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2021 藝術才能教育國際論壇:潛藝適才.課程前瞻 2021 International Symposium on Arts Talented Education:


Academic year: 2022

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2021 藝術才能教育國際論壇:潛藝適才.課程前瞻 2021 International Symposium on Arts Talented Education:

Advancing Curriculum and Educating Arts Talented 實施計畫



貳、主題: 「潛藝適才.課程前瞻」







一、論壇時間:2021 年 10 月 16 日(週六)下午至 10 月 17 日(週日)

二、地點:國立臺灣師範大學教育學院大樓 202 國際會議廳(直播)




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(視徵稿審查結果而定),探析藝術教育或藝術才能班課程與教學之學術研究或教學 實務相關議題。





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地址:10610 臺北市大安區師大路 31 號 國立臺灣師範大學音樂學院

電話:02-77493276 電郵:artstalentededu.ntnu@gmail.com


2021 藝術才能教育國際論壇:「潛藝適才.課程前瞻」議程

2021 International Symposium on Arts Talented Education: Advancing Curriculum and Educating Arts Talented Schedule

國立臺灣師範大學教育大樓 202 國際會議廳

Venue: 2F International Lecture Hall, Education Building, NTNU


10 月 16 日(週六)Saturday, October 16

13:00~13:30 報到 Registration


第一場 開幕式 Opening Ceremony:藝同來 Bar 來賓致詞暨合影 主持人:吳舜文國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系副教授暨計畫主持人

貴 賓:教育部代表、國立臺灣師範大學代表、藝術教育專家學者

Host: Shun-wen Wu Associate Professor of Department of Music, NTNU and Program Head Coordinator

Special Guests: MOE & NTNU representatives and experts and scholars in the field of art education


第二場 圓桌論壇:藝術才能鑑定

Roundtable: Identifying Arts-Talented Students





Host: Jessie Hsiao-Shien Chen Professor of Center for General Education, National Taichung University of Education (NTCU) and Program Co-coordinator Speakers: Mai-Ney Kuo Professor of Department of Music, National Taitung University (NTTU)

Yi-Fan Chen Professor of Department of Fine Arts, National Changhua University of Education (NCUE) Chung-Shiuan Chan Professor (Retired) of Department of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) Li-Hsueh Yang Teacher with Music Education Section Chief,Taipei Municipal Nanmen Junior High School Yi-Chien Chen Teacher with Section Chief of Information, Taitung County Xin Sheng Elementary School Su-Ling Chou Teacher (Retired), Kaohsiung Municipal Tsoying Senior High School

15:30~16:00 中場休息 Break


第三場 圓桌論壇:藝才專長課程創新

Roundtable: Innovations in Arts-Talented Program


與談人:葉明和國立高雄師範大學音樂學系教授、徐名儀苗栗縣新興國民小學教師兼教務組長 蕭寶玲國立臺中教育大學美術學系教授兼主任、湯香櫻花蓮縣立國風國民中學教師 曾照薰國立臺灣藝術大學表演藝術學院院長、董述帆桃園市立桃園高級中學教師

Host: I-Fang Wu Technical Specialist (Professor Rank) of Graduate Institute of Performing Arts, NTNU and Program Co-coordinator Speakers: Min-Ho Yeh Professor of Department of Music, National Kaohsiung Normal University (NKNU)

Bao-Ling Hsiao Professor of Department of Fine Arts, National Taichung University of Education (NTCU)

Jao-Hsun Tseng Professor of Department of Dance and Dean of College of Performing Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) Ming-Yi Hsu Teacher withAcademic Affairs Section Chief, Shin Shing Elementary School, Toufen City, Miaoli County Hsiang-Ying Tang Teacher, Guo-Feng Junior High School, Hualien County

Shu-Fen Dung Teacher, Taoyuan Municipal Taoyuan Senior High School 17:40~19:30 晚餐 Dinner 自由行動

19:30~20:30 學生展演【音樂學系演奏廳】Student Performance (Venue: Concert Hall, Department of Music, NTNU)

10 月 17 日(週日)Sunday, October 17

08:50~09:20 報到 Registration


第四場 主題演講:「藝」猶未盡——藝才班教育核心問題探討

Keynote: Key Issues in Arts-Talented Education

主講人:鄭淵全國立清華大學教育與學習科技學系教授 主持人:宋曜廷國立臺灣師範大學副校長

Speaker: Yuan-Chuan Cheng Professor of Department of Education and Learning Technology, National Tsing Hua University (THU) Host: Yao-Ting Sung Executive Vice President, NTNU

10:20~10:50 中場休息 Break


第五場 主題演講:日本音樂才能教育——以三所音樂教育機構探討音樂專業生涯之路

Keynote: Music Education for “Musically Talented Children” in Japan: A Career Path Toward Professionals and Three Music Education Organizations

主講人:小川昌文日本橫濱國立大學教育和人類科學學院音樂教育學系教授 主持人:廖嘉弘國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系教授兼音樂學院院長

Speaker: Masafumi Ogawa Professor of Faculty of Education and Human Sciences, Yokohama National University, Japan Host: Chia-Hong Drapal Liao Dean of College of Music and Professor of Department of Music, NTNU

※英文演講,中文翻譯 (Speech will be given in English and translated into Chinese) 11:50~12:30 午餐 Lunch自由行動


10 月 17 日(週日)Sunday, October 17

12:30~13:00 報到 Registration


第六場 主題演講:以「五感」培育藝術人才——如何在疫情時代活用遠距教學

Keynote: Artistic talent education through five senses -the use of online non-face-to-face education in the Pandemic era

主講人:金廷修韓國同德女子大學美術學系教授 主持人:趙惠玲國立臺灣師範大學美術學系教授

Speaker: Jeong-Su Kim Professor of Dongduk Women’s University, South Korea Host: Hui-Ling Chao Professor of Department of Fine Arts, NTNU

※韓文演講,中文翻譯 (Speech will be given in Korean and translated into Chinese) 14:00~14:10 中場休息 Break


第七場 主題演講:培育藝才優異學生為藝術家

Keynote: From talented student to artist

主講人:大衛.密德英國舞蹈學博士、國際舞評家、臺北市立雙園國民中學暨國立竹北高級中學客席編舞家 主持人:劉淑英國立清華大學幼兒教育學系副教授

Speaker: David Mead Freelance choreographer, teacher, dance writer and critic, UK

Host: Shu-Ying Liu Associate Professor of Department of Early Childhood Education, National Tsing Hua University (THU)

※英文演講,中文翻譯 (Speech will be given in English and translated into Chinese) 15:10~15:40 中場休息 Break


第八場 師生論壇:藝才教育及職涯發展

Student Forum: Arts Education and Career Development


與談人:楊子妮臺北市立中正高級中學學生、林旻暉桃園市立武陵高級中等學校學生、李芹臺中市立臺中第二高級中等學校學生 許庭綾臺中市立豐原高級中等學校學生、李境潔高雄市立左營高級中學學生、黃俊維國立臺東女子高級中學學生

吳曉菁臺中市立文華高級中等學校教師兼學務主任、羅睿琳彰化縣立彰化藝術高級中學教師、梁譯云高雄市立高雄高級中學教師 Host: Yang-Hsien Tseng Assistant Professor of Department of Fine Arts, National Taichung University of Education (NTCU) and Program Co-coordinator Speakers: Zi-Ni Yang Grade 11, Taipei Municipal Zhong-zheng Senior High School

Min-Hui Lin Grade 11, Taoyuan Municipal Wu-Ling Senior High School Qin Li Grade 11, Taichung Municipal Taichung Second Senior High School Ting-Ling Hsu Grade 12, Taichung Municipal Feng-Yuan Senior High School Jing-Jie Li Grade 12, Kaohsiung Municipal Tsoying Senior High School Jun-Wei Huang Grade 11, National Taitung Girls' Senior High School

Hsiao-Ching Wu Teacher withDirector of Student Affairs, Taichung Municipal Wen-Hua Senior High School Jui-Lin Lo Teacher, Changhua County Changhua Arts Senior High School

I-Yun Liang Teacher, Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High School


第九場 綜合座談/閉幕式 Closing Ceremony:藝帆風順 結語暨合影 Conclusion and Photo 主持人:吳舜文國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系副教授暨計畫主持人

Host: Shun-wen Wu Associate Professor of Department of Music, NTNU and Program Head Coordinator 18:00~ 賦歸:藝路平安 End感謝所有參與者的支持



Department of Education, Training and the Arts, Queensland Government. Vocational Education and

2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.. 3 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua

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Department of Physics and Taiwan SPIN Research Center, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan. The mixed state is a special phenomenon that the magnetic field

Department of Physics, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan. We investigate how the surface acoustic wave

Associate Professor of Information Management Head of Department of Information Management Chaoyang University

Department of Education, Training and the Arts, Queensland Government. Vocational Education and

EdD, MEd, BEd Adjunct Assistant Professor Department of Early Childhood Education Member, Centre for Child and Family Science The Education University of Hong