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The Proof (concluded)


Academic year: 2022

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Unapproximability of tsp


Theorem 80 The approximation threshold of tsp is 1 unless P = NP.

Suppose there is a polynomial-time ²-approximation algorithm for tsp for some ² < 1.

We shall construct a polynomial-time algorithm for the NP-complete hamiltonian cycle.

Given any graph G = (V, E), construct a tsp with | V | cities with distances

dij =


1, if { i, j } ∈ E

|V |

1−², otherwise

aSahni and Gonzales (1976).


The Proof (concluded)

Run the alleged approximation algorithm on this tsp.

Suppose a tour of cost |V | is returned.

– This tour must be a Hamiltonian cycle.

Suppose a tour with at least one edge of length 1−²|V | is returned.

The total length of this tour is > 1−²|V | .

Because the algorithm is ²-approximate, the optimum is at least 1 − ² times the returned tour’s length.

The optimum tour has a cost exceeding | V |.

Hence G has no Hamiltonian cycles.


knapsack Has an Approximation Threshold of Zero


Theorem 81 For any ², there is a polynomial-time

²-approximation algorithm for knapsack.

We have n weights w1, w2, . . . , wn ∈ Z+, a weight limit W , and n values v1, v2, . . . , vn ∈ Z+.b

We must find an S ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , n} such that P

i∈S wi ≤ W and P

i∈S vi is the largest possible.

aIbarra and Kim (1975).

bIf the values are fractional, the result is slightly messier but the main conclusion remains correct. Contributed by Mr. Jr-Ben Tian (R92922045) on December 29, 2004.


The Proof (continued)


V = max{v1, v2, . . . , vn}.

Clearly, P

i∈S vi ≤ nV .

Let 0 ≤ i ≤ n and 0 ≤ v ≤ nV .

W (i, v) is the minimum weight attainable by selecting some of the first i items with a total value of v.

Set W (0, v) = ∞ for v ∈ { 1, 2, . . . , nV } and W (i, 0) = 0 for i = 0, 1, . . . , n.a

aContributed by Mr. Ren-Shuo Liu (D98922016) and Mr. Yen-Wei Wu (D98922013) on December 28, 2009.


The Proof (continued)

Then, for 0 ≤ i < n,

W (i + 1, v) = min{W (i, v), W (i, v − vi+1) + wi+1}.

Finally, pick the largest v such that W (n, v) ≤ W .

The running time is O(n2V ), not polynomial time.

Key idea: Limit the number of precision bits.


The Proof (continued)


vi0 = 2b j vi 2b

k .

This is equivalent to zeroing each vi’s last b bits.

From the original instance

x = (w1, . . . , wn, W, v1, . . . , vn), define the approximate instance

x0 = (w1, . . . , wn, W, v10 , . . . , vn0 ).


The Proof (continued)

Solving x0 takes time O(n2V /2b).

– The algorithm only performs subtractions on the vi-related values.

So the b last bits can be removed from the calculations.

That is, use vi0 = ¥v


¦ in the calculations.

– Then multiply the returned value by 2b.

The solution S0 is close to the optimum solution S:



vi X


vi0 X


vi0 X


(vi − 2b) ≥ X


vi − n2b.


The Proof (continued)

Hence X


vi X


vi − n2b.

Without loss of generality, assume wi ≤ W for all i.

Otherwise item i is redundant.

V is a lower bound on opt.

Picking any single item with value ≤ V is a legitimate choice.

The relative error from the optimum is ≤ n2b/V : P

i∈S vi P

i∈S0 vi

P v


i∈S vi P

i∈S0 vi

V n2b

V .


The Proof (concluded)

Suppose we pick b = blog2 ²Vn c.

The algorithm becomes ²-approximate (see Eq. (10) on p. 639).

The running time is then O(n2V /2b) = O(n3/²), a polynomial in n and 1/².a

aIt hence depends on the value of 1/². Thanks to a lively class dis- cussion on December 20, 2006. If we fix ² and let the problem size increase, then the complexity is cubic. Contributed by Mr. Ren-Shan Luoh (D97922014) on December 23, 2008.


Pseudo-Polynomial-Time Algorithms

Consider problems with inputs that consist of a

collection of integer parameters (tsp, knapsack, etc.).

An algorithm for such a problem whose running time is a polynomial of the input length and the value (not length) of the largest integer parameter is a

pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm.a

On p. 665, we presented a pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm for knapsack that runs in time O(n2V ).

How about tsp (d), another NP-complete problem?

aGarey and Johnson (1978).


No Pseudo-Polynomial-Time Algorithms for tsp (d)

By definition, a pseudo-polynomial-time algorithm becomes polynomial-time if each integer parameter is limited to having a value polynomial in the input length.

Corollary 43 (p. 344) showed that hamiltonian path is reducible to tsp (d) with weights 1 and 2.

As hamiltonian path is NP-complete, tsp (d) cannot have pseudo-polynomial-time algorithms unless P = NP.

tsp (d) is said to be strongly NP-hard.

Many weighted versions of NP-complete problems are strongly NP-hard.


Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme

Algorithm M is a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for a problem if:

For each ² > 0 and instance x of the problem, M runs in time polynomial (depending on ²) in | x |.

Think of ² as a constant.

M is an ²-approximation algorithm for every ² > 0.


Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme

A polynomial-time approximation scheme is fully polynomial (FPTAS) if the running time depends polynomially on | x | and 1/².

– Maybe the best result for a “hard” problem.

– For instance, knapsack is fully polynomial with a running time of O(n3/²) (p. 663).


Square of G

Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph.

G2 has nodes {(v1, v2) : v1, v2 ∈ V } and edges

{{ (u, u0), (v, v0) } : (u = v ∧ { u0, v0 } ∈ E) ∨ { u, v } ∈ E}.






(1,2) (1,3)

(2,1) (2,2) (2,3)

(3,1) (3,2) (3,3)



Independent Sets of G and G


Lemma 82 G(V, E) has an independent set of size k if and only if G2 has an independent set of size k2.

Suppose G has an independent set I ⊆ V of size k.

{(u, v) : u, v ∈ I} is an independent set of size k2 of G2.






(1,2) (1,3)

(2,1) (2,2) (2,3)

(3,1) (3,2) (3,3)



The Proof (continued)

Suppose G2 has an independent set I2 of size k2.

U ≡ {u : ∃v ∈ V (u, v) ∈ I2} is an independent set of G.






(1,2) (1,3)

(2,1) (2,2) (2,3)

(3,1) (3,2) (3,3)


| U | is the number of “rows” that the nodes in I2 occupy.


The Proof (concluded)


If | U | ≥ k, then we are done.

Now assume | U | < k.

As the k2 nodes in I2 cover fewer than k “rows,” there must be a “row” in possession of > k nodes of I2.

Those > k nodes will be independent in G as each “row”

is a copy of G.

aThanks to a lively class discussion on December 29, 2004.


Approximability of independent set

The approximation threshold of the maximum independent set is either zero or one (it is one!).

Theorem 83 If there is a polynomial-time ²-approximation algorithm for independent set for any 0 < ² < 1, then there is a polynomial-time approximation scheme.

Let G be a graph with a maximum independent set of size k.

Suppose there is an O(ni)-time ²-approximation algorithm for independent set.

We seek a polynomial-time ²0-approximation algorithm


The Proof (continued)

By Lemma 82 (p. 675), the maximum independent set of G2 has size k2.

Apply the algorithm to G2.

The running time is O(n2i).

The resulting independent set has size ≥ (1 − ²) k2.

By the construction in Lemma 82 (p. 675), we can obtain an independent set of size ≥ p

(1 − ²) k2 for G.

Hence there is a (1 −

1 − ²)-approximation algorithm for independent set by Eq. (11) on p. 640.


The Proof (concluded)

In general, we can apply the algorithm to G2` to obtain an (1 − (1 − ²)2−`)-approximation algorithm for

independent set.

The running time is n2`i.a

Now pick ` = dlog log(1−²log(1−²)0)e.

The running time becomes nilog(1−²0)log(1−²) .

It is an ²0-approximation algorithm for independent set.

aIt is not fully polynomial.



independent set and node cover are reducible to each other (Corollary 40, p. 309).

node cover has an approximation threshold at most 0.5 (p. 645).

But independent set is unapproximable (see the textbook).

independent set limited to graphs with degree ≤ k is called k-degree independent set.

k-degree independent set is approximable (see the textbook).


On P vs. NP




The density of language L ⊆ Σ is defined as densL(n) = |{x ∈ L : | x | ≤ n}|.

If L = {0, 1}, then densL(n) = 2n+1 − 1.

So the density function grows at most exponentially.

For a unary language L ⊆ {0},

densL(n) ≤ n + 1.

Because L ⊆ {², 0, 00, . . . ,

z }| {n

00 · · · 0, . . .}.

aBerman and Hartmanis (1977).



Sparse languages are languages with polynomially bounded density functions.

Dense languages are languages with superpolynomial density functions.


Self-Reducibility for sat

An algorithm exhibits self-reducibility if it finds a certificate by exploiting algorithms for the decision version of the same problem.

Let φ be a boolean expression in n variables x1, x2, . . . , xn.

t ∈ {0, 1}j is a partial truth assignment for x1, x2, . . . , xj.

φ[ t ] denotes the expression after substituting the truth values of t for x1, x2, . . . , x| t | in φ.


An Algorithm for sat with Self-Reduction

We call the algorithm below with empty t.

1: if | t | = n then

2: return φ[ t ];

3: else

4: return φ[ t0 ] ∨ φ[ t1 ];

5: end if

The above algorithm runs in exponential time, by visiting all the partial assignments (or nodes on a depth-n binary tree).


NP-Completeness and Density


Theorem 84 If a unary language U ⊆ {0} is NP-complete, then P = NP.

Suppose there is a reduction R from sat to U .

We use R to find a truth assignment that satisfies

boolean expression φ with n variables if it is satisfiable.

Specifically, we use R to prune the exponential-time exhaustive search on p. 686.

The trick is to keep the already discovered results φ[ t ] in a table H.

aBerman (1978).


1: if | t | = n then

2: return φ[ t ];

3: else

4: if (R(φ[ t ]), v) is in table H then

5: return v;

6: else

7: if φ[ t0 ] = “satisfiable” or φ[ t1 ] = “satisfiable” then

8: Insert (R(φ[ t ]), “satisfiable”) into H;

9: return “satisfiable”;

10: else

11: Insert (R(φ[ t ]), “unsatisfiable”) into H;

12: return “unsatisfiable”;

13: end if

14: end if


The Proof (continued)

Since R is a reduction, R(φ[ t ]) = R(φ[ t0 ]) implies that φ[ t ] and φ[ t0 ] must be both satisfiable or unsatisfiable.

R(φ[ t ]) has polynomial length ≤ p(n) because R runs in log space.

As R maps to unary numbers, there are only polynomially many p(n) values of R(φ[ t ]).

How many nodes of the complete binary tree (of invocations/truth assignments) need to be visited?

If that number is a polynomial, the overall algorithm runs in polynomial time and we are done.


The Proof (continued)

A search of the table takes time O(p(n)) in the random access memory model.

The running time is O(M p(n)), where M is the total number of invocations of the algorithm.

The invocations of the algorithm form a binary tree of depth at most n.


The Proof (continued)

There is a set T = {t1, t2, . . .} of invocations (partial truth assignments, i.e.) such that:

1. |T | ≥ (M − 1)/(2n).

2. All invocations in T are recursive (nonleaves).

3. None of the elements of T is a prefix of another.









An Example


a c

d e f

g h i j

l k


2 3

4 5

T = { h, j }.


The Proof (continued)

All invocations t ∈ T have different R(φ[ t ]) values.

None of h, j ∈ T is a prefix of the other.

– The invocation of one started after the invocation of the other had terminated.

– If they had the same value, the one that was invoked second would have looked it up, and therefore would not be recursive, a contradiction.

The existence of T implies that there are at least (M − 1)/(2n) different R(φ[ t ]) values in the table.


The Proof (concluded)

We already know that there are at most p(n) such values.

Hence (M − 1)/(2n) ≤ p(n).

Thus M ≤ 2np(n) + 1.

The running time is therefore O(M p(n)) = O(np2(n)).

We comment that this theorem holds for any sparse language, not just unary ones.a

aMahaney (1980).


coNP-Completeness and Density

Theorem 85 (Fortung (1979)) If a unary language U ⊆ {0} is coNP-complete, then P = NP.

Suppose there is a reduction R from sat complement to U .

The rest of the proof is basically identical except that, now, we want to make sure a formula is unsatisfiable.


Exponential Circuit Complexity

Almost all boolean functions require 2n


gates to compute (generalized Theorem 14 on p. 164).

Progress of using circuit complexity to prove exponential lower bounds for NP-complete problems has been slow.

– As of January 2006, the best lower bound is 5n − o(n).a

aIwama and Morizumi (2002).


Exponential Circuit Complexity for NP-Complete Problems

We shall prove exponential lower bounds for NP-complete problems using monotone circuits.

Monotone circuits are circuits without ¬ gates.

Note that this does not settle the P vs. NP problem or any of the conjectures on p. 545.


The Power of Monotone Circuits

Monotone circuits can only compute monotone boolean functions.

They are powerful enough to solve a P-complete problem, monotone circuit value (p. 257).

There are NP-complete problems that are not monotone;

they cannot be computed by monotone circuits at all.

There are NP-complete problems that are monotone;

they can be computed by monotone circuits.

– hamiltonian path and clique.




cliquen,k is the boolean function deciding whether a graph G = (V, E) with n nodes has a clique of size k.

The input gates are the ¡n


¢ entries of the adjacency matrix of G.

Gate gij is set to true if the associated undirected edge { i, j } exists.

cliquen,k is a monotone function.

Thus it can be computed by a monotone circuit.

This does not rule out that nonmonotone circuits for cliquen,k may use fewer gates.


Crude Circuits

One possible circuit for cliquen,k does the following.

1. For each S ⊆ V with |S| = k, there is a subcircuit with O(k2) ∧-gates testing whether S forms a clique.

2. We then take an or of the outcomes of all the ¡n


¢ subsets S1, S2, . . . , S(nk).

This is a monotone circuit with O(k2¡n


¢) gates, which is exponentially large unless k or n − k is a constant.

A crude circuit CC(X1, X2, . . . , Xm) tests if any of Xi ⊆ V forms a clique.

The above-mentioned circuit is CC(S1, S2, . . . , S(nk)).



Fix p ∈ Z+ and ` ∈ Z+.

A sunflower is a family of p sets {P1, P2, . . . , Pp}, called petals, each of cardinality at most `.

All pairs of sets in the family must have the same intersection (called the core of the sunflower).



A Sample Sunflower

{{1, 2, 3, 5}, {1, 2, 6, 9}, {0, 1, 2, 11}, {1, 2, 12, 13}, {1, 2, 8, 10}, {1, 2, 4, 7}}



Ë¿³Äà ǿ³Ê



The Erd˝os-Rado Lemma

Lemma 86 Let Z be a family of more than M = (p − 1)``!

nonempty sets, each of cardinality ` or less. Then Z must contain a sunflower (of size p).

Induction on `.

For ` = 1, p different singletons form a sunflower (with an empty core).

Suppose ` > 1.

Consider a maximal subset D ⊆ Z of disjoint sets.

Every set in Z − D intersects some set in D.


The Proof of the Erd˝os-Rado Lemma (continued)

Suppose D contains at least p sets.

D constitutes a sunflower with an empty core.

Suppose D contains fewer than p sets.

Let C be the union of all sets in D.

| C | ≤ (p − 1)` and C intersects every set in Z.

There is a d ∈ C that intersects more than


(p−1)` = (p − 1)`−1(` − 1)! sets in Z.

Consider Z0 = {Z − {d} : Z ∈ Z, d ∈ Z}.

Z0 has more than M0 = (p − 1)`−1(` − 1)! sets.


The Proof of the Erd˝os-Rado Lemma (concluded)


M0 is just M with ` replaced with ` − 1.

Z0 contains a sunflower by induction, say {P1, P2, . . . , Pp}.

– Now,

{P1 ∪ {d}, P2 ∪ {d}, . . . , Pp ∪ {d}}

is a sunflower in Z.


Comments on the Erd˝os-Rado Lemma

A family of more than M sets must contain a sunflower.

Plucking a sunflower entails replacing the sets in the sunflower by its core.

By repeatedly finding a sunflower and plucking it, we can reduce a family with more than M sets to a family with at most M sets.

If Z is a family of sets, the above result is denoted by pluck(Z).

Note: pluck(Z) is not unique.


An Example of Plucking

Recall the sunflower on p. 703:

Z = {{1, 2, 3, 5}, {1, 2, 6, 9}, {0, 1, 2, 11}, {1, 2, 12, 13}, {1, 2, 8, 10}, {1, 2, 4, 7}}


pluck(Z) = {{1, 2}}.


Razborov’s Theorem

Theorem 87 (Razborov (1985)) There is a constant c such that for large enough n, all monotone circuits for cliquen,k with k = n1/4 have size at least ncn1/8.

We shall approximate any monotone circuit for cliquen,k by a restricted kind of crude circuit.

The approximation will proceed in steps: one step for each gate of the monotone circuit.

Each step introduces few errors (false positives and false negatives).

But the resulting crude circuit has exponentially many errors.


Alexander Razborov (1963–)



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