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Building a firm foundation at junior secondary level to prepare for the challenges of the NSSC


Academic year: 2022

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Building a firm foundation at junior secondary level to

prepare for the challenges of the NSSC

Mr Ho Sai Ming (Panel Chair, NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College Mrs Bridget Ip (Language Learning Support Section)


Challenges for English teachers posed by NSSC

• Introduction of elective modules

• Importance of generic and independent study skills

• Emphasis on assessment for learning

• Need to cater for learner diversity


How to respond?

Curriculum design

• Integrate elective elements in the junior form curriculum

• Align the formal and informal curricula

Teaching and learning

• Use project work to enhance generic skills

• Promote a variety of forms of assessment

• Promote strategies for dealing with learner



How to respond?

Teachers’ professional development

• Facilitate teachers to attend long and short courses outside school

• Provide opportunities for collaboration

• Give teachers space to work on curriculum

development for NSSC


• School background

– Students are creative and talented but…..

– their achievement in English doesn’t match that in other subjects, so…..

– enriching the English environment is a high priority for the school

NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College


• Introduction of language arts elements into the junior forms in preparation for LA electives

Curriculum design for junior forms


Pop Culture

Fiction Poetry



S3 


S1 Poems and songs:

Christmas poems

Tasks Language Arts skills and knowledge

Target language

Poems and Songs

•reading a selection of poems in different forms

•students write a poem in the form of their choice

Different types of poem Rhyme

Review of Christmas vocabulary


S1 Students’ work

acrostic rhyming poem

shape poem

and write their own poems in the form they choose

Students learn

about different

poetic forms


S1 and S2 Fiction:

Storytelling and Readers’ Theatre

Tasks Language Arts skills and knowledge

Target language

S1 Students study fairytales and

choose one for re- telling

Conventions of fairy tales

Vocabulary related to fairy tales (prince, princess, castle, wolf, witch, giant etc)

S2 students study fables and select an outline for

readers’ theatre

Conventions of fables and background (eg Aesop’s fables)

Vocabulary associated with the fables

(hare, tortoise, moral, theme etc)


competition for S1 and S2

Performance skills for storytelling and

readers’ theatre

Connection with the informal curriculum


Students’ work (inter-class competitions)

S1 (2007)

“The Three Little Pigs”

S2 (2008)

“The Goose and the Golden Eggs”


S2 Fiction:

Science Fiction stories

Tasks Language Arts skills and knowledge

Target language

Predict the content of movies from


Conventions of the science fiction genre

Vocabulary associated with the genre and with the stories to be studied, eg, alien, robot, time travel

Read one of two short stories and do a writing task in response to the story

Short stories with a twist ending

Use of setting in a short story

Future tenses Dialogue


Materials used:

For weaker classes:

• “Emergency Landing” by Louise Cooper


For stronger classes:

• “The Fun They Had” by Isaac Asimov



Tasks Language Arts skills and knowledge

Target language


reading passage and powerpoint presentation

Characteristics of superheroes from

movies and comic strips

Describing appearance Vocabulary specific to the genre

Movie “Spiderman” Describing and

evaluating characters in a movie

Vocabulary for describing character and appearance Vocabulary for superpowers Design trading

cards for their own superhero team

Features of trading cards

Review of vocabulary

Produce a comic strip

Features of comic strips Story elements

Dialogue writing

S2 Popular culture: Superheroes module


Students view some clips and make comments about the characters. They review vocabulary for superpowers



Students learn the features

of comic strips……….


They create and present their own versions


Tasks Language Arts skills and knowledge

Target language

Students learn about healthy eating in the Home

Economics class and design a healthy snack

Vocabulary for ingredients

In English lessons, they learn about the features of slogans, jingles and TV





•Advertising strategies in TV advertisements

•Creating impact with images and words

Vocabulary related to marketing

Persuasive language They design a slogan, jingle

and TV advertisement for their product

An inter-class competition is held in English Week.

S3 Popular Culture: Healthy snacks project

Connection with the informal curriculum


Features of jingles and slogans




Students’ work

No Sweat (2007)

Model cookies (2009)

Super Apple



How to find time for all this?

Use only one of the two textbooks in S1 and S2 to make time for school-based programs and materials Supplement students’ grammar learning with sentence

pattern practice related to writing topics Align school-based classroom curriculum

with the informal curriculum

Strategic deployment of teachers


• Introduction of language arts elements into the junior forms in preparation for LA electives

• Increase in amount of time allocated to school- based materials and programmes

• Alignment with the extra-curricular programme

• Coordinator assigned to oversee the teaching of LA in the junior forms and promote progression of skills

Curriculum design for junior forms


Progression of skills

• The S1-3 Coordinator attends CLP for all three levels

• This promotes continuity and reduces repetition in the school-based materials

• Progression can be built into the school- based programmes in preparation for

the electives










•Similes with “as”

and “like”


•Narrative poem







Comparing the mood of two songs

Discussion of themes in a poem

Writing a poem with metaphor

•Performing a poem

•Writing haiku and diamantes

•Evaluating a song

•Writing acrostics and shape poems


•Rhyming poem

•Shape poem



Skills Forms


Progression in Poems and Songs S1-S3


Project work to enhance students’ generic skills

Variety of forms of assessment

Strategies for dealing with learner diversity

English-rich environment

Project work is undertaken in S1-3 to give students chances to collaborate and communicate ideas

Portfolios for language arts

Self and peer-assessment

Use of rubrics

Some differentiated materials

Choices of product in projects

Deployment of the CNET

Use of physical space

EMI in non-language subjects

Teaching and learning


9 teachers have attended the LA course at HKIEd

CLP every cycle for each level and co-teaching with the CNET

With the help of EEG, 3 teachers have been given space for

designing the school-based elective modules

Facilitate teachers to attend courses outside school

Provide opportunities for collaboration

Give teachers space to work on curriculum development

Teachers’ professional development

Sharing and interaction with other schools

Seed Project Network

Sharing of TV ads project

Project with a primary school


• Developed from the S4 and S6 movie competition, started in 2005

• Students study the causes, effects and solutions of some social issues, and how these issues are viewed from different perspectives

• They also learn the features of documentary films and watch some examples

Piloting of the social issues module in S6:

Documentary film-making


Impact of the measures

Students’ motivation and engagement with English

Teachers’ confidence

Students’ performance

Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on DiscoverySchool.com


Students’ motivation and engagement with English

• Students show greater interest in joining English activities

e.g. English Ambassadors, Crazy Sale, Radio Show.…

• Students enjoy talking with the NET and CNET and thus strengthen their abilities in using English

(Speaking being the best Paper in CE)

• The ELC is always crowded with students


Teachers’ confidence

• Better understanding of the Elective Modules and the NSS curriculum

• Greater confidence in designing learning tasks and developing the curriculum

• Stronger competence in organizing various English learning activities

• Enhanced collaboration and increased

understanding about co-teaching


Students’ Performance

• CE (English):

2009: 7% increase in pass rate compared with 2008 (20% above the territory’s)

• AL (UE):

2008 and 2009: Best value-addedness scores among all subjects

(Consistent during 2006-09, VAP Stanine +(7)/(8)


Future directions


• Employment of a CNET

• Conducting various extended English learning activities (to enrich the English environment of school)

• Refining the school-based curriculum

• Strengthening all teachers’ English competence

• Creating a whole-school approach to ELT

• Assessing Ss’ performance merely based on exams & tests

• Focusing only on the brighter students

• Catering for learner diversity

• Asking Ss to take more responsibility for learning

• Persuading other subjects to make use of EEG for PD

• Greater use of English as medium of instruction


mprove top



Final thoughts







Thank you!


Students’ portfolios: examples of contents

Response to a song


Poems and songs they

have collected, together

with examples

of their own







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