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台灣中油股份有限公司 102 年雇用人員甄選試題


Academic year: 2021

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台灣中油股份有限公司 102 年雇用人員甄選試題

甄選類別【代碼】 :各類別全【E8301-E8352】、【E8353-E8372】




注意:•作答前須檢查答案卡、入場通知書編號、桌角號碼、應試類別是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試人 員處理,否則不予計分。

‚本試卷正反兩頁共 80 題,每題 1.25 分,共 100 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,請選出最 適當答案,答錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分。


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壹、國文【第 1-40 題,每題 1.25 分,共計 40 題,佔 50 分】


•策「勳」十二轉 ‚「青」雲羨鳥飛 ƒ「把」酒話桑麻 „松風吹解「帶」


•「鱖」魚 ‚碗「粿」 ƒ曹「劌」 „「會」稽


•赤壁賦:白居易 ‚山海經:司馬中原

ƒ醉翁亭記:范仲淹 „? 髯客傳:杜光庭

【1】4.元代雜劇主要由「唱詞」,加上「賓白」(說白),再加上「科」(動作),而唱出「曲文」,演成「故事」。演出 時,以分四「場」為通例。下列何者亦可作為雜劇每一「場」的單位詞?

•折 ‚部 ƒ片 „闋


•李璟 ‚李煜 ƒ李白 „李商隱


•戰國時代的作品集 ‚大都是黃河流域的作品

ƒ句式參差,多為六言、七言 „《四書》之一


•《紅樓夢》 ‚《聊齋志異》 ƒ《金瓶梅》 „《老殘遊記》


•輕攏慢「撚」:ㄖㄢˊ,揉弦 ‚國事「蜩」螗:ㄔㄡˊ,蟬

ƒ「陟」罰臧否:ㄓˋ,獎賞 „一「綹」頭髮:ㄐㄧㄡˋ,絲線單位

【2】9.「科舉制度使得無數讀書人『兩耳不聞窗外事,一心只讀聖賢書』……」這段話可以用來評論下列哪一部作品 所描述的內容?

•長恨歌 ‚儒林外史 ƒ天下郡國利病書 „世說新語


•作品都具批判性 ‚都是農人出身

ƒ都參加民國時期的五四運動 „都得過諾貝爾文學獎


•脾肉復生 ‚不刊之論 ƒ不容置啄 „披星帶月


•俓 ‚經 ƒ脛 „涇


•因材施教 ‚身教重於言教 ƒ三人行必有我師 „有教無類

【1 或 2】14.下列各字中,何者讀音正確?

•彘:ㄓˋ ‚莩:ㄈㄨˊ ƒ糴:ㄧㄠˋ „詰:ㄐㄧˊ


•妻「孥」 劍「弩」 ‚「椿」萱 夕「舂」 ƒ「溯」溪 「朔」望 „「殫」精 「簞」食


•司馬遷 ‚黃宗羲 ƒ范仲淹 „歸有光


•明眸「皓」齒 ‚「絳」帳春風 ƒ「玄」端章甫 „「縞」衣素服


•黃髮 ‚白髮 ƒ束髮 „華髮


•梁啟超 雅舍 ‚張岱 項脊軒 ƒ劉禹錫 陋室 „豐子愷 飲冰室


•杏林 ‚杏壇 ƒ杏眼 „杏脯


•千金之子 ‚不櫛進士 ƒ廊廟之才 „天之驕子


•君子常會隱藏過錯 ‚君子絕不會有過錯

ƒ君子最會變化過錯 „君子之過無從隱藏


•優劣得所 人盡其才 ‚伐善施勞 虛懷若谷

ƒ買櫝還珠 等量齊觀 „亡身於外 棄甲曳兵


•風姿「綽」約 堅苦「卓」絕 ‚「咎」由自取 心懷愧「疚」

ƒ媒「妁」之言 「灼」灼其華 „黃金千「鎰」 死後「謚」號


•荷盡已無擎雨蓋,菊殘猶有傲霜枝 ‚更無柳絮隨風起,唯有葵花向日傾

ƒ天階夜色涼如水,坐看牽年織女星 „桃花一簇開無主,可愛深紅愛淺紅


•「三」折肱而成良醫 ‚益者「三」友 ƒ「三」寸不爛之舌 „「三」更半夜


•興盛於六朝 ‚講究對仗

ƒ第一、二、四句一定要押韻 „分為五言、七言兩類


•案頭:桌上 ‚灑然:充滿水的樣子

ƒ蟾宮:太子所住的宮殿 „輿薪:工作所得


•唯你「是」問 ‚積非成「是」 ƒ主義「是」從 „至於「是」邦

【3】30.某詩人正在創作格律詩,選用了「中、雄、窮」等字來押韻,下列各字,何者也可作為詩人在這同一首詩中選 用的韻腳?

•出 ‚酒 ƒ紅 „閣


•儒家四書:指經、史、子、集 ‚孟子四端:指惻隱、羞惡、辭讓、是非之心

ƒ孔門四科:禮、樂、射、御 „四體不勤:眼、耳、鼻、舌


•「熾」熱 旗「幟」 ‚「庇」護 「仳」離

ƒ琥「珀」 糟「粕」 „手「腕」 委「婉」

【1】33.有關翻譯的詞彙,「蜜月」(honeymoon)為「義譯」,「奈米」(nanometer)為「音譯」,下列各翻譯名詞中,何 者為「音譯兼義譯」?

•脫口秀(talk show) ‚伊媚兒(e-mail) ƒ百老匯(Broadway) „木乃伊(mummy)












•女兒出嫁 ‚自己生日 ƒ新居落成 „年酒共饗


•有恆為成功之本 ‚有容乃大

ƒ青雲有路志為梯 „有心栽花花不開


•「ㄎㄜ」頭 打「ㄎㄜ」睡 ‚由剝而「ㄈㄨˋ」 周而「ㄈㄨˋ」始

ƒ「ㄉㄨˊ」職法辦 窮兵「ㄉㄨˊ」武 „不勝「ㄇㄟˊ」舉 光耀門「ㄇㄟˊ」


•不為五「斗」米折腰 ‚「斗」筲之人,何足算也

ƒ朝廷重臣「斗」膽直言 „海水不可「斗」量


•「辯」屬「辛」部,是指爭論是非曲直 ‚「夕」屬「日」部,是指日有所缺之時,即黃昏

ƒ「安」屬「女」部,是指屋舍中有女則安定 „「黎」屬「水」部,是指依黎水而聚居的部落名稱


貳、英文【第 41-80 題,每題 1.25 分,共計 40 題,佔 50 分】


【3】41. On the way to work, John had a car accident and was rushed to the ________ right away.

• bakery ‚ theater ƒ hospital „ supermarket

【4】42. I’m ________. Let’s go get a drink in the convenience store.

• busy ‚ dirty ƒ funny „ thirsty

【1】43. My flight was running late, so I had to wait for two hours at the ________.

• airport ‚ station ƒ railway „ elevator

【4】44. The bus was so ________ that it was almost impossible to find an empty seat.

• quiet ‚ fancy ƒ polite „ crowded

【3】45. It was raining, and without a(n) ________, I got soaking wet.

• laptop ‚ sweater ƒ umbrella „ cellphone

【2】46. Jacob’s parents ________ him for cheating on the exam. He was thus grounded for a whole month.

• accepted ‚ punished ƒ rewarded „ benefited

【4】47. Having fun playing online games, the boy was ________ when asked to turn off his computer.

• curious ‚ pleasant ƒ generous „ reluctant

【1】48. It was really ________ that Harry’s parents were both murdered. We could hardly believe it.

• shocking ‚ satisfying ƒ exhausting „ entertaining

【2】49. Mrs. Jones glimpsed a mouse in her kitchen and ________ let out a scream.

• honestly ‚ suddenly ƒ peacefully „ fortunately

【3】50. Despite the rapid development of technology, we still cannot ________ when an earthquake will strike.

• protest ‚ protect ƒ predict „ pretend


【4】51. We used to sharpen our pencils ________ a knife.

• at ‚ by ƒ for „ with

【3】52. John has changed a lot! He is ________ fatter now.

• very ‚ more ƒ much „ most

【4】53. How many students ________ in your class?

• is it ‚ is there ƒ are they „ are there

【2】54. With hard work, Jeremy finally made his dream ________ true.

• came ‚ come ƒ coming „ to come

【1】55. Sarah has never been to a foreign country, ________?

• has she ‚ does she ƒ hasn’t she „ doesn’t she

【3】56. The boy sitting next to you wants to know ________.

• where are you staying ‚ why don’t you like him

ƒ what your phone number is „ whether can you go out with him

【1】57. My grandmother always talks to her cats ________ they were her kids.

• as if ‚ if only ƒ only if „ even if

【4】58. The small town ________ I grew up has turned into a prosperous city.

• that ‚ what ƒ which „ where

【1】59. The waiter removed the broken glass on the floor ________ someone step on it and get hurt.

• lest ‚ until ƒ unless „ though

【3】60. If I ________ more time last night, I could have reviewed all the lessons.

• had ‚ have ƒ had had „ have had


【4】61. A: Paul, meet my fiancée, Jenny.

B: _____________, Jenny.

• So long ‚ No way ƒ Never mind „ Nice to meet you

【1】62. A: What time did you get up this morning?

B: _____________

• At six thirty. ‚ On Saturday. ƒ In September. „ During winter.

【3】63. A: _____________

B: I’ve just turned forty.

• How are you? ‚ How do you do? ƒ How old are you? „ How tall are you?

【2】64. A: (On the phone) I’d like to speak to the general manager.

B: _____________

• Cheer up. ‚ Hold on. ƒ Back off. „ Slow down.

【4】65. A: Guess what? I’ve got promoted.

B: _____________

• Never mind. ‚ Don’t worry. ƒ Sorry about that. „ Congratulations!

【2】66. A: _____________

B: It’s hot with occasional showers.

• Did you enjoy your shower? ‚ What’s the weather like today?

ƒ How would you like your steak? „ Have you watered the plants yet?

【1】67. A: _____________

B: Yes. I guess I should go on a diet.

• Have you put on weight? ‚ You look totally worn out.

ƒ You are being quiet today. „ Do you exercise regularly?

【3】68. A: I’m going to have a job interview tomorrow, and I’m so nervous!

B: _____________ You’ll be fine.

• Cut it out. ‚ Bring it on. ƒ Take it easy. „ Make it snappy.

【1】69. A: I’m taking a trip to Japan this evening.

B: _____________

• Bon voyage. ‚ Don’t bother. ƒ Help yourself. „ Get well soon.

【4】70. A: Do you mind my watching TV here?

B: Actually I do. _____________

• Here’s the remote control. ‚ The latest talent show is on channel 40.

ƒ Let’s watch the situation comedy together. „ I don’t want to be distracted when studying.


As the saying goes, “Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise.” However, with things like last-minute reviews or parties to go to, we all need to 71 late sometimes. Below is some practical advice to help you stay wide awake into the night.

Firstly, make sure you sleep well the night before, as this will prepare you for the day ahead and keep you 72 longer. For teenagers, seven or eight hours’ sleep should usually be enough. Another wise move is to avoid rich or fatty foods like cake or hamburgers. 73 , stick to fruit, vegetables and grains before your late night, as these should fill you up without making you sleepy.

Drinks that contain lots of caffeine, like coffee and Red Bull, will boost your energy for a few hours. But too much caffeine can make you feel anxious and give you a headache. A more 74 drink choice is green tea, which contains less caffeine but should keep you going for longer. Even better, taking vitamin B tablets 75 good for your immune system and can help you stay focused.

So next time you need to burn the midnight oil, be sure to follow these handy tips!

【3】71. • stay put ‚ stay tuned ƒ stay up

„ stay after

【2】72. • hungry ‚ active ƒ tired „ upset

【2】73. • Likewise ‚ Instead ƒ Otherwise „ Eventually

【4】74. • harmful ‚ inferior ƒ sufficient „ effective

【1】75. • is ‚ are ƒ has „ have 五、閱讀測驗

You scratch your head and a shower of white flakes descends before your eyes. Is it snowing? Sadly, it’s not. You’ve just got dandruff, and a quick look down at your shoulders, which by now is like a field covered with “snow,” shows you just how bad the problem is. You quickly brush off the flakes of dead skin and pray that no one has noticed, because, despite the fact that over 50%

of people suffer from the complaint, dandruff can be embarrassing.

The basic cause of dandruff is simple and unavoidable: your skin is constantly renewing itself. As skin cells get older, they get pushed outward, and then they eventually die and flake off. With most people, these flakes are usually too small to be noticeable. For dandruff sufferers, however, skin cells are shed very quickly, or bind together to form large flakes. A number of factors can cause this to happen. Eating certain types of sugary food, frequent exposure to extreme heat or cold, sweating, and allergic reactions to hair products are all thought to trigger dandruff. But the condition’s main cause is a fungus which grows on your scalp. For those likely to suffer from an attack of the problem flakes, this fungus grows quickly and, apart from causing dandruff, can leave your skin itchy and red.

Help is at hand, though, in the form of specially medicated anti-dandruff shampoos. Chemicals in these shampoos help remove dead skin cells and treat the flake-forming fungus. They won’t cure you of dandruff completely, but they should make personal snowstorms a thing of the past.

【4】76. Which of the following does NOT refer to dandruff?

• Personal snowstorms. ‚ The flakes of dead skin.

ƒ A shower of white flakes. „ A fungus growing on your scalp.

【1】77. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors causing dandruff?

• Having red and itchy skin. ‚ Eating certain types of sugary food.

ƒ Allergic reactions to hair products. „ Frequent exposure to extreme heat.

【2】78. According to the author, why do people tend to quickly brush off dandruff wishing not to be noticed?

• They don’t want to cause complaints. ‚ They feel embarrassed about dandruff.

ƒ They worry dandruff might hurt their body. „ They want to stop skin cells from getting old.

【3】79. What is the method suggested in the article for dealing with the dandruff problem?

• Having a balanced diet. ‚ Stop scratching your scalp.

ƒ Using medicated shampoos. „ Don’t do exercise that causes sweating.

【1】80. About dandruff, which of the following is TRUE?

• Dandruff is actually our dead skin cells. ‚ A small percentage of people suffer from this problem.

ƒ The basic cause of dandruff is simple and can be avoided. „ Anti-dandruff shampoos can completely cure people of dandruff.



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