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中華郵政股份有限公司 101 年從業人員甄試試題


Academic year: 2021

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中華郵政股份有限公司 101 年從業人員甄試試題

職階 甄選類科【代碼】:專業職(二)內勤 櫃台業務【C8201-C8221】



注意:•作答前須檢查答案卡、入場通知書編號、桌角號碼、應試類別是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試 人員處理,否則不予計分。

‚本試卷正反兩頁共 50 題,每題 2 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,請選出最適當答案,答 錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分。


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•孽海花 ‚西廂記 ƒ牡丹亭記 „紅樓夢







•語出孔子對於顏回的讚美 ‚是指戒慎恐懼砥礪自我之讀書人

ƒ指的是直言無諱的人士 „諤之音讀同「謳」



‚《詩經》是儒家重要的典籍,為五經之一 ƒ《詩經》的寫作方法包括賦比興



•元凜:「蟾輪何事色全微,賺得佳人出繡幃」 ‚蘇軾:「暮雲收盡溢清寒,銀漢無聲轉玉盤」

ƒ周邦彥:「桂魄分餘暈,檀槽破紫心」 „元稹:「玉梳鈿朵香膠解,盡日風吹玳瑁箏」


•白璧微假 ‚天賜遐齡 ƒ目不瑕給 „天不暇年

【4】7.蘇軾〈范增論〉:「物必先腐也,而後蟲生之;人必先疑也,而後讒入之。」此句話的意思,與下 列何者並不相同?

•《詩經•小雅•頍弁》:「如彼雨雪,先集維霰」 ‚《易經•坤卦•初六》:「履霜堅冰至」

ƒ《荀子•勸學》:「物類之起,必有所始」 „《戰國策•秦策四》:「積薄而為厚,聚少而為多」


•甲第徵祥 ‚海屋長春 ƒ氣象維新 „雕梁畫棟


•琵琶記 ‚梧桐雨 ƒ長恨歌傳 „長生殿



‚對於臺北的興衰變化及無常之感,白先勇《臺北人》、朱天心《古都》等作品皆有所著墨 ƒ對於軍旅生涯或戰爭背景,朱西甯《八二三注》、張拓蕪《代馬輸卒手記》皆以切身經驗為文

„在農村生活經驗裡,黃春明《溺死一隻老貓》、張大春《四喜憂國》等作品,對於傳統社會的蛻變及倫理價 值的衝擊都表達憂心忡忡




•袞袞音讀同「滾滾」,指心寬體胖之狀 ‚枵音讀同「號」,是指餓著肚子辦理公務

ƒ尸音讀同「師」,尸位是指空居職位而有虧職守 „黠音讀同「邪」,汙吏黠胥指貪贓枉法、狡猾奸詐的官吏

【4】12.江南園林繁盛,其中紹興沈園,即為南宋詩詞大家陸游〈釵頭鳳〉題詞所在。請問〈釵頭鳳〉詞中 所云:「東風惡,歡情薄」中的「東風」,除了指春天的風,還借指何人?

•前妻唐琬 ‚陸游續弦之妻 ƒ唐琬再嫁之丈夫 „陸游母親


•吸「吮」→ㄩㄣˇ ‚大「閘」蟹→ㄐㄧㄚˊ

ƒ杏「鮑」菇→ㄅㄠˊ „今人「咋」舌→ㄗㄜˊ


•名副其實 ‚美輪美煥 ƒ遊攬勝地 „顢憨官員


•門可羅雀 ‚床頭金盡 ƒ固若金湯 „腰纏萬貫


•人入畫圖中 ‚有天皆麗日 ƒ花靜鳥談天 „春在江山裡


•凡事一昧要求完美,反而勢得其反 ‚新完工的大樓裝潢華麗,設備新穎

ƒ電影僵屍片看多了,晚上會睡不著覺 „不同凡? 的成就,來自先有偉大的報負


• ○○○先生安啟 ‚ ○○○先生收啟 ƒ ○○○先生鈞啟 „ ○○○先生道啟

【3】19.下列「 」內的字,何者詞性與「槁木死灰」的「槁」字相同?

•「呼」朋引伴 ‚「抑」揚頓挫 ƒ「梵」宇僧樓 „「案」牘勞形

【3】20.「自然就是美,不要太刻意的雕琢改變自己。○○○○,不但喪失自我,又未必能討好他人。」句 中○○○○應該填入的選項是:

•東山再起 ‚東海揚塵 ƒ東施效顰 „河東獅吼

【3】21.《尚書大傳•大戰篇》說:「愛人者,兼其屋上之烏。」《隋唐演義》第八十七回說:「楊妃平日 愛這雪衣女,雖是那鸚鵡可愛可喜,然亦因是安祿山所獻,有愛屋及烏之意。」;明朝許自昌《水滸記》


•偏愛寵物更勝於自己的家人 ‚凡事要有遠見,須站在高處看事情

ƒ愛其人以及其人有關之物,有推己及人之心 „富裕人家有華屋,屋美,屋高,自有禽鳥來居住



•學而優則仕,仕而優則學 ‚舉世皆濁我獨清,眾人皆醉我獨醒

ƒ君子學道則愛人,小人學道則易使 „邦有道,貧且賤焉,恥也;邦無道,富且貴焉,恥也

【3】23.「三折肱而成良醫」的「三」字並不是實指,而是代表「多」的意思,下列何者「 」中的「三」


•他讀書非常勤奮,常常是「三更燈火五更雞」 ‚孔子說:「益者三友」:友直,友諒,友多聞,益矣 ƒ做人做事絕不可以「三心兩意」,否則會一事無成„他為人海派,結識「三教九流」之人,願意出來幫他做事

【2】24.蘇軾說:「寄蜉蝣於天地,○○○○○○;哀吾生之須臾,羨長江之無窮;挾飛仙以遨遊,抱明月 而長終。知不可乎驟得,託遺響於悲風。」這是哀歎人生的渺小無助。句中空缺的詞語是:

•渺滄海之一笑 ‚渺滄海之一粟 ƒ渺滄海之桑田 „渺滄海之遺珠




•詩 ‚詞 ƒ散文 „小說




【2】26. As a pitcher, his super play ________ the team to a thrilling 5-0 win.

• insulted ‚ inspired ƒ inspected „ insisted

【2】27. It’s far too ________ to generalize from one set of results from the experiment.

• sticky ‚ risky ƒ picky „ funky

【2】28. If you are thirsty, you may get some drinks from the ________ machine.

• raking ‚ vending ƒ sewing „ diving

【1】29. I took ________ of the sale on fruit and bought three bags of oranges yesterday.

• advantage ‚ advance ƒ advisement „ advice

【3】30. You should ________ up on English because that is your weakest subject.

• bring ‚ lift ƒ polish „ hold

【1】31. This bank is famous for its ________. It treats its customers thoughtfully and professionally.

• service ‚ supply ƒ savings „ samples

【1】32. After opening an ________ with the bank, I become its customer.

• account ‚ engineer

ƒ instrument „ operator

【1】33. I’ve got a ten o’clock ________ with the manager. Is he in his office now?

• appointment ‚ commercial ƒ messenger „ observation


【1】34. Most residents in Pintung county rely ________ agriculture for their livelihood.

• on ‚ from

ƒ into „ of

【1】35. A black hole is a region of space ________ the pull of gravity is so strong that nothing can escape.

• where ‚ whereas

ƒ which „ what

【3】36. I’m John, and ________ I really like doing is riding a bike.

• if ‚ so

ƒ what „ yet

【4】37. We celebrate the Moon Festival ________ many kinds of moon cakes.

• by ‚ in

ƒ through „ with

【2】38. The world’s leading central banks joined forces to offer Europe’s ________ banks easy access to dollars.

• trouble ‚ troubled

ƒ troubles „ to trouble

【3】39. Today, many people volunteer their time and energy to help ________.

• another ‚ some others

ƒ others „ the other

【2】40. Economics ________ hard for most business students who haven’t taken related courses.

• are ‚ is

ƒ more „ very


There are two reasons I don’t have a credit card. The first reason is that using a piece of plastic instead of 41 makes it too easy for me to buy things I can’t afford. 42 , last week I saw a $75.00 pair of pink shoes in my favorite shoe store. Of course, I don’t need pink shoes, 43 can I afford them. With a credit card, however, I would now own those shoes and be worrying about how to 44 for them. The second reason I don’t have a credit card is that I would end up in 45 like my friend Sara, the Shopaholic, who got a credit card last year and already owes $4,000.

【2】41. • card ‚ cash ƒ credit „ check

【1】42. • For instance ‚ In addition ƒ Not to mention „ On top of that

【3】43. • and ‚ but ƒ nor „ so

【3】44. • buy ‚ choose ƒ pay „ work

【2】45. • army ‚ debt ƒ fashion „ success


Pawn shops are businesses where people bring their possessions to sell or to get a short-term loan. The United States has about ten thousand of them. In the past few years, pawn shops have been doing business with more people than ever before. That is because many lenders now do business only with individuals having good credit ratings or a high-paying job. Often, the individuals most in need of a loan have poor credit ratings. But they do not need a good job or credit rating to get a loan from a pawnbroker. They only need something of value.

When a traditional lender approves a loan, it may be days or weeks before an individual receives the money. But pawnbrokers will give a loan in just a few minutes based on the resale value of an object and without asking about the person’s job or credit history.

Many pawn shops specialize in jewelry. But most shops accept almost anything of value, including computers, musical instruments, guns, old coins and other antiques. The item itself acts as the security, or collateral, for the loan. If the loan is not repaid, the object can be sold. Customers can get the object back -- called redeeming it -- at any time by repaying the loan plus the interest and fees they agreed to pay. Or they can pay the interest and leave the ite m at the pawn shop for a while longer.

【2】46. According to the article, how many pawn shops are there in the United States now?

• 1,000. ‚ 10,000. ƒ 100,000. „ 1,000,000.

【2】47. According to the article, what kind of people become pawn shops’ clients?

• People who have very good jobs. ‚ People who are in need of money.

ƒ People who work for banks. „ People who own two shops.

【1】48. According to the article, what should a client give in order to get what he wants in return from a pawn shop?

• Something of value. ‚ Good credit ratings.

ƒ A loan. „ Job histories.

【1】49. According to the article, what is a reason that people prefer a pawn shop to a lender?

• They can get the money faster. ‚ The interest rate is lower.

ƒ The service fee is not fixed. „ The operation is legal.

【1】50. According to the article, what will happen if the clients of the pawn shops cannot pay back the money on time?

• The collateral will be sold.

‚ The clients have to pay higher interest.

ƒ The pawn shops will press a charge against the clients.

„ The police will take away the clients’ jewelry.



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