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A Research on the Conflict of Schoolteachers’ Organization in the Elementary and Junior High Schools in Central Taiwan 陳淑芬、朱寶青


Academic year: 2022

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A Research on the Conflict of Schoolteachers’ Organization in the Elementary and Junior High Schools in Central Taiwan


E-mail: 9601272@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The observation of this research is based on the eleven cadres or members of the elementary and junior high schoolteachers’

organization from Taichung City, Taichung County, Nantou County and Changhua County and so on. The data collection of the report mainly leaned on the half structural formula meeting to analyze the causes of the conflicts. The report induced the causes, solutions and results to the conflict of elementary and junior high schoolteachers’ organization, which can divide into five points.

First, the causes of the collision may be due to the members'“Inappropriate words and deeds”,“Different cognitions”,

“Unreasonable requests and contentions”, “Make decisions without authorizations” and “Divergent opinions and ferules”

Second, "Without the administrative experiences", "Bad administrative ability ", "Violate the rules and the absence of the laws",

"Improper words, deeds and manners", "Bad communication", "Different cognitions", "Unfair assignment or disadvantage of rights and interests ", "Unreasonable requests and positions", "Argue strongly based on proper reasons" as well as "Win for the rights and interests and the request of explanations according to the laws" may cause the conflict occurs. Third, the members of the

schoolteachers’ organization and the members of the parents’ organization argue because of "Bad words and manners", "Make trouble out of nothing", "Divided percept", "Question teachers’ specialized knowledge", "Bully after power" as well as "Divergent ferules" are the causes of argument. Fourth, in order to eliminate, make up, put down and unblock floated arguments, the solutions of the schoolteachers’ organization can be separate into two points. First, involvement of the conflict, for example: "Accept the conduct of conflict" and "Discovery conflict and cope with it", for example, are for the incomplete of the “solution of the conflict.”

Second, the conflict management style of the schoolteachers’ organization is mostly to win the rights and interests, fair

arrangement of the class duty and the preservation of professional field and dignity, therefore, the competition strategy is often used on the solution of argument, and the next strategy is to maintain the harmonious relationship of the schoolteachers’ organization.

Fifth, after experience and solve the conflict, the result presents the following two points."Transparent teaching hours conforms to fairness", "Admit the mistakes and apology after public opinions", "Extend communication ways and tolerate different suggestions",

"Achieve the mutual recognition" lead to better result, but take "antagonism because of the mind variation " lead to the destructive result. Above all, this research can be the theory basis of the schoolteachers’ organization to solve the conflict in a proper way. It can also be the reference of other schoolteachers’ organization in different class while studying for the argument, and learn and modify from the conflict in real situation, finally, you can develop a pattern which is suitable for the school organization conflict management, and lead the school members to work hard to promote the study ,the teaching quality and the school potency.

Keywords : School teacher meeting ; organization conflict ; conflict management Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 ... iii 中文摘要 ... iv 英文摘要 ... vi 誌謝... viii 目錄 ...

x 圖目錄... xii 表目錄... xv 第一章 緒 論... 1 第一節 研究背景... 2 第二節 研究動 機... 5 第三節 研究目的與問題... 8 第二章 文獻探

討... 10 第一節 我國國民中小學組織概況及學校教師會之探討...10 第二節 學校組織 衝突及其相關概念之探討... 17 第三節 組織衝突管理的策略及影響因素... 30 第四節 學校組 織衝突之相關研究... 42 第三章 研究方法... 49 第一節 研究方法的取 向... 49 第二節 研究工具... 52 第三節 受訪

者... 55 第四節 資料的整理分析... 56 第四章 結果與討

論... 59 第一節 中小學學校教師會組織衝突之情況... 59 第二節 中小學學校教師 會衝突原因及管理策略歸納與分析... 77 第三節 中小學學校教師會衝突管理的結果分析... 91 第五章 結 論與建議... 96 第一節 中小學學校教師會組織衝突研究後架構...96 第二節 結 論... 97 第三節 建議... 100 參考文


獻... 105 附錄... 115 REFERENCES

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