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Puzzle of recollection : 陳怡文創作自述 陳怡文、李元亨


Academic year: 2022

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Puzzle of recollection : 陳怡文創作自述 陳怡文、李元亨

E-mail: 344714@mail.dyu.edu.tw


There are many unseen corners of the world. Whether it is joy, grief, happiness or sadness, they become memories of experience and understanding. The kaleidoscope of memories of experiencing and living are pieced together into a sense of completeness.   Life is made up of these many pieces that are pieced together into a complete self. These memories left behind by living and growing are transformed into internal dialogue, and together with feelings, become sprinklings of individual works. This integration of

understanding and art produced pieces after pieces of personal work that illustrates segments of feelings. This testimony of individual life experience becomes the motivation for creation.   The experience and memories of the self are internalized and then

expressed. Everyone is unique. Appearance or externals is not important; rather, the characteristics of an individual and his

memories form the personality. Individuals become different through the transformation of time, therefore it is impossible for others to have the exact memories and feelings as oneself. While history and memories are constantly being created, these scenes are recorded through the creation of works and feelings. Like jigsaw puzzles, these bits of recordings are put together to form the eternal memories of an individual.

Keywords : memory、puzzle、imagery

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 iv 誌謝 v 目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 創作動機 1 第二節 創作目的 2 第 三節 創作方法 4 第四節 名詞解釋 4 一、記憶 4 二、拼圖 5 三、意象 6 第二章 自我創作之學理基礎 7 第一節 創作藝術與人 類記憶 8 一、 北歐神話 9 二、 藝術心理學 10 三、 藝術人類學 12 四、 圖像的意義 15 五、 記憶與情緒 16 六、 記憶與創 造 18 第二節 客觀現實與主觀理想-米勒、林布蘭 20 第三節 內容與形式-雷諾瓦 31 第四節 理性與感性的統一-宮崎駿 35 一、 宮崎駿動畫世界裡的孩童 36 二、 宮崎駿動畫作品-龍貓(1988) 39 三、 宮崎駿動畫作品-神隱少女(2001) 40 四、

宮崎駿動畫作品-崖上的波妞(2008) 41 第三章 創作與分析 43 第四章 結論 89 參考文獻 91 REFERENCES

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