may differ from those used by other divisions/sections of the Education Bureau and should NOT therefore be taken as OFFICIAL ones to be adopted for other purposes.





All Schools


圖 1 2019年日校數目


及學生人數 - 按學校分類統計

Chart 1 Number of Day Schools


and Student Enrolment by School Type, 2019

註: 學生人數反映2019年9月16日的情況。

(1) 只包括在教育局註冊的學校。

(2) 數字包括幼稚園暨幼兒中心。

(3) 數字包括幼稚園暨幼兒中心的幼兒班、低班及高班。

(4) 數字不包括營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校。這些學校亦可能開辦日間中學課程。


( ) 括號內之數字代表所示的學校數目。

資料來源: 教育局學校教育統計組 教育局學校發展分部中央1組 教育局幼稚園行政組 教育局特殊教育分部

Notes: Figures on enrolment refer to the position as at 16 September 2019.

(1) Including only schools registered under the Education Bureau.

(2) Figures include kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

(3) Figures include nursery, lower and upper classes in kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

(4) (5)

( ) Figures in brackets represent the respective numbers of schools.

Sources: School Education Statistics Section, Education Bureau

Central Team 1/School Development Division, Education Bureau Kindergarten Administration Section, Education Bureau Special Education Division, Education Bureau

指有開辦特殊班的普通學校,只有很少數的非公營普通學校開辦特殊班。其數字亦計算在相應的 普通小學和中學學校數目內。

Figures exclude private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses, which may also operate secondary day courses.

Referring to ordinary schools offering special classes. Only a very small number of non-public sector ordinary schools are operating special classes. They are also counted in the respective number of ordinary primary and secondary schools.

幼稚園 Kindergarten

(1 049)


174 297




Secondary School


(504) 327 394 373 228 小學 Primary School


特殊學校 Special School

(61) 8 270



141 普通學校 Ordinary School with Special Class 普通日校

Ordinary Day School

特殊教育 Special Education



圖 2 2019年幼稚園數目




- 按幼稚園類別統計

Chart 2 Number of Kindergartens


and Student Enrolment


by Type of Kindergarten, 2019

註: 學生人數反映2019年9月16日的情況。







( ) 圓括號內的數字代表所示幼稚園及幼稚園暨幼兒中心的數目。

[ ]

資料來源: 教育局學校教育統計組 教育局幼稚園行政組

Notes: Figures on enrolment refer to the position as at 16 September 2019.


(2) Figures include nursery, lower and upper classes in kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

(3) "Scheme" stands for Kindergarten Education Scheme.

( ) Figures in round brackets represent the respective numbers of kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

[ ]

Sources: School Education Statistics Section, Education Bureau Kindergarten Administration Section, Education Bureau

方括號內的數字代表所示學生人數佔總學生人數的百分比。由於四捨五入關係,個別百分比相加 可能與相應的總數不同。

Including only kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres registered under the Education Bureau.

All kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres are privately run.

Figures in square brackets represent the respective percentage shares of student enrolment in total enrolment.

Figures may not add up to the corresponding totals due to rounding.

所有幼稚園 All Kindergartens

174 297 [100%]

(1 049)

本地 Local (894) 160 006 [92%]

非牟利 Non-profit-making

(786) 141 504 [81%]

私立獨立 Private Independent

(108) 18 502 [11%]

非牟利 Non-profit-making

(46) 5 625 [3%]

私立獨立 Private Independent

(109) 8 666 [5%]

(155) 非本地 Non-local

14 291 [8%]





(761) 132 823 [76%]

非計劃 Non-scheme

(25) 8 681 [5%]



圖 3 2019年普通小學數目及學生人數 - 按學校類別統計

Chart 3 Number of Ordinary Primary Schools and Student Enrolment by Sector, 2019

註: 學生人數反映2019年9月16日的情況。

(1) 只包括在教育局註冊的學校。數字不包括特殊學校。

(2) 部分本地非公營學校開辦非本地正規課程。


( ) 圓括號內之數字代表所示的學校數目。

[ ]

資料來源: 教育局學校教育統計組 教育局學校發展分部中央1組

Notes: Figures on enrolment refer to the position as at 16 September 2019.

(1) Including only schools registered under the Education Bureau. Figures do not include special schools.

(2) (3)

( ) Figures in round brackets represent the respective numbers of schools.

[ ]

ESF: English Schools Foundation; DSS: Direct Subsidy Scheme Sources: School Education Statistics Section, Education Bureau

Central Team 1/School Development Division, Education Bureau

國際學校可能同時開辦小學及中學。因此,將不同程度的國際學校數目相加並不等於所有國際學校的 總數。

方括號內的數字代表所示學生人數佔總學生人數的百分比。由於四捨五入關係,個別百分比相加可能 與相應的總數不同。

Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.

International schools may operate at both primary and secondary levels at the same time. Therefore, adding the respective numbers at different levels will not give the total number of international schools.

Figures in square brackets represent the respective percentage shares of student enrolment in total enrolment.

Figures may not add up to the corresponding totals due to rounding.



All Ordinary Primary Schools


(587) 373 228 [100%]

23 043 [6%]

官立 Government


資助 Aided

(421) 278 030 [74%]

英基學校 ESF

(9) 6 069 [2%]

其他私立國際 Other Private

International (35) 17 087 [5%]

私立 Private

(67) 33 064 [9%]

直接 資助計劃

DSS (21) 15 935 [4%]





(44) 23 156 [6%]





(543) 350 072 [94%]



圖 4 2019年普通中學日校數目及學生人數 - 按學校類別統計

Chart 4 Number of Ordinary Secondary Day Schools and Student Enrolment by Sector, 2019

註: 學生人數反映2019年9月16日的情況。

(1) 只包括在教育局註冊的學校。數字不包括特殊學校。

(2) 部分本地非公營學校開辦非本地正規課程。

(3) 國際學校可能同時開辦小學及中學。因此,將不同程度的國際學校數目相加並不等於所有國際學校的總數。

(4) 數字不包括營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校。這些學校亦可能開辦日間中學課程。

( ) 圓括號內之數字代表所示的學校數目。

[ ]

資料來源: 教育局學校教育統計組 教育局學校發展分部中央1組

Notes: Figures on enrolment refer to the position as at 16 September 2019.

(1) Including only schools registered under the Education Bureau. Figures do not include special schools.

(2) (3) (4)

( ) Figures in round brackets represent the respective numbers of schools.

[ ]

ESF: English Schools Foundation; DSS: Direct Subsidy Scheme Sources: School Education Statistics Section, Education Bureau

Central Team 1/School Development Division, Education Bureau

方括號內的數字代表所示學生人數佔總學生人數的百分比。由於四捨五入關係,個別百分比相加可能與相應的 總數不同。

Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.

International schools may operate at both primary and secondary levels at the same time. Therefore, adding the respective numbers at different levels will not give the total number of international schools.

Figures exclude private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses, which may also operate secondary day courses.

Figures in square brackets represent the respective percentage shares of student enrolment in total enrolment. Figures may not add up to the corresponding totals due to rounding.



All Ordinary Secondary Day Schools


(504) 327 394 [100%]





(33) 17 977 [5%]





(471) 309 417 [95%]

資助 Aided

(359) 234 319 [72%]

20 551 [6%]

官立 Government


其他私立國際 Other Private

International (28) 11 059 [3%]

(2) 按位津貼


1 256 [0%]

(5) 6 918[2%]

英基學校 ESF 私立




(20) 7 242 [2%]

直接 資助計劃

DSS (59) 46 049 [14%]



1.1 2019年學校數目 ─ 按學校類別及日夜校統計

All Schools by Type/Sector and Whether Day or Evening School, 2019


學校類別 日校 時間制學校 合計

Type/Sector Day Evening & All


幼稚園(1)(2) Kindergarten(1)(2) 本地 Local 894 - 894

非本地 Non-local 155 - 155

合計 All 1 049 - 1 049

小學 Primary 本地(3) Local(3) 543 - 543

官立 Government 34 - 34

資助 Aided 421 - 421

直接資助計劃 Direct Subsidy Scheme 21 - 21

私立 Private 67 - 67

國際(4)(5) International(4)(5) 44 - 44

合計 All 587 - 587

中學 Secondary 本地(3) Local(3) 471 17 488

官立 Government 31 - 31

資助 Aided 359 - 359

按位津貼 Caput 2 - 2

直接資助計劃 Direct Subsidy Scheme 59 - 59

私立(6) Private(6) 20 17 37

國際(4)(5) International(4)(5) 33 - 33

合計 All 504 17 521

特殊學校(2) Special School(2) 本地/資助 Local/Aided 60 - 60

國際/英基學校(7) International/ESF(7) 1 - 1

合計 All 61 - 61

註: (1) 包括幼稚園暨幼兒中心。

(2) 不包括在社會福利署轄下註冊的特殊幼兒中心。

(3) 部分本地非公營學校開辦非本地正規課程。

(4) 包括英基學校協會屬下的學校及其他私立國際學校。


(6) 不包括營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校。這些學校亦可能開辦日間或夜間中學課程。

(7) 指英基學校協會屬下一所特殊學校。

Notes: (1) Including kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

(2) Excluding special child care centres registered under the Social Welfare Department.

(3) Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.

(4) Including schools under the English Schools Foundation and other private international schools.

(5) (6)

(7) Referring to one special school under the English Schools Foundation.


International schools may operate at both primary and secondary levels at the same time. Therefore, adding the respective numbers at different levels will not give the total number of international schools.

Excluding private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses, which may also operate secondary day or evening courses.



1.2 2019年學生總人數 ─ 按學校類別及日夜校統計

Total Student Enrolment by Type/Sector and Whether Day or Evening School, 2019


學校類別 日校 時間制學校 合計

Type/Sector Day Evening & All


幼稚園(1) Kindergarten(1) 本地 Local 160 006 - 160 006

非本地 Non-local 14 291 - 14 291

合計 All 174 297 - 174 297

小學 Primary 本地(2) Local(2) 350 072 - 350 072

官立 Government 23 043 - 23 043

資助 Aided 278 030 - 278 030

直接資助計劃 Direct Subsidy Scheme 15 935 - 15 935

私立 Private 33 064 - 33 064

國際(3) International(3) 23 156 - 23 156

合計 All 373 228 - 373 228

中學 Secondary 本地(2) Local(2) 309 417 1 031 310 448

官立 Government 20 551 - 20 551

資助 Aided 234 319 - 234 319

按位津貼 Caput 1 256 - 1 256

直接資助計劃 Direct Subsidy Scheme 46 049 - 46 049

私立 Private 7 242 1 031 8 273

國際(3) International(3) 17 977 - 17 977

合計 All 327 394 1 031 328 425

特殊教育(6) 本地/資助/私立 Local/Aided/Private 8 268 - 8 268

Special Education(6) 國際(7) International(7) 143 - 143

合計 All 8 411 - 8 411

註: 數字反映2019年9月16日的情況。

(1) 包括幼稚園暨幼兒中心的幼兒班、低班及高班。

(2) 部分本地非公營學校開辦非本地正規課程。

(3) 包括英基學校協會屬下的學校及其他私立國際學校。

(4) 不包括由營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校所開辦的日間中學課程。

(5) (6)

(7) 包括英基學校協會屬下一所特殊學校及設於普通國際學校的特殊班。

Notes: Figures refer to the position as at 16 September 2019.

(1) (2)

(3) Including schools under the English Schools Foundation and other private international schools.

(4) Excluding secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.

(5) (6)

(7) Including one special school under the English Schools Foundation and special classes in ordinary international schools.

包括由私立中學夜校(當中包括於指定中心授課的認可辦學機構) 和營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校所


Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.

Including secondary evening courses operated by private secondary schools (also covering those operated by approved course providers in designated centres) and private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.

Including special schools and a small number of special classes in non-public sector ordinary schools, but excluding special child care centres registered under the Social Welfare Department.

Including nursery, lower and upper classes in kindergarten-cum-child care centres.


(4) (5)



1.3 2009年至2019年日校數目 ─ 按學校類別統計 Day Schools by Type/Sector, 2009-2019

學校類別 Type/Sector 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

幼稚園(1)(2) 本地 Local 872 865 856 861 869 874 872 876 881 884 894

Kindergarten(1)(2) 非本地 Non-local 78 86 90 96 100 104 128 138 149 149 155

合計 All 950 951 946 957 969 978 1 000 1 014 1 030 1 033 1 049

小學 本地(3) Local(3) 540 532 528 528 526 526 528 532 537 541 543

Primary 官立 Government 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34

資助 Aided 439 428 423 421 419 418 420 420 420 422 421

直接資助計劃 Direct Subsidy Scheme 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

私立 Private 47 49 50 52 52 53 53 57 62 64 67

國際(4)(5) International(4)(5) 42 40 40 41 43 45 44 43 44 46 44

英基學校 ESF 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

其他私立國際 Other Private International 33 31 31 32 34 36 35 34 35 37 35

合計 All 582 572 568 569 569 571 572 575 581 587 587

中學 本地(3) Local(3) 498 506 497 490 485 479 476 475 473 472 471

Secondary 官立 Government 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 31 31 31 31

資助 Aided 366 366 365 362 362 362 360 360 359 359 359

按位津貼 Caput 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

直接資助計劃 Direct Subsidy Scheme 61 62 63 61 62 61 61 61 61 60 59

私立(6) Private(6) 35 42 34 32 27 23 22 21 20 20 20

國際(4)(5) International(4)(5) 25 27 27 29 29 30 30 31 33 34 33

英基學校 ESF 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

其他私立國際 Other Private International 20 22 22 24 24 25 25 26 28 29 28

合計 All 523 533 524 519 514 509 506 506 506 506 504

特殊教育(2) 本地/資助 Local/Aided 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 60 60

Special School(2) 國際 /英基學校(7) International/ESF(7) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

合計 All 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 61 61

註: (1) 包括幼稚園暨幼兒中心。

(2) 不包括在社會福利署轄下註冊的特殊幼兒中心。

(3) 部分本地非公營學校開辦非本地正規課程。

(4) 包括英基學校協會屬下的學校及其他私立國際學校。

(5) 國際學校可能同時開辦小學及中學。因此,將不同程度的國際學校數目相加並不等於所有國際學校的總數。

(6) 不包括營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校。這些學校亦可能開辦日間中學課程。

(7) 指英基學校協會屬下一所特殊學校。

Notes: (1) Including kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

(2) Excluding special child care centres registered under the Social Welfare Department.

(3) Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.

(4) Including schools under the English Schools Foundation and other private international schools.


(6) Excluding private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses, which may also operate secondary day courses.

(7) Referring to one special school under the English Schools Foundation.

International schools may operate at both primary and secondary levels at the same time. Therefore, adding the respective numbers at different levels will not give the total number of international schools.



1.4 2009年至2019年本地私立



Number of Local Private


Secondary Evening Schools, 2009-2019

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


35 32 27 28 28 26 26 21 21 18 17

註: (1) 不包括營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校。這些學校亦可能開辦夜間中學課程。

Note: (1)

Local Private Secondary Evening Schools

Excluding private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses, which may also operate secondary evening courses.



1.5 2009年至2019年日校學生人數 ─ 按學校類別統計

Student Enrolment in Day Schools by Type/Sector, 2009-2019

學校類別 Type/Sector 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

幼稚園(1) 本地 Local 134 293 141 382 149 252 155 473 160 605 166 755 171 935 170 410 167 032 159 895 160 006

Kindergarten(1) 非本地 Non-local 6 209 7 558 8 181 9 291 9 238 9 642 13 463 13 622 14 115 14 507 14 291

合計 All 140 502 148 940 157 433 164 764 169 843 176 397 185 398 184 032 181 147 174 402 174 297

小學 本地(2) Local(2) 327 673 313 713 304 792 298 598 301 426 309 107 317 119 327 915 340 137 349 745 350 072

Primary 官立 Government 23 661 22 448 21 615 20 972 20 979 21 131 21 466 22 000 22 618 23 159 23 043

資助 Aided 266 204 252 893 244 003 237 555 238 888 245 022 251 540 260 482 270 839 278 732 278 030 直接資助計劃 Direct Subsidy Scheme 12 589 13 480 14 082 14 275 14 562 14 839 15 120 15 326 15 590 15 759 15 935

私立 Private 25 219 24 892 25 092 25 796 26 997 28 115 28 993 30 107 31 090 32 095 33 064

國際(3) International(3) 17 075 17 399 18 089 18 844 19 492 20 193 20 439 21 093 21 912 22 720 23 156

英基學校 ESF 6 081 6 087 6 106 6 078 6 088 6 083 6 066 6 073 6 089 6 091 6 069

其他私立國際 Other Private International 10 994 11 312 11 983 12 766 13 404 14 110 14 373 15 020 15 823 16 629 17 087 合計 All 344 748 331 112 322 881 317 442 320 918 329 300 337 558 349 008 362 049 372 465 373 228

中學 本地(2) Local(2) 455 622 435 276 452 179 403 257 379 257 356 689 336 079 321 488 313 848 308 020 309 417

Secondary 官立 Government 30 146 28 659 29 798 26 313 24 937 23 540 22 260 21 360 21 013 20 574 20 551

資助 Aided 361 427 344 552 359 310 318 624 297 177 277 105 258 899 245 956 238 971 233 630 234 319

按位津貼 Caput 3 786 3 519 3 285 2 914 1 577 1 465 1 366 1 293 1 258 1 221 1 256

直接資助計劃 Direct Subsidy Scheme 51 123 49 982 52 319 48 985 49 103 48 268 47 232 46 356 45 863 45 601 46 049

私立(4) Private(4) 9 140 8 564 7 467 6 421 6 463 6 311 6 322 6 523 6 743 6 994 7 242

國際(3) International(3) 13 844 14 461 14 908 15 530 16 088 16 442 16 530 16 664 16 956 17 478 17 977

英基學校 ESF 6 651 6 726 6 729 6 768 6 806 6 836 6 758 6 743 6 765 6 880 6 918

其他私立國際 Other Private International 7 193 7 735 8 179 8 762 9 282 9 606 9 772 9 921 10 191 10 598 11 059 合計 All 469 466 449 737 467 087 418 787 395 345 373 131 352 609 338 152 330 804 325 498 327 394

特殊教育(5) 本地 Local 7 967 7 742 7 944 7 883 7 834 7 643 7 744 7 729 7 884 8 003 8 268

Special Education(5) 資助 Aided 7 967 7 742 7 944 7 883 7 834 7 643 7 703 7 682 7 826 7 939 8 201

私立 Private - - - - - - 41 47 58 64 67

國際(6) International(6) 108 73 106 138 131 117 144 161 176 191 143

合計 All 8 075 7 815 8 050 8 021 7 965 7 760 7 888 7 890 8 060 8 194 8 411

註: 數字反映該年9月中的情況。

(1) 包括幼稚園暨幼兒中心的幼兒班、低班及高班。

(2) 部分本地非公營學校開辦非本地正規課程。

(3) 包括英基學校協會屬下的學校及其他私立國際學校。

(4) 不包括由營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校所開辦的日間中學課程。


(6) 包括英基學校協會屬下一所特殊學校及設於普通國際學校的特殊班。

Notes: Figures refer to the position as at mid-September of the respective years.


(2) Some of the local non-public sector schools operate non-local formal curriculum courses.

(3) Including schools under the English Schools Foundation and other private international schools.

(4) Excluding secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.


(6) Including one special school under the English Schools Foundation and special classes in ordinary international schools.

Including nursery, lower and upper classes in kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

包括特殊學校和少數設於普通學校(主要是公營學校以外的學校)的特殊班,但不包括在社會福利署轄下註冊的特殊幼兒中心及那些在没開辦特殊班的普通學校就讀 而有特殊教育需要的學童。

Including special schools and a small number of special classes in non-public sector ordinary schools, but excluding special child care centres registered under the Social Welfare Department and those students with special education needs who are enrolled in ordinary schools without operating special classes.



圖 5 2009年至2019年幼稚園學生人數 - 按幼稚園類別統計

Chart 5 Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by Type of Kindergarten, 2009-2019



圖 6 2009年至2019年小學學生人數 - 按學校類別統計

Chart 6 Student Enrolment in Primary Schools by Sector, 2009-2019

註: # Note: #


Figures include Direct Subsidy Scheme and local private schools.


Figures include nursery, lower and upper classes in kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

50 000 100 000 150 000 200 000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

本地 (非牟利)





(Private Independent)






(Private Independent)

100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

官立 Government

資助 Aided

其他本地 Other Local

國際 International


0 學生人數 Number of Students

學生人數 Number of Students





圖 7 2009年至2019年中學日校學生人數 - 按學校類別統計

Chart 7 Student Enrolment in Secondary Day Schools by Sector, 2009-2019

註: #

Note: #

數字包括按位津貼、直接資助計劃及本地私立學校,但不包括由營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校所開 辦的日間中學課程。

Figures include caput, Direct Subsidy Scheme and local private schools, but not secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.

100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

官立 Government

資助 Aided

其他本地 Other Local

國際 International




學生人數 Number of Students



1.6 2009年至2019年本地其他(1)日間中學課程學生人數

Student Enrolment in Local Other(1) Secondary Day Courses, 2009-2019

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


Local Other Secondary Day Courses 6 872 5 550 3 403 1 411 1 157 806 563 412 352 332 318

註: 數字反映該年9月中的情況。

(1) 指由營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校所開辦的日間中學課程。資料從2006年起開始搜集。

Notes: Figures refer to the position as at mid-September of the respective years.

(1) Referring to secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.

Information has been collected since 2006.

1.7 2009年至2019年本地私立(1)夜間中學學生人數

Student Enrolment in Local Private(1) Secondary Evening Schools, 2009-2019

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


Local Private Secondary Evening Schools 4 850 2 844 2 042 1 936 1 870 1 666 1 526 1 285 1 226 1 193 1 031

註: 數字反映該年9月中的情況。


Notes: Figures refer to the position as at mid-September of the respective years.


包括由私立中學夜校(當中包括於指定中心授課的認可辦學機構)和營辦補習班、職業訓練及成人教育的私立學校所開辦的 夜間中學課程。

Including secondary evening courses operated by private secondary schools (also covering those operated by approved course providers in designated centres) and private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education courses.







2.1 2009年至2019年幼稚園學額及學生人數 ─ 按級別統計

Accommodation and Student Enrolment in Kindergartens by Grade, 2009-2019

(A) 本地及非本地幼稚園

Local and Non-local Kindergartens

級別 Grade 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

所有級別 All Grades

學額 Accommodation 186 636 189 728 193 363 197 553 201 162 205 843 214 348 215 483 214 156 208 235 208 308 學生人數 Enrolment 140 502 148 940 157 433 164 764 169 843 176 397 185 398 184 032 181 147 174 402 174 297

幼兒班 Nursery

學額 Accommodation 62 462 66 054 66 521 66 438 69 293 73 816 76 799 67 408 70 080 69 661 70 380 學生人數 Enrolment 47 109 51 623 53 750 54 829 57 824 62 369 65 323 57 355 59 350 58 168 58 710

低班 Lower Class

學額 Accommodation 62 660 63 347 66 073 67 673 67 050 68 240 73 047 77 563 68 996 71 548 70 090 學生人數 Enrolment 47 403 49 880 53 977 56 483 56 699 58 738 63 315 65 769 58 481 59 978 58 534

高班 Upper Class

學額 Accommodation 61 514 60 327 60 769 63 442 64 819 63 787 64 502 70 512 75 080 67 026 67 838 學生人數 Enrolment 45 990 47 437 49 706 53 452 55 320 55 290 56 760 60 908 63 316 56 256 57 053

註: (1) 數字反映該年9月中的情況。

(2) 數字包括幼稚園暨幼兒中心的幼兒班、低班及高班。

(3) 有關學額的數字,並不包括空置課室及空置的幼兒中心部分。

Notes: (1) Figures refer to the position as at mid-September of the respective years.

(2) Figures include nursery, lower and upper classes in kindergarten-cum-child care centres.

(3) Figures on accommodation do not include vacant classrooms and vacant child care centre portions.




Figures include ordinary secondary day schools, but not special schools and secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education

Including special schools and a small number of special classes in ordinary schools (primarily outside the public sector), but excluding special child care centres registered under

Press release: 42 Secondary Schools Offering Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Applied Learning Programme (STEM ALP) Retrieved

1.5 In addition, EMB organised a total of 58 forums and briefings (45 on COS and 13 on special education) to explain the proposals in detail and to collect feedback from

The engineering team shall complete the ventilation assessment report in a specified form in Appendix 1 [Please refer to Annex III of EDB’s letter to private schools dated 1

Teaching experience overseas and in Others (e.g. recognised local tertiary institutions and registered Day Schools offering formal curriculum courses to own

(2014) Press release: 42 Secondary Schools Offering Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Applied Learning Programme (STEM ALP) Retrieved 12 October 2015

Figures include ordinary secondary day schools, but not special schools and secondary day courses operated by private schools offering tutorial, vocational and adult education