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Research on the Workload Re-Allocation and the Adaptation of Employees after the Institutional Re-Organization - Example 張永忠、朱寶青


Academic year: 2022

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Research on the Workload Re-Allocation and the Adaptation of Employees after the Institutional Re-Organization - Example


E-mail: 9707869@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Since the 80s, the trend of privatization has become popular in the world and the gov-ernments of different countries have started conducting privatization which further launched privatization of national corporations in Taiwan at the end of the 80s. The lit-erature review showed that only scanty studies focused on employee accommodation after organizational change. By in-depth interview of qualitative approach, this study treated Taiwan Sugar Corporation as the research target and discusses the influence on employee accommodation after organizational change during the process of privatiza-tion. The research finding demonstrated that after organizational change, Taiwan Sugar Corporation not only changed the organizational framework, but also tried to reduce the number of employees and personnel costs by employee trimming and manpower sepa-ration. The change is rejected by labor union and the employees in Taiwan Sugar Cor-poration for the reason that the company does not conduct the organizational change according to employee accommodation (from bottom to high-rank). The trust between the company and the employees constructed in the past is gradually collapsed during the process of organizational change. Thus, this study can serve as the criterion for the issue related to employee accommodation after corporate change.

Keywords : organizational change, accommodation, Taiwan Sugar Corporation Table of Contents

內容目錄 中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 ................

..... iv 誌謝辭  ..................... v 內容目錄 ...............

...... vii 表目錄  ..................... viii 圖目錄  .............

........ ix 第一章  緒論................... 1 第二章  文獻探討........

......... 3   第一節  台糖之發展.............. 3   第二節  台糖組織變革之研究

.......... 7   第三節  組織變革的定義與類型......... 14 第四節 組織變革與勞工....

........ 19 第五節 適應之定義與標準........... 21 第三章  研究方法...........

...... 23   第一節  研究方法............... 23   第二節  研究前架構......

........ 25 第三節  研究對象與研究程序.......... 26 第四章  資料整理與分析......

........ 29   第一節  台糖組織變革方式資料分析....... 29   第二節  台糖組織變革後員工 適應資料分析.... 35 第五章  結論與建議................ 45   第一節  研究後架構..

............ 45   第二節  結論................. 46 第三節 建議.......

.......... 47 參考文獻 ..................... 48 表目錄 表 2- 1 946年度台糖計畫 之土地使用情形........ 4 表 2- 2 砂糖出口占外匯收入之比重:1952-1964..... 5 表 2- 3 台糖組織變革研 究現況............. 8 表 2- 4 相關公營事業於民營化前後之員工人數比較.... 20 表 2- 5 適應之定義

.................. 21 表 3- 1 研究前架構.................. 26 表 3- 2 受訪者 背景資料概述一覽表........... 27 表 4- 1 台糖組織變革後之事業部門........... 31 表 5- 1 研 究後框架.................. 45 圖目錄 圖 4- 1 台糖公司「析離人力及結餘人力」運用流程圖...



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