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6 6 E L 2


Academic year: 2021

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6 E L 2

Education Bureau

Territory-wide System Assessment 2009 Primary 6 English Language



學生須知 學生須知學生須知 學生須知︰︰

Instructions for answering questions:

作答說明 作答說明 作答說明 作答說明: :

Multiple Choice Questions – Use an HB pencil to blacken the circle next to the correct answer. For example:

選擇題 選擇題 選擇題

選擇題 – 選出正確的答案,並用 HB 鉛筆 鉛筆 鉛筆 鉛筆把該選項的圓圈塗黑和塗滿,如:










School Code 學校編號 學校編號 學校編號 學校編號

Class 班別 班別 班別

班別 6 Class No.

班 班號 班 號 號 號

1. Stick barcode labels on pages 1 and 3 in the spaces provided.

在第 1 及第 3 頁的適當位置貼上電腦條碼。

2. There are 8 pages in this Question-Answer Booklet.

Answer all questions.

本卷共有 8 頁,全部題目均須作答。

3. Do not write in the margins.


4. Time allowed is about 30 minutes.

評估時限約為 30 分鐘。

5. The recording will be played continuously until the end of the Listening Assessment.


6. Write your School Code, Class and Class Number in the boxes below.




Write one capital letter in this box.

請把電腦條碼貼在方格內 Please stick the barcode label in the box.




Please do not write in the margin. 請勿在此書寫。

Please do not write in the margin. 請勿在此書寫。

Part 1

Michael is doing a project on video games. He is interviewing a girl. Fill in the form for him.

Part 1A

Listen to the conversation. The conversation will be played once only.

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

Project on Video Games

1. District:

A. Sau Mau Ping

B. Shau Kei Wan

C. Sai Kung

D. Sai Ying Pun

2. Age:

A. 0 – 6

B. 7 – 12

C. 13 – 18

D. 19 or above 3. No. of hours played in a week:

A. 0 – 3

B. 4 – 6

C. 7 – 9

D. 10 – 12

4. Time of the day usually played:

A. in the morning

B. in the afternoon

C. at night

D. at midnight 5. Game machine used:

A. PS1

B. PS2

C. PS3

D. PS4

6. Money spent on games:

A. $315

B. $350

C. $355

D. $550

7. Favourite games:

A. driving

B. adventure

C. fighting

D. space

8. Opinion about video games:

A. entertaining

B. time-wasting

C. relaxing

D. boring




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Please do not write in the margin. 請勿在此書寫。

Part 1B

Listen to the parts of the conversation between Michael and the girl again. The conversation will be played once only.

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. The survey is to find out ____________________.

A. what students like to do

B. where students buy video games

C. when students do their homework

D. what students’ video game playing habits are

2. When the girl says, “Sure. No problem.”, what does she mean?

A. She is happy to answer Michael’s questions.

B. She does not understand Michael.

C. She thinks Michael is troublesome.

D. She wants to play video games.

3. Which of the following are the girl’s favourite games?

1. Fast Wheels 2. The Last Robot 3. Robert the Champion 4. Green Light

5. Race Cars

A. 1, 2 and 3

B. 3, 4 and 5

C. 1, 3 and 4

D. 2, 4 and 5

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Please stick the barcode label in the box.




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Please do not write in the margin. 請勿在此書寫。

Part 2

Jane and her mother are at home.

Listen to the conversation and answer questions 1 – 7.

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. What is Jane doing?

A. playing computer games

B. reading textbooks

C. watching TV

D. doing homework

2. How many cartoons did Jane watch?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

3. Why does Jane think doing homework is boring?

A. Homework makes her sleepy.

B. It takes too much time to do homework.

C. She can learn better at school.

D. It is repeating the same things taught in class.

4. What does Mum mean by ‘practice makes perfect’?

A. Practice is boring.

B. Getting good results is not easy.

C. Practice helps us do something better.

D. Exercise keeps us healthy.




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A. useful

B. boring

C. perfect

D. time-wasting

6. Jane wants to go for a walk with ___________.

A. Barry

B. Gary

C. Harry

D. Parry

7. Why does Mum say ‘No more excuses!’?

A. Jane does not want to exercise.

B. Mum wants Jane to get to work immediately.

C. Mum thinks Jane should keep herself healthy.

D. Mum wants Jane to take the dog to the vet.

5. Mum thinks that homework is _____________.

Go on to the next page




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Please do not write in the margin. 請勿在此書寫。

Part 3

Michael is giving a speech at his Primary Six Graduation Ceremony.

Listen to the speech and answer questions 1 – 11.

Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.

1. How did Michael feel on the first day of school?

A. frightened

B. happy

C. bored

D. angry

2. Why did Michael cry?

A. His parents scolded him.

B. He did not know any classmates.

C. His parents said goodbye to him.

D. He missed kindergarten.

3. What did the students do before they went to the classroom?

A. passed by the kindergarten

B. played in the playground

C. went to the library

D. lined up in the hall

4. How were the classes in primary schools different from kindergarten?

A. There were fewer lessons.

B. The lessons were shorter.

C. There were more students.

D. The lessons were more interesting.




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Please do not write in the margin. 請勿在此書寫。

5. Why did Michael like Library lessons the most?

A. The lessons were longer.

B. He could find information by using the computer.

C. There were few interesting books in the library.

D. He liked to study in the library.

6. What did Michael enjoy doing with his classmates?

A. spending money

B. studying

C. helping the librarian

D. playing computer games

7. Michael will go to _________________ in a few months.

A. kindergarten

B. Primary One

C. Primary Six

D. Secondary One

8. What does Michael mean when he says, “Life is like riding a roller coaster.”?

A. He will leave his old school and go to a new one.

B. There are happy and sad times in life.

C. Life is scary.

D. Life is too short.

Go on to the next page




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Please do not write in the margin. 請勿在此書寫。

9. What did Michael thank his teachers for?

A. They gave Michael good advice.

B. They helped Michael to do his homework.

C. They asked Michael to give up.

D. They took Michael on a roller coaster ride.

10. Why are teachers like the North Star?

A. They point students to the north.

B. They guide students in the right direction in life.

C. They show students how to share.

D. They teach students how to look at the stars.

11. Which pair of words in the poem rhymes?






©Education Bureau, HKSAR 2009

Prepared by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority



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