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A Study on the Factors of the Competitive Advantages of Public Elementary Schools 楊佳璋、李德治


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on the Factors of the Competitive Advantages of Public Elementary Schools 楊佳璋、李德治

E-mail: 9800768@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study aimed to explore the key elements of public elementary schools’ com-petitiveness and related facts. “School

Competitiveness Scale,” “Parents’ Selection In-tention Scale” and “Parents’ Social Status and Students’ Personal Details

” were used to gather data from 618 parents sampled from the public elementary schools in Changhua County. The data gathered were thus analyzed using descriptive statistics, Two samples T test, Pearson product-moment correlation, simple regression analysis and general lin-ear model, whereby the following results were obtained:

1. The more competitive a school is, the more likely it is that parents would choose it. The same applied to the sub-dimensions of higher inner competitiveness, outer com-petitiveness, inner and outer relationship in building competitiveness, and the school’s unique competitiveness.

2. Parents’ social and economic status did not correlate with their selection of schools.

According to the results and analyses, conclusions and suggestions were also pro-vided as reference for educators and further studies.

Keywords : intension of parents、schools competitiveness、competitive advantages Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ..................... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ..................... vi 表目錄  ..................... viii 圖目錄  ..................... x 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究動機............... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 4   第三節  名詞解釋............... 5   第四節  研究問題............... 6   第四節  研究範圍............... 6 第二章  文獻探討................. 8   第一節  競爭優勢............... 8   第二節  學校競爭優勢概念探討......... 15   第三節  家長選擇的相關研究.......... 18   第四節  學校競爭力的相關研究.......... 24   第五節  家長社經地位之相關研究......... 31 第三章  研究設計與實施............... 46   第一節  學校競爭優勢因素之研究架構...... 46   第二節  研究假設............... 47   第三節  研究方法............... 48   第四節  研究工具............... 65   第五節  資料處理與分析............ 69 第四章  資料分析................. 71 第一節  問卷發放與回收狀況.......... 71 第二節  敘述性統計.............. 72 第三節  驗證假設............... 76 第五章  結論與建議................ 81 第一節  討論與結論.............. 81


第二節  未來及研究之建議........... 85 參考文獻   ................... 88 附錄A  論文問卷................. 101 附錄B  論文問卷................. 102 附錄C  論文問卷................. 104 附錄D  論文問卷................. 110


表 2- 1 競爭優勢之定義................ 9 表 2- 2 學校績效的指標架構.............. 28 表 2- 3 家長選擇和社經地位的相關研究......... 33 表 2- 4 Hollingshead兩因素社經地位等級表........ 41 表 2- 5 社會經濟地位量表(SES)............. 42 表 2- 6 各階層擁有階級要素的情形............ 44 表 3- 1 公立國民小學競爭優勢影響關鍵因素描述性統計表. 49 表 3- 2 學校競爭力描述性統計表............ 50 表 3- 3 學校競爭力獨立樣本t檢定分析表......... 52 表 3- 4 內在競爭力之信度分析表............ 55 表 3- 5 外在競爭力之信度分析表............ 57 表 3- 6 內外關係營造競爭力之信度分析表........ 58 表 3- 7 獨特競爭力之信度分析表............ 58 表 3- 8 內在競爭力量表之因素分析摘要表........ 59 表 3- 9 外在競爭力量表之因素分析摘要表........ 62 表 3-10 內外關係營造競爭力量表之因素分析摘要表.... 63 表 3-11 獨特競爭力量表之因素分析摘要表........ 63 表 3-12 正式樣本人數分配表............... 64 表 3-13 家長選擇意願量表................ 67 表 3-14 家庭社經地位等級表............... 69 表 4- 1 基本資料個數與百分比摘要表.......... 72 表 4- 2 學校競爭力子構面之相關分析.......... 74

表 4- 3 國小內在競爭力子構面相關分析及描述性統計摘要表......................


表 4- 4 國小外在競爭力子構面相關分析及描述性統計摘要表.....................


表 4- 5 學校競爭力對家長選擇意願之簡單迴歸摘要表.. 77 表 4- 6 家長社經地位與內在競爭力對家長選擇意願... 79 表 4- 7 家長社經地位與外在競爭力對家長選擇意願... 79

表 4- 8 家長社經地位與內外關係營造競爭力對家長選擇意願.....................


表 4- 9 家長社經地位與獨特競爭力對家長選擇意願... 80 表 5- 1 研究假設驗證結果摘要表........... 82


圖 2- 1 研究步驟與流程................. 12 圖 2- 2 零售擁擠的擁擠模型............... 27 圖 2- 3 研究構念關係圖................. 40 圖 3- 1 研究步驟與流程................. 47 REFERENCES

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The grade of the children, education level of parents, the occupation of parents, and the number of times meals are cooked at home have a significant influence on a perception

3.The elementary school students whose parents with higher educational background spend more time than the students whose parents with lower educational background in the

The study applies Discriminate Analysis to discuss the aspects of Junior high school students living Adjustment Scale and then develops a scale to be the standard of Junior

In different gender、time for study、time for cram、the parents education level and household income of junior high school students , some aspects of the academic stress were

Nowadays, the bill of parents’ participation in educational affairs has given parents the right to participate in educational affairs in order to maintain their children’s

The DEMATEL was used to analyze the key factors on elementary school parents' school choice.. According to analysis result, the most influencing parents to choose school factor is

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of learning organization culture on teachers’ study and teaching potency in Public Elementary Schools.. The research tool of

The aim of this research is to study changes resulting from parents attending a study group designed by class teacher that include reading a chosen book and engaging in