English Language Education Section
Curriculum and Assessment Planning at Senior Secondary Level An Annotated Exemplar
• This exemplar focusses on how a secondary school with students of varied abilities develops and implements its three-year English Language curriculum at senior secondary level.
• Annotated with detailed commentary, the exemplar portrays how the school:
enhances the interface between the junior secondary and senior secondary curricula;
integrates the Compulsory and Elective Parts as well as School-based Assessment (SBA) to facilitate integrated language use and address teachers’ concern over time constraints for implementing the senior secondary English Language curriculum; and
maximises the learning of students with varied needs through effective strategies.
School Background
• The school, located in Tseung Kwan O, is co-educational. Chinese is adopted as the MOI in all subjects except English Language at junior secondary and almost all subjects except English Language, BAFS and some science subjects at senior secondary level.
• In terms of English ability, the majority of the students are of average level and some students need more teacher support in learning the language.
• In S4 – S5, students are streamed into different ability groups, with more students in the better groups and relatively fewer in the weaker ones. Under this arrangement, more focussed support and guidance can be rendered to students of different ability levels.
• Students’ language skills are not high in general. Their reading ability is low as comprehension is often hindered by their limited vocabulary and grammar knowledge. Students’ productive skills also need strengthening and basic language knowledge is always the weak link.
• Most of the teachers are experienced and collaboration among teachers is strong. To provide more support and guidance to the students, team teaching is practised in S1 – S5.
Curriculum Planning
Taking into consideration the school context and students’ needs, the following strategies were adopted in planning the curriculum for English Language in this school:
Feature Strategy
1. Interface between the junior secondary and senior secondary curricula
• The school-based senior secondary English Language curriculum was designed to build on the effective practices developed at junior secondary level:
Junior Secondary
Senior Secondary Learning
and teaching activities on related themes
- Integrated skills in project work - Newspaper
- Integrated skills in Compulsory Part
- Elective Part:
Module on Social Issues Language
arts elements
- Inclusion of language arts related text-types - Basic reading
skills, e.g.
making predictions, working out meanings of words by using semantic and syntactic clues - Drama
- Elective Part:
Modules on Short Stories, Drama
←← To ensure ‘vertical’ coherence, the school-based senior secondary English Language curriculum is designed to help students to further develop and consolidate the language skills as well as generic skills developed at junior secondary level:
Learning and teaching activities on related themes
- Through exploring current events and social topics in project work and writing newspaper commentary at junior secondary level, students are provided with the opportunities to reinforce the development of integrated language skills and research skills necessary for studying the Compulsory Part of the senior secondary curriculum as well as the elective modules, particularly
‘Social Issues’.
Understanding that students were weak in speaking and writing, teachers were concerned about their capability in coping with the senior secondary curriculum, in particular the Elective Part which emphasises application of the language that students have learnt.
Conscious efforts were thus made to help students to start developing the necessary skills at junior secondary level through broadening their exposure to different topics and text types as well as working in collaboration with service providers to develop appropriate resource materials and explore effective learning and teaching strategies.
Language arts elements
- The inclusion of language arts elements at junior secondary level gives students wider exposure to text-types relevant to the study of the language arts elective modules at senior secondary level.
- The introduction of elements related to ‘Short Stories’ and
‘Drama’ at junior secondary level also provides students with meaningful contexts for the learning and teaching of specific language skills and strategies, grammar items and vocabulary relevant to these two elective modules at senior secondary level.
• Additional resources were deployed to create room for professional development of the panel. With funds from the English Enhancement Scheme (EES),
- service providers were hired to conduct English learning activities for students and provide support for teachers in preparation for the senior secondary elective modules on
‘Drama’ and ‘Short Stories’; and
- the English Panel Head paired up with different panel members to co-teach language arts related modules at junior secondary level.
←← The external support helps strengthen the panel’s expertise and readiness in teaching language arts, which in turn enables them to better cater for students’ diverse interests and needs.
2. Integration of curriculum components
• The learning and teaching of the Compulsory and Elective Parts and the implementation of SBA were integrated and organised under related themes, e.g.
Components Theme Compulsory
Part SBA
- Basic reading skills, e.g.
identifying the main theme or idea of a paragraph/
- Short Stories (e.g. ‘A Sinister Voice’)
- Retelling the main features of a story - Summarising
part of a story - Responding to
events through making predictions/
giving some evaluative comments Great
- Integrated use of language skills - Development of generic skills
←← Integrating students’ learning experiences helps address teachers’
concern over time constraints for implementing the senior secondary English Language curriculum.
←← Through linking students’ learning experiences in the Compulsory and Elective Parts as well as SBA, students are provided with ample opportunities to develop generic skills and practise integrated language skills and strategies in relevant contexts.
Given that this was the first time the curriculum was implemented, teachers were worried that they might not have enough time to cover what they had planned.
The panel head recognised the importance of professional development to effect change. She shrewdly deployed resources for this purpose.
3. Learning progression
• The senior secondary English Language curriculum was designed to ensure learning progression across levels:
- Data from assessments (e.g. students’
performance in internal assessments) and student survey were collected and analysed to inform teaching and curriculum planning, e.g. appropriate teacher support and scaffolding was provided to enhance students’ performance in group interactions.
(Appendix 1 – see shaded parts)
- The level of difficulty and task requirements increased progressively, e.g. the choice of topics used in Short Stories, the length of writing tasks.
←← Students’ performance and assessment data offer teachers information to better understand students’
performance, and help teachers to plan and implement the senior secondary English Language curriculum strategically to enhance learning and teaching.
←← Based on students’ capability, reasonable goals are set at different stages to help students to improve progressively.
Reflective questions:
• Are there any key components in your existing English Language curriculum that can be integrated more effectively?
• What are your students’ needs and interests? How would you decide what and how much to teach to cater for your students’ abilities, interests and needs?
• Do you develop learning and teaching activities and assessment tasks based on the goals you have set?
Based on their analysis of students’
performance in assessments conducted in S3, teachers found that there were some previously-learnt skills that needed to be revisited in the senior secondary curriculum. This, together with the kinds of support that would be required for different classes, was factored into their planning of the specific learning objectives and content to be focussed on at different year levels.
Catering for Learner Diversity and Assessment for Learning
The issue of learner diversity had always been a concern for the English teachers as students varied greatly in terms of language proficiency and motivation. Although after-school enrichment and remedial programmes had been organised to accommodate the needs of the more advanced and the less advanced students respectively, teachers saw the need to continue to enhance their daily teaching practice so as to maximise student learning. Through participating in the ‘Seed’
Project1 on Catering for Learning Diversity as a Network School, teachers gained a basic understanding of Differentiated Instruction2 and deemed it a viable way of helping their students to learn effectively.
• To maximise student learning and to cater for their diverse needs and abilities, the English teachers adopted Differentiated Instruction to modify content (what students learn), process (how students learn) and product (how students demonstrate what they have learnt).
• To better illustrate how differentiated instruction helps students with varied needs to learn more effectively, examples on how the teachers conducted the module on Short Stories are used. These examples also demonstrate how assessment for learning is consciously built into the process.
Feature Strategy
1. Using Differentiated Instruction to Cater for Learner Diversity
Content – Selecting different reading materials for different ability groups
• Choosing different reading texts with reference to students’ abilities and interests
- To address students’ varied abilities, shorter/simplified texts were chosen for the weaker classes, e.g. ‘Six Blind Men And The Elephant’ (Appendix 2).
- To address students’ interests, mysteries or ghost stories were selected, e.g. ‘The Judge’s House’ (Appendix 3).
←← Students are in general not very interested in reading English materials.
Less intimidating texts with simpler language and more clues are therefore chosen for less advanced students to facilitate their understanding of the texts.
←← Although texts of different length and complexity are chosen for different classes, the same knowledge and skills necessary for the understanding of short stories, e.g. the features of plot, setting, characterisation, dialogue and similes, are covered.
1 The ‘Seed’ Project 2009/10 is entitled ‘Case Studies in Differentiated Instruction in Specific Areas at Junior Secondary Level: Catering for Learner Diversity in English Language Learning’.
2 ‘Differentiated Instruction’ refers to a systematic approach to planning curriculum and instruction to cater for students’ preferences and individual needs. (Tomlinson, 2005)
While there were some struggling students who found learning English demotivating, there were some more advanced students who needed extension and challenge. Teachers were well aware of this and decided a variety of approaches, tasks and materials were necessary to cater for the range of student abilities.
Process – Using a variety of suitably-challenging learning & teaching activities to suit students’ varied needs, e.g.
• Revisiting basic reading skills learnt at junior secondary level, e.g. making predictions. (Appendix 4)
←← At S4, teachers revise some of the basic reading skills with the students, especially with the less advanced ones as they tend to forget or lose the skills learnt easily. During the process, more teacher support and demonstration are provided to enhance student learning.
For the more advanced students, teachers provide them with an opportunity to not only consolidate the basic skills but also extend their learning through encouraging creativity and imagination, e.g. making predictions about the setting and characters of a horror story.
• Using visualisation techniques to organise information, e.g. using a graph to analyse plot
In this module, different graphic organisers such as graphs, mind maps and tables were designed to help students to organise the information and interact with the reading texts.
Teachers understood that different students had different learning styles and preferences and that this should be taken into account when designing learning tasks. Based on their experience, a good number of their students learnt best with visual presentations. Thus, they designed tasks that drew on such strengths and talents.
←← Targeted at helping students to understand how texts are organised, these graphic organizers work particularly well for the visual learners in class, as they are helped to ‘see’ the relationship between different pieces of information.
Product – Varying products to cater for student needs
• Using different means to demonstrate learning
Teachers built in different activities to allow students of different learning preferences to demonstrate what they had understood or learnt (Appendix 5) in their preferred ways.
Some examples of these activities were drawing, writing reflections and doing drama.
Teachers believed that ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ and that different types of tasks as well as ‘student choice’ should be allowed to make learning more accessible. Through these ‘customised’
activities, teachers anticipated that students could engage more effectively in their learning.
←← Designed to respond to various learning styles and abilities, such a range of learning and teaching activities enables students to demonstrate their learning through their preferred ways especially at the initial stage. The more ‘linguistic’
students can express their thoughts through words, spoken or written. The
‘picture-smart’ students can learn and demonstrate their understanding through pictures before they are guided to express their ideas in words. This helps to build confidence in students as their preferred ways of expressing ideas and feelings are acknowledged by teachers.
• Adjusting product requirements based on students’ abilities flexibly
Differentiating Product More advanced Classes/Students
Less advanced Classes/Students Length Longer piece with
more details (approximately 180 words)
Relatively shorter piece (approximately 120 words) Must include
complication (a problem/a difficult situation)/conflict, climax and closing
Can introduce new character(s) to create
conflict/climax and closing Story
Features – Plot
Literary devices
Must include similes and dialogue
Can include similes and dialogue
To help students accomplish the final product, i.e. writing a short story, teachers increased the level of support to help the less advanced students. For example, to enable students to use similes in their story, gradual teacher support was given to (1) help them to understand the similes used in the story, (2) guide them to use animal similes to describe
Teachers understood that students did not learn at the same pace, so what they learnt and did should be relevant to their level of abilities and readiness.
←← Teachers design tasks at varying degrees of difficulty to match student readiness.
←← To help the students to achieve the objectives of the module, the final writing task is broken down into manageable steps for less advanced students so that they can be more focused and better prepared for it.
a person or thing, and (3) help them to justify the similes they had chosen to describe themselves (Appendix 6).
2. Assessment Planning
• Apart from using summative assessment, teachers often used learning tasks and activities as formative assessment to understand how well students were working towards the learning targets and objectives. Evidence of learning collected through observation, peer assessment and teacher assessment formed the basis of feedback to promote learning and teaching. For example, in a task on rewriting the ending for a short story, students had to apply their knowledge about short stories learnt in the module.
Writing a new ending
You have to write a new ending of ‘Simple Peter’s mirror’. You can make use of what you have learnt about the features of a short story. Write about 120 words.
Writing tips:
Use Past Tense
Use Animal Similes
Use Dialogues
Teachers were worried that formal assessment tasks could become a burden or a demotivating force to students. They therefore chose to conduct more informal assessments during the learning process.
←← A well-designed learning task like this can be used as a formative assessment task to monitor students’ progress and teaching effectiveness, thereby promoting assessment for learning.
• Apart from assessing whether students managed to achieve the module objectives through learning and teaching tasks, teachers also made use of students’ products and provided suitable feedback to help them to make further improvement.
- Discussions on students’ products were conducted to serve the following purposes:
to demonstrate how improvements could be made (Appendix 7);
to provide teacher feedback to support students in making improvements; and to encourage peer modeling by sharing
students’ good work (Appendix 8)
• Peer assessments were conducted after students had written and presented their stories. With the help of the feedback forms, students were guided to give comments on different aspects (Appendix 9).
←← Teachers’ feedback as well as class discussion allow students to see what and how they can improve and engage them actively in the process of writing.
←← Sharing students’ work provides an opportunity for the students to learn from each other and model after their peers’ good examples.
With clear assessment criteria and teacher guidance, peer assessments serve to increase student engagement and encourage critical responses. They also gain an increased sense of audience and develop greater critical sensitivity as well as confidence in their abilities to evaluate others’ as well as their own work.
Teachers found it extremely important to let students know how well they had done and how they could make further improvement. Therefore, constructive feedback was given not only during but also after the learning activities.
Further, in view of students’ passivity in learning, peer and self-assessment were encouraged to involve students actively in the learning process.
Reflective questions:
• What are your students’ needs and interests? How would you select and adapt materials to suit the varied needs and interests of your students?
• What strategies can you adopt to help students with varied needs to maximise their learning?
• How do you make use of different forms of assessments to evaluate how well your students have learnt and make follow-up plans to help them to learn better?
Appendix 1 Three-year Senior Secondary English Language Curriculum Plan
Learning and teaching goals for S4 to S6:
- Increasing students’ language proficiency through integrated use of language skills
- Consolidating/reinforcing students with progressive L & T activities so as to help them to cope with the senior secondary English Language curriculum Groundwork done at
Junior Secondary
S4 S5 S6
Compulsory Part Topics, e.g.
1. Study & Related Pleasure/problems 2. Customs & Cultures of
Different Places 3. Youth Problems
4. Protecting the environment 5. Animal conservation 6. The world of sports
Topics, e.g.
1. Media
2. Crime and Society 3. Health & Well-being 4. Technology advancement 5. Resources & energy
conservation 6. Jobs & Careers
Topics, e.g.
1. Poverty 2. Food safety 3. Sex education
Four skills:
Reading, e.g.
identifying views and attitudes
locating specific information
identifying the main theme or ideas of a paragraph/text
making inferences
identifying meaning of words from context
following the development of a point of view or argument
Four skills:
Reading, e.g.
revisiting learnt reading skills
strengthening the strategies of guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words from context
strengthening vocab-building skills
Language Skills
project skills to enhance integrated use of the language
language arts activities, e.g.
songs, poems & media texts
Writing, e.g.
writing a letter of advice
writing an email reply
writing a story review
writing a new ending of a story
writing a letter to the editor
Writing, e.g.
writing a film review
writing an advertisement
writing a speech
writing a leaflet
writing a letter to the editor
writing a letter of advice
writing a travel blog
consolidating various skills through practice papers
revisiting the skills which students are weak in
Compulsory Part Speaking / SBA, e.g.
making an appropriate opening
& closing
expressing personal experiences
& opinions with elaboration
retelling the main features of a story
summarising part of a story
responding to characters/events through making predictions/
giving some evaluative comments
giving presentations on a topic of interest with some
structuring the flow of a presentation with the use of sign-posting
presenting (persuasive) views and arguments with reasons
using questions, including indirect questions, to get others to think and support one’s arguments
Speaking, e.g.
revisiting the learnt speaking skills
consolidating skills which students have problems with, e.g.
- using appropriate phrases and expressions in giving a presentation
- strengthening skills in developing and elaborating on ideas in the discussion - making appropriate
responses in the discussion
Language Skills
Generic skills, e.g. analysing skills, thinking skills, project skills
Materials on other modules (except Sports Communication) can be used in connection with suitable themes
Groundwork done at Junior Secondary
S4 S5 S6
Reading: graded sections in the reading & listening papers (similar to the public exam)
Graded sections in
assessments – some easier parts (40%) & some challenging questions
Separate reading papers for weaker classes
4 questions set for Writing Part B, topics related to the themes covered
Writing: fewer words for writing in Part B (300 words)
8 questions set for Writing Part B, topics related to the themes covered
Writing: no. of words for Part B: 350
Elective Part
Reading skills - making predictions - working out meanings of
words by using semantic &
syntactic clues
- locating specific information - identifying main ideas - making inferences
Short Stories Skills, e.g.
revisiting junior secondary reading skills
following ideas by recognising the structure of short stories (plot, story features, e.g.
dialogue, similes, characterization)
making reflection/personal responses
writing a new ending
writing a short story
telling/performing the story
providing Ss with different
contexts to practise the skills learnt in different elective modules
(Non-) Language Arts Skills/Knowledge
Drama knowledge - equip Ss with drama
knowledge & short-play writing skills
Drama (Term 1) Skills, e.g.
writing short dialogue
writing reflective comments
writing short scenes
writing a script for the final performance
Groundwork done at Junior Secondary
S4 S5 S6
(Non-) Language Arts Skills/Knowledge
Understanding social issues - one newspaper commentary
after each module - skills: identifying social
issues, suggesting solutions
& researching skills through project work (e.g.
setting questionnaires, presenting information)
Social Issues (Term 2) Skills, e.g.
analysing causes & impact
suggesting solutions
examining an issue from various perspectives
conducting and reporting on a questionnaire survey
presenting social issues in speaking/writing
Elective Part
Assessments SBA
Dec (Term 1): Print-fiction
May (Term 2):
Print Non-fiction &
Story-telling (Short Stories Module)
Term 1: Non-print Fiction &
Class performance (Drama module)
Term 2: Individual presentation on a social issue
School Support S1 – S3: team teaching in
drama lessons S4 & 5: team teaching (in Elective Part) & small class teaching
Appendix 2
Different Reading Texts to Address Students’ Abilities e.g. ‘Six Blind Men And The Elephant’
Source: Ruth Thomson (2000). Six Blind Men And The Elephant. In Amazing Stories (Start Writing) (pp.18-19). Belitha Press Ltd. (ISBN: 1-84138-229-9)
Appendix 3 Different Reading Texts to Address Students’ Interests
e.g. ‘The Judge’s House’
Source: Bram Stoker (2005). The Judge's House. In Tales of Horror (pp. 5-24).
Macmillan Education. (ISBN: 978-1-4050-7664-7)
Appendix 4 Using a Variety of Learning and Teaching Activities to
Suit Students’ Varied Needs
Revisiting Basic Reading Skills Learnt at JS
e.g. making predictions (What do you expect from a horror story?)
Appendix 5
Using Different Means to Demonstrate Learning Example 1: Drawing:
Example 2: Doing Drama:
In your group, brainstorm some stories and discuss with your classmates why they are suitable for storytelling. They can be stories your have recently read, traditional stories, stories you have heard of / learned about, or stories your family tells. Fill in the story outline below.
Story Outline Name of your story
Name of writer
Theme Give a brief introduction to the theme of your story. Write or draw what your story is about.
Characters Who appears in your story? You can write about them or draw pictures and write their names beside them.
Main characters:
Other characters:
Now tell the class the story that your group has chosen/rewritten. Divide the roles of the narrator and characters among group members and rehearse. While the other groups present, fill out the Feedback Form on Storytelling given by your teacher.
Draw a picture of what you think the setting looks like.
When something is being described, the visual learner prefers to have a picture to view at the same time.
Appendix 6 Breaking down Tasks into Manageable Steps
In the story ‘Simple Peter’s Mirror’, Simple Peter had seen himself in the mirror in different stages.
Every time he looked in the mirror, he saw different reflections. What do you think the different reflections of Peter from the mirror represent?
1. Peter saw himself as a goose in the mirror.
A goose represents ___________________________________________________
2. Peter saw himself as a lion in the mirror.
A lion represents _____________________________________________________
My Mirror
Task A ~ Animal Similes
A simile is an expression which describes a person or thing as being similar to someone or something else. Look at the following similes and fill in the names of animals.
E.g. as fat as a p i g
1. as strong as an ___ ___
2. as wise as an ___ ___ _l_
3. as blind as a ___ ___ ___
4. as busy as a ___ _e_ ___
5. as brave as a ___ ___ ___ ___
6. as sly as a ___ _o_ ___
7. as slippery as an ___ ___ ___
8. as meek as a ___ ___ ___ _b_
9. as proud as a ___ ___ ___ _c_ ___ ___ ___
10. as quiet as a ___ ___ _u_ ___ ___
11. as happy as a _l_ ___ ___ ___
12. as playful as a _k_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
13. as hairy as a ___ ___ _r_ ___ _l_ ___ ___
14. as slow as a ___ _o_ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Task B ~ If you were given the magic mirror, what reflection would you see? Have you ever thought that the way you see yourself is different from the way others see you? Fill in the Columns A & B in the following table, then ask your neighbour to fill in Column C. Afterwards, think about why the descriptions in Column C are the same as or different from how you see yourself.
A Self-image
Why do you see yourself as in A?
How others see me?
Self-image vs.
How others see me?
(same or different) Why?
Appendix 7
Assessment for Learning
Writing a new ending: ‘A Sinister Voice’
… He smiled and said to himself: ‘At last, everyone sees me as I really am!’
After Peter died, nobody saw the mirror again. One day, on the way to school, I found something shining in the grass, I walked near to it and took it up, and it was Peter’s magic mirror! When I looked in the mirror, …
I saw a pig. I could not see my face! Then, I met an old woman. She said ‘Hey, girl!’ ‘Let me tell you something!’ I said. ‘Sorry! I need to go to school.’ Suddenly, an old woman was disappeared.
‘It’s amazing!’ said I. Then, I went to school. When I had a lesson, I was dreamy and I thought an old woman that I saw in the morning.
When I leaved my school, I met an old woman again. ‘What do you want to tell me?’ asked I. She said, ‘A mirror is a magic mirror. ‘The pig is means fat,’ whispered she. ‘Fat?’ shouted I. Then, an old woman was disappeared again.
When I came back to my home, I called my friend, Amy. ‘Amy!’ cried I. ‘Why do you cry?’
asked she. ‘Do you think I am fat?’ cried I. ‘No!’ said she. ‘Why do you think that?’ Then, I told the thing to Amy about a magic mirror. ‘Don’t care this thing!’ said she. ‘I think you should not care what other people think you.’ ‘I understand what you mean,’ said I. ‘Thank you very much!’
Yellow: past forms Green: dialogue
Blue: cohesive devices
In less advanced groups, examples of newly-learnt knowledge about writing a short story, e.g.
the use of past tenses, dialogue and cohesive devices, were discussed. In the process, teacher feedback and questions were used to guide students to write better.
Appendix 8 Assessment for Learning
Writing a new ending: ‘A Sinister Voice’
Yellow: reporting verbs
Green: adverb to create effect
In more advanced groups, teacher highlighted the skills that students could use to improve their writing, e.g. using a wider range of reporting verbs and using adverbs to create effect.
Appendix 9
Peer Assessment
Part 1 Story-writing
Now tell the class the story that your group has chosen/rewritten. Divide the roles of the narrator and characters among group members and rehearse. While the other groups present, fill out the Feedback Form on Storytelling given by your teacher.
Learning Activity 3 – Tips for storytelling
Below are some sentences describing ‘a good storyteller’. Decide which one is true.
uses gestures to add expression to the story.
keeps eye contact with the audience.
speaks in a loud voice.
speaks in a clear voice.
makes use of pausing to add interest and suspense.
knows his/her story very well and tells it confidently.
A good storyteller makes a wonderful PowerPoint to draw attention.
uses different voices for different characters.
changes the volume of his/her voice appropriately.
makes attractive sound effects and background music.
appears relaxed and comfortable in front of the audience.
uses facial expressions to add expression to the story.
might make use of props where appropriate.
Name of the storyteller: _____________________________________
Criteria Good Fair Needs improvement
The story is interesting.
The voice used is appropriate.
The storyteller uses stress, intonation, facial expression.
The storyteller maintains good eye contact.
Your comments:
Part 2 Story-telling
Give each other some feedback using the checklist below.
Storyteller’s name
Rate the storyteller by circling a number ( 3 = well done 2 = satisfactory 1 = needs improvement ) He/She introduced the story in an interesting
3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
He/She told the events in the story in a clear sequence.
3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
He/She gave the story an exciting climax. 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 He/She described the characters and places in
the story clearly.
3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
He/She used key words and phrases effectively.
3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
He/She closed the story in an interesting way. 3 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1
1. Use of voice
How clearly did he/she speak? Was it easy or difficult to understand?
How well did he/she do in changing the volume of his/her voice to suit the story?
Did he/she use different voices for different characters? If yes, which was your favourite?
Give your partner some advice to help him/her improve next time they tell this story …
Maybe you could … How about … (ing)…?
Perhaps you can …
2. Entertaining the audience
How entertaining was the performance? What kind of reactions did the audience have?
How successfully did the storyteller engage with the audience (e.g. did he/she keep eye contact with everyone? Did he/she ask questions and make you feel involved?)
Were there any special actions, gestures or props used for the performance? If yes, what was your favourite and why?
Give your partner some advice to help him/her improve next time they tell this story …
Maybe you could … How about … (ing)…?
Perhaps you can …
3. Body language & gesture
How much gesture and action did he/she use to make the performance more interesting?
What kind of facial expressions did the storyteller use? How do you think they added interest to the story?
Did he/she seem comfortable, relaxed and confident in front of the listeners?
Give your partner some advice to help him/her improve next time they tell this story …
Maybe you could … How about … (ing)…?
Perhaps you can …
4. Story organisation & content
What did you like about this story? What was your favourite part? Why?
How well-organised was the storyteller? Did he/she know the story well and remember the key parts effectively?
Was the storyteller presenting the story creatively?
What did you think about his/her choice of language? Did he/she use plenty of interesting vocabulary?
Give your partner some advice to help him/her improve next time they tell this story …
Maybe you could … How about … (ing)…?
Perhaps you can …