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中 國 鋼 鐵 股 份 有 限 公 司


Academic year: 2021

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中 國 鋼 鐵 股 份 有 限 公 司

110 年新進人員甄試試題

甄試類別:師級-各類別全 共同科目:國文、英文

壹、 選擇題—單選題 25 題(每題 2 分,答錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分)


A捩、戾、唳、捩 B唳、捩、戾、捩

C戾、捩、捩、唳 D唳、捩、唳、捩

2.「清明時節雨紛紛,路上行人欲斷魂。借問酒家何處有?牧童遙指杏花村」以下詩句所描寫的季 節,和此詩相近的是?
















5.在寫作表達的內容上違悖常理常規,卻合乎情感邏輯,使人感到別出心裁,不同凡響,稱為「反 常合道」。下列選項內的詩句,何者不屬於這類寫作方法?

A生年不滿百,常懷千歲憂 B胡馬依北風,越鳥巢南枝


C客行雖云樂,不如早旋歸 D露重飛難進,風多響易沉 6.以下文句中,哪一句沒有錯別字:









D 梅雪爭春未肯降,騷人擱筆費評章。梅須遜雪三分白,雪卻輸梅一段香。

8.對聯需字數相同、平仄相對(有一、三、五不論,二、四、六分明之說)、詞性相同,且必須「仄 起平收」,即上聯末字為仄聲,下聯末字為平聲。試根據這些原則,判斷下列詞句何者符合對 聯的要求?

A沙鷗翔集,錦鱗游泳。 B我歌月徘徊,我舞影凌亂。







10.「佇倚危樓風細細,望極春愁,黯黯生天際。草色煙光殘照裏,無言誰會憑欄意。擬把疏狂圖 一醉,對酒當歌,強樂還無味。衣帶漸寬終不悔,為伊消得人憔悴。」(柳永〈鳳棲梧〉) 以下 關於本闋詞賞析之敘述,請問何者為是?


(乙)「望極春愁,黯黯生天際」,描寫黎明前的黑暗,內心最是艱苦 (丙)「擬把疏狂圖一醉」,頗有苦中作樂的意謂

(丁)「為伊消得人憔悴」的「伊」,是指詞作主人翁傾慕追求的對象 (戊)「衣帶漸寬終不悔」,是因傷心過度所致

Ⓐ甲、戊 Ⓑ乙 Ⓒ甲、乙、丁 Ⓓ丙、丁


11. In an airport, passengers need to proceed to its baggage ______ area to retrieve their checked luggage.

A claim B removal C transferD gathering 12. Tim and I are very ______. He is my best buddy.

A complacent B compatible C consistentD compelling


13. Before you ______ your salary with the potential employer, you need to ensure that you have an official written job offer.

A elaborate B unveil C disclose D negotiate 14. The company’s human resource department is in charge of ______ new employees.

A recruiting B bypassing C circumventing D convening 15. The interviews will be conducted at a time and ______ convenient for participants.

A avenue B venue C havenD heaven 16. Because of pneumonia, her health ______ rapidly, and she passed away yesterday.

A refrained B suppressed C deteriorated D stalled

17. Taiwanese citizens must ______ mandatory testing to prove they are not infected with Covid-19 before they return to Taiwan.

A trigger B shun C undergoD provoke

18. Nowadays, certain diplomatic and economic ______ have been used to heap pressure on states which commit human rights violations.

A allies B revolts C transitionsD sanctions

19. According to the Governor of the Reserve Bank, the ______ policy alone will not suffice to tackle inflation.

A monumental B monetary C phenomenalD dazzling 20. Adopting innovative teaching methods, this teacher has ______ my interest in English.

A kindled B contributed C notifiedD attributed


In the medical profession, technology is advancing so fast that questions of law and ethics cannot be discussed and answered fast enough. Most of these questions involve ending or beginning a human life.

For example, we have the medical ability to keep a person technically “alive” for years, on machines, after he or she is “brain dead,” i.e., after the “new brain” has stopped functioning. But is it ethical to do this? And what about the alternative? In other words, is it ethical not to keep a person alive if we have the technology to do so? And there are many ethical questions involving the conception of a human baby. In vitro fertilization, for example, is becoming more and more common. By this method of conceiving a baby outside a woman’s body, couples who have difficulty conceiving a child may still become parents.

This possibility brings joy to many families, but it also raises important questions. A fertilized human egg might be frozen for a long time—perhaps decades—before it is implanted in the mother’s body. Is this fertilized egg a human being? If the parents get a divorce, to whom do these frozen eggs belong? And there is the question of surrogate mothers. There have been several cases of a woman who is paid to carry (for the nine months of development) the baby of another woman who is medically unable to do so. After


delivering the baby, the surrogate mother sometimes changes her mind and wants to keep the baby.

Whose baby is it? Is it the surrogate’s because she gave birth? Or is it the biological parents’?

21. What is the one main topic of the paragraph?

A Surrogate motherhood

B Methods of giving birth

C Keeping a person alive who is “brain dead”

D Ethical and legal concerns brought about by new technology in medicine

22. According to the paragraph, what is true about medical ability to end or begin a human life?

A Humans could technically live by machine for years.

B It is definitely unethical to keep humans alive on machines.

C Beginning a human life with a new brain involves ethical questions.

D Ethical problems will be solved as long as technology helps human life function.

23. According to the paragraph, what is true about In vitro fertilization?

A It involves ending a human life.

B It may take decades to conceive a baby outside a woman’s body.

C It makes it possible to become parents for couples who have difficulty having a child.

D It becomes an important technology because infertility is more and more common.

24. According to the paragraph, what is true about a surrogate mother?

A She is a woman who is paid to carry a baby for a divorced woman.

B It involves ethical questions when she wants to claim her parental rights.

C She knows well she is only medically able to carry a baby for another woman.

D She has the legal rights for the baby she gives birth to because she is the biological mother.

25. Which phrase is closest in meaning to “advancing”?

A going forward

B holding up

C setting forth

D staying in and around


中 國 鋼 鐵 股 份 有 限 公 司

110 年新進人員甄試試題

甄試類別:師級-各類別全 共同科目:國文、英文

壹、選擇題—單選題 25 題(每題 2 分,答錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分)

1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D

6.A 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.D

11.A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.B

16.C 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A

21.D 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.A



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Once you get down to a purely business level, your influence is gone and the true light of your life isdimmed. You must work in the missionary spirit, with a breadth of charity

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Teachers may consider the school’s aims and conditions or even the language environment to select the most appropriate approach according to students’ need and ability; or develop

In the third paragraph, please write a 100-word paragraph to talk about what you’d do in the future to make this research better and some important citations if any.. Please help